10/20/2021 03:56 PM 

Prompt: I Lost The Baby

I Lost The Baby

A soft breeze blew through the open balcony door and into the bedroom, bringing with it the scent of summer and the sound of gentle birdsong. Fiona stirred in her bed, eyelids fluttering open as the heat of the sun streamed in through the window, warming the room to an almost uncomfortable level. As she pulled herself from beneath the bedsheets, the sound of laughter across the hall caused her to pause, bringing a smile to her face, the joyful giggles of her son and the deep chuckle of her husband like a beautiful melody carrying through the castle. Aleksander had taken to fatherhood with much more ease than she had expected, and likely much more than he had expected himself. At times, she was sure he had taken to parenthood even easier than she had. She had seen such a deep love in his eyes the moment they had placed Adryk in his arms, a love that only seemed to deepen in his gaze every day that had passed, and it filled Fiona with such warmth.

Motherhood was everything she had hoped it would be. For too long she had wanted what the Darkling had given her - a loving family, a home, her freedom. She had believed it was all lost to her the moment she had become the Black Fairy, that no one would ever love her again, that no one ever could love something as dark as her, the Great Evil. She owed the Darkling more than she could ever repay, and yet he never held it over her head, never demanded conditions for what he gave her. Over the years, so many people from his past seemed to have reared their heads, most telling stories of manipulation and lies, warning her that she was just another of the Darkling's victims, each one clearly underestimating her own darkness.

Wrapping her robe around her, she crossed the hallway and slipped into the nursery, watching in silence from the doorway as her husband read to their son. It was funny to think that even now, he managed to surprise her when she walked in on small, intimate moments such as this. As though sensing her, the Darkling looked in her direction, tilting his head
"How long have you been there?" he asked, getting to his feet, their son still in his hold. In a few short strides, he crossed the room, placing a kiss on her lips that sent that familiar spark of electricity through her. She was certain she couldn't possibly love him more. A gentle tugging of her hair pulled her attention away from her husband and she took her son into her arms with a soft giggle.
"Have you eaten?" she asked, cuddling her son close against her, breathing in the scent of baby powder. How she adored it.
"Not yet."
"Well, let me take a quick bath, and then I'll make us some breakfast" she brushed her fingers through the thick layer of soft hair on Adryk's head, before handing him back to the Darkling.

As she stepped out of the bathroom following her bath, the Darkling burst through the bedroom door, panic on his face that quickly disappeared when he saw her. He seemed to hesitate in his movements, hand on the door knob before stepping inside, his gaze scanning the room, seeking something.
"Aleks..?" she arched an eyebrow
"How was your bath?" he asked, bending to look under the bed, his gaze never quite meeting her even as he moved to kiss her on the cheek. Her eyebrow remained raised, confusion washing over her.
"It was... fine.. What.. What are you doing?"
"I, erm.." he paused "I sort of... I lost the baby.."
Fiona frowned "I'm sorry. You.. You... WHAT?"
"He was.. well he's fast" the Darkling forced a grin, but she could see the concern in his eyes.
"He can't even walk, Aleks.."
"But he crawls.. fast".
Rubbing her fingers against her temples, she let out an exasperated sigh. This was certainly not a situation she had ever expected would come up. "Where were you when you last saw him?"
"The nursery. I was playing with.. something.. and I turned around and he was gone."
"Something?" she questioned, crossing her arms.
"It was DJ Duck, wasn't it?" Her eyes fell on her husband's face and he simply grinned at her. Fiona rolled her eyes. "Well he can't have gone far, but we had better find him before he gets hurt".

10/16/2021 07:10 PM 

Prompt: Thanks for Nothing

I guess TW for Blood and a bit of Gore. Oops.

Thanks for Nothing
Winter had come too quickly to Storybrooke, the town left coated in thick, white snow, an icy serenade dancing beneath the shadow stained sky. Fiona stepped through the portal created by her husband, summoned against her will to the dreary town. Who in Storybrooke could possibly need her? No one but Rumple and Belle knew of the enchantment that called to her, and she didn't think that either of them would be foolish enough to try it. She wasn't even sure that they knew she was alive.

The air of the town was like frozen lace on her skin, delicate and cold as she stepped away from the warmth of the Darkling's shadow portal, her senses on edge as she wondered what danger might befall her. Were the heroes of Storybrooke about to try something stupid to get revenge on her for the punishments she had been dishing out? They would be foolish to even attempt such. She had been summoned alone, but if she spent too much time away from the Dark Realm, she knew that she wouldn't be alone here for long.

