04/18/2021 12:30 PM 

couples survey.



How did they first meet?
Ferg had introduced himself in passing, and Lennon took it as an opportunity to crack jokes about his ears. 

What was their first impression of each other?
Lennon though Fergal was sweet. They had a very strong connection from the get-go that was strictly platonic seeing that they were both in relationships at the time. When Len met Fergie, it was like meeting a mirrored image of herself. 

Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
In the beginning, no. They were both in relationships when they first met. They had a falling out a few years ago and went almost two years without talking, but reconnected back in November of 2020, and I think some of their friends started pushing for them to get together a few months after that.

Who felt romantic feelings first?
Lennon, for sure. 

Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
They both did. Fergal was very... dismissive of his feelings because he had just gotten out of a long term relationship a few months prior, and Lennon pushed hers aside for the sake of not wanting to ruin their friendship.

If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
They'd probably laugh.


Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Lennon, though Ferg egged her on in a sense. It took one kiss for them to be up each other's ass. 

Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Ferg surprised Lennon for her birthday and threw a party with all of their friends, and afterwards took her to a fancy French restaurant in NYC. 

What was their first kiss like?
Ferg pushed Lennon to do it, and told her if she wants to kiss him then to kiss him, so she did. It was.. electrfying. A lot of history and a lot of feelings were riding on that kiss.

Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?

What’s their height difference? Age difference?
Ferg is 8 inches taller and 13 years older than Lennon.

What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Lennon doesn't have much of a family, just a grandpa back in Oregon. Ferg's never met him unfortunately, but Lennon would love for them to meet. Aside from that, Lennon's daughter and Fergal have a special relationship together. 

Lennon loves Ferg's family, and for the first time in her life knew what it was like to feel safe in another's home. 

Who takes the lead in social situations?
Depends on the situation, but mostly Lennon. Ferg can be shy and reserved, but once he breaks out of his shell he's the life of the party. Just takes a little longer for him than it does Lennon.

Who gets jealous easier?


Who said “I love you” first?

What are their primary love languages?
Physical touch and quality time. And gift giving. 
Typically you can find the couple attached at the hip, touching each other in some aspect. Lennon loves to shower Fergal in gifts. 

How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
All the time, they can't keep their hands off of each other most of the time. 

What are their favorite things to do together?
Have sex ( I kept this in from Claire bc true ), cook/bake together, hang out as a family with Lilah and their dog Mikey, hike. 

Who’s better at comforting the other?
I'd say they're both equally good at this. Ferg is very reassuring to Lennon about her feelings, and vise versa. 

Who’s more protective?
They both are protective of one another, but Fergal is more vocal about it than Lennon is.

Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Lennon prefers both, but she is happy with either.

What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
We Found Each Other in the Dark - City and Colour 
Selfish - SAINt JHN 
Edge of Desire - John Mayer 

What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Ferg and Lennon call each other a string of pet names, such as 'babe'/'baby', honey, sunshine, etc. Lennon's favorite nickname to call Ferg is 'bubs' or 'daddy' ( don't @ me ), and her favorite nickname from Ferg is 'little one'. 


If they get married, who proposes?
Fergal propsed to Lennon.

What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
Fergal and Lennon eloped in the bahamas while on vacation with Lilah. He had planned a small, intimate ceremony on the beach, just the two of them and Lilah. There were candles and flowers scattered around, and it was all in all, perfect. They're currently planning a big party to celebrate with their friends next month.

How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
Currently, their only child is Lilah. 

Lilah is a spunky ray of sunshine, who has the ability to make either of them laugh at her silly antics. She's kind, warmhearted, and took to Ferg instantly. 

They plan on having more children in the future.

Do they have any pets?
A husky named Michael B. Jordan. It's a girl husky. Ferg was dumb. They call her Mikey for short. 

Who’s the stricter parent?
They're both equal when it comes to the parenting, but since Ferg is just stepping up as Lilah's stepfather, Lennon tends to be the one who disciplines more. 

Who kills the bugs in the house?
Fergal. One bug and Lennon is OUT! 

