10/16/2021 07:10 PM 

Prompt: Thanks for Nothing

I guess TW for Blood and a bit of Gore. Oops.

Thanks for Nothing
Winter had come too quickly to Storybrooke, the town left coated in thick, white snow, an icy serenade dancing beneath the shadow stained sky. Fiona stepped through the portal created by her husband, summoned against her will to the dreary town. Who in Storybrooke could possibly need her? No one but Rumple and Belle knew of the enchantment that called to her, and she didn't think that either of them would be foolish enough to try it. She wasn't even sure that they knew she was alive.

The air of the town was like frozen lace on her skin, delicate and cold as she stepped away from the warmth of the Darkling's shadow portal, her senses on edge as she wondered what danger might befall her. Were the heroes of Storybrooke about to try something stupid to get revenge on her for the punishments she had been dishing out? They would be foolish to even attempt such. She had been summoned alone, but if she spent too much time away from the Dark Realm, she knew that she wouldn't be alone here for long.

Her boots made impressions in the snow as she made her way towards the centre of the town, pausing as the sight of Main Street came into view. The entire street was destroyed, buildings on either side crushed, debris scattered across the street, the clock tower cracked in two, as though sliced through by a weapon so large and hot that it had split perfectly down the middle. The clock itself lay wedged in the snow, no longer counting the seconds since the Saviour had arrived to weaken the curse, and beneath it, two pairs of legs could be seen, attached to torsos that lay crushed beneath the timepiece. The snow that lay along the road was stained with the deep crimson of blood, covering it so completely that it was almost biblical, and the occasional body part was scattered here and there, in a way that was almost poetic, but Fiona barely had time to admire the art before her eyes.

"You came" the voice behind her made her clench her teeth. The Saviour. She turned around, raising an eyebrow at Emma Swan and those who stood behind her. Each of the 'heroes' looked exhausted, cuts and bruises covering the flesh visible beneath ripped clothes. Fiona took a moment to glance at them; the large, deep cut on Regina's cheek, so deep that it was still bleeding, the ugly burns that covered Killian's arms. Behind them, David was propped up against Snow's shoulder, blood dripping from one of his legs that he couldn't seem to bear weight on. Her gaze drifted back to Emma, noticing the angry cut above her eyebrow, dangerously close to her eye.

"Well, well. You all seem to have started a fight with the wrong person." Fiona mused, a slight smirk brushing across her lips for a moment. Within seconds, all emotion disappeared from her face, and she pursed her lips in thought, "Now, what did you summon me for? I was rather busy running my own realm, you know."
"We needed your help." Regina stepped forward, "Your husband left this town in darkness, the least you can do is help us.."
"My husband gave your town the punishment you deserved. Your problems are your own." Fiona shrugged, turning back to the street "Besides, you seem to have everything under control" she smirked, not even attempting to hide the mocking tone in her voice.
"The creature who did this is clearly dark. It clearly comes from you. We have lost too many people, innocent people. We need your help!" Emma snapped, gripping Fiona's arm. The Black Fairy glared at the blonde, shrugging her hold off so fiercely that Emma fell back into the snow, her blue eyes glaring up at her.
"I don't care what you need." she shrugged, disappearing in a cloud of black smoke. As she vanished from view, she smirked as she heard Emma mutter under her breath
"Thanks for nothing."

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