01/08/2023 09:25 PM 

Crossed paths

Crossed Paths
"Why do you cry?"
written by : 𝔹𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝔽𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕪
• • •
“Tell me, child, why do you cry?” Her voice was almost harsh against the stillness of the night, her presence out of place in this land, but she stepped through the thin curtain regardless, brushing aside the material as she stepped into the room. The child ignored her, (or didn’t hear her - Fiona wasn’t sure which) and her soft cries continued to fill the air, tugging at her very soul. Fiona had been drawn to this place by the heartbreaking cries of the young girl that lay among bundles of blankets, unsure why it had been such a calling when she had ignored the cries of the children in the mines for centuries. The sound of children crying was like white noise to the Black Fairy at this point, except for the cries of her own son and, for some reason she couldn’t work out yet, this child.

Her dark eyes glanced briefly around the room, a frown washing over her face as a sense of familiarity rose within her. Had she been here before? She felt as though she had but it was a memory so far away that she couldn’t bring it to the surface. She wasn’t too surprised and shrugged it off. With over three million years of memories in her head, this happened so frequently that she barely questioned it anymore.

She moved towards the four-poster bed, which seemed far too large for such a small child, and pulled back the pink curtains.
“Why do you cry?” she asked again, her voice somewhat softer this time. A blur of dark hair and the rustling of blankets followed, the child clearly shocked to find that someone had actually responded to her cries. Whoever she was, she had clearly been left alone to cry herself to sleep far too many times before. The child sniffed, rubbing tears from her cheeks before dark eyes looked up at Fiona.

Her eyes.

As their eyes met, Fiona’s memories suddenly flooded back to her like a tidal wave inside her mind, overwhelming her instantly. The room seemed familiar because it was her room, the prison she had grown up in, the stereotypical room of a Princess that she despised. It was just the way it had always been in her youth, full of pinks and whites with the occasional stuffed animal scattered around. The breath left Fiona’s chest, her head feeling a little fuzzy. She had, somehow, fallen back on her own timeline, something that should not be possible.

“Who are you?” Her younger self asked, rubbing her reddened eyes as she pulled herself into a seated position to further examine this new presence in her room.
“I’m..” Fiona paused. She knew that she should leave, turn around and just fly out of the window. Her own timeline was fixed, she couldn't, or certainly shouldn't alter things, but she also couldn't just leave. “I’m the Black Fairy”
Her younger self visibly flinched, pulling away from where she stood and grabbing the stuffed unicorn that rested at her side, clinging to it.
“Are you here to steal me away?” she asked, fear obvious in her voice. Fiona let out a sigh, sitting herself down on the edge of the bed, remembering how much she had feared the Black Fairy in her youth. The Dark Realm existed outside time, the Black Fairy had always existed as far as everyone in this realm knew, and Fiona remembered the stories they told her of her wickedness.

“No dearie. I’m not here to steal you away..” Fiona smiled, hesitantly reaching across to brush a tear from her younger self’s cheek. The young girl flinched as her hand rested against the pale flesh, but she didn’t pull away, allowing Fiona to brush away the dampness.

“Mama sent me to my room..” the Princess finally answered. “I told her that I wanted to stay in her room tonight, because of the shadows, and she got mad.”
The shadows. Fiona remembered the shadows. Creatures of pure darkness that climbed her walls at night, with talons and wings and glowing eyes. They were truly terrifying to her as a child, but in hindsight, she realised that those creatures had come from within her, manifestations of the darkness that was waiting to be awoken.
“The shadows won’t hurt you,” she said softly “They want to be your friends..”
“My friends?” the younger Fiona asked, unconsciously moving closer to the Black Fairy as her fear of her eased. The older fairy nodded, looking towards the young princess with a smile. She wasn’t sure what she was risking by remaining here, whether her very presence would alter the events of her own life, but she remembered the pain and sorrow she had felt in her youth and the unbearable loneliness that had been the story of her life for so long. It was a loneliness that ultimately stemmed from this time in her childhood when her mother cut her off and began her 'new family' with her new husband, leaving Fiona to her own devices. She knew now how it would break this poor child for years and only cause her further damage in the Dark Realm.
“They come to visit because you feel alone, and they want to remind you that you’re not.” The princess gave a slight nod as she contemplated that idea, and seemed to decide that it made enough sense to ease the fear. At least until she was left alone again with only the flickering candle at her bedside to keep the darkness at bay.

“Lie down, Princess.. you should sleep..” Fiona said softly, watching with a smile as the younger fairy listened, snuggling herself down in her blankets and resting her head against the fluffy pillows. She was about to rise from the bed, to head back to the window when the child spoke once more.
“Does mama still love me?” The princess asked with a yawn, tiredness clearly urging her towards sleep.
“No..” Fiona said honestly, and then instantly regretted the bluntness of her answer when the sight of pure heartbreak appeared in the young girl’s eyes. Perhaps her own pain wasn't something that she should be projecting onto a child, even if that child was her. Fiona’s fingers moved to brush through the Princess’ hair, letting the silky curls fall through her digits “Your.. mama..” the word felt strange on her tongue. It had been so long since she had referred to Clarion in that way “has prejudices that are not your fault. But her lack of love doesn’t make you unloveable... One day, you will meet your prince, and he will love you more than anyone has ever loved anyone… and he will love you until the stars fall out of the sky.” Fiona couldn't help but smile at those words. The thought of Aleksander always did bring a smile to her face.

“That long?” The princess smiled, closing her eyes as sleep overcame her. Fiona chuckled softly, watching as the Princess fell into a deep sleep. She didn't envy the child. She had no idea of the pain that was going to come in her life, pain Fiona would never want to live through again, but she also knew that she had a great love who would steal her away from loneliness, never more than the day that he stepped into the Dark Realm when she had been alone for so very long. Fiona watched for a few moments longer, making sure the child was truly asleep before leaning to press her lips to her temple.

“Maybe even longer..”

01/06/2023 09:11 PM 

The First Prophecy

Queen Clarion had never expected that she would grow to resent the child she had loved so much when she was born. The day of Fiona’s birth had been the first day of Spring which, in the warmth of Mount Olympus, had meant that Clarion’s bed chambers were filled with the scent of the early blooming daffodils and poppies that scattered the garden of the Gods. Delivery hadn’t been easy, but it had thankfully been swift and soon the Queen of the Fairies was cradling the tiny form of her beautiful daughter. The love she had felt for Fiona at the time was so overwhelming that she could barely breathe, but it also helped to clear the fairy’s mind. She knew that to get the best life for her child, she needed to return to her home in Pixie Hollow and keep her daughter out of the reach of her father. Luckily for her, Zeus’ wife Hera was also keen to keep the fairy and her offspring far away from Zeus and Mount Olympus and a week after Fiona’s birth, Hera helped Clarion escape back to her home. To hide the child from Zeus, Hera used her own power to send Pixie Hollow away, allowing it to get lost to a realm that could not easily be infiltrated. Neverland.

For the first few years back in Pixie Hollow, Clarion did not allow Fiona out of her sight, constantly paranoid that Zeus would appear and demand rights to his child. At night, she would bring her daughter into her own bed and would watch Fiona sleep until she fell asleep herself, brushing brown curls from her daughter’s face as she watched her tiny chest rise and fall while she dreamt the night away. She hadn’t known it was possible to love someone else so much, and she wanted nothing but happiness for her beloved child.

In the two months following Fiona’s fourth birthday, three things changed the relationship between mother and child forever. The first was the appointment of the Blue Fairy as Clarion’s advisor. Blue took it upon herself to make sure that the Queen was making more connections with neighbouring fairy kingdoms, in the hope that the rumoured upcoming wars for territory would remain as mere rumours. She didn’t quite understand the attachment of the Queen to her child and insisted that Clarion rely more on the nannies and tutors for help with the Princess. Blue’s plans for connections to other kingdoms led to the second big change in their lives - the introduction of Lord Joseph to the Queen. Joseph was a fairy from the winter kingdom on the northernmost coast of Neverland. The third son of a Lord, Clarion had fallen for him almost instantly, and her feelings were certainly reciprocated. Fiona herself took to Joseph too, but his presence in Clarion’s life meant that the Queen had less time for her daughter. Fiona no longer slept in her mother’s bed, being sent to her own chambers instead, much to the child’s distress. The young princess would cry in the night, telling tales of shadow creatures climbing the walls of her bedroom, but when servants remained with her until she fell asleep, they would report nothing of the sort. Clarion’s sympathy soon turned to irritation, convinced her daughter was simply suffering from an overactive imagination as a result of being separated from her mother so abruptly, and the longer it went on, the less patience she had with Fiona.

