05/07/2019 11:44 PM 

IS IT MY FAULT -Deadly Precision drabble

Clint was still a long way to recovering from everything that happened when Nat had died and then come back. He hadn't quite stopped the heavy drinking but at least now he didn't need to drink to sleep anymore. Bit by bit he was pulling it back together. Nat had kicked his ass straight which he needed. She always knew when to give him a gentle hand up or a slap to the face. Its why he claimed her as his sister. Her, Bucky, and Steve were his little family unit. All living together. Well Clint had kinda just moved in on them, but they let him and he was grateful.


He had others he considered family. Like Kate, if Clint was ever to have a daughter, he would have wanted it to be her. Smart, talented, sassy as hell, his Katie Kate was one of a kind. She was his protege of sorts, and he never protested when she was labeled the better one of the Hawkeyes, made him proud to see her do so well with a bow. All the mistakes of how he was trained was fixed with her. Encouragement and pride in her accomplishments rather than what he had suffered to get as good as he was.

He was drinking again tonight, not quite as heavy as he once had. Just drinking to pass the time. Nat had no longer felt the need to watch him constantly which was progress. Although he did still get random check ins from all of them to make sure he was coherent.

His phone rang and he accepted the call thinking it was one of them.

"Barton here." He answered taking a drink of his beer.

"Clint, I need you here now, please."

It was Kate and she sounded upset. Clint didn't like that at all.

"On my way."

He stood and felt the alcohol buzzing through his system, but he didn't feel completely trashed and so he grabbed the keys to his truck and headed out the door. Adrenaline coursed through his veins as he headed her way, thinking of everything that could've happened. He was distracted, and that's why when the deer jumped in front of him he didn't have time to swerve. He hit it head on and the hit cause him to lose control of the wheel. He slammed against the steering wheel and then the truck rolled until it was in the ditch. Clint barely had time to access his injuries before he was passing out.

The next time he opened his eyes, the room was white and smelled like antiseptic. A beeping in his ears. He let his eyes roam over the room until he saw Kate sitting there crying.

"Whatsa matter?" He slurred, mouth dry like cotton.

Kate shot up when he spoke and grabbed him some water.
"Nat and the others went to get coffee. Be prepared to get your ass reamed out. They are mad as hell at you for this one. A vein was popping in Buckys forehead when they got here." She pulled the glass away.

"Couldnt help it...was a deer not me..." He tried

"A deer and you had been drinking too Clint, jesus christ what were you thinking!?" Her eyes welled with tears. "Is it my fault? Because I called?"

Clint, despite having his arm in a cast tried to sit up ignoring all the pain that shot up through his body.

"Katie Kate, it was an accident, just a stupid accident. I shouldn't have tried driving and no one can predict when a deer jumps out in front of them." He patted her hand. "Not your fault kiddo. Im always gonna come when you call, just maybe next time I'll get Bucky or Steve to drive me."

Kate laughed even though tears trailed down her cheeks and she gave his uninjured shoulder a light punch. "You'd better Barton. Or I will be the only Hawkeye."

Clint smiled even though he felt his lip splitting more. "Pinky promise."

He would keep his promise, he always did. Now he just needed to figure out how to escape the hospital before his brothers and sister came back with coffee to murder him...

05/06/2019 07:19 PM 

Grief is the price we pay for love

Clint was exhausted. His body was in physical pain from a lack of sleep. No matter what he did when he closed his eyes, he saw her fall. Watched her die, over and over. It didn't matter that she was back, that Steve had gotten her back for them. All he could see was her laying there broken and unmoving.

Nat, Bucky, and Steve had taken the alcohol away from him. Even once he returned he couldn't quite put the bottle down and just be himself again.

He honestly didn't know how they could all still look at him with any kind of love anymore. He had failed her, let her die for that god forsaken stone. He blamed himself for it. It was still his fault. It was wearing him down slowly. He couldn't pull himself out of this downward spiral. He barely ate and he couldn't sleep unless he was drunk. He had had to come up with creative ways to sneak away from them to get to a bar.

Once he was there, he drank until he couldn't feel, fought a**holes who beat the hell out of him because he was too drunk to fight.

