
09/29/2023 04:50 PM 

Dark Realm Protocols

I don't normally write rules on my profiles because I don't expect people to remember every rpers different rules. But recent events lead me to write my own.

1. Do not be a d*ck.

I think that covers everything. Please sign your name* in blood (optional, just a suggestion) below.

*Please note that by signing your name, you are permitting the Black Fairy, also known as Fiona Morozova, to steal your children if she is in the mood or feels like this. Your signature also gives her the right to turn you into a bug and crush you beneath her boot, and then pout about how you dirtied up her boot, if you break the only rule.

09/21/2023 04:54 PM 

Her Weakness

It went against every rule she'd ever given herself.

She knew this, and yet she was too weak to resist. It was the same over and over again. The desperate need to see him. The promise of 'just once more'. The acknowledgement that she was just lying to herself, that she was making her own life more difficult as each night passed.

Time moved differently for them both. Each hour that he lived in the Enchanted Forest was a whole year for her. Decades would pass for her between each visit. Perhaps that was another reason that she couldn't resist the overbearing need within her to lay eyes on him once more.

She knew that Aleksander wasn't thrilled, but he let her go without complaint. After 40,000 years, he was used to his wife's quirks. It was just something she did every decade or so, disappearing from their realm with whispered promises to stay out of sight, to remain unwitnessed. He didn't understand it, nor did she expect him to.

Her tiny wings carried her miniature form to the same familiar window, and she perched lightly upon the frame. It was open tonight, that wasn't a surprise. Summer was coming, the nights had been getting warmer and the little cottage had always been stuffy when the days grew longer and warmer. Her dark eyes gazed through the clear spot on the streaky window that she had made on a previous visit, trying to get a view of the occupants within.

Inside its walls, the cottage was dark, lit only by a few candles dotted in strategic places. She remembered finding those places herself, working out the best way to light the cottage with the minimum amount of candles. Malcolm, it seemed, had changed very little about their home after she had gone.

Movement across the room drew her attention, and she watched as Malcolm rose from his seat at the small table where they used to share a meal, a bottle in hand. He stumbled across the room, towards the window she stood behind, eyes cast towards the bed beneath it, and the small being who lay within it. He muttered something to himself that she couldn't quite make out, before turning towards the door and heading out into the night.

The rage that filled her felt so raw as she slipped in through the open window, her wings fluttering as she flew over her son. She had watched Malcolm over the years become less and less the man he had once been. Gone was the kind, attentive man who seized the day and loved Fiona and his unborn child more than words could express, and slowly became a drunk, uncaring shadow of his former self who grew bitter and cold. She had seen the disdain in his eyes when he looked upon their child, a look she had never seen on his face before, a look she despised. She couldn't understand how he could look at the child she loved with every cell of her body in this way. And now, he had enraged her more than ever before, leaving their young son alone in the dark.

She had returned to her full size before she landed, and knelt beside the bed, letting out a soft sigh. This was the closest she had been to him since the day she had been banished from his life, she had never dared to allow herself to be this close to him, knowing she wouldn't want to leave him, fearing it would pain her too much when the Dark Realm dragged her back into its clutches. She dreamed about taking him with her, but the Dark Realm was no place for a child to grow up, not while it was still just a prison.

Instead, she had lingered by his bedroom window each night since the Darkling had taught her how to leave her realm, and though the realm only allowed her short bursts of time outside it, it didn't stop her from spending what time she had watching her son sleep, wishing she could take him with her.

His tiny chest rose and fell in a smooth movement as he slept, and Fiona couldn't help reaching out a hand to brush the hair off his forehead. The sensation of his skin and hair beneath her touch was almost too much to bear as sorrow and pain overwhelmed her. Her love for him burned through her very soul, tore her apart. She wanted to be here with him. Always.

How she wished things had been different, that she'd gotten to raise him, to name him. It occurred to her, then, that she didn't even know the name Malcolm had given their son. Four and a half years of Enchanted Forest time she had been watching them, and never had he spoken their son's name aloud. It was almost as though it shamed him to do so.

Fiona's fingers moved from her son's hair to his cheek, gently stroking the soft, pale skin with her thumb as her eyes became so filled with tears from the emotions overpowering her that she could barely see him through them. She already knew that leaving was going to hurt more than it ever had before, and while she loved her life with Aleksander in the Dark Realm, she knew a part of her would forever be longing for the day when she was able to be close to her son once more.

Hours passed quickly as the fairy remained, lovingly gazing at her child, stroking his mousey curls as he slept on, unaware of her presence. As the sun began to stir, she felt that familiar tug at her core, the call of the Dark Realm giving her a warning. It would pull her back soon, drag her from the Enchanted Forest in a manner most painful if she did not return of her own accord. The sky grew lighter as the sun rose, and the sound of clattering outside the cottage told her that Malcolm was finally stumbling back home.

