08/26/2023 08:01 PM 

Abatina (Timeless Realms Weekly Prompt)

Ok so Odie gave us a weekly prompt in Timeless Realms and I’ve not shared any new writing in a while, so I thought I’d share it here too.

Abatina: Is there anything in life your muse has changed their mind about over time (due to becoming more educated on the topic, certain experiences, etc.), or that they would change their mind about under certain circumstances


AbatinaTimeless Realms Weekly Promptwww.roleplayer.me/TheBlackFairy
The sensation washed over her like a flood of emotion, drowning her in a way she hadn’t expected. She had loved him since she first knew of his existence, but nothing could have prepared her for the rush of love that overwhelmed her once he was placed into her arms, the perfect little specimen. There was nothing she wanted more in the world than to protect him, to keep him safe from harm, to give him anything he desired out of life. It was the single most important reason for her existence from that moment.

He was perfect and she was certain that she couldn’t love him more. And then the fairies arrived and turned her life on its head...


Savior. She had heard that word before. It left a dirty taste in her mouth, but she couldn’t remember why. Growing up, she had read every book in her mother’s library that she could get her hands on and devoured the knowledge from those pages like a girl possessed, but somehow she couldn’t quite recall what they said about children who were deemed to be Saviors, but she did remember one thing for certain - there was always a final battle, and there was always a death.


It took days of reading through the books she’d requested, days of not sleeping as she poured through page after page, her desperation growing with each word that she read. Her son was destined to die in a battle against the Great Evil and the thought broke her, shattered her heart into a million grieving pieces. How could she stand by and let this happen without trying to change destiny?

With a sigh, she placed down the book that she was reading and moved to the bassinet by her bed. Tears welled in her eyes as she glanced down at her sleeping son, reaching to brush her fingers through the thin strands of dark hair on his head. His skin was so soft that she couldn’t help taking a moment to marvel at the feel of it against her fingers. “I’m sorry..” she whispered to him “I’ll find a way to fix this..”


Two emotions filled the Black Fairy in the moment that the darkness was finally allowed in. A raging war between the completeness she now felt because her own destiny was fulfilled, and the terrifying fear of what that meant for her relationship with her son, the thing she cared about most in the world. He was destined to die fighting the Great Evil, and she had just become that evil because she was always meant to be.

The golden sheers in her hand were the answer, she was certain. She was destined to be the Black Fairy, but her son didn’t have to be the one who tried to defeat her. It was a perfect plan, one snip, he’d be able to live happily in her care, and she would destroy anyone who tried to harm him, allowing him to live the life she always wished he could. She didn’t even think, her hands simply worked.

Calmness followed. All was right in the world. And then Blue took it upon herself to punish Fiona, as she had before, and all was lost again.


Seeing him still took the breath from her lungs. She had missed so much, and he had lived so many years, years they could have spent together if she’d only known of his future. How many times had she watched from the darkness outside his window as he slept, wishing she could steal him away to the Dark Realm to be with her? Wishing she could take him in her arms and carry him to her home and never let him go again? But the Dark Realm was no place for a child with no darkness in his heart, and she couldn’t subject him to a life trapped without the means to leave.

He had spotted her through the window once, while half asleep when he was barely a boy of four. He’d looked up at her with eyes full of fascination and awe, but there was none of that when he looked at her now. Hatred and fear, despite how fearless he was trying to appear, consumed him now and her gaze flickered briefly to the weapon in his hand, her own wand, the only thing that could rid the world of her.

And then he flicked it, and pain filled her. More pain than she had ever felt in her life as each atom of her body was torn apart, destroyed by the child she had only wanted to save and in that moment, she considered that perhaps she no longer wished to keep him safe from harm after all.

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