Then one of them would find him and drag him back home. They would scold him and sometimes Clint wished they would just throw him away, finally give up but they never did. Clint felt like sh*t for disappointing them so much. He should be able to pull himself out of this, but the guilt wouldn't leave him. It festered in his heart until he couldn't look at himself in the mirror anymore.

Tonight he was holed up in his farm house. He had let them drag him home yesterday and when they thought he was sleeping he had taken off. If they couldn't let him go then he would do it for them. He would drive so far away that they didn't have to think of him. He was laying in the floor of his basement, having drank so much whiskey that his legs didn't want to cooperate with him. Everything was spinning as he lay there. He gazed up at the ceiling suddenly hating all of the perfection of the boards. He had built this place with his own hands. Not many outside Nat knew that. It was a beautiful place and f***ed up Clint Barton had created it all. It was supposed to be his haven, but now it felt like his grave.

His vision kept blinking in and out and suddenly the liquor rose in his throat and he could barely turn over to throw up. He half choked on it as his stomach purged itself of its contents.

Minutes later found him scooting away from it to lean against the couch. His breathing was shaky and he realized he was crying. He tried to stifle the noise, knowing no one could hear him yet not wanting even his ghosts to see him like this.

With shaky hands he pulled his phone out and dialed a number he knew by heart. Finally the other side picked up and Clint was still crying but he managed to sobbingly whisper.

"Natty....I need help. I can't do this anymore.."

He started crying in earnest and while he tried to hear her he couldn't understand her at all through his sobs. He ended the call and lay back down using a pillow from the couch to lay his head. Nat would know where to find him. She would know what to do..

04/29/2019 08:24 PM 

Hollowed out and Whole


Clint felt numb, yet drowning in grief. They had saved the world but at what cost? Most everyone had made it back. Most. Bucky was back and that was amazing. Steve made it, Sam....but there were some who didn't. Tony, god it hurt to think about it. But he had gone down a hero, fighting to save the world one last time.

The one death Clint couldn't accept was Natasha. They had been sent for the soul stone and by god how he had tried to be the one to sacrifice. He didn't have the family she had built with Steve and Bucky. But she couldn't let go of that f***ing red ledger. He fought her like he had never fought before. Just let it be him. They had held each other crying, confessing their love for one another. It was a deep bond, a soul connection. Nat was the sister of his soul. Most believed it to be a romantic love but to them they knew that it was more than that. They knew that while being pieces of each others souls, they weren't meant to be together that way.

He had gone back for the funerals, but had left straight after. He knew Steve had volunteered to return the stones. He didn't stay to find out anything more. He found himself unable to look Bucky in the face. Couldn't hardly face Steve either. He had lost them their love. He knew they had to blame him.

So he left, using every last bit of his training to disappear in such a way that not even Bucky could find him.

He left with a burner phone, leaving them a number at the very least so that they would at least know he was alive. The first few days he spent drinking himself into oblivion. He couldn't sleep unless he was blackout drunk. He wasn't eating. There was just this hollow aching place in his heart. It was all his fault. His fault she was gone. He couldn't hold on and she fell and it was his fault.

He woke one morning to the phone going off continuously. Head pounding he picked it and saw several missed calls, a full voicemail and one text message. He went through the voicemails, all Bucky wanting to know if he was still alive and to come home. Finally after deleting them, he opened the message, again from Bucky and it had him sitting up in shock.

"She's back."

Clint raced for the bathroom and threw up until there was nothing left in his already empty stomach. Shaking he crawled back to the bed. He picked up the phone and saw another message.

"She's alive I swear, please come home Clint."

Clint lay there shaking from the shock. He couldn't believe it. Natty was alive. He didn't know how it was possible. It was supposed to be irreversible.

Maybe it was a trick to get him back there. He couldn't do anything right then anyways, he was already passing back out. When he woke it was to another voicemail. He bleary eyed hit the button and held it to his ear.

"Come home Маленький Ястреб, Im really here.."

He dropped the phone in shock. Nat was really alive...

