03/07/2019 09:42 PM 

Whats in your head..

Clint sat in his room feeling completely rattled, but unwilling to talk about it. They'd been fighting another alien. One that could get in their heads despite Wanda's best efforts to keep her out. She could only protect so many of them at one time. Clint had told her not to worry about him.

High as he was off the ground as lookout and sniper, most didn't ever think to get to him....which was incredibly stupid but he didn't pretend to know the bad guys minds these days. But this one actually had a brain and she tore into his mind as fast as Loki had. Clint remembers dropping his bow and hitting his knees. She wasn't making him hurt his friends which he was thankful for. She was trying to get him to turn.

Her voice was like a sickeningly sweet honey inside his head that he wanted to hear more of. but also was screaming in pain from. Offering him all of his dreams of he would just say yes and take her hand. On the outside, Clint was seizing on the roof, unable to hear everyone on the comms trying to get his attention.

On the inside, he was standing on the roof in the dead silence, her ethereal form in front of him, hand extended out.

"All your dreams come true Clinton, this I swear..." She spoke again.

Clint looked at her and then stepped onto the ledge of the roof in his mind.
"And what if I have no dreams? What if all I have left is nightmares?" He asked and then jumped backwards.

Her voice shook the frame of his mind as she began screaming, it rattled his form to the core.

When he came to, he was on a stretcher wheeling into medical at the Avengers tower. Apparently he had been seizing for a long time before they managed to kill her. He refused to stay there though and at first chance had dove into the vents, crawling frantically till he got to his room. He had locked down his room and taken a long shower before dressing in his sleep pants. Now he sat holding his head in his hands as he tried to piece himself together again. They told him she wanted him because he had heart...just like Loki had said....

And at that moment, after being unmade again....he wished he didn't. Wished he didn't feel a damn thing at all...

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