Despite not spending as much time with her daughter as she had previously, Clarion still doted on Fiona for the most part. She made sure that she ate breakfast, lunch and dinner with the Princess each day, even on the days when there was a party or a ball later in the evening, too late for the princess to attend, Clarion would still make time to be there while Fiona was served her dinner. She would use mealtimes to chat with the princess, hearing about her lessons and the hobbies she had been enjoying while away from her mother. It was common knowledge in the palace that Clarion was not to be disturbed during those times, and that she did not take kindly to anyone who tried it.
While the presence of Blue and Joseph at the palace led to changes in the Queen’s relationship with the Princess, neither of those events changed their relationship anywhere close to as much as the day the prophecy of Fiona’s fate was revealed to her mother. It had been a warm spring day in Pixie Hollow when a wise man from the next Kingdom had arrived at the palace demanding to see the Queen on an urgent matter. With a trembling voice, he relayed the prophecy to Clarion, explaining to her that her beloved Fiona would become a dark stain on the world, the source of all darkness. He explained that darkness would infiltrate the realms, creatures created from that darkness bringing death and destruction, all due to her daughter’s power. The Queen couldn’t believe a word the man said until he had handed her the sacred book of Prophecy, a gift from his Kingdom, before insisting that Fiona be taken care of lest she fulfil the prophecy.

Years passed in the lives of the fairies, and with each passing day, Clarion found herself pulling back from her daughter. The book she had been given had told tales of the Black Fairy Fiona was fated to become, and though the princess had not yet done a single thing denoted in the tales, nor shown any trace of darkness within her magic, Clarion couldn’t shake the stories from her mind, allowing them to affect her relationship with the innocent child. She began to resent the choice she knew she would one day have to make, the choice between her people and her daughter, and subconsciously found herself withdrawing all affection from her daughter to make the decision easier.

At first, Fiona had not noticed the change in her mother’s attitude towards her until around the time Clarion fell pregnant with her first child with Joseph. Knowing nothing of the prophecy, the 8-year-old assumed that the new baby was the reason behind the change, the reason her mother no longer sat and ate with her, or made sure to read her a bedtime story. As Clarion’s pregnancy progressed, Fiona soon found that she could go days without even seeing her mother around the palace, not knowing that her mother was actively avoiding her due to her growing resentment. Days that used to be spent in the company of her mother and her ladies, being adored for her sweetness, were soon spent alone in the library, where Fiona would pour over book after book to distract herself from a growing emotion within that she didn’t yet recognise as sadness.
The First Prophecy.
The Growing Sadness of Princess Fiona

12/05/2022 10:47 PM 

MMM: The Ice Summoner

"The Ice Summoner"www.roleplayer.me/TheBlackFairy“Anna, you can't keep coming here..” Elsa whispered gently as she let her sister in through the small wooden door of the cabin she had hidden inside. Her ice-blue eyes washed over the redhead, drinking in her features as though she had not seen her in months. After a few short moments, the blonde stepped away from her sister, moving towards the firepit to throw another log onto the dying flame, poking the embers until they drew back from death, bursting to life like a Phoenix reborn. The cold didn’t bother her, but she knew that like most ‘normal’ people, Anna would feel it and she hardly wished to be responsible for her sister freezing to death.

“I can’t let you starve..” Anna’s cheerful tone seemed out of place in the darkness and gloom of the secret cabin, but Elsa wouldn’t have expected any less from her sister who was always full of sunshine. “I wish you’d come home. Mother and Father would never give you up to the drüskelle, you know that. You’d be safe at home.”

Elsa frowned and shook her head, anxiety filling her almost as soon as the word ‘drüskelle’ fell from her sister’s lips. Ice coated her fingers, turning them crystalline white. Elsa brushed them down on her dress.

The problem with always being full of sunshine and optimism was that sometimes foolish statements would spill from Anna’s lips without thought. Of course, Anna believed that things would be that simple, that Elsa could simply hide away at home, protected by her mother and father, that she wouldn't be hunted like a dog by those she had grown up around, that she wouldn’t be killed for being how she had been born. With a sigh, Elsa moved back toward her sister and took the small basket Anna handed over to her. It was filled with items that she had gathered from the household kitchen, breads and meats and sweet cakes. Anna never brought too much food with her, always wanting reasons to visit as much as possible, so it was usually filled with enough food to get Elsa through the next four or five days.

“The drüskelle can be very persuasive, Anna. I’ve seen the evidence of their.. methods” Elsa swallowed, grimacing slightly as memories of charred bodies hanging from the trees filled her mind. She had witnessed them so many times on her way into the mountains, poor families who were simply trying to hide the children they loved who had been born with Grisha blood from those who couldn’t bear people who were different. She wouldn't wish that on her worst enemy, let alone her family. “I would never subject any of you to that.”

Elsa was unfortunate enough to be one of those children, the ones ‘gifted’ with summoning powers, but she was certain that others like her were rare. She was an ice summoner, possibly the only one of her kind. Living in Fjerda, she had spent her life in fear of being discovered by the drüskelle, of being dragged to the ice court for a trial she would never win. Gloves had protected her for the formative years of her life, but as she grew older, her powers grew stronger and soon the gloves were not enough to keep her hidden. When she was of an age when she was expected to join Jerjanik to find a husband, she knew she could not remain in her home, and no man would keep her power a secret, not the way her family did. She began to feign illness, and while her parents faked her death, Elsa escaped to a cabin miles from the nearest town, lost to the whiteness of snow and ice, as far north as she could get before the snow became too thick to take another step. Using her power, Elsa had protected her sanctuary, surrounding it with swirling winds of ice that would prevent anyone who didn’t want to die from coming near. The only time those winds ceased was when she expected a visit from Anna.

“I’m just trying to protect you.”
“You don’t have to protect me” Anna protested “I’m not afraid!”
“But you should be, Anna. We both should—“ the blonde-haired witch paused, sensing the presence of someone unwelcome and unexpected. A stranger. A threat. Turning her ear towards the small window, she listened to the sounds from outside. The wind howled gently against the glass, the wood of the cabin walls creaking from the strain of standing against such gusts and then... the crunch of snow. Anna had been followed.

"Hide.." Elsa hissed to Anna, grabbing her arm as she moved her towards the bedroom "Stay quiet. Don't come out". As Anna began to protest, Elsa placed her hand over her sister's mouth, shaking her head. "Stay here. Please." Her eyes pleaded, and it seemed to be enough to get Anna to agree. Without another word, Elsa left and moved towards the front door, pulling it open. Her eyes scanned the vast whiteness, searching for the footprints of their visitor. Snow was falling heavily, and any evidence of an intruder was quickly being hidden away. Elsa barely had time to seek any out when she heard a low voice against the wildness of the wind.

"Drüsje.." it hissed at her, causing a spike of fear within the blonde as she took a step backwards, back into the safety and relative warmth of her makeshift home. Her fear was always an uncontrollable defence mechanism, causing the power that she had to act uncontrollably. Without a thought even passing through her head, the snow began to swirl around the cabin, making it difficult for Elsa to see anything beyond the front step. "Drüsje.." the voice came again, closer this time, accompanied by the crunch of snow beneath heavy set boots. Unable to see, Elsa lashed out like a cornered animal, feeling the ice fly from her hands like blades through the air, whistling against the wind. She heard a twisted cry in the mist, and the sound of footsteps stopped.