How do they celebrate holidays?
The only holiday they've spent together is Valentine's Day so far, so I'll let your imagination wander. 

Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Lennon. She's not a morning person by any means and Fergal is. 

Who’s the better cook?
Ferg by trade, is a chef. But Lennon is really good at baking. 

04/18/2021 11:24 PM 

monster in the closet v

Ferg jumps to his feet, lunging to the closet. I don’t know what his plan is, but I don’t know how he thinks he can stop a ghost. I’m too afraid to move from my place on the bed, eyes watching as he reaches into the darkness, and to my shock, pulls Walter from the closet. His body falls to the hardwood floor with a loud THUD! and I feel all the blood drain from my body, shivers sent down my spine. I watch as Fergie throws a punch, fist connecting with my father’s face, and suddenly I feel sick to my stomach. Walter was supposed to be dead. He was supposed to be rotting in a grave. 

“Fergie, be careful!” I yell as I finally move from the bed, rushing to find anything to throw to my husband for protection. I don’t know what to do, or where to go, or ever what to say, but my chest feels like it’s going to combust with every breath that fills my lungs.

“Yeah Fergie, be careful. Wouldn’t want your precious face to get f***ed up,” Walter says, mocking me as he tries to wrestle with Ferg, a punch connecting to his jaw. 

Ferg is stronger than Walter is though, and in a few swift motions is able to pin him on his back, another punch thrown into the side of his face. “Lennon, call 911, before I put another bullet in this f***er’s head.”


The police arrived a half hour later, handcuffing Walter and threw him in the back of a car. I have a hard time containing my emotions, holding Lilah close to my chest as she slept in my arms, not wanting to leave her alone any longer. How could this be happening?? Why wasn’t he dead?

The officers scan the perimeter of our home to figure out how Walter found his way in. It seems like a lifetime has passed as they wander around the rooms, flashlights scanning the walls and the ceilings, before the chief of police asks to speak with us. “Mr. & Mrs. Zuccalmaglio, have you noticed any strange occurrences in your home?”

Ferg and I look at each other, my head shaking ‘no’. “I.. no, not really.. My daughter only mentioned ‘seeing’ Walter today.. I.. I thought he was dead,” I say, stammering over my words. It still hasn’t fully hit me that my father was alive.

“I don’t want to frighten you, but.. It seems Mr. Grey has been… living in your walls. Were you aware there was an attic upstairs?”

“We were told it was closed off.. We’ve never used it,” Ferg says, his fingertips rubbing at the small of my back offering just an ounce of comfort, though my knees feel like they’re going to buckle out from underneath me.

“He said he… had plans of kidnapping your daughter,” the cop says, motioning to Lilah.

“I think I’m going to be sick,” I say, walking over to the closest chair to sit. My heart is pounding so hard against my chest, and my breathing is heavier than normal, and everything is spinning in circles. I swore I killed him that day. I saw the blood. I saw the bullet lodged in his skull. He shouldn’t have f***ing been here… There was no telling how long he had been living here, how long he had been watching us, stalking us like a predator hunts his prey. No telling how long he’d been 'playing' with Lilah to get her to trust him.

“Do you know how long?” I hear Ferg ask, but I can’t focus on anything other than the thought of him watching us shower, watching us make love, watching us live.

“We’re unsure, but a while.”


“I thought he was dead,” I say again, gaze shifting from the floor to the cop. “I.. I had shot him. That’s why he has a scar on his forehead…”

“I’m sorry, what?” The officer asks, a hand reaching up to scratch his bald head.

“He abused me for a long time, and I did it as self-defense. It happened back in Oregon.. I was told I wouldn’t get in trouble for it. But I thought he was dead,” I say. “How is it possible he was alive?”

“I’m.. I don’t know, sometimes miracles happen,” he says, but quickly clears his throat. “Wrong choice of words, sorry.”

“What do we do from here?” Ferg asks.

“He’ll be going to jail for.. A long time, I’m assuming. I’d suggest maybe blocking off the corridors to your attic and any other crawl space he could have used.”

