04/12/2019 09:21 PM 

Who do you let clap for you?

Who do you let clap for you?

Imagine you're graduating college. All your family is there clapping and cheering and congratulating you. Feels good right?

Now imagine some stranger that lives two blocks over coming up to you and saying "Oh hey I heard you graduated college, congrats!"
Admit it, your first thought is Why the f*** do you even know about that? I don't even know your name.

Having your family cheer felt good because you know them, you love them and their opinions matter to you. The stranger just weirded you out.

In life we choose who we make important. They don't just become important to us. If that was the way it worked then anyone who ever catcalled you or cut you off in traffic would be important and wouldn't that be nerve wracking?

So the next time someone comes at you with anger, hate, or just plain meanness ask yourself Am I letting this person clap for me? Or are they just that freaky neighbor down the block? 

Don't let the unimportant clog up your emotions until you can't breathe. Remember who you have deemed important in your life and how much they love you and all the rest will just slide off your back.

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