"Elsa… slow down.." the redhead panted slightly as she followed behind her sister, the bottom of her skirts growing damp against the snow. Her sister, however, was lost in thought as she moved almost effortlessly through the white power, replaying the last few hours in her head. The sight of one of the Drüskelle impaled on her ice, his blood dripping scarlet against the purity of the snow, was something she didn't think she would ever forget. She hadn't meant to kill, it had simply been a warning, but she had no control of her magic when she was in a state of fear.
"Elsa, where are we going?" Anna huffed. She had barely been able to make sense of anything when Elsa had pulled her from the bedroom, yanking her out into the snow by the back door. She had no idea what her sister had done, or where she was taking her, but the look on Elsa's face had prevented her from asking too many questions until now.
"Ravka." the blonde said in response, clutching a tighter grasp of the basket of food she had grabbed before they had left.
"Ravka? Elsa, why are we going to Ravka? Why aren’t we going home?" Anna increased her speed, drawing level with her sister. “Elsa! Answer me!” Anna demanded, stopping still. “I’m not taking one more step until you tell me what is going on!”
Elsa stopped walking and turned to her sister, a soft sigh leaving her.
"Ravka is the only safe place for people like me.." she said softly, a tone of desperation in her voice "And you can't go home. They'll torture you for information". She turned away from her sister, hiding from the fear and confusion in Anna's eyes, and began walking again "Please just... trust me."

They walked for days, mostly in silence, hiding in abandoned cabins as they tried to keep warm in the coldness of Fjerda. The weather seemed to grow milder with each passing day as they grew closer and closer to Ravka. Eventually, they passed over to the other side, into the safety of Ravka and found shelter in an abandoned house in the wood.

The house soon became home. Anna spent her days picking flowers, repairing curtains and furniture, and turning the house into something remotely liveable. The frostiness between the two sisters was slowly defrosting, Anna’s resentment about being stolen away from her life seemed to slowly fade away. In the weeks that followed, Elsa slowly began to manipulate the landscape, bringing ice and snow down from the northern border until she had drawn enough to surround their little makeshift home. It was foolish, perhaps. Anyone local to the area would notice the unnatural flow of the snow. Perhaps they'd notice the small wall of ice that was beginning to form around the house. Maybe they would suspect that the abandoned shelter was abandoned no more. It was risky, but Elsa couldn't stop herself from trying to create a defence. Despite being on the safe side of the border, Elsa still couldn't settle, couldn't relax. During the day, she was constantly on edge, set off by any sound. At night, she dreamed of the man that she had killed, of the image of his blood running along the ice she had pierced his heart with. She rarely managed a full night's sleep.

Weeks later, as she woke from yet another nightmare, Elsa pulled herself out of bed, wrapping a blanket around her shoulders. With one look at her sleeping sister, who would sleep through anything, Elsa slipped on her shoes and made her way to the door. She needed fresh air and moonlight. The tranquillity of the snow she had manipulated. It all helped ease her mind as she stepped out into the night air, taking a deep breath. There was something about the snow that she found especially calming, and the way it looked in the moonlight made her forget for a moment that she had accidentally killed a man with her powers. As she leaned back against the wooden door she had just closed, she heard the rustling of leaves and the sound of footsteps nearby.
"Who's there?" she called into the darkness, feeling the tingling of ice at her fingertips, a warning. The forest around her seemed to grow darker as though every shadow had grown in size and shape and darkness. Silence seemed to fall around her just as a flurry of snow began to fall upon her blonde hair. She was unsure whether it was the silence or the snow that sent that chill up her spine. She could hear the sound of her heart pounding as it pumped blood through her body, while blue eyes scanned that darkness for someone. She had heard the sound of life, of movement, and though they were firmly within Ravka, she couldn’t help but fear that the drüskelle had caught up with her.

From the darkness, Elsa saw a pale face and a dark kefta. Not drüskelle, but not exactly someone she would consider a friend. She had heard stories of the man who ruled over Ravka’s second army, of his ability to summon shadows, and of the Shadow Fold that it was believed one of his ancestors created.

The Darkling.

But why was he here? What did he want from her? The snow around her, drawn to her by her Grisha abilities, began to fall faster as the affected area grew. Soon, white flakes were falling upon the Darkling’s obsidian kefta, yet the cold seemed to bother him as little as it bothered her. As he drew closer, she could soon see the darkness in his eyes, and the stern look upon his face, and yet he did not speak to her, he simply drew towards her.

“Please.. don’t come closer” Elsa pleaded into the darkness of his shadows as the air seemed to cling heavily to her skin. Her breathing was shaky as she found herself intimidated by the man before her.
“I can’t control it. I don’t wish to hurt you.”

Those words seemed to cause the slightest hint of a smile to wash over the Darkling’s face. Did her words amuse him? Did he think he was unable to be harmed by her ice? Perhaps he was, but he drew to a stop regardless, giving a slight flick of his wrists as he did so. The darkness around them seemed to ease slowly, the light from the moon soon breaking through his tendrils of shadow, reflecting beautifully on the snow once more. Elsa’s eyes remained on the Darkling, however.

“Stories of witches in the wood tend to be mere tales of Grisha in hiding..” he spoke, finally, and Elsa felt as though her entire body had crumpled from within, yet she remained frozen and unmoving upon the porch of the strange little house.
“I’ve never before witnessed a Tidemaker whose power lay with ice. You may be one of a kind..” his words did little to ease the tension. Elsa was very well-read. She had spent years pouring over books on ‘Drüsje’ to find mention of one like her, but she had never found a single line about the manipulation of ice.

“What is your name?” The Darkling asked, his dark eyes studying her as Elsa’s blue did the same to him.
“I’d like you to come with me.” He said lightly before her name had even fully left her lips, and she had a feeling that it was not so much a request, but a command. Grisha were safe in Ravka, but that safety was not without its conditions.
“Your power is special, and with a bit of training, you would be much better at controlling and using it. You may grow stronger still.” Those words chilled her. She had killed men with her power already, any stronger and what hope did she have for a normal life?
“I have been looking for power as strong as yours for a long time” her eyes drew back to his, her eyebrow raising slightly “Elsa... You and I are going to change the world.”

11/01/2022 05:22 PM 

Despair And Darkness

A follow on to Darkness And Despair which you can read here
Despair and Darkness
The blood of a God runs through your veins, and yet you preferred to play human for too long.
written by : 𝔹𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝔽𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕪
• • •
“Stop moping”

“I’m not. Shut up. You’re not even here” the dark-haired fairy snapped at the vision before her, the face of her lost love. Only it was somehow nothing like Malcolm. Cruel and Malevolent, it had hounded Fiona night and day for so many hundreds of years that she had completely lost track of a time before it had existed. She knew what it was, yet she didn’t want to name it, to acknowledge its true nature. It was the darkness that had grown in her, that was now her. Maybe it always had been. Where one ended and the other began was impossible to determine. She was its source, and it was her destiny, it's way out into the world, the root of all evil.

“Does that matter? You see me, I might as well be.”

"You’re not him" she hissed. It felt like an offence to her memories of Malcolm that it had taken his form, that it used his form to torment her. Malcolm didn’t have an evil bone in his body. He had rescued her when she’d been abandoned by everyone who had known her when she was banished from Pixie Hollow and sent to the Enchanted Forest with no wings and no wand, stripped of everything she had been. He had found her broken, and fixed her body but also her soul and her belief in love and all that was good.

All of that had begun to vanish, stripped away from her being, isolation from everyone and anyone for over 500 years, and the deep depression from losing her husband and son in one smooth moment, left her feeling cold and empty, numb inside. She would be surprised if she could ever feel anything but sorrow and pain and hatred ever again.

“I can take a different form if you’d rather. Would you prefer your mother? Your sister? The Blue Fairy?”

she growled in an instant. She didn’t want to see their faces, those smug, condescending faces as they looked at her, judging her. In her years alone, she had begun to question her life. Had she always been destined to be what she had become? A creature so dark that she had to be banished to a realm outside of reality, the root of all evil that had been and that would come? Was that the reason that her mother had never truly bonded with her, why there had been such walls between them?