The officer stays for a few more minutes, going over everything with my husband. I tried to pay attention, but my mind kept flashing back to Walter and Lilah. I tried my hardest to protect her from the ghosts of my past, to shield her from the troubles the world has offered me. I didn’t want her to experience the same grievances that I did or have her feel the pain of the world like I once had. It made me feel like a sh*t mother for not knowing he was stalking my baby. I could only imagine what sick and twisted plans he had for her, of the things he imagined doing to her.

I hated that I felt like I was failing her and that I couldn’t save her from the evil that resonated throughout this family, but I promised myself that I would do anything I could to protect her.


Ferg and I found a house up north, two hours away from where we lived now in Brooklyn. We didn’t tell Lilah why we were moving, but I think she understood. She stopped asking about Walter, and for once, it felt like things were normal. It took us two weeks to pack up the belongings in our home, and though it hurt to leave the first place we called our own, we both left without looking back, leaving Walter and whatever other monsters that hid in the closet behind.

04/14/2021 12:26 PM 

monster in the closet iv

When Fergie finds me in the bathroom, I’m a distraught mess. My hands are shaking, and I struggle to find words, unable to do anything other than point at the mirror, the message just barely visible as the steam fades. I watch as his brow raises in confusion, pondering who or what could have possibly been in here with me, or how he didn’t hear someone opening the bathroom door. “Are you okay?” He asks me, hands cupping my face, and I nod, though I know I’m not. “Let's get you out of here, okay?” He helps me off the shower floor, towel wrapping around my frame and slowly, he guides me back to the bedroom.

We sit in silence for a few moments, before I finally open my mouth to talk. “Lilah’s been seeing Walter.”

His brow raises again in confusion, a hand reaching up to scratch the back of his head. “‘M sorry… what?” It was the exact reaction I was expecting.

“She said he comes into her room.. Through her closet. He ‘plays’ with her,” my shoulders shrug, though my head hangs with a sense of defeat. “I know it doesn’t seem like a big deal but, I’m freaking the f*** out, and I think he’s haunting our home, and I think he’s trying to get back at me for killing him, and -”

“Lennon, breathe,” he says, closing the gap between them by placing his hands on my shoulders, moving them to my face so I’m forced to look at him. “It’s okay, just.. breathe. When did this start?”

My shoulders shrug, “She told me about it this afternoon when I picked her up from daycare.”

I feel his hands drop and suddenly I wish they were still on my skin. I needed his comfort, needed to know I wasn’t going f***ing crazy and that our daughter was fine. He exhales a sigh, and I can tell he’s confused, that he doesn’t understand fully. “Is Lilah okay?”

“I think so.. She seems okay. She.. I made her cry earlier because I yelled at her for ‘playing’ with Walter, and she said he wasn’t even there..” I admit, head falling forward again. “I feel like I’m going f***ing crazy, but I heard his laugh. And the handwriting on the mirror.. It was his..”

“You’re not crazy,” he says matter of factly, sitting next to me on the bed. “I’ve been.. Hearing things, too. Footsteps. I thought maybe it was the dog or maybe Lilah sneaking out of bed, but anytime I check, she’s in her room and the dog is sleeping..”

For some reason, that makes me feel worse. “I’m sorry.. I didn’t.. I guess I didn’t know that I’d still be dealing with this sh*t so many years later..”

“Don’t be sorry, Len.” His body turns towards me, and I instinctively look up, but my attention is pulled to something behind him. Our closet door is ajar, opened enough to see the contents inside, and I scream again, scaring Fergie.

Standing in the closet, face only visible through the darkness, is Walter, with a maniacal grin spread from ear to ear.


04/08/2021 08:01 PM 


I stare down at scarred skin and
wonder how you could find
beauty in such a disaster -
how you could look at me and see
a future, see a home, see a family.

I’ve spent so many years hating
myself for being who I am, cringing at
the reflection that stared back at me
every time I looked into a mirror.

Wondering when I would finally
fall in love with the woman I
had always wanted to be -

I envy that it came so easily to you.