Her boots made impressions in the snow as she made her way towards the centre of the town, pausing as the sight of Main Street came into view. The entire street was destroyed, buildings on either side crushed, debris scattered across the street, the clock tower cracked in two, as though sliced through by a weapon so large and hot that it had split perfectly down the middle. The clock itself lay wedged in the snow, no longer counting the seconds since the Saviour had arrived to weaken the curse, and beneath it, two pairs of legs could be seen, attached to torsos that lay crushed beneath the timepiece. The snow that lay along the road was stained with the deep crimson of blood, covering it so completely that it was almost biblical, and the occasional body part was scattered here and there, in a way that was almost poetic, but Fiona barely had time to admire the art before her eyes.

"You came" the voice behind her made her clench her teeth. The Saviour. She turned around, raising an eyebrow at Emma Swan and those who stood behind her. Each of the 'heroes' looked exhausted, cuts and bruises covering the flesh visible beneath ripped clothes. Fiona took a moment to glance at them; the large, deep cut on Regina's cheek, so deep that it was still bleeding, the ugly burns that covered Killian's arms. Behind them, David was propped up against Snow's shoulder, blood dripping from one of his legs that he couldn't seem to bear weight on. Her gaze drifted back to Emma, noticing the angry cut above her eyebrow, dangerously close to her eye.

"Well, well. You all seem to have started a fight with the wrong person." Fiona mused, a slight smirk brushing across her lips for a moment. Within seconds, all emotion disappeared from her face, and she pursed her lips in thought, "Now, what did you summon me for? I was rather busy running my own realm, you know."
"We needed your help." Regina stepped forward, "Your husband left this town in darkness, the least you can do is help us.."
"My husband gave your town the punishment you deserved. Your problems are your own." Fiona shrugged, turning back to the street "Besides, you seem to have everything under control" she smirked, not even attempting to hide the mocking tone in her voice.
"The creature who did this is clearly dark. It clearly comes from you. We have lost too many people, innocent people. We need your help!" Emma snapped, gripping Fiona's arm. The Black Fairy glared at the blonde, shrugging her hold off so fiercely that Emma fell back into the snow, her blue eyes glaring up at her.
"I don't care what you need." she shrugged, disappearing in a cloud of black smoke. As she vanished from view, she smirked as she heard Emma mutter under her breath
"Thanks for nothing."

10/14/2021 10:35 PM 

Brief Intro

I wrote down a few basic things about Fiona so that you have something of an idea about her without either watching the show or reading the long-ass biography I have written up for her. As they barely gave her a backstory, I have been developing my own for her to fit with what already exists in canon. My headcanons and biography have been developed over 6 years, from roleplays and small hints given within the show that were never explored:

  • She is the daughter of Zeus, the King of the Gods, and Queen Clarion of Pixie Hollow. She is, therefore, a Fairy Princess, but she HATES being reminded of this.
  • She is the reason for all Dark Magic, having 'practically invented it', and by extension, the creator of most dark creatures. 
  • She was banished from Pixie Hollow when she was 16, due to the Blue Fairy's influence. She has disliked Blue for most of her life, but that was the final nail in the coffin for their relationship. She was sent, without her wings or wand, to the Enchanted Forest, where she met Malcolm
  • She currently resides in her own realm, the Dark Realm, which is almost impossible to enter without permission. I drew a map of how it looks in my head, which I'll put at the end of this post. Time in the Dark Realm moved differently during her imprisonment, and she was forced to suffer 28 years for every day in other realms. Since breaking free of the realm's confines, the time shift has normalised.
  • Because of the Dark Realm and its relationship with time, she has lived for over 3 million years. You would think this would mellow her out but.. no.
  • She is the mother of Rumplestiltskin, her love for whom is the reason she became the Black Fairy in the first place. However, it was always pre-destined, and she would have become the Black Fairy one way or another regardless.
  • She spent 1000 years in complete isolation following her banishment to the Dark Realm until the Darkling found her. He chose to stay in the Dark Realm with her, promising to find a way to free her from it's hold. Over time, they fell in love and made a home within the realm, which had begun to expand beyond the castle she had created.
  • While she is.. evil and known for stealing orphans and making them work in her fairy mines, when they grew too old to produce the effects she needed from the fairy crystals, she did allow them their freedom. To an extent. She created villages around the realm, letting them 'retire' there, usually around the age of 17/18. She rules the realm as its Queen, but outside the castle, most are free to live the lives they wish. As long as they don't try to overthrow her, obviously.
  • She was killed by Rumplestilskin, who used her own wand (the only weapon that is effective against her) to destroy her. Following her death, the Darkling broke into the Underworld to rescue her and with the help of her father, she was given a second chance at life. Since her 'return', she had been mostly focused on three things - starting her family with the Darkling, getting revenge on those who she believed wronged her in the past, and expanding the number of people who draw from her power for their own magic. 
The Dark Realm

I do plan on writing a Wikipedia-like article on the Dark Realm, its people, its history, its lands and its creatures. I'm not sure anyone would care but it does help me when writing stories there.