“Fine... then stop moping.”

“You don’t have to be so alone you know”

“What are you talking about?” Fiona’s gaze lifted towards the vision of Malcolm she had yet to shake. How long would it continue to torment her, she wondered. It was certainly unwelcome, but she couldn't quite imagine what life would be like without it. It was company, at least, and without it, she would be more alone than she was with it.

“You have such potential, such power. You’ve not used any of it”

The Black Fairy frowned at those words, irritation rising within her in an instant. She had become so quick to anger these days. “I created the sun in the sky and the moon and stars at night. I created the waterfalls and rivers and forests, even the seas that surround this godforsaken lands. How can you say I’ve not used any of it?”

“You did.. in a way. The realm used the magic within you based on your desires and dreams. You played no active part.”

“I don’t have a wand. What is a fairy without her wand?” She shrugged. The defeatist attitude was new for her, she had to admit. She had never been one to back down, to let anything get the better of her, but years of what she considered endless defeat had taken its toll.

“You don’t NEED a wand” the vision snapped, suddenly looming over her, shaking off the vision of Malcolm, returning to the swirling black cloud that it truly was. She could almost sense desperation emitting from it, “you’re more than a simple fairy. You always were. The blood of a God runs through your veins, and yet you preferred to play human for too long.”


Fiona felt her hands shaking as she stepped out into the darkness of the forest. The air was still, and the trees were so thick that she could barely make out the moon above her. Everything was quiet, devoid of any life but her, an endless reminder of her loneliness.

"Take a deep breath and close your eyes" the darkness whispered to her, its voice so close to her ear that the gentle lilt of it made the hair at the back of her neck stand up. She did as she was told, her eyes fluttering closed in an instant as she took in a breath. The air of the Dark Realm was so fresh and clean now, since the day the forests had sprung up over the vast land, and for the first time in a century, the fairy felt calm. Almost relaxed. She released her breath, and took another, drinking in oxygen like she had been starved of it for so long.

It came like a crackling at her fingers, like a static shock of energy, jumping between each of her fingers. Her eyes opened at the sensation, but the serene feeling remained in her form. Her gaze focussed on her fingers as the static continued, dark sparks now visible at her fingertips.

"Take a second" the voice returned, but it no longer felt as though it was at her ear. Instead, it consumed the air around her, surrounding her completely "Think about what you want to create and then.. make it appear."

Fear of failure filled her for the briefest of seconds, but who would know? There was no one here but her. If she failed to do as she intended, only she would know. She had been such a timid fairy in her youth, endlessly berated by her mother when she failed to do a spell correctly, but here she had only herself to please. Still, there was no harm in starting small. With a small gesture of her hands, she released her magic, forcing into reality the first living thing to exist in the Dark Realm beside her.

A raven as black as any bird she had ever seen before stared up at her from the ground and with it came a sense of power Fiona had never felt before. She created another, and then another, and with each one came more power and confidence she had never felt within herself before. As the ravens took flight almost as one, the Black Fairy created a pack of wolves, bringing them into existence two at a time, and with each creature she created, the voice faded more and more until it was a mere whisper, no longer needing to taunt her into becoming what it needed her to become.

"What are you going to create next?" it asked, barely audible above the noise of the forest that was now alive with creatures, hunting and living and existing.

A smirk washed over Fiona’s face as she allowed darkness to roll from her fingers once more.

"Whatever I feel like.."

09/14/2022 06:56 PM 

Darkness And Despair

TW probably needed for this: Depression, references to death, eating disorders, reference to attempted suicide


Darkness and Despair
Fiona... it's you. You are the great evil.
written by: 𝔹𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝔽𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕪
• • •


The voice was like a whisper, quiet and hushed, something she wasn’t entirely sure she had actually heard. It sounded like her stepfather. No. Malcolm? Surely not. It was a voice she recognised. At least, she thought she had. It had seemed so familiar, yet she couldn’t quite place it. It had been so vivid as it bounced around the walls of her bare cottage, echoing as though someone was there, calling to her.

But there was no one here.

The Dark Realm lived up to its name, or it had at first until Fiona’s dreams forced a sun into its sky. Even in the light of the sun, however, the thick, dark ground beneath her seemed to emit shadow like an obsidian mist. She was able to see for miles around, and everything remained as it had been for weeks. Months maybe. Barren. Dull. Lifeless. In the weeks following her arrival, before and after the time of the sun, Fiona had been consumed by more sorrow than she ever believed possible. It was no surprise to her that her mind was beginning to rebel, to create things that could not be real.




You can’t ignore me forever, you know” the voice sounded so much like him. For days it had been tormenting her, driving her deeper and deeper into her despair. Each time it spoke, joy filled the Black Fairy’s heart for the briefest of seconds, until she realised it wasn’t real.

How could it be real?

She assumed it was simply a trick of her mind, but occasionally, in the middle of the night when the darkness was at its thickest, the voice seemed to change its tone, pleading to her. She wondered, during those times, whether it was him after all. Perhaps she was hearing him calling to her through the boundaries between the realms. In those moments, she could hear the grief he felt over her loss, or maybe it was just her own grief projecting.



“You’re not here.” her voice cracked as she spoke after a few more months of torment. How long had it been since she had last used her voice? How long had it been since she had last refreshed her throat with the coolness of water from the stream?

Of course I’m here. I’ve been here all along..” the voice spoke back but Fiona simply rolled over on the small bed she hadn’t moved from in days, facing the stone wall. She raised a hand, lightly touching the stone and feeling it beneath her palm, it was cold and rough, and it only served as a reminder that she was still, despite her best efforts, alive and trapped in this place.

Above her was the latest of the carvings on the wall, one mark for each day she had been within the Dark Realm. It had been ten thousand days before the cottage had appeared to provide her with shelter, but the walls were now marked with 143,080 marks, counting each of the 392 years she had been alone.



She couldn’t remember a time in her past when she had felt as hopeless as she did now. It had been raining for six days, the kind of rain that sounded as though the very heavens themselves had opened up, with raindrops so round and heavy that they hurt when they hit bare skin. The sound of rain has been soothing at first, and she had fallen into something resembling sleep, only to dream of Malcolm and her son and all that had been stolen from her. When she awoke, the pillow beneath her was damp, but she couldn’t find a single leak in the roof.

The fact that her mood was what was causing the weather was completely lost on her.

How long had it been since she had last eaten? Weeks certainly, but she was sure it was closer to months. She hated that she was still alive, that starving herself did nothing to her but make her slightly irritable and rather sleepy. How many times had she tried to end her life over the last hundred years? She’d lost count. Nothing worked. She had become immune to death.




There he was again. It was as though her torment was her only companion. The voice that had broken up the silence for centuries, mimicked her beloved Malcolm as it drove her to the brink of insanity and despair.


He sounded too urgent this time. Like he knew she was about to break. She opened her eyes, blinking as they adjusted to the afternoon sun, sitting herself up in bed. When her dark hues finally focussed, they fell upon a familiar face and she felt all of her emotions rush over her at once, like a tidal wave of sadness and relief all at once.

“Malcolm?” There was such hope in her tone and she rose from the bed, moving over to him but as she studied his face, she realised that something was playing with her, and it wasn’t her mind this time.

Not Malcolm.

The creature was the perfect mimic of the real thing only his eyes were as black as coal, and the edges of his form flickered with moving shadows. She recognised what it was in an instant. The Darkness in its most concentrated form. Pure Dark Magic that had been created within her, that was a part of her that only wished to be allowed to do what was in its nature.

Now that I finally have your attention. It’s time for you to become what you were always meant to be..”



08/07/2022 01:03 PM 

The Mind-Flayer || Stranger Things Crossover

The Mind Flayer
They had shown her no mercy, and she would return the favour. They had displayed only cruelty, and she would do the same.
written by : 𝔹𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝔽𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕪
• • •

The darkness was so thick around her that it felt like it was part of her. Perhaps it was now. What had possessed her to become what she had? To rip out a fairy’s heart, to create a curse that could rip a realm apart? Love, she reasoned, had been the main driving force. Her love for her son, her need to protect him, to save him from the fate of a Savior, from death. What kind of mother would she be if she just accepted what he would become without trying everything within her power to prevent it?