04/08/2021 07:59 PM 

monster in the closet iii

I haven’t figured out how to tell Fergie.

I’ve thought it over time and time again, trying to find the right words, but each time I get flustered and tell him to forget about it. It’s not easy to tell your husband you think your home is being haunted. That you think your daughter is in harm's way because of your dead father. It’d make more sense if he was alive, but Walter was a f***ing ghost. He wasn’t real. And yet, even in his departure from this life, he still found ways to terrorize me. To make me fear the very sight or sound of him.

I spent a good amount of time in the shower that night after another failed attempt at bringing it up, hoping the water would wash my anxiety and fear down the drain with the suds that soap left behind. The warmth it offered left my skin red, shoulders finally relaxing after being tensed up all night. It was the first ounce of normalcy I felt since this morning when Lilah first told me about Walter.

I still didn’t understand why this was happening. When I killed him, I had hoped that meant the end of his rath. I guess I should have suspected that he’d find a way to come back and make my life a living hell.

I tried not to think about it too much, though.

I turned the water off with reluctance, wanting to savor the ounce of comfort it had offered, though I knew I couldn’t hide forever. My eyes catch a glimpse of the mirror as I pull back the curtain and I almost fall on my ass.

The words ‘I’m watching you’ are written in the steam.

It’s then, that I scream for help.

04/08/2021 07:58 PM 

monster in the closet ii

Lunch with Fergie went as well as it could have, though my mind was nowhere near focused enough to hold a full conversation with him. He could tell something was wrong, but I brushed it off when asked, not wanting to alarm him. I still hadn’t fully processed my feelings on Lilah’s confession, and it wasn’t exactly easy to tell him our daughter was seeing my dead father in our home. I had promised him to talk about whatever was bothering me when he got home from work, but I almost didn’t want to. Wanted to brush it off like it never happened.

I was busy cooking dinner when I heard Lilah laughing from her room, a small smile tugged at the corners of my lips. Her laughter had grown into one of my favorite sounds in the world, the small giggles echoing off the walls of our empty home. It eased my mind and calmed my nerves as I stirred the pot of spaghetti sauce that sat on the back burner of the stove - and that’s when I heard it.

Walter’s laugh echoed over hers through the halls.

The spoon in my hand fell to the floor, and I swear my heart dropped with it. I stood frozen in fear as his laugh grew louder, and it took everything in me to move from my spot in the kitchen. It was like my feet were cemented to the floor, and although I tried running as fast as I could to Lilah’s room, they didn’t move fast enough underneath me. “Lilah?!” I shout as I make my way down the hallway. I can feel my heart pounding out of my chest and I swear I’m having a heart attack. “Lilah!!”

“What mommy?” Lilah asks as I get to her doorway, gasping for breath, hand clinging to my chest. She sat by herself, a barbie in her hand, blue eyes widened, though I assume it was from my yelling.

“Who were you talking to?” I ask, though I know the answer.

“No one, mommy. I was just playing with my barbies,” she says, raising the doll in her hand in my direction.

I so badly want to believe her, but I know what I heard. I know who I heard. “Lilah, what did I say about talking to Walter? I told you no more, didn’t I?”

“But mommy, I didn’t! I -”

“Lilah, I’m serious. I do not want you talking to Walter. I don’t want you playing with him, either. You understand? He’s dangerous,” I try to avoid raising my voice, but I feel like I can’t help it. My tone comes off stronger than I intend, and I know I’m yelling, her eyes growing wider with each word left my mouth. "You hear me, Walter?! Leave my child alone!" I shout into the air, which makes me feel stupid, but I didn’t know how else to get my point across. If Walter’s ghost was haunting my home, I needed him to know that I wanted him gone.

“Mommy I wasn’t talking to him!!” Lilah shouts back, tears staining her face. I didn’t mean to make her cry, and I hated that I did - I hated that I felt paranoid living in my own home. “He… he wasn’t even… he wasn’t even in here,” she says through deep breaths and cries, and I feel my heart sink again.

