10/20/2021 03:56 PM 

Prompt: I Lost The Baby

I Lost The Baby

A soft breeze blew through the open balcony door and into the bedroom, bringing with it the scent of summer and the sound of gentle birdsong. Fiona stirred in her bed, eyelids fluttering open as the heat of the sun streamed in through the window, warming the room to an almost uncomfortable level. As she pulled herself from beneath the bedsheets, the sound of laughter across the hall caused her to pause, bringing a smile to her face, the joyful giggles of her son and the deep chuckle of her husband like a beautiful melody carrying through the castle. Aleksander had taken to fatherhood with much more ease than she had expected, and likely much more than he had expected himself. At times, she was sure he had taken to parenthood even easier than she had. She had seen such a deep love in his eyes the moment they had placed Adryk in his arms, a love that only seemed to deepen in his gaze every day that had passed, and it filled Fiona with such warmth.

Motherhood was everything she had hoped it would be. For too long she had wanted what the Darkling had given her - a loving family, a home, her freedom. She had believed it was all lost to her the moment she had become the Black Fairy, that no one would ever love her again, that no one ever could love something as dark as her, the Great Evil. She owed the Darkling more than she could ever repay, and yet he never held it over her head, never demanded conditions for what he gave her. Over the years, so many people from his past seemed to have reared their heads, most telling stories of manipulation and lies, warning her that she was just another of the Darkling's victims, each one clearly underestimating her own darkness.

Wrapping her robe around her, she crossed the hallway and slipped into the nursery, watching in silence from the doorway as her husband read to their son. It was funny to think that even now, he managed to surprise her when she walked in on small, intimate moments such as this. As though sensing her, the Darkling looked in her direction, tilting his head
"How long have you been there?" he asked, getting to his feet, their son still in his hold. In a few short strides, he crossed the room, placing a kiss on her lips that sent that familiar spark of electricity through her. She was certain she couldn't possibly love him more. A gentle tugging of her hair pulled her attention away from her husband and she took her son into her arms with a soft giggle.
"Have you eaten?" she asked, cuddling her son close against her, breathing in the scent of baby powder. How she adored it.
"Not yet."
"Well, let me take a quick bath, and then I'll make us some breakfast" she brushed her fingers through the thick layer of soft hair on Adryk's head, before handing him back to the Darkling.

As she stepped out of the bathroom following her bath, the Darkling burst through the bedroom door, panic on his face that quickly disappeared when he saw her. He seemed to hesitate in his movements, hand on the door knob before stepping inside, his gaze scanning the room, seeking something.
"Aleks..?" she arched an eyebrow
"How was your bath?" he asked, bending to look under the bed, his gaze never quite meeting her even as he moved to kiss her on the cheek. Her eyebrow remained raised, confusion washing over her.
"It was... fine.. What.. What are you doing?"
"I, erm.." he paused "I sort of... I lost the baby.."
Fiona frowned "I'm sorry. You.. You... WHAT?"
"He was.. well he's fast" the Darkling forced a grin, but she could see the concern in his eyes.
"He can't even walk, Aleks.."
"But he crawls.. fast".
Rubbing her fingers against her temples, she let out an exasperated sigh. This was certainly not a situation she had ever expected would come up. "Where were you when you last saw him?"
"The nursery. I was playing with.. something.. and I turned around and he was gone."
"Something?" she questioned, crossing her arms.
"It was DJ Duck, wasn't it?" Her eyes fell on her husband's face and he simply grinned at her. Fiona rolled her eyes. "Well he can't have gone far, but we had better find him before he gets hurt".

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