03/04/2022 09:04 PM 

Visual Character Boards

Amethyst Calm - How do they usually sleep, in what position? Do they like plenty of pillows, blankets and/or plush toys?

As a Dark Fairy, Fiona doesn't spend much time sleeping. The darkness that lives within her allows her to get by on very little sleep, and actually tends to keep her from sleeping at all. Even when she's not sleeping, Fiona likes to curl up in her bed, cuddled up to her husband as he sleeps. In the years that the Darkling was trapped within Storybrooke, whenever she found herself missing him, she would take to her bed as a sort of sanctuary, a place in the Dark Realm that they had shared intimately. Thanks to her darkness, she's always cold, so when it comes to the set up of her bed, Fiona tends to have lots of blankets, unless her husband is in bed with her, when she'll simply steal his heat
Makeshift stone - What does their internet search history usually include? Are there any parts of their searches that they're embarrassed by?

Fiona was very unfamiliar with the internet before she went to Storybrooke the first time. Following her journey there, she brought electricity and all it's modern technology into the Dark Realm, as she had grown addicted to a particular TV she had watched there during her downtime. Her internet search history is very scarce, usually consisting of baby videos she has googled for Adryk, as she still doesn't trust the technology over her own books, for example, but she's also very hard to embarrass, so there's nothing in there that would embarrass her.
Moonstone Luster - Are there any items they own that have sentimental value to them?

Fiona isn't usually one for sentiment. There are only two pieces of jewellery that she cares enough about that she would actually feel some sorrow if she lost, and one of those pieces, her wedding ring, is permanently attached to her so the risk of losing it are nil. The other piece is a silver dragon hairpin that she wears at all times. With the correct enchantment, this tiny hairpin turns into a small silver dragon who is an expert on finding the things Fiona is seeking.
Headcanon Promps.
"Precious Stone Themed."

Amaryllis - What is something or someone that your muse takes pride in? How do they express that pride?

She takes pride in her family, first and foremost. She'll praise her husband, and her children Adryk and Alissandra, to anyone who will listen and takes any criticism of them deeply personally (and often responds violently). Outside of her family, she prides herself on the fear her name can strike within those who stand against her, her reputation often proceeding her, stories of her exploits written into legend.
Daisy - Did your muse ever feel as though their innocence had been lost? What moment in their life could be described as the end of their innocence?

Her innocence was lost not long after her 16th birthday when the Prince she was betrothed to slaughtered her unicorn foal and sexually assaulted her in front of his friends. She responded by slicing off the fingers that violated her, and ultimately started a war between two fairy kingdoms. Before that date, she had viewed the world as purely good - she had been surrounded by fairies who were peaceful and loving, but she soon discovered the evil that could exist within people. Ironically, she would go on to become the Great Evil.
Gladiolus - Describe a moment from your muse's life that they will never forget

Fiona had been alone for a thousand years, living within a small cottage in a forest she created, fabricating creatures of Darkness to pass the time. She had spent a millennium suffering from depression, feeling completely hopeless, trapped in a void with nothing but the Darkness for company, and then he appeared, in a cloud of shadow within the Dark Forest, stepping through a portal he had somehow created. At first, she thought he was a dream, something her mind had conjured up as she slipped ever so slowly into real insanity, but she soon discovered just how real he was, and just how important he would be to her life.
Iris - If your muse could convey one last message to someone they have lost or left behind, what would it be?

The only person Fiona would have conveyed one last message to when leaving them behind would be her son, Rumple, who she would want to know just how much love for him she held, how happy she had been to become his mother, and how her only wish for him was for him to live a long and happy life.
Lavender - How easy is it to gain your muse's trust? Once their trust is broken, how might one go about mending it?

Gaining Fiona's trust is likely one of the hardest things anyone would have to do. She's very untrusting, having been betrayed so frequently and breaking her trust isn't something that anyone has ever managed to mend, as they end up dead. The only person she truly trusts is her husband, who she actually found herself trusting rather quickly, perhaps because he was the first human face she had seen in 1000 years when he showed up in the Dark Realm, or perhaps because, as he always tells her, like calls to like.
Lilac - What was your muse's childhood like? How has their upbringing affected them as they've aged?