“I.. I heard him, Lilah,” I say, kneeling down to meet her height. I pull her in for a hug, holding her tight to my chest, fingers moving through her blonde locks. “Mommy doesn’t want to yell at you, and I’m so sorry I did. I just.. Don’t want Walter in our home, okay? I know you like playing with him, but… Walter isn’t real, baby. And he’s not nice, either. Mommy and Daddy don’t.. We don’t want you to get hurt, okay? That’s why Mommy got upset. Are you okay?” I ask, rubbing her back. Lilah nods her head, and I plant a small kiss on the top of it, before pulling away from her, hands resting on her shoulders. “Come with me in the kitchen, I could use some help pouring the noodles into the pot and I know that’s your favorite part.”

I didn’t know what to do from here - I know I heard Walter’s laugh. It had haunted me for most of my life. And I know he was in that room with Lilah. But I couldn’t keep yelling at her for something she wasn’t doing. Lilah didn’t know any better, didn’t know of the Walter that I knew. She knew bits and pieces of the monster living in her closet - and it terrified me. Terrified me that he was haunting my home after so many years. I guess I should have expected it, I was the one that killed him. But knowing he was interacting with my child made me uneasy, and I felt unsafe.

I tried pushing off the negative feelings I felt as Lilah and I finished cooking dinner, but the uneasy feeling had my stomach twisted in knots. Fergie would be home soon, and I knew I had to fill him in and tell him what was going on, I just didn’t know how.

04/08/2021 07:56 PM 

monster in the closet | drabble

“Mommy, who’s Walter?”

The question knocks the wind out of my chest, and I swear there was a lump in my throat the moment it left her mouth. Lilah has never asked about her grandparents before, not her biological ones, at least. I had kept her hidden from the cruel reality that I spent most of my life living, because I never wanted her to know of my father or the evil that possessed him. I didn’t want her to know of the man that raped me. That beat me until I couldn’t breathe.

I didn’t want her to know of the man that I killed with no remorse.

“Why do you ask?” I ask her, my vision shifting from the road to the toddler sitting behind me. We were on our way to see Fergie at the pizzeria just like we had always done after I picked her up from daycare.

“The man in my room said his name is Walter.”

I swear I almost crashed the damn car, but I’m quick to draw my attention back to the road, trying my best to ignore the fear that sat in my belly. Shaky hands steer the vehicle, eyes moving from road to car seat frequently. “What man?”

“He’s nice, mommy! He comes in my room sometimes through my closet and plays with me. He likes playing barbies. And with my cars.” There’s an innocence to Lilah’s tone, a toothy grin spread from ear to ear as she looked out the window. She shows no sign of fear, though I’m terrified at her confession.

“Lilah,” I try to keep my voice calm, but it too is shaky. “Lilah.. what does Walter look like?” I’m almost too afraid to even ask, but there’s a part of me that hopes it’s her imagination or a weird coincidence.

“He’s got dark hair like you and daddy, and he’s old.. He kind of looks like you, but he’s got a furry thing on his lip,” her soft laughter fills the car, but I refrain from smiling. “He’s got something on his head… right here..” Her small finger pokes at the center of her forehead, and my heart sinks.

My mouth opens to speak, but no words come out. There’s a piece of me that feels defeated - I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep my demons away from her forever, but I never imagined that she would find out about them like this. I never imagined my daughter would be haunted by the ghost of my deadbeat father.

“Mommy I think you’d really like him! He tells good jokes and makes me laugh, and -”

“Lilah, I don’t want you speaking to Walter anymore, okay?” I cut her off, eyes still moving from the road ahead of me to her face in the rearview. I so badly wanted to wrap her up in my arms and shield her from the evil that was trying to break through the pureness of her heart, but I didn’t know how.

“But why??? I like him!!” Her lips form a pout, and I wish I could tell her the truth. That Walter was a bad man. That he had no business being around her, dead or alive.