No. It was more than that. For her entire life, Fiona had felt powerless. Her mother had made most of her decisions in her childhood and then she had taken her wings and her magic, and banished her from the only home she had ever known without even hearing Fiona’s pleas against her judgement. She had met Malcolm then, become the doting wife but they lived such a simple life, and they had no real power. Still, she had loved that life, even if it had none of the luxuries of her childhood. When her son had come along, everything had felt so calm and peaceful, until those fairies flew through her open window. She had panicked at first, panicked that her mother had sent them to take away her child, and even hearing that one of them was his fairy godmother had not eased her trepidation. Fairy Godmothers came alone.

Hearing her son was to be a Savior gave her the most anxiety she had ever experienced. Listening to the fairies lie to her, tell her that it was all a good thing, that Saviors existed to save people, to be light in the darkness, Fiona grew resentful. Was this how they spun this burden to other mothers? Did they stand before the ones who knew nothing of lore and bleat their lies about how brilliant it was to be a Savior? Fiona knew better. She had been a bookworm in her youth, spending her days lying around her mother’s castle, a book in her hands. She had learned a lot of things, including the true fate of a Savior, and, fortunately for her, how to return her wings. Tricking Tigerlily into putting down her wand had been the easy part.

As time ticked on, the darkness remained. Her eyes adjusted, but pointlessly. There was nothing to see. The entire realm was barren and dark and then one day, after a long sleep where she had dreamed of feeling the heat of the sun on her skin, a sun appeared in the sky and she was left in darkness no longer. Night and Day came to the Dark Realm, the sun followed by a moon and a million twinkling stars. When she slept, Fiona dreamed of other things she wished existed in her realm, a trickling stream that turned into a river and eventually lead to a sea, a waterfall, and a full forest of trees, and when she woke, she found that the realm had delivered.

During the day, her thoughts turned to her memories. She frequently spent time thinking particularly of her youth as she tried to recount if she had read any spells that could help her in her current situation. If she closed her eyes, she could see it all so vividly it was as if she was still there. She could see the high white walls of the palace, built to best capture the light of the sun during the day, and the light of the moon during the night, and hear the sound of birds carrying through the high windows as they jumped from tree to tree outside, singing their little hearts out in the hope that they wouldn’t be alone much longer. She could smell the jasmine that carried through on the gentle breeze, so strong in odour that it seeped into the curtains that hung by the open window, making sure the scent lingered long after the breeze died away. She could envision the great feasts attended by so many that her mother had to extend the table time and time again, yet no matter how many people had seats, the food was always enough. An enchantment, perhaps. She had never known. Lost in her own thoughts, even the taste of the sugarplums, the sweetmeats and the pheasant that was her mother’s speciality filled her mind, and she could have been easily tricked into believing she was in the middle of devouring them. She had been filled with such joy in her childhood that she had never actually acknowledged the emotion.

Now Fiona found herself filled with things she had never felt before. Rage. Bitterness. Hate. She had never hated before, even following her banishment, and now she wanted nothing more than to crush the hearts of the ones who had put her here, separated her from her child, and cast her out yet again. Each day that passed, her bitterness grew. Where was her mother, the so-called Queen of the Fairies? How had she allowed her own child to be cast into darkness so heartlessly? Did she care so little for Fiona? And her father? Where was he? The King of the Gods had given her no thought since that day he had visited her when she was 8. Why was that? She was particularly surprised by her stepfather, the man who had raised her as his own, who she was so close to that he had cried when her mother had taken her wings. What was he doing now? Did he even know what had happened to her?

As her bitterness grew, so did her power. Each day in the Dark Realm, Fiona’s power intensified. The darkness invaded every one of her cells until it became her, and she became it. There was no longer a difference. The darkness changed, adapted to her and she embraced it. They were one, as it always was meant to be. She occasionally attempted to escape from her realm, finding that she couldn’t get through, but her darkness could. She was almost satisfied with that, plaguing other worlds with the darkness that lived within her, scattering it throughout the timelines as her realm existed outside of time. Infecting their perfect worlds with darkness that came from her.

As her power grew stronger, she no longer needed her dreams to shape the realm and began to manipulate it herself. She began to create creatures, starting with wolves and unicorns, the animals she had grown up taking care of, but the ones she created were not like those in Pixie Hollow. They held her darkness, their coats as black as the darkest night in tribute to their Queen. Following the wolves and unicorns came her beloved dragon, and then creatures of darkness, the kind that would haunt the nightmares of any reasonable person. A thousand years past, the Dark Realm came alive with wildlife, but the loneliness that Fiona felt began to take hold, squeezing the love and compassion she had once felt from her heart, darkening it. With the darkness, came the increasing thirst for revenge, on those who had banished her, and those who had left her to rot in what they thought was a dark wasteland. They had shown her no mercy, and she would return the favour. They had displayed only cruelty, and she would do the same.

The creature she created from her hatred had no true form, merely appearing as a cloud of darkness, black against the sunset, a storm-like mass of shadowy particles. It would be easier to let loose that way, and harder for its victims to see it coming. As she stood back and looked up at her creation, she could feel the hunger radiating from it, the desire to control, the need to dominate worlds, a reflection of her own emotions. She watched with curiosity as the mass began to expand, waiting to see what it could do. It wasn’t something she wanted to inflict upon her beloved creatures, but she needed to see what powers this new creature could possess. As the creature reached out to others, she couldn’t help but smirk as it began to infect their mind, turning them into its puppets, making them one with it. A hive mind. And not just that, but one she could control if needed. It came from her darkness after all.

The creature grew larger over time, almost too large for her to keep under complete control. It slowly began to possess more and more of the creatures of the forest, against Fiona’s desires, and she began to realise that it could not remain within her Realm. It needed somewhere to grow itself, somewhere it was free to create and expand and dominate until she unleashed it on unsuspecting realms. The need to create such a place intensified when the Darkling stepped into her Realm. Suddenly the feeling of loneliness, the cruelty she had wanted to inflict, all subdued, his presence all but banishing those feelings to the back of her mind. She had fallen in love with him rather quickly, perhaps because she had been alone so long, or perhaps because they were always meant to be one. She never questioned it, but she knew she could not allow the creature to remain in the Realm with someone she loved as much as she loved him.

It took her a few weeks to find the right spell and the tools needed to enact it, but eventually, she was ready. Her fingers twitched gently as she recanted the spell, the creature being bound by an invisible thread. It slowly began to fall in on itself, as a bright light surrounded it and then suddenly, that light formed a split in the sky, revealing a barren wasteland beyond. Fiona had barely any time to think, acting mostly on instinct as she cast the creature through the opened doorway, sending with it the creatures it had infected with its control. As the split in the sky began to heal, trapping the creature on the other side, Fiona watched as it expanded from its binds, stretching itself across the horizon of its new kingdom as the creatures controlled by the hive mind ran wild beneath the burnt orange sky.

05/01/2022 09:06 PM 

The Final Prophecy

The Final Prophecy
written by : 𝔹𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝔽𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕪
• • •
Fiona hated Storybrooke. It had been a strange turn of events as she had previously quite enjoyed the moments she had spent in the quaint little town, the town she had invented that had come about from the curse she had created. She had hated not having magic when she’d first arrived all those years ago to find her husband. Magic had become all she had known in the Dark Realm and she was so used to getting whatever she wanted on-demand that suddenly being without it was a difficult task to get her head around. Beyond her own magic, she had also hated the way that the Darkling slowly became drained and sick from not using his own form of power whilst stuck in the Land Without Magic and that she was unable to help or bring him back home. On the other hand, there had been things she had loved about being in Storybrooke with the Darkling during her first visit to the town. The pizza, for example.