"I love you.." the fairy whispered softly against her son's ear, "your mother loves you.."

Fiona planted a soft kiss on his cheek, taking a brief second to commit everything about him to memory, locking it away to keep her going for the next decade of her existence.

The door to the cottage creaked as it opened, but by the time Malcolm managed to stumble through it, the Fairy was gone.

09/10/2023 05:10 PM 

Headcanons - Dark Realm Edition

I was supposed to be writing my novel this evening, but instead I wrote ten headcanons about the Dark Realm for no reason. It’s ok. I’m sure I can use all of these things in my novel. When I write it. Maybe.


HeadcanonsThe Dark Realm
The Dark Realm exists outside of time. For every one Earth/Enchanted Forest year, the Dark Realm experiences 28 years of time. Because of its existence outside time, and the lack of control Fiona has when releasing her dark creatures from the realms, they find themselves scattered through time. This results in many of the creatures, including the darkness itself, existing in the Enchanted Forest and Neverland before Fiona was ever born. However, it all has root from the same place - the darkness within the Black Fairy.


At least 100 dragons live within the Dark Realm. The largest of these, Brutus, was the first dragon ever created by Fiona’s Dark Magic. He’s over three million years old, kept alive by the fairy’s magic


There are three varieties of wolves within the realm. The most numerous is the ferocious black wolves of the Green Forest. These wolves are the size of horses, and have been known to feast on lone travellers who happen across their paths at night. The grey wolves of the Dark forest are also fairly populous. Smaller than their black counterparts, the grey wolves are just a little larger than Earth’s wolves. In the winter peaks live the smallest species of wolves - the winter wolves. Pure white in colour, they usually hide from visitors and mostly come out at dusk.


The Dark Forest is home to several families of black unicorn. Protected by the Black Fairy, it is forbidden under the penalty of death to harm or kill a black unicorn, or disturb a nesting pregnant unicorn.


The Echoless Forest is a vast forest to the south of the realm. A place where sound goes to die. The forest is so dense and the air so heavy, that sound can barely travel. The forest is home to numerous horrific creatures, such as giant spiders, ogres and goblins. The Black Fairy is the only one able to walk through the forest unharmed.


There is a secret waterfall in the Dark Forest that is only accessible by Fiona and her family. She created it after a few decades in the Dark Realm while desperate for a calming and relaxing noise. Worried that people may ruin the tranquility of the waterfall for her, she protected it from other people with a spell. Her creatures and her family are free to come and go though.


In the Green Forest is a small, abandoned cottage that was Fiona’s original home before the Darkling arrived and she created herself a castle out of thin air. The cottage is small, basically a studio, and created from the memories she had of her home with Malcolm. No one has entered the cottage for millions of years, yet it remains pristine.


The rivers and streams of the Dark Realm are filled with Kelpies. Their population has boomed in recent years due to the number of idiot villagers who keep falling for their tricks. Fiona does nothing to stop it. She cares more about the animals and creatures of the Dark Realm than its people.


There are several dark merpeople in the seas of the Dark Realm. First created there by Fiona, they are filled with her darkness and meant to lure sailors to their deaths. The merpeople were granted the ability to pass through realms using portals beneath the seas by Fiona’s uncle, Poseidon.


There are ten different towns villages within the Dark Realm of varying size and characteristic. Most of the population are spread among these places, but Fiona recently allowed those within the realm to build dwellings wherever they felt suitable, on the provision that none of he habitats of her beasts and dark creatures be disturbed.

Blackfell - The largest of the towns within the forest, and also the oldest. The Black Fairy’s first prisoners settled here as it was the one place in the realm without trees at the time (a result of Fiona letting out her frustrations and destroying a portion of the forest, a mile in diameter years earlier). If the Dark Realm had a capital city, it would be Blackfell.

Greencrest - A village on the frozen river. The occupants are very skilled at ice fishing. Apart from the river bank, the village is almost entirely surrounded by trees and only accessible by one path.

Dawnmoor - Dawnmoor was created when several merchants who had gained wealth trading among the villages decided they no longer wished to be a part of the lowly villages. Breaking away, they created a more elaborate village, east of Blackfell.

Rockpeak - Build upon the Eastern cliffs of the dark realm, south of Ebonwood. The two cities were created together, but Rockpeak thrived while Ebonwood’s growth was rather.. stunted.

Shadespell - One of the newest villages in the Dark Realm. It’s less dense than the other villages and is made up of several small hamlets that happen to be close by one another.

Crystalhallow - Resting south of Rockpeak, Crystalhallow is a fishing village, benefitting from resting by both a large lake and the sea. Freshwater and saltwater fish are caught daily and sold throughout the realm.