10/14/2021 08:23 PM 

Prompt: I Can't Believe You

I Can't Believe You

It was rage and revenge that fuelled her these days. In the dark of the night, as she curled into the strong, protective arms of the Darkling, feeling the bristles of his beard against the skin of her shoulder, her thoughts pulled her back to Storybrooke. She had seen it again briefly, on their journey back to the Dark Realm from Mount Olympus. She had witnessed their sky darkened by his shadows, a symbol of his grief at her death. The residents of the pathetic town might have looked upon that darkness and seen anger, the rage of a villain who sought to steal their sunlight, but she had seen the deep love that he felt for her. In that first moment, when her life had been ripped apart and his pain and his grief had been so raw, so overbearing, that he had stolen the light from their lives as they had stolen the light from his.

But what was happening in that town now, she couldn't help but wonder. Were they happy? Had they learned to adapt to his shadows and live their life in darkness? It would take more than their light magic to remove those shadows, and no Sun Summoner lived in Storybrooke, as far as she knew. Darkness would become their way of life, as it had been hers for millions of years. Yet, something made her uneasy about the whole situation and as she slowly drifted off to sleep, her body enveloped by her husband's, she almost managed to grasp what it was.

When her body finally felt normal again, the violation of Hades and his little games a fading memory, it occurred to her why she was so uneasy about the way that they had left Storybrooke. There had been no real consequences for the dreary little place. Yes, they lived beneath his shadows, but humans were great at adapting, and the irritating residents of the town were full of magical abilities. They may not be able to rid the town of the shadows, but they could conjure things to help. More than that, her own need for revenge was left unfulfilled. The Darkling had given them his punishments, but they had so far escaped hers.

Not for long.

Stepping back into Storybrooke was much easier now that the Dark Realm had become a home, rather than a prison. She was pleased to find that the Darkling's shadows continued to dance across the sky, black and swirling, like an endless void. Her black boots clicked along the pavement as she walked towards Main Street, her mind plotting. She had plans for each of them, each of the heroes who had crossed her, who had a part in her downfall. She planned to pick them all off, one by one, and give them their own individual taste of what she could do. She had already gotten to Emma and Regina, shown them the price that came with standing up to her. The pirate was next.

In a swirl of black smoke, she appeared within the Captain's quarters of the Jolly Roger, wrinkling her nose at the scent of rum that seemed to fill the air. How much did pirates drink? She let out a groan of displeasure as she moved around the cabin. The floor felt sticky, as though she had to make a concerted effort with each step that she took and she dreaded to think what had caused the stickiness. Hopefully just years of spilled rum. Her eyes drifted towards the window and out over the sea, watching as the waves moved roughly against the ship. It was a full moon tonight, and the water was still feeling the effects even if the town weren't permitted to gaze upon the moon itself. Where was that pirate? She was beginning to feel sea sick. Or was it that nauseating alcohol smell?

"I thought I might find you here.." the pirate's voice broke the silence and she turned from the window with a smirk on her face.
"I suppose, once you play with the biggest heroes in town, news of your work spreads. How is dear Emma?" Fiona smirked. Killian scowled.
"Did she ever tell you what I did to her?"
"No." he admitted, irritation in his voice as his hand moved to his pocket, clearly seeking something out. Fiona chuckled, taking a step closer to the pirate. She could tell he hadn't been sleeping. Dark bags hung beneath blue eyes, and he held a tension in his jaw that had not been there before, yet he so obviously wanted to give the impression of normality. She wanted to laugh, to taunt him with tales of what she had put his wife through, but it was far more fun to know that he suffered, unknowing.

As she took another step closer, Killian pulled a small vial out of his pocket and flipped the lid open with his thumb. He launched the contents towards her, and a smirk washed over the dark fae's lips.
"I can't believe you think I would come here unprepared" she laughed, stepping through the squid ink with a shrug, completely unaffected. "Years ago, I developed a repellent for that particular substance in order to keep my husband safe. I assumed that someone in this town would be predictable enough to try and use it. Disappointing." she grinned, throwing a blast of magic at Killian, bringing him to his knees, forcing his arms behind him. She pushed her fingers into his thick, dark hair, gripping it tightly. "Well, pirate. How about I show you just what I did to that pretty blonde wife of yours.."