The second time she had visited Storybrooke was the day she finally broke free of the Dark Realm with the help of her grandson. No longer a prisoner to the realm that had been her cell for millions of years, she had behaved somewhat foolishly in the days that followed, spurred on by a strange power she held and acted without thinking, ignoring her husband's concerns about what she was doing. She cast her curse, sending some of the town back to the Enchanted Forest while she made everyone left in Storybrooke live mundane lives while she and the Darkling retained their power. It was a battle for the Savior's soul, her belief, and it was one that Fiona had been forced to fight against her own will, a fight that destiny had decided would come years before. Her husband hated every minute of it, but Fiona got some sick kick out of making other people powerless without them even realising. It was something fleeting, however, and she soon grew bored, wanting an end to the curse and with it, the Final Battle. That second trip to Storybrooke cost Fiona her life, and after the Darkling saved her from hell, she allowed the town to believe she was dead.

Until she needed something.

Having healed from the Underworld, Fiona and the Darkling had set about creating their family. Fiona had been thrilled when her son was born, finally given a chance to actually be a mother, something she had desired for as long as she could remember. It was something she wasn’t entirely sure that her husband had wanted but once Adryk came into the world, it was clear that the Darkling loved him as much as Fiona did. When her son turned five months old and gained his first tooth, Fiona made the quick decision to save herself from any pain and switch to baby formula, before quickly realising that doing so would require a trip to Storybrooke.

Hesitantly, she stepped into the town. She had been here a few times since her death, but this was her first trip alone and without the Darkling’s nifty ability to manipulate the shadows to keep them completely hidden. As the light from the sun fell on her, making the sparkles in her dress twinkle like stars, Fiona stepped away from the haze of shadows that she used to move between realms, heading towards Storybrooke's Main Street. Where in this pathetic little town was she going to get her hands on baby formula? She eventually found the general store, a quaint little store with several items she didn’t recall seeing at all in her previous time in Storybrooke. What was an Oreo? Well, right now it was something she was going to take back to the Dark Realm. With her unique style of shopping which involved picking things off the shelves and ‘poofing’ them to the Dark Realm without ever paying, Fiona moved around the store, keeping the shopkeeper in her peripheral vision. She’d hate to have to kill someone for interfering with her outing, after all. Just as she found herself by the baby items and sent a shelf full of formula back home, she heard the soft jingling of the bell above the door and turned to glance in its direction, fearing she was about to come face to face with one of those dreaded heroes and have to explain her presence here.

Unfortunately, the person entering was someone far worse than the usual heroes. At least in Fiona's opinion.

“Fiona?” her mother's voice made her stomach turn, but the brunette forced a smirk to her face as she spun around to face Queen Clarion. She could see the confusion in her mother's eyes as they studied one another in silence.
“Surprised to see me, mother?” the Black Fairy eventually broke the tension, tilting her head. She assumed that everyone in Storybrooke knew of her demise, but none knew of her return.
“Well, rather. I’d heard you were dead.”
“Yes. Well. Sorry to disappoint.” her dark brown eyes glared at her mother. It had been three million years since they had stood face to face without Clarion being under a curse, and Fiona couldn’t help but wonder... Did her mother actually care for her? Or did she feel the same bitterness about Fiona that Fiona now felt about the son who had killed her? Had she always felt that way about the daughter she had had with the man she wanted to forget?
“No, I..” the fairy queen paused, before letting out a breath, as though she changed her mind about what she was about to express. Instead, she straightened up and cleared her throat. “You need to come with me.”

“No. I won’t hear it.” Fiona scoffed as she stared down at her mother. Clarion sat at her desk, a look on her face that Fiona wanted to slap off and a large book open before her. It was a book Fiona had searched for centuries to locate, the book of prophecy that she had intended to destroy but her mother rarely left it out of her sight. Fiona loathed that book. She held it responsible for every negative moment of her life, from her becoming the Black Fairy and being banished to the prison of the Dark Realm to her death at the hands of her son, and now it seemed it was not yet done with her.
“Fiona, I’m merely informing you of what it says. Your son is the product of True Love and he is destined to be a Savior”
“No.” the Black Fairy snapped, grabbing the book from the desk, staring down at the words. How was it possible that two of her children were meant to be Saviors? How could fate be so cruel to her? A Savior was meant to die to save others. She hadn't let it happen with Rumplestiltskin, she sure as hell wasn't about to let this happen to Adryk. The prophecy about Rumple contained within the book she held had caused her to lose him, caused her to be cast away, trapped for millions of years in a realm that had started as an empty void. She would die before she allowed it to take Adryk from her too. Breaking her son from his destiny didn’t work out well, she wouldn’t make that mistake again “I won’t let this happen”

“There is no way to change what appears in that book. You should know that more than most.” her mother's words cut more than they should.
“Oh, I know what this book can do. It has ruined my life enough times.” Fiona scoffed, slamming the book closed and storing it under her arm “I spent thousands of years looking for this book, but you always kept it hidden away, out of my reach. Well, you made a foolish mistake this time, mother.” She growled, moving towards the Fairy Queen. Before Clarion could react, Fiona plunged a hand into her chest, ripping out her heart. It almost seared her hand, the amount of light magic contained within it overwhelming, but Fiona could deal with the pain if it could finally get her what she wanted. Freedom from the ridiculous prophecies this book kept forcing upon her.
“Luckily, in my quest for this book, I found others. Books that told me how to free myself and my children from these prophecies you’re so keen on. Unfortunately for you... Adryk’s freedom means your death, but that’s a price I’m willing to pay” the Black Fairy snarled before disappearing in a puff of black smoke, taking the book and her mother’s heart with her.

03/12/2022 06:33 PM 

“You’re Hurting Me”

"You're Hurting Me"
A Drabble based on a Prompt
written by : 𝔹𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝔽𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕪
• • •
The fever swept through the Dark Realm with a speed that Fiona hadn't expected. She had first heard tale of it three days earlier when two of her soldiers had returned from the Southern village on at the coast. She hadn't seen them personally but their symptoms were quickly reported to her, the bloodshot eyes that appeared first, a mere hour before the shivering and the high fever that followed. The incredible fatigue and the hallucinations that were found to be fairly severe in a few of the cases. Follow up reports from the village suggested that the fever was just a mild illness that passed within 24 hours with no lingering effects and so far, no one had died from it.


The Black Fairy knew she would be fine. The Dark Realm and the darkness within her kept her healthy. The Realm needed her strength, and so it boosted it. It was one of the reasons that she healed so quickly within its boundaries, it needed her to. She trusted that her husband would also be fine. She had never seen anything but Merzost and her Dark Curse weaken him in the millions of years she had known him, never seen a hint of sickness as long as he kept using his power. There was one in the castle, however, that she would need to protect from this fever, even if the illness was mild. She was unsure how it would affect her four-month-old son, especially when he had not had so much as a sniffle in his short life, possibly due to the magic that lived within her, or more likely due to the protection he gained from Fiona when he fed. Would that protection be enough to keep this fever at bay? Or was she going to have to take steps to make sure that there was no way that the illness would even reach him?

She had dismissed the staff who usually worked around her son, sending them home to their villages until the outbreak of fever passed, not wanting any unnecessary risk to remain around her child. It wouldn't be long before it reached them, she was certain, as it had already reached the villages closer to the castle within a week, and it would soon sweep through the Grisha village just outside the walls of her castle. With less staff around, the castle soon became quiet and still, reminiscent of the early days of its creation when it was occupied just by herself and the Darkling. In the more chaotic moments, she missed those days, the days when they would lose themselves completely in one another, content with discovering everything they wished about the other. They had felt like the only people in the world back then. They had been the only people in the world back then, in this world at least.