He stood up and grabbed his phone and keys. He hadn't taken anything else with him when he left. He stumbled out of the room, still half drunk and made a beeline for his truck. Getting in he backed out quickly and floored it out of the parking lot.

The whole drive back he was in a fog. He doesn't remember most of it, just the moment he pulled into the drive, yanking it into park and jumping out. The door still open and the truck still running. He stumbled up the steps. Steve opened the door, his face a mask of concern, reaching for him but Clint dodged him as he marched on. There she sat with Bucky on the couch. Both wearing matching looks of concern. Clint   felt dizzy with shock but he made it all the way to her when he hit his knees. His face was gaunt with a lack of sleep and food. His eyes bloodshot, his skin pale with a sheen of sweat.


She reached for him and he collapsed against her lap, sobbing his eyes out. He could feel her hands holding onto him, murmuring to him in Russian, but he couldn't understand any of it. He started babbling, most of it unintelligible.

"Im so sorry, my fault. Should've held on. All my fault..."

He knew he needed to calm his breathing but he couldn't. There was so much he needed to say but the words wouldn't come. He felt himself being lifted, and subconsciously realized it was Steve. His vision was whiting out as he was laid in his room. Just as he let himself go he saw her face, smiling down at him.

"Rest Clint...we are home again. Together as family once more."

He couldn't help but smiled back whispering as he faded out.

"Natasha, we're whole again.."

04/12/2019 09:21 PM 

Who do you let clap for you?

Who do you let clap for you?

Imagine you're graduating college. All your family is there clapping and cheering and congratulating you. Feels good right?

Now imagine some stranger that lives two blocks over coming up to you and saying "Oh hey I heard you graduated college, congrats!"
Admit it, your first thought is Why the f*** do you even know about that? I don't even know your name.

Having your family cheer felt good because you know them, you love them and their opinions matter to you. The stranger just weirded you out.

In life we choose who we make important. They don't just become important to us. If that was the way it worked then anyone who ever catcalled you or cut you off in traffic would be important and wouldn't that be nerve wracking?

So the next time someone comes at you with anger, hate, or just plain meanness ask yourself Am I letting this person clap for me? Or are they just that freaky neighbor down the block? 

Don't let the unimportant clog up your emotions until you can't breathe. Remember who you have deemed important in your life and how much they love you and all the rest will just slide off your back.

03/31/2019 12:46 PM 

In the End..

He had advanced sight. Could see where to fire, where to shoot. Even when he wasn't looking directly at his target. He hardly ever missed.

But still with all of this, he was still only human. And humans had that fatal flaw of mortality. Sooner or later everyone's number dropped to zero.

It had been a mission as usual. Stop the bad guys, save the innocent. He was high on the hill, providing cover fire. There were a ton of these robot things and they spilled out of the building like bugs. The team were doing all they could to stop them from making it anywhere near the town a short distance aways.

Clint was firing shot after shot. But one has snuck up on him. In his rush to keep the team safe, he had forgotten himself. It was on him quickly and he barely had the time to react. There was chatter on the radio, but he couldn't answer, he was too busy trying to fight it off. A jolt of pain and then he was flipping it off him and firing shots until it stopped moving.
He tapped his comms.
"Im fine, just had one get too close. Back to it!"

He picked up his weapons and moved back into a kneeling stance when he felt the pain again. Looking down he saw it. A huge gash across his abdomen, bleeding freely. Clint swallowed, it was deep. He knew his chances of survival were quickly dropping.  He could call for help, but the team was still over run. He exhaled, as he watched the blood began to pool at his knees. He could feel himself already getting weaker. He stretched his shoulders.

He lifted his bow and began firing again. Hitting target after target. Keeping a robot off Nat's six, stopping one from leaping on Tony, dropping the two who were heading straight for Steve. His movements were getting slower as the battle started slowing down. Finally he couldn't fire another shot, his bow dropped and he flopped back to lean against the stump of a tree behind him. He could taste blood in his mouth now that the adrenaline was no longer keeping him going. He gave a wet chuckle and rubbed weakly at his face. More chatter on the comms, but he couldn't answer, he was too tired. He didn't know that falling back he had set his on again.
"This is it...dead alone on a hill...always at war...what a warrior does I suppose..."