10/10/2021 07:14 PM 

Prompt: Are You Upset With Me?

Trigger warning, I guess: Feticide

Are You Upset With Me?

Perhaps she had spoiled her children a little too much, but given all that she had been through, how could anyone blame her? She had loved being a mother to her first son for the short period of time she had been given, and the need to get back to him had been her driving force for so, so long, but that had ended badly and she had suffered terribly for her own needs. Aleksander had given her a second chance to be a mother, and then a third, giving her the daughter she had always wanted. Alissandra was her joy, almost her mini-me but with powers from her father’s world. Over the years, she had given her daughter all that she could, given her the freedom and support to be whoever she wished to be, while acting as something of a role-model, if someone as dark as the Black Fairy could be called that. Her daughter would bow to no one. She would have no real equal. Those were lessons that her mother-in-law had instilled in her husband, and the opposite of the lessons her own mother had instilled in her, but as she watched her daughter blossom into a confident and beautiful young woman, she could hardly fault her parenting approach.

As her children grew older and needed her less and less, she felt that familiar pang of want. It was the same pang she had felt for centuries, and one that only Adryk’s conception had silenced. She was eternal. Ageless. So what was the harm in satisfying that pang once more? After all, had things gone as they should have, had Rumple not ripped away her life and the first life she and the Darkling had created together, Adryk would have been their second child, and perhaps that pang would have been satisfied by Alissandra. Persuading her husband hadn’t been the easiest of feats, and she was certain that his agreement had been all about making her happy, and nothing to do with a desire for another child on his part, but Fiona took her victories where she could. Her body was, as it had been in the past, quick to grant her wishes once she stopped taking the potions to prevent ovulation, and she soon found herself thrown into a world of mood swings and pregnancy cravings, and she was all the happier for it.

The response that she received revealing her pregnancy to her children underwhelmed her immensely. Adryk seemed uninterested, neither happy nor unhappy for his parents. She knew he had his own anxieties, that he had concerns about his own type of magic and his position within the family, that news of a new baby was likely unwelcome to one who felt he was already been cast aside simply for being the product of True Love, a beacon of Light within a family of Dark. Alissandra’s reaction, however, had surprised her more than it probably should have. Her teenage daughter had thrown a tantrum that would have rivalled any one of Fiona’s temper fits, and perhaps even her pregnancy mood swings.

"Are you upset with me?" she had demanded of her mother. Fiona had frowned
"Of course not. Why would you--"
"Then why are you replacing me?" she had screamed before storming from the room. That had been the last thing she had said before refusing to speak to Fiona for weeks, avoiding her mother at all costs, blanking her when she was given no choice but to be around her. Had it been anyone else, Fiona would have lashed out, likely destroyed the other woman, but this was her beloved daughter. She would simply ride the waves of petulance until her daughter grew bored of it.

As the fifth month of her pregnancy arrived, Alissandra’s mood still hadn’t improved. She had assumed that over time, her daughter would warm to the idea of being a big sister, that her hostility towards Fiona and the baby would ease or at least lessen to the point where they could have a civil conversation and reforge that mother-daughter bond that she cherished so completely. To escape the tension of the castle, Fiona had thrown herself into designing the new nursery, stripping the entire room down to its bare bones before recreating it all over again. Unlike her two previous pregnancies, she had done nothing to discover the sex of the child, wanting the surprise now that she already had one of each, but it did make the decorating difficult.

She awoke one morning to the sound of breaking furniture, the loud thud of an axe against wood sending a feeling of unease through her. She pulled herself from her bed and wrapped her robe around herself, following the sound across the hall, pushing open the nursery door. The sight before her caused her stomach to drop. The room had been almost completely destroyed, with wall decorations pulled from their place and wall paper half-ripped down. The toys were broken, teddies ripped apart, furniture split and scattered throughout the room and in the centre of it all, axe in her hand, stood Alissandra.
“What the hell are you doing?” Fiona snapped, waving her hand to remove the axe from her daughter’s grip before her gaze fell back on her daughter, the darkness in her eyes meeting the darkness in Alissandra's. She held her stare. There was no way that Fiona would be the first to look away, and her daughter never could beat her in a show of dominance. There weren’t any that could. Well, there was one.
“Redecorating.” Ali said with a shrug, pulling her gaze from Fiona’s. The Black Fairy let out a sigh.
“You can’t keep doing this. I won’t stand for it, Alissandra. I’m having another baby and your temper tantrums are not going to change that” Fiona growled, but the sudden switch in her daughter’s gaze surprised her. Alissandra’s eyes had darkened as she took a step closer to her mother, and Fiona frowned as she watched the younger woman touch her hands together. It was as though her daughter had been replaced by a completely different entity. Fiona was one who would usually embrace the darkness within someone, but the darkness in her daughter made her unrecognisable.