Millcoast - A coastal village on the south east coast, settled by those servants who work in Fiona and Aleksander’s summer palace.

Grisha village - Just outside Fiona’s castle walls, she built a village for those of the Grisha who wished to follow the Darkling into the Dark Realm. Despite all the events in Ravka, many of the Grisha still remain loyal to the Darkling and chose to follow him into his ‘new world’.

Ebonwood - Build upon the Eastern cliffs of the dark realm, North of Rockpeak. The two cities were created together, but Rockpeak thrived while Ebonwood’s growth was stunted by the sea monster nest by their coast. After their village was destroyed several times, the Black Fairy build an enchanted wall around the village to prevent the attacks.

Starless Saint village - A village for those non-Grisha Ravkan Refugees who believe in the Starless Saint and wish to reside in his realm.

08/26/2023 08:01 PM 

Abatina (Timeless Realms Weekly Prompt)

Ok so Odie gave us a weekly prompt in Timeless Realms and I’ve not shared any new writing in a while, so I thought I’d share it here too.

Abatina: Is there anything in life your muse has changed their mind about over time (due to becoming more educated on the topic, certain experiences, etc.), or that they would change their mind about under certain circumstances


AbatinaTimeless Realms Weekly
The sensation washed over her like a flood of emotion, drowning her in a way she hadn’t expected. She had loved him since she first knew of his existence, but nothing could have prepared her for the rush of love that overwhelmed her once he was placed into her arms, the perfect little specimen. There was nothing she wanted more in the world than to protect him, to keep him safe from harm, to give him anything he desired out of life. It was the single most important reason for her existence from that moment.

He was perfect and she was certain that she couldn’t love him more. And then the fairies arrived and turned her life on its head...


Savior. She had heard that word before. It left a dirty taste in her mouth, but she couldn’t remember why. Growing up, she had read every book in her mother’s library that she could get her hands on and devoured the knowledge from those pages like a girl possessed, but somehow she couldn’t quite recall what they said about children who were deemed to be Saviors, but she did remember one thing for certain - there was always a final battle, and there was always a death.


It took days of reading through the books she’d requested, days of not sleeping as she poured through page after page, her desperation growing with each word that she read. Her son was destined to die in a battle against the Great Evil and the thought broke her, shattered her heart into a million grieving pieces. How could she stand by and let this happen without trying to change destiny?

With a sigh, she placed down the book that she was reading and moved to the bassinet by her bed. Tears welled in her eyes as she glanced down at her sleeping son, reaching to brush her fingers through the thin strands of dark hair on his head. His skin was so soft that she couldn’t help taking a moment to marvel at the feel of it against her fingers. “I’m sorry..” she whispered to him “I’ll find a way to fix this..”


Two emotions filled the Black Fairy in the moment that the darkness was finally allowed in. A raging war between the completeness she now felt because her own destiny was fulfilled, and the terrifying fear of what that meant for her relationship with her son, the thing she cared about most in the world. He was destined to die fighting the Great Evil, and she had just become that evil because she was always meant to be.

The golden sheers in her hand were the answer, she was certain. She was destined to be the Black Fairy, but her son didn’t have to be the one who tried to defeat her. It was a perfect plan, one snip, he’d be able to live happily in her care, and she would destroy anyone who tried to harm him, allowing him to live the life she always wished he could. She didn’t even think, her hands simply worked.

Calmness followed. All was right in the world. And then Blue took it upon herself to punish Fiona, as she had before, and all was lost again.


Seeing him still took the breath from her lungs. She had missed so much, and he had lived so many years, years they could have spent together if she’d only known of his future. How many times had she watched from the darkness outside his window as he slept, wishing she could steal him away to the Dark Realm to be with her? Wishing she could take him in her arms and carry him to her home and never let him go again? But the Dark Realm was no place for a child with no darkness in his heart, and she couldn’t subject him to a life trapped without the means to leave.

He had spotted her through the window once, while half asleep when he was barely a boy of four. He’d looked up at her with eyes full of fascination and awe, but there was none of that when he looked at her now. Hatred and fear, despite how fearless he was trying to appear, consumed him now and her gaze flickered briefly to the weapon in his hand, her own wand, the only thing that could rid the world of her.

And then he flicked it, and pain filled her. More pain than she had ever felt in her life as each atom of her body was torn apart, destroyed by the child she had only wanted to save and in that moment, she considered that perhaps she no longer wished to keep him safe from harm after all.

03/07/2023 06:21 PM 

Green Eyes With Tears

Green Eyes With Tears
Another Prompt
written by : 𝔹𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝔽𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕪
• • •
She had dreamed about him for centuries, the child she would one day have with her true love. She had thought about the moment when she would finally get to hold him in her arms, and how good it would feel to finally be a proper mother, something she had wanted for far, far too long.

