01/18/2021 03:52 PM 

highway to hell | pt two

“Pull off here,” Peter said, a finger extending into her field of vision. The drive from Limbo to Rapacity normally took twenty minutes, but it seemed unusually long today, any sign of civilization ceasing to exist. Lennon exhaled a breath as she pulled off into the desert, her eyes shifting from the dirt road to the rear view mirror. She wondered why he targeted her, what made her so special. Peter always made his ‘obsession’ known, but she never expected...this. “Keep driving until you no longer see the road behind us, and then kill the lights.” Peter said, pushing the gun further into her side.

Fear stricken, she did as she was told, killing the headlights once they were far enough. The sudden darkness that engulfed the car caused her anxiety to heighten, and suddenly, Lennon found herself silently sobbing. She didn’t know why this was happening - could it have been avoided if she just accepted his advances? Did he care that she had a daughter waiting home for her? She didn’t even get a chance to call her babysitter, or tell Lilah she loved her, or anything. Taking a hand off of the steering wheel, she brushed away her tears, not wanting him to get satisfaction from her fear.

“Stop here. Kill the engine,” Peter said, waiting until she did as she was told to continue. “I’m going to get out and open your door. I want you to get in the back seat. If you try anything funny, I WILL shoot you. Understand?”

Lennon nodded, not wanting to let go of the steering wheel. As Peter exited the car, her breathing got heavier, almost as if air struggled to find its way to her lungs. Panic consumed her every thought, her every move. She just wanted to go home.

Cold air rushed into the car as Peter opened the door, and slowly, Lennon exited. She knew she was going to die tonight, she could feel it in her gut. As she looked up to the sky, she admired the stars, saying her mental goodbyes to those she loved. In her head, she was kissing Lilah’s face, and giving Harley all the belly scratches she could ever want. She could hear her daughter’s laugh, and for the first time that night, she accepted her fate.

“Get in,” Peter said, interrupting her thoughts.

Lennon’s vision shifted to the open door, and took a deep breath as she slid into the back seat. ‘This is it..’ she thought to herself. She sat quietly as Peter got in besides her, and for the first time all night, he set the gun down. It rested between them, the metal still brushing against her leg.

“I’ve waited for this day for a long time..” Peter said, his hand reaching up to cup Lennon’s face. She flinched, but it didn’t stop him. His lips found their way to Lennon’s neck, his other hand slowly moving down her side. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, his lips finding her neck again, making their way up to her cheek, to her lips.

The kiss turned her stomach, but Lennon forced herself to swallow the bile that had formed in her throat, her eyes closing tight. For the most part, she stayed still, unsure of what to do. She shifted uncomfortably as Peter’s hand slid down her thigh, inching closer to her center. “Peter,” she tried to push him off of her. “Please don’t,” she said, her hand pressing against his chest.

But Peter was stronger than her, and he didn’t care. He waited months for a night alone with Lennon, and he was going to take what he wanted from her, whether she wanted it or not. His fingers slid closer to her center, brushing against the thin hem of her underwear. “You’re so beautiful,” he repeated as his finger dipped into her panties.

Lennon tried pushing him off of her, tried pulling his hand away. She tried telling him no. She tried to yell, but was silenced by his mouth, then his other hand. The further his fingers dipped in between her thighs, the further she tried to move away from him. She cried, her chest aching as she tried everything in her power to get him off of her. But he didn’t stop. His fingers kept moving, violating her.

“You’re so wet..” he murmured, breath still heavy on her face as he leaned against her, his lips brushing against her ear. “I knew you wanted this as much as I did,” he whispered, completely ignoring how desperate she was for him to stop.

It took everything in Lennon to not give up, though her attempts at pushing him away were draining what little energy she had left. Her hands pushed, and pushed, trying to find some escape. She pushed at his arms, pushed at his hands, pushed at his legs. She pushed everything. A muffled ‘please’ escaped her lips, a plea for him to leave her alone. But Peter took it as a sign to keep going, slipping another finger between her thighs.

She wanted to die. At that moment, she didn’t care about anything anymore - death was the only salvation she could find from the monster sitting besides her. Part of her wished she tried to run away so he’d put a bullet in her brain, or at the very least, given him a reason to use the gun.

The gun.

Lennon’s hand moved from Peter’s arm, reaching down to the space between them. Her fingers wrapped around the handle almost desperately, and suddenly, her mind was racing. What if he heard her pick up the weapon? What if she misses? It was a risk she was willing to take, and by the way Peter made no attempts to stop what he was doing, she knew he was distracted enough to not notice. The gun felt heavy in her hands, and she was careful to raise it, not wanting to draw attention to herself.

“I knew you wanted this,” the male said again, his mouth back on her neck, the hand pressed to her mouth lowering just enough to uncover her lips.

“F*** you!” Lennon shouted, pulling the trigger.

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