“Your power will hardly work on me” Fiona scoffed, watching her daughter’s subtle hand movements as she channelled those heartrender powers that Fiona had been so keen to encourage. She waited to see whether she would feel a tugging on her heart, whether her daughter would be able to conjure enough power to put her to sleep, but when nothing came of it, she shook her head. “Ali, just..” she paused, watching as her daughter clenched her fist. She knew that movement. She was stopping a heart. But if it wasn’t Fiona’s.. “What did you..?”

The pain came almost suddenly, the sensation of death striking from within her almost crippled her as she cried out. Her cry of pain seemed to snap Alissandra out of whatever trance she seemed to be in.

"Mama?" her voice came soft, scared, but Fiona couldn't muster the strength to reply at that moment. She fell to her knees, whimpering softly in pain. "Mama? I'm.. I'm sorry, what did I..." she could hear the panic in her daughter's voice, but a fog of pain settled on Fiona's mind, blocking everything else. She was vaguely aware of Alissandra leaving the room, hurried footsteps on wood growing fainter with each step, before returning with heavier steps, the familiar sound of the Darkling's boots approaching.

“Fee?” Her husband’s voice broke through the fog of pain as she felt herself lifted into strong arms, carried out of the room. "Ali, fetch the healers."

09/21/2021 04:03 PM 

Prompt: I'm Falling in Love With You

I think I'm falling in love with you
It was that time of year again. Halloween. She had been somewhat surprised when he had returned from his time stuck under the Dark Curse with new celebrations in his mind that he wanted to share with her, but she had indulged him and brought those strange traditions into the Dark Realm. Christmas had quickly become her favourite, because she loved receiving presents, and loved spoiling her husband and the strange winter festival allowed her to do both to the extreme. She couldn't deny how much she loved the competition that had grown between the villages within the realm, each trying to honour their 'Dark King and Queen' with the best gifts. Beyond gifts, she loved attempting to create the perfect Christmas Dinner for her and her husband, the 'Christmas spirit' even filling her enough to invite his Grisha and his followers to join them . Yes, Christmas was her favourite of the holiday's he had brought back to the Dark Realm.

The Darkling, however, was a big fan of Halloween.

It has begun as a small tradition that she had passed on to those in the surrounding villages, but as the years went on, it only grew. Now the children from the mines were free, living in those villages in houses she had created for them out of guilt, Halloween had grown within the Dark Realm. Within the castle itself, Fiona had given in to the tradition of decorating the halls and a few of the rooms for Halloween, as well as Christmas. Initially, she had only started for her husband, but she had begun to enjoy the actual act of decorating, of trying different looks, and the challenge of creating creepy looking things without accidentally *creating* those things. The giant spiders that now roamed the echoless forest were testament to how difficult that could sometimes be. This year, it was a little more difficult thanks to the sheer exhaustion she was feeling in the last month of her pregnancy. Each day she planned on beginning the decorating, and each day she put it off, finding something baby-related that she needed to do instead until time had passed so quickly that it was the day before Halloween and the castle was still bare.

She made her way down the grand staircase, pausing halfway down, a frown washing over her face as the starkness of the castle surprised her, the emptiness of the Entrance Hall where she would usually invite the village children to receive candy, if they were brave enough. With a wave of her hand, she began to cascade streams of spider webs from the ceiling, the occasional large, but fake, spider mixed among the white. The doors to the other rooms began to bleed, blood pooling around the bottom in an effect that would disappear when one approached the door to slip through. Above her, fake, but very realistic looking, bats began flying sporadically.
"Wow.." the voice came from behind her and she turned to face him, "I didn't think you'd decorate this year.."
"Well, I can't let my husband's favourite holiday pass without acknowledgement, can I?" she chuckled
"You're nine months pregnant. I'm sure your husband would forgive you this once." the Darkling kissed her on the cheek, placing a hand on her lower back to guide her down the stairs.