Neither she nor Aleksander had wanted to bring a child into their lives until the Dark Realm’s hold on her had gone. How could she have kept her child trapped within her realm when there were so many to explore? How could she let her child leave knowing that for every hour he was outside of her realm, over a year would pass for her?

So they waited. Waited until she found the key to her escape. Waited until Gideon broke the Realm’s hold on her with the sword of Hrunting and Emma Swan’s life force.

And when she no longer had to wait, when she was free from the control of her realm and free to live her life the way she chose to, when she could finally have the family she had always wanted…

Her son used her own wand to rip her apart.

Fortunately for Fiona, even death was not strong enough to keep her husband from her. Aleksander found his way into the Underworld. He defeated Hades, bettered her uncle and carried her bruised and battered form to Mount Olympus where her father gave her a second chance at life and returned her to a corporeal form.

Her new found freedom allowed her to finally get what she had wanted for longer than she could remember, and when they placed her newborn son in her arms, she knew that there was not a single thing she wouldn’t do for him.

Her eyes flew open at the sound of his cries in the darkness, and she slipped out of Aleksander’s arms, wrapping her robe around herself. Pushing open the door to his bedroom, she was immediately cast in the light of tens of dozens of stars that she had enchanted his ceiling to display, a moving reflection of the universe, but Fiona didn’t take even a moment to marvel in the work of her magic as she crossed the bedroom towards her son.

It took her less than a minute to scoop him into her arms, holding him against her as she soothed his cries, her heart breaking at the sight of his beautiful green eyes full of tears. As she held him to her, breathing in the gentle scent of him, she was overwhelmed with feelings of the same pure, unconditional love that always hit her when he was in sight.

With Adryk in her arms, she moved over to the rocking chair and took a seat, brushing her fingers through his hair as she gently rocked them both. She knew that many would complain about being awoken in the night and their lack of sleep, but she couldn’t help but enjoy these small fleeting moments where the rest of the realm slept and only she and her son remained awake, content in the silence of one another.

“Was it a nightmare?” she asked softly, brushing damp curls from his eyes. Adryk nodded silently, his tiny hands clinging to her for comfort, the way he often did when he was afraid. His head came to rest against her chest, as though soothed by the sound of her heartbeat.

“Monsters..” he said quietly, before burying his face in the silk of her robe, attempting to hide from whatever creature it was that had interrupted his sleep. Her dark eyes looked down at him, a soft kiss planted on the top of his hair as she let out a sigh.

“Don’t be scared of monsters, Addy.” She whispered softly, slowing her rocking as she repositioned her son so that he was more likely to fall back to sleep. “Monsters won’t ever touch you. They’re all far too afraid of me and Papachka to even try..”

02/22/2023 06:20 PM 

Red Hair In Messy Braids

She couldn’t be sure whether it was her lonely childhood that drew her to those who felt loneliness, or whether it was the thousand years of isolation, trapped in the Dark Realm with only herself for company, but their loneliness became like a beacon, calling out to her throughout realms. She felt connected to every lonely person across the realms as though they were attached by an invisible thread that spread out from the very core of her, their hearts almost singing to her when she was near, begging for her attention.

Leaves crunched beneath her boots as she stepped out of the shadows, feeling that familiar pull of another’s inner sorrow drawing her closer. Her magic felt strange in this place, like a little more effort was needed to bring it to fruition, but it was still there, ever-existent. Her husband had warned her that realms existed out there with no magic, or magic different to hers and that she needed to be careful when exploring, especially when alone.

She felt another tug at her core, drawing her to a dimly lit house from which she could hear the sound of a raised male voice, followed by the quiet voice of a child in pain. With a wave of her hand and an entitlement that only she could feel, Fiona forced open the back door of the house and stepped inside, glancing around before another shout was heard and she was pulled from her thoughts, moving quietly through the strangely decorated rooms towards the voices.

Stepping into the hallway, she noticed that the raised voices and the lonely heart she was drawn to were not in the same room. Dark eyes glanced briefly towards a partly opened door where the face of a small child appeared, peering out at her, surprise written over her features. Fiona took a moment to take her in, the pale skin, the somewhat scrawny shape of her, and the red hair in messy braids that hung down by her ears and gave her an air of innocence that caused a soft smile to brush over the fairy’s lips.

There was no doubt in Fiona that this was the child whose loneliness called to her, and she was either very brave or very foolish, as she soon placed a finger to her lips to silence a stranger before motioning the fairy into her bedroom, closing the door behind her once Fiona had complied.