The scent of pancakes filled the room as Fiona flipped yet another onto a plate. It was nothing new for her to be making breakfast, even when the palace was full of staff. She found cooking and baking enjoyable, and was certain that in the entire realm, there was no one less likely to attempt to poison her than herself, so why outsource the job to someone else? Placing the plate of pancakes onto a tray with the other items she had prepared for breakfast, she carried them out to the dining room, smiling at the sight of Aleksander sitting in his chair, cradling their son who was beginning to fuss in his arms.
"I think he's ready for breakfast too.." he chuckled, handing Adryk over to her. With her son in her arms, Fiona took her place opposite her husband, getting herself comfortable as she began to feed him.
"Any plans for today?" she asked after a few moments, allowing her gaze to settle on Aleksander once more. As he looked up at her, their eyes meeting, Fiona let out a soft gasp. His eyes, those beautiful eyes she had spent years staring into, were bright red. Bloodshot.

Fiona had forced Aleksander back to bed and spent the next few hours at his side as the fever took over his body, making sure that he kept cool and hydrated. Her fingers brushed through his hair as she pressed a tepid cloth to his forehead, doing all that she could to keep his temperature down. She hated seeing him this way, it was so much worse than those times he had returned after using Merzost, and simply slept off the effects. He would fight this, of course. The fever hadn't killed a single person so far, and the Darkling was strong, but that didn't mean that the sight of him sick didn't leave an awful twisting feeling in her stomach. As the moon rose in the sky outside their bedroom window, Fiona found herself drifting off to sleep, her body curled gently around Aleksander's.

The first sign that something was wrong came from an intense pressure around her throat, that seemed to increase all too quickly, making it difficult for her to catch her breath. Her eyes flew open as she gasped for breath, the sight of her husband above her causing a frown of confusion to wash over her face. His hands remained around her throat, squeezing firmly as though he was trying to choke the very life out of her. Her fingers moved to his wrists, nails digging into his skin. If this was a game, she was tired of it already. When he still didn't let go and instead tightened his hold, Fiona's nails scratched at his flesh, her body struggling as her oxygen supply reduced even further.
"Aleks.. You're hurting me.." she hissed out, but the look in his eyes terrified her. Emotionless. Hostile. He wasn't seeing her. She didn't know what he was seeing, but it certainly wasn't his wife, and panic rose within her as she realised that he wasn't going to let go. "I'm sorry for this.." she gasped before using her magic to throw him back off the bed, hearing him land with a thud.

Her lungs felt like fire as she inhaled desperately needed breath, panting rapidly as slender fingers moved to her throat. There would, no doubt, be bruises in the morning. She wondered if he'd remember tonight, or whether everything would be a complete mystery. No doubt she would find out in the morning. Moving around the bed, she helped her husband back into bed, pressing a kiss to his forehead as he curled against his pillow. Straightening herself up, she silently cast a spell that would keep him sleeping, hallucination-free until the fever broke. Something she, perhaps, should have done much earlier.

03/04/2022 09:04 PM 

Visual Character Boards

Amethyst Calm - How do they usually sleep, in what position? Do they like plenty of pillows, blankets and/or plush toys?

As a Dark Fairy, Fiona doesn't spend much time sleeping. The darkness that lives within her allows her to get by on very little sleep, and actually tends to keep her from sleeping at all. Even when she's not sleeping, Fiona likes to curl up in her bed, cuddled up to her husband as he sleeps. In the years that the Darkling was trapped within Storybrooke, whenever she found herself missing him, she would take to her bed as a sort of sanctuary, a place in the Dark Realm that they had shared intimately. Thanks to her darkness, she's always cold, so when it comes to the set up of her bed, Fiona tends to have lots of blankets, unless her husband is in bed with her, when she'll simply steal his heat
Makeshift stone - What does their internet search history usually include? Are there any parts of their searches that they're embarrassed by?

Fiona was very unfamiliar with the internet before she went to Storybrooke the first time. Following her journey there, she brought electricity and all it's modern technology into the Dark Realm, as she had grown addicted to a particular TV she had watched there during her downtime. Her internet search history is very scarce, usually consisting of baby videos she has googled for Adryk, as she still doesn't trust the technology over her own books, for example, but she's also very hard to embarrass, so there's nothing in there that would embarrass her.
Moonstone Luster - Are there any items they own that have sentimental value to them?

Fiona isn't usually one for sentiment. There are only two pieces of jewellery that she cares enough about that she would actually feel some sorrow if she lost, and one of those pieces, her wedding ring, is permanently attached to her so the risk of losing it are nil. The other piece is a silver dragon hairpin that she wears at all times. With the correct enchantment, this tiny hairpin turns into a small silver dragon who is an expert on finding the things Fiona is seeking.
Headcanon Promps.
"Precious Stone Themed."

Amaryllis - What is something or someone that your muse takes pride in? How do they express that pride?

She takes pride in her family, first and foremost. She'll praise her husband, and her children Adryk and Alissandra, to anyone who will listen and takes any criticism of them deeply personally (and often responds violently). Outside of her family, she prides herself on the fear her name can strike within those who stand against her, her reputation often proceeding her, stories of her exploits written into legend.
Daisy - Did your muse ever feel as though their innocence had been lost? What moment in their life could be described as the end of their innocence?

Her innocence was lost not long after her 16th birthday when the Prince she was betrothed to slaughtered her unicorn foal and sexually assaulted her in front of his friends. She responded by slicing off the fingers that violated her, and ultimately started a war between two fairy kingdoms. Before that date, she had viewed the world as purely good - she had been surrounded by fairies who were peaceful and loving, but she soon discovered the evil that could exist within people. Ironically, she would go on to become the Great Evil.
Gladiolus - Describe a moment from your muse's life that they will never forget

Fiona had been alone for a thousand years, living within a small cottage in a forest she created, fabricating creatures of Darkness to pass the time. She had spent a millennium suffering from depression, feeling completely hopeless, trapped in a void with nothing but the Darkness for company, and then he appeared, in a cloud of shadow within the Dark Forest, stepping through a portal he had somehow created. At first, she thought he was a dream, something her mind had conjured up as she slipped ever so slowly into real insanity, but she soon discovered just how real he was, and just how important he would be to her life.
Iris - If your muse could convey one last message to someone they have lost or left behind, what would it be?

The only person Fiona would have conveyed one last message to when leaving them behind would be her son, Rumple, who she would want to know just how much love for him she held, how happy she had been to become his mother, and how her only wish for him was for him to live a long and happy life.
Lavender - How easy is it to gain your muse's trust? Once their trust is broken, how might one go about mending it?

Gaining Fiona's trust is likely one of the hardest things anyone would have to do. She's very untrusting, having been betrayed so frequently and breaking her trust isn't something that anyone has ever managed to mend, as they end up dead. The only person she truly trusts is her husband, who she actually found herself trusting rather quickly, perhaps because he was the first human face she had seen in 1000 years when he showed up in the Dark Realm, or perhaps because, as he always tells her, like calls to like.
Lilac - What was your muse's childhood like? How has their upbringing affected them as they've aged?

Fiona was brought up as a Princess, the daughter of Queen Clarion of Pixie Hollow. She was always seen as a kind and loving child, and despite the feared fairy she would eventually become, she grew up well-loved by the population of the Fairy Kingdom. She had a great relationship with her stepfather, who shared her love of animals, and she was close to her younger sister until she turned 13. Her relationship with her mother, while distant, was cordial until Clarion made it clear that Fiona would have to marry a boy she hated, which only pushed the two apart. Despite becoming the Black Fairy, Fiona retained her love of animals and filled the forests of the Dark Realm with many. Her relationship with her mother made her somewhat desperate to find someone who actually loved her, which makes her unexpectedly clingy with those who do.
Lily - How does your muse view their mother?

Negatively. Very negatively. Her mother is the very opposite of everything Fiona ever wanted to be, and quite the opposite of what she eventually became. Growing up, her mother was cold, clearly favouring her younger sister and using Fiona as just a pawn to help her keep control. She taught Fiona everything not to do as a mother. Fiona would later discover that her becoming the Black Fairy was always pre-destined and that her mother kept her at arm's length because of the prophecy, but it didn't make her feel any warmer towards her. She eventually banished Fiona when she was sixteen years old, something that Fiona has held a grudge about for over three million years. Her mother is the one person that Fiona would admit to actually fearing, but she doesn't let that fear get in the way of her pure hatred.
Rose - How much does your muse value, other people? Do they wish to have many friends, lovers and/or associates? Are they an easy person to love?

