12/17/2020 09:48 PM 

my writing

*here is a list of all of the drabbles written as Lennon, so it's easier for those who would like to come back and find them. 


12/12/2020 12:15 PM 


Cecelia and Walter Grey were the textbook definition of love. The kind of love that could be written about in novels, the kind of love that fed the soul and never left you begging for more. At least, that’s how it seemed from an outsider's perspective. They married young- Cecelia, twenty. Walter, twenty-two. Everyone said they were crazy,and some were right. Petty arguments turned into full on fights, Cecilia finding herself catching the back of Walter’s hand often. She always ignored the small talk in town, telling people she fell down the stairs, or she caught the corner of the medicine cabinet when one asked what was going on. Though she knew it was stupid to stay, she was in love and refused to leave, despite how physical Walter could get with her. Cuts and bruises were nothing compared to the love he had given her, and two years into their relationship, Cecelia fell pregnant, a little baby girl joining their growing family.

On the twelfth night of February in the year nineteen ninety-four, Lennon Noelle Grey made her entrance to the world, kicking and screaming. She had her momma's eyes and her daddy's facial features, a full head of black hair, and more attitude in her tiny body than her parents knew how to deal with. As time passed, she often found herself in trouble; breaking into abandoned houses as a teen, her mouth always spewing some sort of argument her father’s way when he tried telling her what to do, resulting in Walter’s heavy hand colliding into her cheek more often than not. Her mother was often nowhere to be found, drugs taking over her life slowly, ruining the mother/daughter relationship that Lennon desperately needed.

On the fifth night of August in two-thousand and eleven, Cecilia Grey fell ill, cancer already spread through most of her vital organs. By the time the family had caught on to the sickness, it was already too late. She died one month later.

Lennon’s father slowly distanced himself from his child after his wife’s death, the only time he showed her ‘love’ was on his terms - drunk, with her face down in a pillow. Walter had turned into a monster by his own design, and though she tried her best to fight him off, Walter was much stronger than Lennon ever was. The abuse continued for five months, her father taking what he wanted from her almost daily. One night the barrel of a gun found its way to Walter’s chest, and Lennon pulled the trigger, once as self defense, and once more to ensure he was dead.

No charges were filed against Lennon once all of the gruesome details of her abuse came to light, though the people of town certainly looked at her differently. Packing up the contents of the house she had once called home, she sold the hell house and never returned to Oregon.

2012- 2018:
Having left Portland, Lennon made her way down the west coast, until finally settling in to Culver City, CA. She attracted the attention of the wrong crowd, though she didn't know that at the time — partying nightly becoming a heavy part of her daily routine. It's where she meets Stone Walsh, bruly biker with a take no sh*t, give no sh*t attitude. Though they had no intentions of falling in love, the pair would rarely be seen without one another, and after two months of knowing each other with heroin flowing through their veins, they got married in a Las Vegas chapel in the middle of the night. 

Their relationship was far from perfect — it relied heavily on the use of drugs, and Stone often laid his hands on her. But their love, though unreasonable, felt real. And exactly one year from their wedding date, Lennon found out she was pregnant with their first child, Lilah. The pregnancy was a surprise, though they were never careful enough to try to protect themselves, and though it was unplanned, Lennon and Stone quickly jumped into 'mom and dad mode'. Deciding to get clean for the sake of their child, they atteneded weekly meetings to hold themselves accountable, and quit cold turkey . . . 

Stone Walsh abandoned his family twelve months later, choosing the drugs over his family without a word. At first, it came as a surprise to Lennon, not knowing he was still using behind her back, and it became hard for her to let go — until divorce papers were sent her way, with Stone's signature scribbled on the bottom. 

Lennon is the proud owner of Peu D'Amour, a lingerie company that is suitable for any and all body types. She has two children, Lilah Rose and Apollo Moon, as well as a dog, a siberian husky named Mikey. In her free time, she hosts the 'When Life Hands You Lennons' podcast. 

12/10/2020 10:12 PM 

the end | drabble

*/ this is a repost of sorts of a drabble i had posted on my old account, but edited to fit this storyline better. it's probably messy and long but hopefully it gets the point across lol. enjoy!