“Who are you?” She asked in a deliberate whisper that made the fairy shudder inside, a sign of how the child had become used to her surroundings and had learned to do her best to remain invisible within them.
“I’m Fiona. I’m..”
“Are you a Queen?” The child interrupted, her blue eyes fixated on the crown of black gems that rested on the fairy’s head.
“Of sorts..” Fiona responded with a smirk tugging at her lips
“Of sorts?” the young girl questioned, moving to sit herself down on her bed. Fiona’s eyes glanced quickly around the room, taking in the lack of clutter that she’d expect in a child’s room.
“You’re very curious.. what’s your name?” “Max. What do you mean ‘of sorts’?” She questioned again, and Fiona couldn’t help but chuckle slightly.
“Stubborn too, I see.” Another chuckle left her as the fairy took a seat on the small chair by Max’s bed “You could call me a Queen, though the land I rule is pretty empty right now.” She gave a shrug, mildly amused by how at ease Max appeared to be with her. Perhaps it was as Aleksander said, perhaps like called to like, and maybe that pull she felt towards Max was something the child felt too, the presence of another lonely soul. Or perhaps it was simply because fairies put children at ease with their very nature.

The sound of a door opening in the hallway and then slamming closed pulled Fiona’s attention away from Max for a moment, as she waited to see if anyone would enter the room they were in, but heavy footsteps led, instead, down the hallway towards another room. Another slammed door.
“Is this house always so.. loud?” Fiona asked softly, her dark eyes falling back upon the young child. Max shook her head.
“Most of the time it’s..” she paused and Fiona arched a brow “quiet.”

The Black Fairy gave a nod. She knew quite better than anyone, especially that overbearing quietness that was almost painful the ears, that almost drained the energy out of your very soul. She rose to her feet abruptly, certain she had to do something about the situation in this house to make things better, if it was possible, but a small grip on her hand made her look back at Max.
“Don’t. It just makes things worse.”
“What does?”
“When people try to fix it. It never works. It just gets worse..”

Fiona knew she could have done something. Tortured the parents until they changed their ways, or ripped out their hearts and crushed them to dust, certain that whoever the children of this house ended up with, their lives couldn’t get worse, but she wouldn’t have been around to make sure of that. She would, if she could, have taken Max and the other child back to the Dark Realm with her, they’d certainly have been better off, but she had not yet worked out a way to do so.

“Alright..” she said softly, sitting herself back down, though it practically burned her soul not to punish the parents of these children for the pain and sorrow she could feel within this home. “Then at least let me leave you with something”

The Black Fairy held out her hand, conjuring up a simple stuffed toy, a black wolf, like those that roamed the forest of the Dark Realm. To her, wolves had always meant companionship and freedom, and those were things she wished to give Max at that moment. Her fingers gently brushed over its fur, leaving traces of her magic within it. Perhaps one day, if she remembered Fiona and called upon it, her magic could provide Max with some protection.

She couldn’t be sure it would ever be used, or that the wolf wouldn’t find itself lost down the side of Max’s bed or thrown away when her mind convinced her that this had all been a dream and the wolf had come, not from a dark fairy, but from a funfair or toy store or birthday gift. She couldn’t be sure of these things and yet, as she tucked Max up under the covers, she placed the black stuffed wolf beside her regardless.
(c) made by creativian

02/14/2023 05:15 PM 

Her First Love

Her First Love
written by : 𝔹𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝔽𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕪
• • •
“Are you hurt?” The soft voice broke through the fog of pain as Fiona blinked open her eyes. She moved to sit up, each of her muscles screaming in agony, her head pounding as violent images of her banishment flashed before her eyes. Her mother’s magic had left a metallic taste in her mouth, a sour tang that made her grimace slightly every time she tasted it, or perhaps that was the blood spilling into her mouth from how hard she had bit into her lip to prevent herself from screaming in agony.

“Are you hurt?” The voice repeated as the male it belonged to crouched down in front of her. Fiona flinched, terror rising within her, her eyes avoiding his gaze. She was all alone, banished from her home without her magic or her wings, nothing to defend herself, she didn’t wish to appear aggressive or threatening at all. Still, she expected an attack, someone taking advantage of her vulnerable state.

Instead, there was simply a kind arm wrapped around her waist, helping her to her feet.

“You’re bleeding..” he said softly, and she felt his fingers brush over the raw, bloody wounds that existed where her wings had been only hours before. She had known she was bleeding without him needing to say so. She could feel the sticky warmth of her own blood as it ruined the only dress she had left. As he touched a particularly sore part of her wound, she pulled rather violently away from him, despite the unsteadiness on her feet. The absence of her magic left her feeling weak and raw, like every ounce of strength had been completely removed from her.

“I’m sorry..” he whispered with such kindness in his voice that she almost burst into tears in the middle of the forest. Managing to keep her emotions in check, she finally raised her gaze, her eyes meeting his, a thunderbolt hitting her very core.