There was more frantic chatter but he couldn't understand it as his heartbeat thundered in his ears and suddenly dropped to almost nothing. He weakly swatted at his ear.
"Make the noise stop, always was too loud..too loud even for a deaf man..."

He slumped over with a groan, dirt sticking to his face from sweat and choking up his lungs as he drew in his last garbled breath.

"Make it stop..."

His eyes stared out at nothing and there was silence around him, except for in his ear, where the team still tried to get his attention.


Clint would've smiled if he could, the last sounds he heard were his family...not a bad way to go..

There were worse ways to die.

03/07/2019 09:42 PM 

Whats in your head..

Clint sat in his room feeling completely rattled, but unwilling to talk about it. They'd been fighting another alien. One that could get in their heads despite Wanda's best efforts to keep her out. She could only protect so many of them at one time. Clint had told her not to worry about him.

High as he was off the ground as lookout and sniper, most didn't ever think to get to him....which was incredibly stupid but he didn't pretend to know the bad guys minds these days. But this one actually had a brain and she tore into his mind as fast as Loki had. Clint remembers dropping his bow and hitting his knees. She wasn't making him hurt his friends which he was thankful for. She was trying to get him to turn.

Her voice was like a sickeningly sweet honey inside his head that he wanted to hear more of. but also was screaming in pain from. Offering him all of his dreams of he would just say yes and take her hand. On the outside, Clint was seizing on the roof, unable to hear everyone on the comms trying to get his attention.

On the inside, he was standing on the roof in the dead silence, her ethereal form in front of him, hand extended out.

"All your dreams come true Clinton, this I swear..." She spoke again.

Clint looked at her and then stepped onto the ledge of the roof in his mind.
"And what if I have no dreams? What if all I have left is nightmares?" He asked and then jumped backwards.

Her voice shook the frame of his mind as she began screaming, it rattled his form to the core.

When he came to, he was on a stretcher wheeling into medical at the Avengers tower. Apparently he had been seizing for a long time before they managed to kill her. He refused to stay there though and at first chance had dove into the vents, crawling frantically till he got to his room. He had locked down his room and taken a long shower before dressing in his sleep pants. Now he sat holding his head in his hands as he tried to piece himself together again. They told him she wanted him because he had heart...just like Loki had said....

And at that moment, after being unmade again....he wished he didn't. Wished he didn't feel a damn thing at all...

03/05/2019 11:48 PM 

This Time I seduce the rich guy

Clint sat back in his chair in the corner or the club nursing his drink people watching. A glance towards the door told him that Bucky was still playing bouncer and another glance to the bar told him Nat was still playing bartender. The music was loud and the air was heated from the bodies packed inside, lots of con men and mafia types. Ladies and men were on the stage dancing and stripping as entertainment and drinks were going out as fast as the lap dances.

It was an intel mission so as less carnage as possible is what they were shooting for. Luckily they had a bit of an in as Nat had become favored by her "Boss". A handsy man, who groped both Nat and even coped a feel off of Clint a time or two when he went to get drinks. Equal opportunity kinda guy.  Tonight was the night Nat was going to get the info from upstairs. She just needed ten minutes but it was proving hard as there wasn't enough of a distraction to keep the guy occupied. Clint suddenly sat up, he had a plan.

Nodding to Nat when she gave him a look of concern he made his way through the crowds. A quick talk with the Dj and a hundred dollar bill had the music stopping and everyone looked their way. Clint grinned as music started playing and he strolled through the opening crowd and grabbed the Big man in charge setting him down in a seat in front of the crowd. He nodded quickly and the song changed.

And he began to dance. Devinyls "I touch myself" was blasting from the speakers as Clint did his own little strip show to it. Boss man was certainly paying attention. An innocent glance around the room showed him Nat sneaking up the stairs and Bucky spitting his drink all over two drunk guys. Clint winked at him trying not to laugh as he shimmied off the stage, tossing his shirt and sitting in the guys lap before standing back up and hopping back up stage to swing around the pole. He wasn't gonna lie, swinging around the thing was ridiculous fun and he made a show of it, continuing his strip show until he saw Nat come back down. At the end of the song, there he stood in his boxers to loud cheers and whistles. He bowed and blowing a kiss to the guy walked out with a cocky jaunt to his step. In his ear he could hear Bucky and Nat.