Coachella 2020.

Lennon had been looking forward to it for months now. Being a new mom, she hadn’t always had time to get out of the house to be with her friends. In fact, the human contact she had outside of her husband and daughter had been slim to none in the last four months. She didn’t mind it too much though, she loved having time to bond with her baby and the man she loved. But if she were being completely honest, she needed a damn break. Being a stay at home mom was rewarding in so many ways, but some days it was hard. Two months after Lilah was born, Lennon was diagnosed with postpartum depression - it came so suddenly, and left her feeling helpless. Her mood swings would get the best of her, she would spend hours and hours on end crying, she couldn’t sleep or eat anything… She felt like a horrible mother, because as much as she loved Lilah, she knew something was wrong, and she didn’t know how to fix it. It took a lot in her to admit she needed help.

That was almost three months ago now, and though some days were still a struggle, she was a hundred times better than she was in the past. Sighing as she looked at herself in the mirror, Lennon smiled as she caught a glimpse of Levi and Lilah in the reflection. “Are you sure you’re okay with me going all weekend? I can come home early.”

“Babe, she’s going to be fine,” Levi said with a small chuckle, his knee bouncing some as he tickled Lilah’s side. “The dogs will be fine, and I’ll be fine. Promise. We can facetime you before bed, and I promise to check in every couple hours.” He stood up now, making his way over to where Lennon stood. “You deserve some fun. You’ve been cooped up in the house for months now.”

She knew he was right - Levi was an incredible father, and there was zero reason for her to worry so much. Spinning around to face him, she nodded her head. “I know, I know. I’m just gonna miss you guys.”

“We’ll miss you too mama, but have fun, okay?” A grin tugged at his lips, and she nodded again, leaning down to grab the bag that she had packed. “We’ll see you Sunday night, pretty babe.”

It had been eight hours since that conversation, and though she tried her best to ignore the fact that she hadn’t heard from Levi since then, it was eating her alive. All of her texts went unanswered, all of her phone calls sent straight to voicemail… It was unlike him to leave her in the dark like this. Here she was, two hours from home in the middle of the desert trying to have the time of her life, and all she could think about were the red flags running through her mind. Chewing down on her bottom lip, her hand tugged at her best friend’s, who was dancing besides her. “Hails,” Lennon yelled over the music, but not loud enough for the blonde to hear her. “Hails!! Something is wrong. Levi hasn’t talked to me since this morning…”

“Hold on,” Haileigh said, pulling Lennon through the crowd until they reached the outer edge, the noise from the stage much quieter. “What’s the matter? Why do you think something is wrong?”

“He’s not answering my calls or texts.. He said he would check in every couple of hours. I just… I don’t feel right.”

“He could just be sleeping?” Leave it to Hails to be the optimistic one of the two. It was something Lennon needed, but she still couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.

“I- I don’t know. This isn’t like him… I- I think I might go home.” Her face fell to a frown, and she tried her best to keep it together, but f u c k, all she wanted to do was cry. Call it intuition, call it nerves, she knew something wasn't right.

“Let’s go. I’ll go with you,” Haileigh said, taking her hand again. “If you really think something is off, then we’ll go back.” She began walking now, pulling Lennon behind her as they pushed through the crowds.

“Wait! Are you sure? You’re playing tomorrow, you can’t just leave!”

“I can, and I will. Let’s go.”


The drive back home was quiet - Haileigh focused on the road, while Lennon frantically made phone calls home, just hoping to get some sort of response. After her sixth attempt, she hung up, throwing the phone frustratedly. “F***! I don’t understand why he won’t f***ing answer me!” Anger was setting in now, and though she tried to remain positive, she couldn’t anymore.

“He didn't say if he was going anywhere, did he?” Haileigh asked, frowning some. She knew there wasn’t much she could do to ease Lennon’s mind, but she was going to try.

“No. He didn’t tell me anything. He told me that they would be fine and to have fun… I just..don’t understand.” The brunette leaned back in her seat, sighing as her forehead pressed against the window. “How much longer until we’re home, you think?”

