Welcome to my wonderland

“If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?”― Lewis Carroll



04/02/2020 09:15 PM 

[DID] The Window


"i am okay today."

and I met a new friend.

ear Mother and Father,

           I am sorry it has been so long since my last letter. I have been unable to use a pencil and paper for some time, that is until now. I miss you so much, the feeling inside my stomach is overwhelming at times. I get frightened and I can't sleep; all I do is think of you. Damien, him as well. I think of him, I did not tell you in my last writings, he was taken away and I am in a new home again. With new children, they are so mean. I want to go home so badly, I cry every night and they yell at me for my emotions. I try to be strong, the doctor says I am strong. I don't believe her.

Today I got to look out of the window, only after I ripped down the blinds that blackout the light. I could never reach it before, but today I met a girl. A shorter girl than I. She is a quiet girl just as I am. We don't speak much but we like to play hide -n- seek. We smile at each other sometimes when nobody else is looking. That is how I know we will be great friends. She helped me reach the window, I broke the blinds, I'm sure I will get in trouble mother, but to see the sun rays shine onto the floor of the room warmed me inside and I felt better for a little while. 

We sat together, upon the wooden planks of the floor where the sun beamed into place. She hugged me close to her and held me. The window capturing both of our attention, twinkling hues. That is until the house mother came rushing into the room. She slapped my new friend across the cheek, her pale skin turned red and my smile diminished into a frown, tears in my eyes. The house mother yanked her away by her hair and drug her out of the room and down the hallway. My friend screamed and cried and I did nothing... nothing. I never help, I freeze, curl up and wrap my arms around my knees. I want to help Father. Can you help me? Please come back and get me, and Damien. Please... I miss you so much it is too much to bare any longer. 

Later, the house mother came back into the room; she screamed at the top of her lungs about the broken blinds on the window. I was in trouble, I knew I would be, but she hurt me... she hit me, she burnt me with her cigarette, she said horrible things. Things a lady should never say. Please come home, I miss you so much. 

With urgency,




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