"Clint wait for us in the car and for god sakes put some pants back on, its below freezing outside. We will meet up with you in ten."

Clint snorted and didn't answer, just headed for the car. It wasn't everyday you could freak out Bucky or make Nat do a double take.

"Worth it!"Clint exclaimed as he hopped into the car and turned on the heat. Even if he couldn't feel his ass or his toes.

03/04/2019 11:30 PM 

I know Pt 2

It had been two weeks since Clint had been rescued. The first few days were spent in Medical, but Clint had never been one to stay there for long. Now he was hidden away in his room, shut up in darkness, in the corner because it was the only way he could sleep. He had drug all of his blankets and pillows there and made a nest of them. He ignored the banging on his door. Jarvis was kind enough to let it stay locked mostly. He did let them in to bring him food. But for the most part let Clint try to deal with it on his own.

All of them tried to get him to leave the room, and he knew they were right. It wasn't healthy to stay shut up like this, but he wasn't ready to just yet. He still woke up every morning thinking he was still there, still going to wake up to them dragging him to the chair. He kept the room really warm. He was in layers of flannel to the point he would sweat constantly, but he didn't care. He needed it like an armor.

Today he was sitting up in the corner, watching the rain trail down the window. He was wrapped up in a blanket, head tilted against the window. When he heard his door open, he panicked and his eyes shot to the entrance, clawing his way to standing, his muscles screaming in protest. But it was only Bucky, carrying what looked to be a sandwich. He moved slowly into the room, giving Clint the chance to recognize him. Like you would a wounded animal and that's really what Clint was, wounded.

Clint felt himself slowly relax and slid back to the floor. He tried to regulate his breathing as Bucky moved to sit next to his nest of blankets, a look of apology on his face that Bucky just waved away. He wasn't afraid of Bucky and Bucky knew that. Bucky understood on a level that the others didn't and maybe that's why he sat there with him now.

He had given Clint the time to try and heal, but now he was here to help him. Because sometimes you needed help to walk out of the darkness. He placed the plate in Clint's lap and gave him a look, which made Clint pick it up and take a bite. Bucky kept that look up until Clint finished the sandwich. Finally when it was done, and the plate suspiciously set out of reach, Bucky turned to him again.

"You can't stay in here." He said bluntly.

"I know.." Clint whispered back.

"You know none of us expect you to be how you were before right?" He asked leaning against the wall.

"I know that Bucky, I do....I just want to be.." Clint tried to explain.

"I know. I wanted to be normal for Steve afterwards...but it doesn't work like that. Too much has happened and you can't go back." He said propping his legs up letting his arms rest on them.

Clint rubbed his face, scrubbing his eyes fiercely until Bucky grabbed his hand away from his face. He was right, too much had happened and he wasn't the same. He had been undone and rewrapped into this person that he didn't know. He was still Clint, but there was pieces missing. He asked while he had the courage to do it, something he wished he had done ages ago.

"How did you endure it all? All those years, all those times...How did you stand it?" He couldn't look at him when he asked. just saying the words had his insides shaky and uncertain.

It felt like an eternity but finally Bucky answered, not even pretending to not know what he meant.

"I didn't Clint. Endure it, not like you did. When they took me I was half dead, didn't have much fight in me to begin with. They almost had a clean slate with me. I endured it as you say because that's what I was told to do. Orders were all I knew." His legs relaxed out as he spoke again. "It wasn't really till the end that I began to really question everything that was being done."

Clint let out a shaky breath. He knew that if he had been there any longer, that he would've began to live the same way. He would've given them whatever they wanted. A nudge to his shoulder brought him back to the present and he snapped his head to look at his friend.

"Clint, I'd never ask you to suffer like that for me, ever." He said it with conviction that Clint could understand. "But thank you for thinking I was worthy enough for your loyalty."

All Clint could do was nod and sit back. They sat that way in silence for a long time, the only sounds were that of the rain on the glass. Finally Bucky let out a sigh and stood.