“You need to rest..” his voice was kind as he moved towards her, carrying with him a goblet of water for her. She was still weak but she had vastly improved from the day he found her almost broken in the forest. Pulling herself up in bed, she reached for the water, her hand brushing against his ever so slightly.

Another spark.

Her eyes glanced up at his face. There was a kindness in his eyes that she had not seen in another’s gaze for as long as she could remember. She could feel her heart racing, pounding in her chest, so loud that it echoed in her ears just from his presence in her surroundings.

“Rest,” he said again, pulling away from her touch, but his gaze lingered on hers for a little too long.

“When will you marry me?” he asked softly as he breathed into her ear, wrapping an arm around her waist as her fingers kneaded dough. She let out a little chuckle, glancing at him. Years had passed since the blacksmith had brought home the broken ex-fairy and nursed her back to health, and she had thrived from the love he showered her with.

“One day, Malcolm...” she said softly, “if you’re lucky..”

Her fingers worked away as he reluctantly pulled back, his touch on her waist lingering for a long second before the warmth of his hand disappeared. How many times had he asked her the same question only to be knocked back? It was at least six that she could count, and she knew it was cruel of her, but marriage had been soured for her by her mother, and she was unsure if she was ever suited for it. Still, he was determined to make her his wife.

“I’ll stop asking if you’re not careful,” he said softly, planting a kiss on her cheek. They both knew he wouldn’t. Not until she agreed.


02/12/2023 06:03 PM 


written by : 𝔹𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝔽𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕪
• • •
The sound of birds filled the bedroom as the feeling of sleep slowly eased away from her mind, only to be replaced by pain as a sharp shiver ran up her spine, landing squarely between the spot where her wings met her back.



Almost instantly, it was followed by a suppressive pressure against her skull, as though the weight of the entire Dark Realm was resting within her mind. Darkness had built up within her, she’d gone too long without using the darkest of her magic and it had been allowed to take hold, and would continue to do so until she let it loose.

“Fee..” her husband’s voice broke through the silence that seemed to have fallen over her, but the pain barely lessened when she wasn’t fully focused on it. She opened her eyes to look at him, her vision clouded with darkness as though a black veil had fallen over everything. She watched as a frown washed over his face when he was greeted by the jet-black eyes of his wife.

“I think you need to take a trip into the mountains..” he said softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead. It was a code they had had for as long as she could remember, a code for when she had these turns. How many of them had he seen her through? 10,000? 100,000?

The time between these attacks seemed to get shorter and shorter since Adryk was born. Before him, she wouldn’t have thought twice about disappearing into the mountains on a regular basis to release several horrific creatures into the various realms, but his birth had given her less to be angry about and her rage was subdued enough that she didn’t feel the need to create horrors until she was driven to it by her Darkness.

The tips of her fingers tingled as she stepped off the back of the Great Dragon who had carried her into the Winter Peaks when her own magic had proven too overwhelmed by her condition to safely transport her. As the winter wind whipped around her, carrying the sounds of screams with no source, Fiona unfurled her wings, allowing them to stretch for a moment before it all began.

Darkness soon left her fingertips, darker than the night, like obsidian dust, that sparkled in the sunlight. She gave no thought to what she was creating, letting creature after creature form themselves into existence without much input from her. Demons with huge wings and long teeth and red eyes that would forever burn into the minds of young and old alike. Large dragons that would breathe fire hot enough to melt a man’s flesh from his bones, small compared to her own, but larger than most would have seen. A gigantic hydra that towered above her, its necks twisting sharply as each of its nine heads let out a screech in unison, that was so loud it shook the snow from the peaks of the nearby mountains. Others that were all created with only two purposes: death and destruction.

Eyes that had been a solid black now returned to their usual form as the pain in her head subdued. She had once again created creatures that would cause damage throughout the realms, creatures who would inspire fear among those who were unfortunate to happen upon them. With a simple incantation, each of the creatures was sent to another realm, sent away to do their worst. She didn’t know where or when they ended up, didn’t know who or what they would face on the other side, nor how well those already living in the realms would be able to defend themselves against such evil.

Truthfully, she didn’t care.

Was it evil?


But it wasn’t like her darkness left her with much choice.

01/28/2023 01:15 PM 


Alright, I feel like I should put in some trigger warnings here because things get a bit graphic regarding the descriptions. Also references to sexual abuse. And both the Blue Fairy and Fiona's mother are both d*cks, but I'm biased.

So be it..
written by : 𝔹𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝔽𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕪
• • •
The persistent sound of high heels on marble carried down the corridor towards her bedroom as Fiona slipped in through the balcony door, grabbing her wand to instantly clean the mud stains from the hems of her skirts. She turned to the full-length mirror, noticing the leaves and twigs that had gathered in her hair, picking them out in haste just as the door to her bedroom was pushed open.