Fiona was brought up as a Princess, the daughter of Queen Clarion of Pixie Hollow. She was always seen as a kind and loving child, and despite the feared fairy she would eventually become, she grew up well-loved by the population of the Fairy Kingdom. She had a great relationship with her stepfather, who shared her love of animals, and she was close to her younger sister until she turned 13. Her relationship with her mother, while distant, was cordial until Clarion made it clear that Fiona would have to marry a boy she hated, which only pushed the two apart. Despite becoming the Black Fairy, Fiona retained her love of animals and filled the forests of the Dark Realm with many. Her relationship with her mother made her somewhat desperate to find someone who actually loved her, which makes her unexpectedly clingy with those who do.
Lily - How does your muse view their mother?

Negatively. Very negatively. Her mother is the very opposite of everything Fiona ever wanted to be, and quite the opposite of what she eventually became. Growing up, her mother was cold, clearly favouring her younger sister and using Fiona as just a pawn to help her keep control. She taught Fiona everything not to do as a mother. Fiona would later discover that her becoming the Black Fairy was always pre-destined and that her mother kept her at arm's length because of the prophecy, but it didn't make her feel any warmer towards her. She eventually banished Fiona when she was sixteen years old, something that Fiona has held a grudge about for over three million years. Her mother is the one person that Fiona would admit to actually fearing, but she doesn't let that fear get in the way of her pure hatred.
Rose - How much does your muse value, other people? Do they wish to have many friends, lovers and/or associates? Are they an easy person to love?

She values certain people very highly, and thinks very little of anyone else. She doesn't care about having friends, considering most people too mundane for her to ever consider a conversation with, and most people prefer to fear, rather than love, her. As far as Fiona is concerned, as long as she has her husband and her children, she cares little about anyone else within her life.
Sage - What is your muse's legacy? What do they want to be remembered for and what might they actually be remembered for?

The Dark Realm is essentially her legacy, plus the creatures she has created over the years, the demons she has unleashed throughout the realms to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting. She will likely have a legacy that details the damage done by her creations - most notably the Dark Curse that ripped a large portion of the Enchanted Forest from one reality and forced it into another - and honestly, it's a legacy that she probably prides herself on. Within the Dark Realm, however, since the mines are no longer the feared reality of many of the children born within the realm, opinions of the Black Fairy have changed. While many still consider her malevolent, there are many who raise thanks to her for keeping their villages safe.
Salvia - Is your muse possessive over people or things that matter a lot to them? How do they express that possessiveness, or lack thereof?

Very, though she usually doesn't mean to be. Fiona has had a life of things being taken from her - first her home in Pixie Hollow, and then her home in the Enchanted Forest, Malcolm and Rumple and the happiness she felt while there. She is constantly afraid that the things she loves will be taken from her, or ripped away like so many things before, that she can become possessive and clingy, needing to be around the people she cares about as much as they can handle being around her. Even the Darkling was ripped away from her for 28 years - or 286,160 Dark Realm years - while trapped in the curse cast by Regina Mills.
Southernwood - How seriously does your muse take themself? Do they prefer a solemn and intellectual atmosphere or do they delight in-jokes and banter?

Despite the solemn and superior air that she usually portrays to everyone, the people who truly know her, such as her husband and her children, know that she's actually a rather playful being, who delights in banter and mild teasing. Since being brought back from her death, Fiona has become a lot less solemn around people in general, and the general mood of the Dark Realm has improved enough that most people, given the option, would choose to continue living there.
Zinnia - How has the loss of fallen comrades and/or loved ones affected your muse? Has it taught them anything or given them any new perspectives?

When she was 14 years old, Fiona's mother's closest friend passed away, a woman who had been like an aunt to the young fairy. It was one of those moments in her life that seemed to change everything. Her already distant mother became more closed off, hurt by the loss of her friend, and suddenly became focussed on nothing but her role as Queen, forcing Fiona into an engagement she didn't want. Fiona quickly learned the power that grief had over people, and as the Black Fairy, she used this knowledge to truly get at those she wanted to torment. After all, there are so many ways to hurt a person.
HeadCanon Promps.
"Botanical Head Canons."

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