“About a half hour,” the blonde said, reaching a hand over to give her best friends’ a squeeze. “It’ll be okay, I promise.”


The last half hour of the drive felt longer than the whole trip, and the anxiety running through Lennon’s body was skyrocketing as they pulled into her driveway. Levi’s truck was still parked in the same spot it was earlier, and though she was grateful for that, she couldn’t contain the anger that flowed through her veins in that moment. Unbuckling her seatbelt, she turned to face the other girl, “I’m going to go in alone, but can you stand outside the door, just in case?” She didn’t want to fight with Levi in front of Haileigh, but she also needed moral support - something still seemed off about this situation, and she really didn’t want to be alone at a time like this.

“Of course.”

Lennon was greeted at the door by Diesel and Harley, both dogs jumping up and nudging her arms repeatedly. In the distance, she could hear the baby crying, and instantly, her heart dropped. “Levi???” She called out, her feet racing to find her daughter. “Levi, what the f***, where are you?!” The cries got louder as she ran to the bedroom, the dogs close behind her. Lilah laid in the middle of the bed, her little lungs wailing loudly. “Sh, sh, sh… it’s okay baby, mommy’s back, I’m here.” She couldn’t help but to cry when she picked her up, cradling the child against her chest. “LEVI!!”

Lennon noticed the way the dogs would run from her to the bathroom connected to their bedroom, and back again. Diesel’s nose nudged her leg, and she watched as he ran back to the bathroom one more time, before turning around to stand in the doorway. “What is it Diesel? What’s wrong boy?” The girl asked, making her way to where her dog stood. And that’s when she saw him.

Her legs collapsed underneath her, and for a moment, she couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t even find her voice. She just stared…Levi laid in the middle of the bathroom floor, a needle jammed into his arm. She didn’t know how long he had laid there, or what even happened, but finally, she screamed. She screamed so f***ing loud, she was sure he would wake up. It was a blood curdling scream, the kind you’d hear in horror movies. She didn’t even know that she could make that kind of noise. Crawling her way over to where he laid, Lennon ripped the needle out of his veins with shaking hands, tears streaming her face. With the baby still wrapped up in her arms, Lennon used a free hand to press her fingers to Levi’s neck, trying to find a pulse. She had no f***ing idea what to do, but she couldn’t lose him. Not like this. “Haileigh!!” Lennon screamed, hoping that just maybe she could be heard from outside. “H-HAILEIGH!” She yelled a little louder, her voice cracking.

Within minutes, the blonde ran into the house, making her way to Lennon. “Holy sh*t… Okay, okay, move.” Haileigh pulled her phone out of her pocket, calling 911 as she tried nudging Lennon out of the way. “Lennon, please, you have to move okay? It’s the only way we can help him.”

The brunette didn’t say anything, she couldn’t find any words. Pushing herself over so her back pressed against the bathroom cabinets, Lennon cried and cried… How could she be so stupid to not notice this before?? She had spent two years with this man, and never once knew he had a problem… and the day she found out, he was passed out on the f***ing floor. Her chest felt heavy, and all she could do was hold onto Lilah, and pray that this wasn’t the last time she saw the love of her life.


It felt like an eternity had passed by the time emergency services arrived, and even longer for someone to come find her after leaving the bathroom. Haileigh’s face fell as she turned the corner, her movements slow. “What’s going on? What did they say?” Lennon asked, rocking Lilah in her arms. She knew something was wrong by the look in Haileigh’s eyes, but she remained hopeful for good news.

“Uhm, Lennon… I don’t know how to tell you this..” Haileigh said, her hand reaching for Lennon’s. “They.. They did all they could, he didn’t make it.. I’m so sorry..”

“What?” Lennon asked, pulling her hand away from her friend’s. “What do you mean? He.. he’s right there! He was breathing when I found him!” Tears trailed down her cheeks, her hands clutching to her baby now. “Haileigh… please, tell me you’re joking. He’s not dead.. He can’t be.”

Haileigh sighed, wiping away her own tears before tugging both Lennon and Lilah to her chest, her arms strong around the both of them. “I’m so, so sorry Lennon. I’m so f***ing sorry.”

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