03/03/2019 12:36 PM 

Blackbird singing in the dead of night

He was more of a distance fighter. Meaning that's what he was usually used for. But his hand to hand was just as deadly as his shot. So when it came down to knock down drag out fights he could hold his own. But right now it didn't mean much.

He was engaged with a huge guy hopped up on some Hydra cocktail and it made him ten times stronger and aggressive as hell. He picked Clint up and began beating him against the wall, his head cracking against it once. twice. three times and Clint's lights went out. He vaguely heard the rest of the Avengers coming for him, but by the time they got to him, Clint was long gone into unconsciousness.

It made him think of his mother oddly enough. Before his dad beat his hearing out of him. He was two, and standing in the kitchen watching her cook. The sun came in through the windows giving her an almost heavenly glow as she sang Beatles songs to him. His favorite was Blackbird. He remembers her picking him up and dancing with him, making him laugh and squeal with each turn. How her laughter sounded like bells gently tinkling in the summer air. He remembers how she smelled like cinnamon and sugar. How she let him nibble on whatever she was making at the time.

Laughter turned to screams though as he blinked and he was back in their car as it rolled and crashes. He remembers just before Barney pulling him out how lifeless her eyes looked. An eternity of horror stretched across her broken face, an angel fallen and hard into a cage of metal. Most days he could only remember her voice through that last fatal scream.


A phrase he hadn't uttered in decades passed his lips. Spoken almost as if it was a foreign word, yet said with a deep longing he hadn't wanted to remember.

When he woke it was to pain, the walls of the quinjet around him and frantic vibrations, someone had taken his hearing aides out. A touch to his shoulder revealed the blurred version of Steve and Nat. He couldn't focus enough to read their lips but he figured they wanted him to stay awake. Which was a shame because his eyes didn't want to follow the command. He let them close despite the shaking of his shoulders.

"You were only waiting for this moment to arrive..." He whispered as the blackness took him once more.

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