"Come on, you're coming down to the lounge with me. Steve's gone full mother bear mode on every one and I think Nat's about to break. It won't be pretty."

He held out a hand and Clint used it to stand up. He took an uncertain breath in and let it out before nodding.

"Can't let that happen can we? Steve's got puppy dog eyes better than an actual puppy."

Bucky chuckled and they headed out. He wasn't better yet, not by a long shot. But he didn't have to sit in the dark alone, not anymore.

03/03/2019 12:36 PM 

Blackbird singing in the dead of night

He was more of a distance fighter. Meaning that's what he was usually used for. But his hand to hand was just as deadly as his shot. So when it came down to knock down drag out fights he could hold his own. But right now it didn't mean much.

He was engaged with a huge guy hopped up on some Hydra cocktail and it made him ten times stronger and aggressive as hell. He picked Clint up and began beating him against the wall, his head cracking against it once. twice. three times and Clint's lights went out. He vaguely heard the rest of the Avengers coming for him, but by the time they got to him, Clint was long gone into unconsciousness.

It made him think of his mother oddly enough. Before his dad beat his hearing out of him. He was two, and standing in the kitchen watching her cook. The sun came in through the windows giving her an almost heavenly glow as she sang Beatles songs to him. His favorite was Blackbird. He remembers her picking him up and dancing with him, making him laugh and squeal with each turn. How her laughter sounded like bells gently tinkling in the summer air. He remembers how she smelled like cinnamon and sugar. How she let him nibble on whatever she was making at the time.

Laughter turned to screams though as he blinked and he was back in their car as it rolled and crashes. He remembers just before Barney pulling him out how lifeless her eyes looked. An eternity of horror stretched across her broken face, an angel fallen and hard into a cage of metal. Most days he could only remember her voice through that last fatal scream.


A phrase he hadn't uttered in decades passed his lips. Spoken almost as if it was a foreign word, yet said with a deep longing he hadn't wanted to remember.

When he woke it was to pain, the walls of the quinjet around him and frantic vibrations, someone had taken his hearing aides out. A touch to his shoulder revealed the blurred version of Steve and Nat. He couldn't focus enough to read their lips but he figured they wanted him to stay awake. Which was a shame because his eyes didn't want to follow the command. He let them close despite the shaking of his shoulders.

"You were only waiting for this moment to arrive..." He whispered as the blackness took him once more.

03/03/2019 10:53 PM 

To Know

There was a difference between torture. There was normal torture and holy hell why was it accurate to call it normal torture? Then there was Hydra torture. Clint had never asked Bucky about what he went through in his time with Hydra. He had read the files and figured the guy didn't want to relive the biggest nightmare of his life. Clint sure didn't like talking about his low times.

Now he wished he had, not for the details  of it all, but for how he endured it. You never expect to get caught on a mission, you train for it, but you never expect yourself to be that guy. Why worry about what may or may not happen?

Clint hadn't expected for them to get the drop on him. But now waking up with a sore head, he had to start gearing himself up for the next move. He was in a gray room, all cement, dirty and damp. His clothes were gone to dehumanize him, and while he didn't remember exactly everything when he was caught, he had taken a helluva beating because he was covered in bruises.

He tucked himself into the corner and waited. The camera in the left corner had surely made them aware that he was awake. He didn't wait long, guess they weren't trying that particular tactic. Two men came in and before he could even make a sarcastic comment on their clothes they had tazed him. He went sideways quick, the voltage on it was high so it took him a minute to realize that it had stopped and they had picked him up and were hauling him out of the room. Their grip was firm which was a good thing because his body was still jerking.

They brought him to a large room, several people were standing around in white coats. Clint started to feel fear creep into him as he was swung around to face The Chair. He had read about it in the files on the Winter Soldier. He stamped it down quick. Kept his face neutral, it wouldn't do to show fear now. They hauled him into it, and despite his struggling had him strapped down in minutes.

"Clint Barton, better known as Hawkeye. Do you know why you are here?" The head douche as Clint named him asked.

He shrugged. "I dunno, you guys need a lesson in having a brain?"