“Your mother requests your presence in the throne room” Blue’s voice. Fiona rolled her eyes. She was sure that her hatred of Blue practically radiated from her pores. Not that Blue would notice, always too far up her mother’s backside to care about what anyone else thought of her.

“I believe it’s customary to knock before entering a Princess’ bed chambers” she responded eventually. Protocol wasn’t exactly something cared for, but Blue did, so Fiona did enjoy throwing it in her face when she could do so.
“Immediately, Fiona.” The tone of her voice made the princess turn with an arched eyebrow. Blue was often impatient with her, but this tone was snappier than she’d experienced before.

She felt almost timid as she stepped into the throne room, but she didn’t let it show. She was used to her mother’s disappointment by this point, and Clarion certainly looked disappointed as Fiona moved towards the throne.

“You called for me, mother?” Fiona asked, her tone one of impatience. Her mother’s gaze fixed on her, the undertone of rage still residing there, as it had since the day that Fiona had practically caused a war to break out by defending herself.

“You stole Pixie Dust from the vault.” Was it a question? Fiona couldn’t decide. It didn’t seem like one, so she didn’t answer. Clarion said nothing but simply stared at her daughter. A silent stalemate between the two until she eventually broke the silence once more. “Is it true?”

Fiona watched as Blue joined her mother, sitting on a small stool at her side.

“Fiona” her mother’s voice broke her train of thought and her dark eyes moved back onto the woman who had once been her whole world. There had been warmth in Clarion once, she had been Fiona’s home. Now that warmth was gone, and Fiona didn’t know where home was anymore.


There was an odd murmuring among the fairies behind her, her mother’s court erupting in whispers. It was one of the Fairy’s core rules that Pixie Dust was restricted stealing of such from the Sacred Fairy Vault was punishable with banishment. The news that the Queen’s daughter had broken such a rule was quite the scandal.

“Fiona.. you know our laws. You’ve studied them endlessly. You know the punishment for this..” Clarion began, rising to her feet. Fiona knew the punishment, but she also knew that fairies were meant to protect children. She had taken the dust to do just that, to free the children of one village from an ogre, but her mother wouldn’t care. None of them would. Fairies didn’t really protect children. They simply acted like they did, as long as that protection lay within their own ridiculous laws.

“However... I’m willing to forgive your theft should you agree to apologise to Lord Zephyr.” The Queen’s words seemed to cause a stir in the room, and Blue jumped up to her feet.
“Your Grace... The law..”
“I’m aware of the law, thank you..” Clarion brushed Blue aside as she fixed her gaze back on her daughter. Fiona shot Blue a look. The banishment process removed a fairy’s wings and was said to be so painful that very few actually survived the full de-winging, and yet this woman who had been around her since she was a child was here, reminding her mother that their laws meant that Fiona should be put through such a process. “Well?”

Fiona shook her head. The things Lord Zephyr had done to her were, frankly, unforgivable. She couldn’t, she wouldn’t, apologise for removing the fingers that had entered her against her will, no matter the cost.

“I won’t apologise, mother. He—“

Clarion raised her hand to silence her, stepping down from the dais. She looked over her daughter for a moment, a look in her eyes that Fiona hadn’t seen before. Was it regret? Perhaps. But if so, it was most certainly not regret that she was having to do this. Rather regret that she had not done it sooner, she was sure.

“One last chance..”
“Agree to apologise..” their eyes met, and Fiona almost heard the silent 'please' that lingered in the air, but she couldn’t subject herself to an apology, to pleading for forgiveness from the most arrogant man she had ever met, and seeing him get away with abusing her without so much as a raised word. Her stubbornness rose within her once more. The audacity of even being asked to consider such a thing. What did she care if the Kingdom was at war? It should be. Her own kingdom should have declared war on Zephyr’s the moment he had dared to rip the delicate material of the dress she had worn that night. She hoped war made every fairy here suffer the pain she had been forced to suffer for the last few weeks.

“No, mother.” the defiance in her voice spoke volumes, though the sound had barely been a squeak. Clarion would not be defied again. She had offered what she believed to be a generous route out of what was about to happen, only to have it thrown in her face by a headstrong teenager.

“So be it,” she said simply, raising her wand towards her sixteen-year-old daughter, flicking her wrist. Almost instantly, the heat of a thousand suns was burning on Fiona’s back, her eyes squeezing closed as she tried to deal with the pain without crying out. She wouldn’t show weakness in front of her mother, or Blue if she could help it. Invisible talons of pure fire dug into her back, gripping her wings at the base and pulling and tearing them off her back and Fiona suddenly felt more pain than she had ever felt as her nerves screamed at the sensation. The princess fell to her knees, a scream of pain leaving her for the first time, her breath catching in her chest as her nails clawed the throne room floor hard enough to leave grooves in the hardwood.


