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02/16/2019 08:45 PM 

Fractured Lines

Clint was laying low in a sh*t hole hotel. He was sitting on the bathroom counter applying antiseptic to the cuts on his face. It was supposed to be a simple job. Deliver the goods, get the money and go. It was supposed to be their last job. They were going to take the money and start over. Barney had sent him on his own. In and out he said.

It was a goddamn set up from the beginning. He had walked in and immediately knew that these people had no intention of letting him leave. They jumped him, and Clint had grown up knowing how to fight, but one against ten was more than unfair. Especially when they were all big beefy thugs who do nothing but beat up young punks like him.

He heard the hotel room door open and he grabbed his gun aiming at the door. Barney. He didnt drop his aim an inch.

To his credit, Barney did flinch upon seeing his younger brother. He held his hands up.

"F*** Clint, they really did a number on you."

"It was a setup and you know it Barney. They never intended to give us that money and you knew it. You let your own flesh and blood walk in there. They were going to kill me and you were going to let it happen." Clint growled.

"I swear Clint I didnt know! Trickshot said it was just an in and out job!" Barney protested.

"Bullsh*t!! What was it Barney? You tired of me? Trickshot make you believe I was holding you back? How much money were they cutting you to let them off your f***ing brother?" Clint moved as he spoke until he had his brother shoved against the door, gun under his chin.

Barney panicked, scrambling for purchase. "It wasn't like that Clint I swear!"

Clint glared at his brother, not willing to let him see how deep this cut him up inside. He had always saw it as him and Barney against the world. Now it was just him, alone.

"Get out Barney." He moved back, raising the gun back up. "Get out and don't ever come near me again."

"Clint come on man, dont be like this. One more job and we can skin out like we planned!" Barney pleaded.

Clint shook his head. "No I'm done with you."

Clint had to make a clean break. The relationship he had with his brother was toxic. He cared too much and Barney cared too little and it was dragging them down a road that made Clints heart break. He raised the gun and fired it over Barney's head.

"Go or I will shoot you myself. Go back to Trickshot and them. They're your family now."

Barney stared at him with an expression that he had never seen before and a million memories passed before his eyes. But none of them were enough for him to forgive him.

"Go!" He shouted again and this time Barney listened. He opened the door never lsoing eye contact as he backed out. With one final click of the door he was gone.

Clint hit his knees, surpressing a sob. He kneeled there for a while before getting up and grabbing what little he had before heading out. He wasn't going to give any of them the chance to finish what they started earlier. He grabbed his motorcycle from where he stashed it and headed out fast, moving in the direction opposite of where they were all hiding out. 

He wasn't going to end up like his brother. The future held more for him than one day laying dead in the gutter.

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