"I think I could do more in here.." the fairy said softly as she paced their sitting room, trying to shake the heavy, aching feeling that pressed against her lower back. She had been decorating all day, not wanting the Darkling to miss out on the celebration of his favourite holiday just because she was pregnant.
"Fee, will you just rest?" his tone was firmer than he had been with her in a while, and she felt his hands gripping her arms, guiding her towards the couch. Sitting down, she let out a hiss, feeling a tightness wash over her stomach.
"What is it?" the Darkling asked with a frown, sitting down beside her. Her gaze fell on him and she forced a smile.
"Nothing. So, do you like them? The decorations?" she needed to change the subject, needed to focus on anything other than the discomfort she had been feeling all afternoon, the discomfort that grew slightly more intense as time had progressed.
"They're amazing, but I told you.. I could have done without them for one year."
"Yes, well, I don't want to slip in my wifely duties and have you fall out of love with me." she teased, but there was an odd truth to her words. She still wasn't sure how he was going to feel about sharing her, after having her to himself for so many years.
"Don't be ridiculous. If anything, I think I'm falling in love with you all over again.." his fingers brushed into her hair, gently petting her and she leaned into his touch, closing her eyes as she allowed herself to relax. Almost as soon as the tension had faded from her form, a sharp pain made her wince, eyes flying open, a soft yelp leaving her. "Right, that was definitely something.." her husband frowned, his hand pausing it's movements in her hair. "What is it?"

"I.. think we might be about to meet our son.."

09/20/2021 09:12 PM 

Prompt: You Haven't Been Yourself Lately

You Haven't Been Yourself Lately
She knew she shouldn't have allowed her revenge to consume her so much, but how could she resist punishing those who had stood against her? They all thought her dead, turned to dust, but they had underestimated the love that the Darkling held for her, had underestimated his ability and his desire to descend into the Underworld to snatch her back from Hades. Now, she had the element of surprise, and the wands that had the ability to destroy her were gone. She was practically invinsible, but she would also never underestimate the people of Storybrooke again.

Waiting in the centre of Main Street, Fiona waited for the raven-haired Queen who had originally cast her curse. She considered Regina to be weak. Pathetic. Her magical ability was barely a patch on others that she had encountered, but she did appreciate the woman's confidence. Sure, she had cast Fiona's curse, but the only thing that had really done was piss off the Black Fairy by keeping her husband away from her for over 285,000 Dark Realm years. It didn't take long for Regina to show her face.

The brunette that she had taken back to her hideout was still passed out by the time Fiona had gathered all her supplies for the curse she was about to cast. She wasn't 100% sure what it would do to Regina, but she knew it would make her suffer and that thought delighted Fiona. She did love when her enemies suffered. When the Mayor finally stirred awake, the potion Fiona needed for her curse was brewing, close to completion, almost bubbling over the thick rim of the cauldron. Noticing Regina awake, the Black Fairy moved towards her, her dark gaze fixed on the other woman.
"You were far too easy to grab, Regina, you really should take care. It's almost like you haven't been yourself lately.."
"Because I'm not Regina.." the other woman hissed, struggling to pull herself up "I'm Queenie."

Fiona paused, tilting her head. She had grabbed the wrong version of her enemy, but did it really matter? It was too late to do anything about it now. The potion would be ready and there was no way that she was going to let it go to waste.

"Well.. It's a shame you look identical to your other half. You'll now have to pay her price.." she smirked, grabbing Queenie by the hair and ripping a tuft from her scalp, sprinkling the pulled hairs into the cauldron. The liquid within turned from a dark green to jet black, thickening and rolling over the rim. It crawled along the floor like a giant slug creeping towards Queenie, but the speed at which it travelled was too quick for her to escape. It wrapped around her ankles, working its way up her form until the black sludge had completely wrapped around her and then, she was gone.

09/20/2021 09:08 PM 

Prompt: Why didn't you tell me sooner?

Why didn't you tell me sooner?
Her footsteps were full of glee as she moved towards the isolation cell, giving a nod to the guards to open up the thick, metal door. With a loud clanking, the door rolled open, and her gaze fell upon the somewhat dishevelled Swan Princess. Fiona's eyes lit up, a smirk washing over her face. It was a delightful sight. Fiona loved to make people suffer, and Odette had given her more reasons than most, but she could still never quite bring herself to just end the girl. She wasn't sure why. Perhaps she'd need her later.

"Good morning, child." she practically sang as she stepped into the cell, her boot making contact with the girl's side with some force, rewarding her with a groan. "Come now, I have a very special treat for you. Get up." she circled the blonde's form as she remained crumpled on the floor, sleep still clearly fogging her head. Impatient as ever, Fiona kicked her again before bending down and gripping that blonde hair, dragging a sleepy Odette to her feet.