Tear-filled eyes looked up at her mother, but she saw no love or kindness in her mother’s eyes, only something that looked like relief. Scream after scream left her until her throat was raw from the sound, she could barely breathe as the pain overwhelmed her body, burning and tugging followed by searing agony.

Cheeks damp with tears, Fiona looked to her mother once more, her voice trembling

“Mama.. please..”

Her voice was as small and soft as it had been in her youth as she begged. Begged for the pain to stop. Begged for her mother to end it one way or another.

Clarion turned her back and headed back towards her throne. As she sat down upon it, she flicked her wand at Fiona once more, sending her away from her home to some overgrown forest within another realm.

01/16/2023 07:14 PM 

MMM: Don’t Marry Him

Ok so a bit of a backstory on this one as it's rather... random.

Years ago, I roleplayed as Bellatrix Lestrange, and had a story with an amazing Lucius regarding their backstory and apparent hatred for one another within the Harry Potter stories. The storyline basically developed that Bellatrix and Lucius had been sweethearts at Hogwarts, he had broken her heart and she had allowed her father to arrange her marriage to Rodolphus Lestrange. This is a piece that is based on that storyline.

(Also, yknow, this is Bella pre-Voldy so that crazy obsession isn't quite there yet)

Oh also.. TW - slightly smutty. Probably NSFW.

Anyway.. Here goes haha


Don't Marry HimBellatrix x
“Don’t marry him..” he whispered, his lips pressed against her neck as he wrapped himself around her from behind, his hands travelling down her sides, coming to rest at her waist.

Delicate white fingers gripped her tightly, as though she might pull away at any second, moving her hips the slightest touch closer to his own. She could feel the possessiveness within him as his teeth sank into the pale skin of her neck, his bite hard enough to draw blood, and then his tongue, soft and hot, ran over the wound, drinking her in. She was his. He wanted her to remember that.

“Don’t marry him” he repeated, trailing his lips to her bare shoulder this time. She could feel the bristles of his growing facial hair. He claimed not to have shaved since he had read the engagement announcement in the Daily Prophet, and she hadn’t quite believed him until that moment. Had it really hurt him so much to read those words that he lost all sense of pride?

How adorable.

His fingers moved to the strings of her corset, tearing them open with practised ease. How often had they fumbled in the dark after a ball or party that his or her parents threw? How often had she found herself in a secluded place with his hands running over her bare flesh? He had been her first. She had not been his, and she had known it from the practised skills he displayed in the darkness from that first moment. She hadn’t cared, she had simply wanted to feel his touch.

Not much had changed.

His fingers touched her bare skin, and she melted into him. He ran those delicate fingers along her rib cage, somehow hurting and tickling her at the same time. Gripping her as though she was nothing more than a doll, he spun her around to face him, his hand tilting her chin upwards, forcing her to meet his gaze before his lips met her own in the softest of kisses. The softness disappeared within moments, replaced by the white-hot passion that seethed within them both. She had loved him once, in her younger years, and he had broken her heart. Sense had returned to him all too late.

Still, she didn’t stop him as he lifted her against the table, nor when he raised her skirts around her waist. She knew it was wrong, when he pushed inside her, that she was to marry another man, but she didn’t stop him then either. Passion overtook, pleasure overwhelming, familiarity and first love driving her on as his lips met the flesh of her chest, kissing and nipping and sucking her skin, leaving no small amount of marks, almost enough for her to remember that she was his.

Only, she was no longer.

“Lucius..” the name left her lips as she straightened herself up. He had left himself inside her, she could feel him but it didn’t bring her the sense of pride it had in the past.
“‘Trix… Don’t marry him..” he said again, his hand grabbing her by the wrist as she turned to walk away.
“I have to”
“But do you want to?”
“It doesn’t matter. I have to” her voice was quiet, but her determination showed as she pulled her wrist from his hold.
“He won’t love you as I do. No one will,” he spoke mostly to her back as she moved towards the door, ready to walk out of his life forever. “You’re mine, Bellatrix..”

She almost laughed. Immature as ever.

“Goodbye, Lucius.” She whispered mostly to herself as she closed the door behind her, stepping into the darkness of the night. The trip down memory lane had been just what she had needed before her wedding, before she tied herself to another pureblood to honour her family traditions. As she pulled her cloak around herself, she pushed down the longing for him that still stirred within her, that had never truly extinguished. It would be easy, she considered, to move on and into her married life if she never had to see him again.

And why should she have to?

It wasn’t as though he was family.


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