09/15/2021 07:55 PM 

Prompt: I'm So, So Sorry

I'm So, So Sorry
It had been a few weeks since she had discovered the horrifying truth that her son had become the Dark One, become immortal and made all of her sacrifices completely worthless. For millennia, she had waited for her son to live the life she believed he would while she bided her time until his death. She knew that time between the Enchanted Forest and her own realm moved at different speeds, that years in the Dark Realm was almost nothing in the Enchanted Forest, and so she had remained in her prison, not attempting an escape, for thousands of years, while in her mind's eye, she imagined her son growing up, getting married, having children of his own and living a long, happy life before passing away peacefully, not at her hand. 

A millennia had passed for her when she had discovered the difference in time between her realm and the Enchanted Forest, when the Darkling had broken her isolation and taken her to visit her home, where she had found that a mere month had passed. It had tortured her at first, knowing that her sacrifice, the loneliness of a thousand years, had all been for nothing. How long would she need to wait to make sure her son was safe? 500,000 years? A million? Was this part of her punishment, the twisted intentions of that damned Blue Fairy? How Fiona loathed her, and how she intended to destroy her when she got the opportunity. 

With her son still alive, everything seemed to be at risk. The happiness she had felt with Aleksander threatened by the damn prophecy that had driven her to become the Black Fairy in the first place. Despite his reassurances that nothing was going to happen to take him away from her, the fear of losing him, the same way she had lost everything she had ever loved, grasped at her heart, taking control of her senses as though her heart had been plucked from her chest and was being used by a malevolent being. She felt herself retreating back into the safety of her castle, the comfort of the Dark Realm and protection of Aleksander's arms. For weeks, she barely left their bedroom, except to cook or gather books from the library. She knew it was foolish, even without seeing the look of mild irritation that Aleksander gave her each morning when she made her excuses to stay locked away once more, and she was sure that one of these days, he was just going to throw her over his shoulder and drag her from the castle just to break her out of their room. She was at no risk in the Dark Realm, but it calmed her anxiety to keep herself isolated this way.

The incantation pulled at her very core, like a dull ache growing more painful and more persistent with each passing minute, a call she couldn't resist. It was her least favourite part of being a fairy, that internal pull towards whoever might mutter the correct fairy incantation. She could ignore it, of course, but the pain would only grow worse until she begged for relief, and the restlessness that would come with ignoring it would be enough to drive her crazy. Well. Crazier. 

"You again?" she grumbled as she allowed herself to grow to human size once more. She spent so little time in her tiny fairy form that the change between sizes always left her a little dizzy, like a sudden headrush that faded almost as quickly as it started, but was still noticeable. Her eyes scanned the glittered, lizard-like face of her son, and a sigh left her body. It was her darkness, her magic that had turned him into the creature before her. 

"Oh I'm so, so sorry dearie.." he replied, his tone mocking "Were you busy? I suppose you have children to steal, don't you.." he let out a strange giggle that almost reminded her of her own, though not as charming, and certainly not as insane. She rolled her eyes.
"Did you want something?" she asked "Or did you summon me just because you missed mummy?" she echoed his mocking tone, eyebrows raised. It almost killed her to be so cruel and cold towards him, the son she had loved so much that it had driven her to darkness, but what use was the truth when she was still trapped in the Dark Realm, unable to leave on her own for longer than a few minutes. 

Rumple opened his mouth to speak, but the tug of the Dark Realm ran up her core. She took a step forward, her eyes still fixed on him. 

"You can't keep using that incantation to call me here. I don't have the answers you're looking for" she frowned, her tone harsh despite herself. She practically lunged forward, gripping him by the collar. "In fact, I think it's best if you forget those words.. because the next time you summon me here, I will drive that dagger of yours through your throat.." she hissed, pushing him backwards before she turned, flying back to the Dark Realm.

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