"Next time you keep me waiting, I'll be taking out my frustration on one of your little friends.." she hissed, her lips pressed against Odette's ear before the Black Fairy pulled the Princess along by her thick locks. Fiona practically skipped along the corridors of the castle, tugging Odette along behind her. She could be accused of taking a slightly longer route to her destination, purely to extend Odette's discomfort.

As she moved past the library, the door opened and the tall figure of her husband stepped out, a book in his hand.
"Morning, my love.." she purred, moving to kiss him, feeling his touch against her cheek as he pressed his lips to hers.
"Mm, morning." the Darkling's fingers brushed through her hair before his dark gaze fell upon Odette and he raised an eyebrow. "Ah, finally telling her the news?" he asked with a chuckle, and the smirk returned to Fiona's face
"Oh yes. I'm ever so excited to see her face.." she grinned.

She dragged Odette into a small room in the lower castle, throwing her onto the floor. The walls of the room were coated in magical mirrors, which currently displayed swirling black smoke twisting this way and that, waiting for instructions.

"Show her." Fiona smirked, and the smoke twisted faster until it formed an image of Storybrooke's Main Street, figures that Odette likely wouldn't recognise stood around, surrounding one that she certainly would. She watched Odette as the scene played out, and the Princess' beloved Pan was stabbed by Fiona's son. A giggle left the Black Fairy, as she 'rewound' the scene, playing it over and over and over.

"When?" Odette finally choked out, her gaze pulling from the scene to look at Fiona.
"A few weeks ago. In their time. For us? About 500 years.."
"500--" the blonde paused "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Odette's tone was demanding, and Fiona didn't appreciate her tone. Her arm flew out, the back of her hand colliding with the blonde's cheek with enough force to knock her back to the floor.
"Because I didn't care to. I'm only telling you now because isolation doesn't seem to break your spirit." She growled, before letting out a giggle and moving towards the door. "Enjoy the scene. It will be the only thing you'll see for a month.." she smirked, before leaving the room, locking the door behind her, leaving Odette to watch her worst nightmare on repeat.

09/15/2021 07:55 PM 

Prompt: I'm So, So Sorry

I'm So, So Sorry
It had been a few weeks since she had discovered the horrifying truth that her son had become the Dark One, become immortal and made all of her sacrifices completely worthless. For millennia, she had waited for her son to live the life she believed he would while she bided her time until his death. She knew that time between the Enchanted Forest and her own realm moved at different speeds, that years in the Dark Realm was almost nothing in the Enchanted Forest, and so she had remained in her prison, not attempting an escape, for thousands of years, while in her mind's eye, she imagined her son growing up, getting married, having children of his own and living a long, happy life before passing away peacefully, not at her hand. 

A millennia had passed for her when she had discovered the difference in time between her realm and the Enchanted Forest, when the Darkling had broken her isolation and taken her to visit her home, where she had found that a mere month had passed. It had tortured her at first, knowing that her sacrifice, the loneliness of a thousand years, had all been for nothing. How long would she need to wait to make sure her son was safe? 500,000 years? A million? Was this part of her punishment, the twisted intentions of that damned Blue Fairy? How Fiona loathed her, and how she intended to destroy her when she got the opportunity. 

With her son still alive, everything seemed to be at risk. The happiness she had felt with Aleksander threatened by the damn prophecy that had driven her to become the Black Fairy in the first place. Despite his reassurances that nothing was going to happen to take him away from her, the fear of losing him, the same way she had lost everything she had ever loved, grasped at her heart, taking control of her senses as though her heart had been plucked from her chest and was being used by a malevolent being. She felt herself retreating back into the safety of her castle, the comfort of the Dark Realm and protection of Aleksander's arms. For weeks, she barely left their bedroom, except to cook or gather books from the library. She knew it was foolish, even without seeing the look of mild irritation that Aleksander gave her each morning when she made her excuses to stay locked away once more, and she was sure that one of these days, he was just going to throw her over his shoulder and drag her from the castle just to break her out of their room. She was at no risk in the Dark Realm, but it calmed her anxiety to keep herself isolated this way.

The incantation pulled at her very core, like a dull ache growing more painful and more persistent with each passing minute, a call she couldn't resist. It was her least favourite part of being a fairy, that internal pull towards whoever might mutter the correct fairy incantation. She could ignore it, of course, but the pain would only grow worse until she begged for relief, and the restlessness that would come with ignoring it would be enough to drive her crazy. Well. Crazier. 

"You again?" she grumbled as she allowed herself to grow to human size once more. She spent so little time in her tiny fairy form that the change between sizes always left her a little dizzy, like a sudden headrush that faded almost as quickly as it started, but was still noticeable. Her eyes scanned the glittered, lizard-like face of her son, and a sigh left her body. It was her darkness, her magic that had turned him into the creature before her. 

