09/03/2021 11:26 PM 

Prompt: I Can't Just Sit By And Do Nothing

I can’t just sit by and do nothing when you’re suffering so much.
Lightning flashed so bright that the room lit up, quickly followed by a growl of thunder so loud that the glass rattled in the windows, causing the Black Fairy to look up from the book she was reading and look towards the aperture, a curious expression on her face. It wasn't often that there was such a sudden change in weather, unless there was a sudden change in Fiona's mood. Her anger was usually the trigger for such aggression among the elements, but she was surprisingly calm for once. She rose from her seat and crossed to the window in time to see another bright flash cross the sky, followed by an even louder rumble. Within minutes, a third flash filled the sky, and Fiona pushed open the balcony doors, stepping outside as another rumble rocked the castle and the rain began. Large, heavy drops falling rapidly from the sky, soaking through Fiona's dress in less than two minutes, sending a chill up her spine. She walked back to the bedroom, pulling the balcony doors closed behind her and conjuring a towel, using it to dry her wet hair as she glanced at her reflection in the mirror.

She had almost gotten it dry when the doors to the bedroom swung open, and she turned, expecting to see her husband striding in with his usual swagger, but the sight she was met with made her stomach clench. The Darkling was being helped through the door by two of his Grisha, drops of blood leaving a trail behind him as they lead him to the bed. Fiona practically flew to his side, frowning as she looked down at him.

"What the hell happened?" she asked softly, sitting on the edge of the bed, her fingers moving to her husband's hair as one of his healers began to work on healing the bleeding wounds scattered across his torso. Her eyes scanned his form, noting the paleness of his skin, and worry wrote itself onto her face.
"We were ambushed in the west village.." she could tell he was struggling to speak, and the worry on her face met her eyes. She couldn't work out what had done such damage to him, she had often thought him indestructable, and seeing him this way was killing her inside. "They had the thorns.. as if they knew.."
"Rest, my love." she said softly, watching as the healer managed to close one of his wounds, but they seemed to be taking their time. She brushed her fingers through his hair once more, placing a kiss on his lips as she rose to her feet. She moved to step away, but his hand grasped her wrist, his grip firm despite the blood loss he had suffered.
"Fee, where are you going?" he asked softly "Stay.."
"I'll only be a moment. You'll barely notice my absense, but I can't just sit by and do nothing when you're suffering so much.." she pulled her wrist from his hand before disappearing in a cloud of swirling black smoke.

Her eyes glanced around the west village as she appeared in the centre. The rain had stopped, and there was a strange stillness around the place, a heaviness hanging in the air. Most of the houses were dark, the residents asleep in their beds with no knowledge of the Black Fairy stood outside their homes. The occasional house had the orange glow of candlelight, flickering through the window. The idea that people within this village had tried to hurt her Aleksander filled her with a rage so deep, so fierce that each one of them was about to pay for it, whether guilty or not. With a wave of her hand, Fiona locked the doors and sealed the windows of each house before placing a barrier around the entire village, preventing anyone but herself from entering or escaping. With not a single second of regret, she set each house aflame, watching as they began to burn and the melody of screams began to fill the air.

Back in their chambers, she climbed onto the bed beside her husband, pulling him into her lap, letting him rest there. Her fingers moved gently through his hair and with a gentle motion of her other hand, she extinguished the candles within the room. She leaned back against the pile of pillows, glancing towards the window where the orange glow of a burning village filtered in through the darkness.

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