10/14/2021 10:35 PM 

Brief Intro

I wrote down a few basic things about Fiona so that you have something of an idea about her without either watching the show or reading the long-ass biography I have written up for her. As they barely gave her a backstory, I have been developing my own for her to fit with what already exists in canon. My headcanons and biography have been developed over 6 years, from roleplays and small hints given within the show that were never explored:

  • She is the daughter of Zeus, the King of the Gods, and Queen Clarion of Pixie Hollow. She is, therefore, a Fairy Princess, but she HATES being reminded of this.
  • She is the reason for all Dark Magic, having 'practically invented it', and by extension, the creator of most dark creatures. 
  • She was banished from Pixie Hollow when she was 16, due to the Blue Fairy's influence. She has disliked Blue for most of her life, but that was the final nail in the coffin for their relationship. She was sent, without her wings or wand, to the Enchanted Forest, where she met Malcolm
  • She currently resides in her own realm, the Dark Realm, which is almost impossible to enter without permission. I drew a map of how it looks in my head, which I'll put at the end of this post. Time in the Dark Realm moved differently during her imprisonment, and she was forced to suffer 28 years for every day in other realms. Since breaking free of the realm's confines, the time shift has normalised.
  • Because of the Dark Realm and its relationship with time, she has lived for over 3 million years. You would think this would mellow her out but.. no.
  • She is the mother of Rumplestiltskin, her love for whom is the reason she became the Black Fairy in the first place. However, it was always pre-destined, and she would have become the Black Fairy one way or another regardless.
  • She spent 1000 years in complete isolation following her banishment to the Dark Realm until the Darkling found her. He chose to stay in the Dark Realm with her, promising to find a way to free her from it's hold. Over time, they fell in love and made a home within the realm, which had begun to expand beyond the castle she had created.
  • While she is.. evil and known for stealing orphans and making them work in her fairy mines, when they grew too old to produce the effects she needed from the fairy crystals, she did allow them their freedom. To an extent. She created villages around the realm, letting them 'retire' there, usually around the age of 17/18. She rules the realm as its Queen, but outside the castle, most are free to live the lives they wish. As long as they don't try to overthrow her, obviously.
  • She was killed by Rumplestilskin, who used her own wand (the only weapon that is effective against her) to destroy her. Following her death, the Darkling broke into the Underworld to rescue her and with the help of her father, she was given a second chance at life. Since her 'return', she had been mostly focused on three things - starting her family with the Darkling, getting revenge on those who she believed wronged her in the past, and expanding the number of people who draw from her power for their own magic. 
The Dark Realm

I do plan on writing a Wikipedia-like article on the Dark Realm, its people, its history, its lands and its creatures. I'm not sure anyone would care but it does help me when writing stories there.

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