She values certain people very highly, and thinks very little of anyone else. She doesn't care about having friends, considering most people too mundane for her to ever consider a conversation with, and most people prefer to fear, rather than love, her. As far as Fiona is concerned, as long as she has her husband and her children, she cares little about anyone else within her life.
Sage - What is your muse's legacy? What do they want to be remembered for and what might they actually be remembered for?

The Dark Realm is essentially her legacy, plus the creatures she has created over the years, the demons she has unleashed throughout the realms to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting. She will likely have a legacy that details the damage done by her creations - most notably the Dark Curse that ripped a large portion of the Enchanted Forest from one reality and forced it into another - and honestly, it's a legacy that she probably prides herself on. Within the Dark Realm, however, since the mines are no longer the feared reality of many of the children born within the realm, opinions of the Black Fairy have changed. While many still consider her malevolent, there are many who raise thanks to her for keeping their villages safe.
Salvia - Is your muse possessive over people or things that matter a lot to them? How do they express that possessiveness, or lack thereof?

Very, though she usually doesn't mean to be. Fiona has had a life of things being taken from her - first her home in Pixie Hollow, and then her home in the Enchanted Forest, Malcolm and Rumple and the happiness she felt while there. She is constantly afraid that the things she loves will be taken from her, or ripped away like so many things before, that she can become possessive and clingy, needing to be around the people she cares about as much as they can handle being around her. Even the Darkling was ripped away from her for 28 years - or 286,160 Dark Realm years - while trapped in the curse cast by Regina Mills.
Southernwood - How seriously does your muse take themself? Do they prefer a solemn and intellectual atmosphere or do they delight in-jokes and banter?

Despite the solemn and superior air that she usually portrays to everyone, the people who truly know her, such as her husband and her children, know that she's actually a rather playful being, who delights in banter and mild teasing. Since being brought back from her death, Fiona has become a lot less solemn around people in general, and the general mood of the Dark Realm has improved enough that most people, given the option, would choose to continue living there.
Zinnia - How has the loss of fallen comrades and/or loved ones affected your muse? Has it taught them anything or given them any new perspectives?

When she was 14 years old, Fiona's mother's closest friend passed away, a woman who had been like an aunt to the young fairy. It was one of those moments in her life that seemed to change everything. Her already distant mother became more closed off, hurt by the loss of her friend, and suddenly became focussed on nothing but her role as Queen, forcing Fiona into an engagement she didn't want. Fiona quickly learned the power that grief had over people, and as the Black Fairy, she used this knowledge to truly get at those she wanted to torment. After all, there are so many ways to hurt a person.
HeadCanon Promps.
"Botanical Head Canons."

10/31/2021 03:20 PM 

Prompt: Please Don't Hurt Me Like This

Please Don't Hurt Me Like This

It felt like an eternity that she had waited to hold a child of her own in her arms once more. It was a longing that lay deep in her soul, restless and unyielding, one that she had tried to shake over the years to no avail. Her heart still ached with sorrow when she thought about her first son and the way she had been so violently ripped away from him, banished into the empty chasm that was the Dark Realm. How cruel did one have to be to take a mother from her child when her child was so young? Especially when her only crime had been to love him so much that she wished to save him from his ultimate fate. She had spent her first few decades in the Dark Realm trying to remember those few short weeks she had spent around her son, trying to commit his face to memory. How many times had she seen those bright blue eyes staring up at her in her mind, or thought about the way his nose had crinkled slightly when he drifted off to sleep while she sang softly? With each passing decade, the memories became less vivid, until it became a struggle to pull them to the forefront of her mind, but the love that she felt, the unbroken bond between herself and her son, lingered on, fuelling her existence, giving her a reason to live in the millennia of isolation she suffered before the Darkling stepped into her life.

He had brought many things to her realm when he had made the decision to stay. Friendship. An end to her loneliness. Eventually, love. But perhaps the most important thing he had brought with him when he stepped through those shadows into the Dark Forest was hope. Just by the simple act of entering her realm, he had sparked hope within the lonely fairy. Hope that she might eventually find a way to be free of the shackles of the realm. Hope that she might never again have to be alone. He drew away the shadows that fogged her mind and soul, chasing away the depression that had eaten away at her for the last thousand years. He brought life back to her, the hope he had sparked helped to control the dark power that raged its way through her and eased away the years of emptiness that had come before. Everything fell into a nice rhythm. Her realm no longer felt like a prison but became a home as she fell into a satisfying life, full of love. The Realm continued to grow around her as she and the Darkling brought people in and she styled herself as it's Queen. It seems as though she had everything she desired, yet within her core, there was that constant desire, the constant need to mother.

The happiness she had felt when she had fallen pregnant with Adryk had been beyond anything she had ever felt. She had been happy enough with just her husband at her side, but her son was like the cherry on the top of a perfect cake, a gift she had waited millennia for. The promise of him had been the drive she had needed to fight to gain her freedom, to try everything she could to free herself from the hold of the Dark Realm. Worry and anxiety were ever-present throughout her pregnancy, but even they couldn't dim the light Adryk had fuelled within her. Each passing day, she found the love within her building, growing so intense that it surprised her. Each movement, each kick, each slight flutter that she felt just made her love him more and even the moments where he moved so much that he kept her from sleep, or the times she spent crippled over with sickness, every second of them was worth it. Her pregnancy felt different from her first, there were no threats from her body, no moments when she was certain she was going to lose him. He first pregnancy had felt like a constant battle between her body and her child, but her body seemed to embrace Adryk perfectly.

When her son was finally placed into her arms months later, she couldn't help but stare at him in silence for a few moments, drinking him in. Adryk stared back at her, those big blue eyes that would eventually fade to brown staring into her very soul, and a deep connection between mother and son was created. Every moment of his life, Fiona's love for him only grew, surrounding him completely, embracing him, likely smothering him in ways she did not intend. Along with his sister and his father, Adryk became her life, there was nothing she wouldn't do for him. Even after his magic began to show, and light burst from her son like a flame, her love for him only grew. He wasn't like her, nor was he like his father. He was a symbol of the love that existed between the Fairy and the Shadow Summoner. The Product of True Love.

That power, however, became the reason that her son felt out of place within the Dark Realm. The very nature of the realm could be oppressive, snuffing out light where it found it, keeping it restrained. It had been the reason that Gideon hadn't been able to reach his full heroic potential, and why the darkness had grown within Odette during her time there, but Fiona had never wanted it to hurt her son or stop him from becoming who he wanted to be. She had done all that she could to protect him from the oppression of his light, but the Dark Realm had always been stronger than her and Adryk's spirit was slowly being overpowered. The summer following his 14th birthday, she had noticed a change in her son, as though the realm's ability to overwhelm had come crashing down on him. He became withdrawn and isolated, and she could see the same loneliness she had once felt in his eyes.

She made her way slowly to his room, pausing in the doorway. Inside, she could hear the breaking of wood and the shattering of glass, followed by a loud sob that chilled her very core. She slowly stepped inside, greeted by the sight of her son on his knees, his body shaking as he cried. Moving across the room, she sank down beside him, ignoring the broken furniture and the smashed mirror, ignoring the rage that had clearly been unleashed by her usually cheerful son. It was nothing that couldn't be repaired by a simple wave of her hand.
"I hate being different" he had said softly, allowing himself to be pulled into his mother's arms. Fiona brushed her fingers through his dark curls, pressing her lips to his temple.
"You're not different. You just have a unique power.." Fiona's fingers continued to stroke his hair. It had calmed him when he was younger when he woke in terror in the night and she soothed him back to sleep. She just hope it worked the same now.
"I want to disappear. I don't belong here, with you and Papachka."
"Please don't hurt me like this... You belong here. You're my son, I love you. Your father loves you." Fiona felt as though the breath had left her chest. She wanted to take away everything that hurt her son, take away his pain and his insecurities, but she felt helpless. "I promise, you won't feel this way forever.."

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