10/14/2021 08:23 PM 

Prompt: I Can't Believe You

I Can't Believe You

It was rage and revenge that fuelled her these days. In the dark of the night, as she curled into the strong, protective arms of the Darkling, feeling the bristles of his beard against the skin of her shoulder, her thoughts pulled her back to Storybrooke. She had seen it again briefly, on their journey back to the Dark Realm from Mount Olympus. She had witnessed their sky darkened by his shadows, a symbol of his grief at her death. The residents of the pathetic town might have looked upon that darkness and seen anger, the rage of a villain who sought to steal their sunlight, but she had seen the deep love that he felt for her. In that first moment, when her life had been ripped apart and his pain and his grief had been so raw, so overbearing, that he had stolen the light from their lives as they had stolen the light from his.

But what was happening in that town now, she couldn't help but wonder. Were they happy? Had they learned to adapt to his shadows and live their life in darkness? It would take more than their light magic to remove those shadows, and no Sun Summoner lived in Storybrooke, as far as she knew. Darkness would become their way of life, as it had been hers for millions of years. Yet, something made her uneasy about the whole situation and as she slowly drifted off to sleep, her body enveloped by her husband's, she almost managed to grasp what it was.

When her body finally felt normal again, the violation of Hades and his little games a fading memory, it occurred to her why she was so uneasy about the way that they had left Storybrooke. There had been no real consequences for the dreary little place. Yes, they lived beneath his shadows, but humans were great at adapting, and the irritating residents of the town were full of magical abilities. They may not be able to rid the town of the shadows, but they could conjure things to help. More than that, her own need for revenge was left unfulfilled. The Darkling had given them his punishments, but they had so far escaped hers.

Not for long.

Stepping back into Storybrooke was much easier now that the Dark Realm had become a home, rather than a prison. She was pleased to find that the Darkling's shadows continued to dance across the sky, black and swirling, like an endless void. Her black boots clicked along the pavement as she walked towards Main Street, her mind plotting. She had plans for each of them, each of the heroes who had crossed her, who had a part in her downfall. She planned to pick them all off, one by one, and give them their own individual taste of what she could do. She had already gotten to Emma and Regina, shown them the price that came with standing up to her. The pirate was next.

In a swirl of black smoke, she appeared within the Captain's quarters of the Jolly Roger, wrinkling her nose at the scent of rum that seemed to fill the air. How much did pirates drink? She let out a groan of displeasure as she moved around the cabin. The floor felt sticky, as though she had to make a concerted effort with each step that she took and she dreaded to think what had caused the stickiness. Hopefully just years of spilled rum. Her eyes drifted towards the window and out over the sea, watching as the waves moved roughly against the ship. It was a full moon tonight, and the water was still feeling the effects even if the town weren't permitted to gaze upon the moon itself. Where was that pirate? She was beginning to feel sea sick. Or was it that nauseating alcohol smell?

"I thought I might find you here.." the pirate's voice broke the silence and she turned from the window with a smirk on her face.
"I suppose, once you play with the biggest heroes in town, news of your work spreads. How is dear Emma?" Fiona smirked. Killian scowled.
"Did she ever tell you what I did to her?"
"No." he admitted, irritation in his voice as his hand moved to his pocket, clearly seeking something out. Fiona chuckled, taking a step closer to the pirate. She could tell he hadn't been sleeping. Dark bags hung beneath blue eyes, and he held a tension in his jaw that had not been there before, yet he so obviously wanted to give the impression of normality. She wanted to laugh, to taunt him with tales of what she had put his wife through, but it was far more fun to know that he suffered, unknowing.

As she took another step closer, Killian pulled a small vial out of his pocket and flipped the lid open with his thumb. He launched the contents towards her, and a smirk washed over the dark fae's lips.
"I can't believe you think I would come here unprepared" she laughed, stepping through the squid ink with a shrug, completely unaffected. "Years ago, I developed a repellent for that particular substance in order to keep my husband safe. I assumed that someone in this town would be predictable enough to try and use it. Disappointing." she grinned, throwing a blast of magic at Killian, bringing him to his knees, forcing his arms behind him. She pushed her fingers into his thick, dark hair, gripping it tightly. "Well, pirate. How about I show you just what I did to that pretty blonde wife of yours.."

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