05/07/2019 11:44 PM 

IS IT MY FAULT -Deadly Precision drabble

Clint was still a long way to recovering from everything that happened when Nat had died and then come back. He hadn't quite stopped the heavy drinking but at least now he didn't need to drink to sleep anymore. Bit by bit he was pulling it back together. Nat had kicked his ass straight which he needed. She always knew when to give him a gentle hand up or a slap to the face. Its why he claimed her as his sister. Her, Bucky, and Steve were his little family unit. All living together. Well Clint had kinda just moved in on them, but they let him and he was grateful.


He had others he considered family. Like Kate, if Clint was ever to have a daughter, he would have wanted it to be her. Smart, talented, sassy as hell, his Katie Kate was one of a kind. She was his protege of sorts, and he never protested when she was labeled the better one of the Hawkeyes, made him proud to see her do so well with a bow. All the mistakes of how he was trained was fixed with her. Encouragement and pride in her accomplishments rather than what he had suffered to get as good as he was.

He was drinking again tonight, not quite as heavy as he once had. Just drinking to pass the time. Nat had no longer felt the need to watch him constantly which was progress. Although he did still get random check ins from all of them to make sure he was coherent.

His phone rang and he accepted the call thinking it was one of them.

"Barton here." He answered taking a drink of his beer.

"Clint, I need you here now, please."

It was Kate and she sounded upset. Clint didn't like that at all.

"On my way."

He stood and felt the alcohol buzzing through his system, but he didn't feel completely trashed and so he grabbed the keys to his truck and headed out the door. Adrenaline coursed through his veins as he headed her way, thinking of everything that could've happened. He was distracted, and that's why when the deer jumped in front of him he didn't have time to swerve. He hit it head on and the hit cause him to lose control of the wheel. He slammed against the steering wheel and then the truck rolled until it was in the ditch. Clint barely had time to access his injuries before he was passing out.

The next time he opened his eyes, the room was white and smelled like antiseptic. A beeping in his ears. He let his eyes roam over the room until he saw Kate sitting there crying.

"Whatsa matter?" He slurred, mouth dry like cotton.

Kate shot up when he spoke and grabbed him some water.
"Nat and the others went to get coffee. Be prepared to get your ass reamed out. They are mad as hell at you for this one. A vein was popping in Buckys forehead when they got here." She pulled the glass away.

"Couldnt help it...was a deer not me..." He tried

"A deer and you had been drinking too Clint, jesus christ what were you thinking!?" Her eyes welled with tears. "Is it my fault? Because I called?"

Clint, despite having his arm in a cast tried to sit up ignoring all the pain that shot up through his body.

"Katie Kate, it was an accident, just a stupid accident. I shouldn't have tried driving and no one can predict when a deer jumps out in front of them." He patted her hand. "Not your fault kiddo. Im always gonna come when you call, just maybe next time I'll get Bucky or Steve to drive me."

Kate laughed even though tears trailed down her cheeks and she gave his uninjured shoulder a light punch. "You'd better Barton. Or I will be the only Hawkeye."

Clint smiled even though he felt his lip splitting more. "Pinky promise."

He would keep his promise, he always did. Now he just needed to figure out how to escape the hospital before his brothers and sister came back with coffee to murder him...

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