A backhand to the mouth had him tasting blood quickly.

"We want the location of the Winter Soldier and seeing how you were "dumb" enough to get captured, we will get the location from you." These words were spoken with a smirk.

"Don't know the guy, maybe he doesn't exist?" Clint replied acting casual.

"Oh I'm sure you will tell us in due time. In the meantime let us show you some hospitality."

A mouth guard was shoved into his mouth and his head was brought back, strapped in like the rest of him when they turned it on. White hot pain coursed through him, his hands clenched up and his scream echoed against the walls. They set up a steady rhythm quickly, zap him, let him relax a fraction, then hit him again.

Hours or maybe even minutes later, the guard was removed and they asked him again, the location of the Winter Soldier. Clint gave another sarcastic answer. The guard was shoved back in and again they turned the Chair back on. Eventually he screamed himself hoarse. He was unstrapped and drug back to his cell and thrown in. He lay there in a heap on the floor. Never in his life had he hurt so bad before. So when his next exhale ended on a sob, he didn't feel so bad. He curled up into a ball, and let himself drift....

He didn't hear the door open this time and a kick to the ribs brought him back to reality. He didn't know how long he had been asleep, but it didn't matter because he was being drug back to that room again.

He didn't have the energy to fight them this time. He was strapped in again and asked again the location of the Winter Soldier.

"F*** you.." Was his whispered answer.

The mouthguard was shoved in again and they turned on the Chair. Clint screamed and screamed until his throat burned. He lost track of time and the only thing he knew was pain. He wasn't sure how long his body could keep this up. But he would die before he told them anything. He began to hallucinate, he saw them all. Steve telling him to just tell them what they wanted, Bucky telling him that he wasn't worth the loyalty, Tony spouting off the statistics of how long his body could hold up against the voltage. And finally Natasha, telling him it was better to live and fight another day. Clint shook his head, realizing he could move it and saw that while he was still in the Chair, they had hooked him to an IV, pumping fluids into him and god knows what. His friends still stood around him, urging him to give in and he shook his head at them.

"No can do...sorry..." They all vanished in a haze as Head Douche stood in front of him.

"You must think yourself very brave Barton, but in reality all you are doing is prolonging your death."

"Can't keep a good dog down..." Clint mumbled, laying his head back. He had resigned himself to die.

A tsking noise was made and soon the IV was gone and the mouthguard was once again in his mouth. Clint's mind blanked out completely, he didn't know up from down, white from black. When he came to he was back in his cell. He drug himself into a corner and turned away from the camera. He didn't want the bastards to see him cry. He fell asleep dreaming of his team, his family, urging him to give in.

Days past and Clint knew he was breaking into pieces, he flinched away from touch and nothing he said made any sense. It was all just babbling nonsense. They hadn't taken him from the cell today, just left him there laying in the corner. He couldn't move much now, just a gentle tapping of his finger on the floor. 

A loud boom had him jerking up and backwards, his heart beating rapidly in his chest. He shut his eyes so he wouldn't have to see them come for him. His door banged open and he wrapped his arms around himself shaking his head.

A touch to his shoulder had him screaming and he fought against the hands that held him.

Suddenly sound came rushing in and he vaguely realized hearing aides had been placed in his ears.

"Clint! Clint! Its us, we're here!"

Clint finally opened his eyes to see Steve and Bucky. He stopped fighting them, but began shaking his head. No Bucky shouldn't be here, they would take him. He tried to tell them but his voice was shot. So he began signing it to them. Steve's concerned face watched him before answering.

"They won't get him Clint, they're all dead. "

Clint looked to Bucky who nodded in agreement and Clint noticed that their clothes had blood stains on them. His body decided that finally he could rest and he collapsed against them. Broken sobs of relief wracked his body as they dressed him in loose sweats. Steve picked him up and they began moving, Clint a dead weight in his arms.

"You did good Clint, you can rest now, we got you." Steve said as they moved out.

Clint nodded weakly before looking towards Bucky.

"I know now...I know now..." He felt the inky blackness of unconsciousness start to fall over him as he whispered to himself.

"I did good...I know now..."

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