03/05/2019 11:48 PM 

This Time I seduce the rich guy

Clint sat back in his chair in the corner or the club nursing his drink people watching. A glance towards the door told him that Bucky was still playing bouncer and another glance to the bar told him Nat was still playing bartender. The music was loud and the air was heated from the bodies packed inside, lots of con men and mafia types. Ladies and men were on the stage dancing and stripping as entertainment and drinks were going out as fast as the lap dances.

It was an intel mission so as less carnage as possible is what they were shooting for. Luckily they had a bit of an in as Nat had become favored by her "Boss". A handsy man, who groped both Nat and even coped a feel off of Clint a time or two when he went to get drinks. Equal opportunity kinda guy.  Tonight was the night Nat was going to get the info from upstairs. She just needed ten minutes but it was proving hard as there wasn't enough of a distraction to keep the guy occupied. Clint suddenly sat up, he had a plan.

Nodding to Nat when she gave him a look of concern he made his way through the crowds. A quick talk with the Dj and a hundred dollar bill had the music stopping and everyone looked their way. Clint grinned as music started playing and he strolled through the opening crowd and grabbed the Big man in charge setting him down in a seat in front of the crowd. He nodded quickly and the song changed.

And he began to dance. Devinyls "I touch myself" was blasting from the speakers as Clint did his own little strip show to it. Boss man was certainly paying attention. An innocent glance around the room showed him Nat sneaking up the stairs and Bucky spitting his drink all over two drunk guys. Clint winked at him trying not to laugh as he shimmied off the stage, tossing his shirt and sitting in the guys lap before standing back up and hopping back up stage to swing around the pole. He wasn't gonna lie, swinging around the thing was ridiculous fun and he made a show of it, continuing his strip show until he saw Nat come back down. At the end of the song, there he stood in his boxers to loud cheers and whistles. He bowed and blowing a kiss to the guy walked out with a cocky jaunt to his step. In his ear he could hear Bucky and Nat.

"Clint wait for us in the car and for god sakes put some pants back on, its below freezing outside. We will meet up with you in ten."

Clint snorted and didn't answer, just headed for the car. It wasn't everyday you could freak out Bucky or make Nat do a double take.

"Worth it!"Clint exclaimed as he hopped into the car and turned on the heat. Even if he couldn't feel his ass or his toes.

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