"Oh I'm so, so sorry dearie.." he replied, his tone mocking "Were you busy? I suppose you have children to steal, don't you.." he let out a strange giggle that almost reminded her of her own, though not as charming, and certainly not as insane. She rolled her eyes.
"Did you want something?" she asked "Or did you summon me just because you missed mummy?" she echoed his mocking tone, eyebrows raised. It almost killed her to be so cruel and cold towards him, the son she had loved so much that it had driven her to darkness, but what use was the truth when she was still trapped in the Dark Realm, unable to leave on her own for longer than a few minutes. 

Rumple opened his mouth to speak, but the tug of the Dark Realm ran up her core. She took a step forward, her eyes still fixed on him. 

"You can't keep using that incantation to call me here. I don't have the answers you're looking for" she frowned, her tone harsh despite herself. She practically lunged forward, gripping him by the collar. "In fact, I think it's best if you forget those words.. because the next time you summon me here, I will drive that dagger of yours through your throat.." she hissed, pushing him backwards before she turned, flying back to the Dark Realm.

09/03/2021 11:26 PM 

Prompt: I Can't Just Sit By And Do Nothing

I can’t just sit by and do nothing when you’re suffering so much.
Lightning flashed so bright that the room lit up, quickly followed by a growl of thunder so loud that the glass rattled in the windows, causing the Black Fairy to look up from the book she was reading and look towards the aperture, a curious expression on her face. It wasn't often that there was such a sudden change in weather, unless there was a sudden change in Fiona's mood. Her anger was usually the trigger for such aggression among the elements, but she was surprisingly calm for once. She rose from her seat and crossed to the window in time to see another bright flash cross the sky, followed by an even louder rumble. Within minutes, a third flash filled the sky, and Fiona pushed open the balcony doors, stepping outside as another rumble rocked the castle and the rain began. Large, heavy drops falling rapidly from the sky, soaking through Fiona's dress in less than two minutes, sending a chill up her spine. She walked back to the bedroom, pulling the balcony doors closed behind her and conjuring a towel, using it to dry her wet hair as she glanced at her reflection in the mirror.

She had almost gotten it dry when the doors to the bedroom swung open, and she turned, expecting to see her husband striding in with his usual swagger, but the sight she was met with made her stomach clench. The Darkling was being helped through the door by two of his Grisha, drops of blood leaving a trail behind him as they lead him to the bed. Fiona practically flew to his side, frowning as she looked down at him.

"What the hell happened?" she asked softly, sitting on the edge of the bed, her fingers moving to her husband's hair as one of his healers began to work on healing the bleeding wounds scattered across his torso. Her eyes scanned his form, noting the paleness of his skin, and worry wrote itself onto her face.
"We were ambushed in the west village.." she could tell he was struggling to speak, and the worry on her face met her eyes. She couldn't work out what had done such damage to him, she had often thought him indestructable, and seeing him this way was killing her inside. "They had the thorns.. as if they knew.."
"Rest, my love." she said softly, watching as the healer managed to close one of his wounds, but they seemed to be taking their time. She brushed her fingers through his hair once more, placing a kiss on his lips as she rose to her feet. She moved to step away, but his hand grasped her wrist, his grip firm despite the blood loss he had suffered.
"Fee, where are you going?" he asked softly "Stay.."
"I'll only be a moment. You'll barely notice my absense, but I can't just sit by and do nothing when you're suffering so much.." she pulled her wrist from his hand before disappearing in a cloud of swirling black smoke.

Her eyes glanced around the west village as she appeared in the centre. The rain had stopped, and there was a strange stillness around the place, a heaviness hanging in the air. Most of the houses were dark, the residents asleep in their beds with no knowledge of the Black Fairy stood outside their homes. The occasional house had the orange glow of candlelight, flickering through the window. The idea that people within this village had tried to hurt her Aleksander filled her with a rage so deep, so fierce that each one of them was about to pay for it, whether guilty or not. With a wave of her hand, Fiona locked the doors and sealed the windows of each house before placing a barrier around the entire village, preventing anyone but herself from entering or escaping. With not a single second of regret, she set each house aflame, watching as they began to burn and the melody of screams began to fill the air.

Back in their chambers, she climbed onto the bed beside her husband, pulling him into her lap, letting him rest there. Her fingers moved gently through his hair and with a gentle motion of her other hand, she extinguished the candles within the room. She leaned back against the pile of pillows, glancing towards the window where the orange glow of a burning village filtered in through the darkness.

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