“Because, baby. He’s… he’s not real. He’s just someone in your imagination. Mommy just.. Doesn’t want you to get hurt, okay?” I know it was crazy, that my fear was irrational and that it was just my PTSD from the years of trauma I endured at the hands of Walter. He was dead, that I knew. He couldn’t harm Lilah even if he tried. But the thought of his ghost sitting in my home, watching me and my family as we slept, playing with my daughter when Fergie or I weren’t looking… It made the hairs on my neck stand tall.

“But he’s -”

“No, Lilah. No more. Please,” I say as I pull into the parking lot of the pizzeria. I didn’t know if I should tell Fergie, or if I should just wave it off as a child’s active imagination. Exhaling a sigh, my eyes close, and my mind tries to think of all the logical ways to bring it up in conversation, but I find none. My nerves are shot and I feel on edge, but I try to ignore the negative feelings that radiated through my body. I didn’t want to worry Fergie, not now. Leaning back against the driver’s seat, my eyes flutter open, and I put on a fake smile, turning to look at Lilah. “Lets get some pizza with Daddy, okay? And when we get home we can watch a movie. You can sleep in our bed tonight.”

It wasn’t much to ‘protect’ her - I knew that at the end of the day, there was no real way to stop Walter’s ghost from seeing my child. But I needed to do something, at the very least to ease my own damn mind. Her excited ‘Okay!’ and small giggle made a smile tug at the corners of my lips, and I try to match her enthusiasm, but all I feel is dread. 

[ This blog post is private ]

03/26/2021 09:08 PM 

don’t forget about me. | drabble

Weight shifts from hip to hip as legs cross underneath her petite frame, cool breeze blowing through brunette and teal locks. Her gaze shifts from the gravestone to the dirt beneath her, guilt eating away at her heart.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this.

Lennon never imagined losing Stone - her life was so wrapped up in him, every move made calculated with him, the club, and Lilah in mind. It was easy loving him, as if it came naturally. Her heart finally felt whole. And when he died, she swore off loving anyone else. Promised him to the grave.

It was unrealistic, of course. She didn’t want to be alone forever, and she knew he wouldn’t want that, either. But sometimes it felt wrong to be loving another man while grieving the loss of her first husband. Conflicting feelings of wanting to be happy and feeling guilty for moving on so quickly.

“I think you’d really like Fergie,” she says, voice low. Her gaze stays focused on a patch of grass, enjoying the warmth the sun offered that day. In a way, it offered her a sense of comfort - Stone was always a fan of the warmer months, and it felt as though the sunshine was him, letting her know he was with her, listening while she spoke to the sky. “He’s wonderful… He’s great with Lilah, too.”

Images of her new husband and her child flood her mind, and she can almost hear them laughing. It brings a smile to her face, though she feels sad that Lilah wasn’t given the same opportunity to laugh with her father. “I hope you know I’m not trying to replace you.. She knows that you’re her daddy, but.. He’s her daddy now, too. She really likes him, which makes me happy,” her shoulders shrug, a sigh exhaled.

Lennon had a tough time explaining to Lilah that it was okay to call Ferg ‘dad’, that her real daddy wouldn’t be upset. She tried explaining that some people had more than one dad, and that it didn’t mean her real daddy didn’t love her any less, or that she loved him any less, either. It didn’t take long for Lilah to agree, or for her to open herself up to Fergie’s love, and the smile on his face when she called him Daddy for the first time was an image Lennon would never forget.

And though she understood that life was moving on, and she was too, Lennon still felt the everlasting sting left behind in the wake of Stone’s departure. Before Fergie, he was the only love she had known. Something that she held near and dear to her heart. In a way, she resented him for leaving the way he did - suddenly and without warning. She understood it wasn’t his fault, and that he was trying to mask his own demons, but she wished he had talked to her about it instead of shooting up. Another sigh as her gaze shifting to her fingers as they pick at a patch of grass, tugging weeds from the ground.

“We found a house in New York.. and as much as I want to go, I hate that I have to leave you behind. It doesn’t feel right, you know? You’ll be alone…” Another reason to feel guilty. It wasn’t fair that he’d be here by himself, with no one to visit anymore. “Part of me… part of me wishes we had you cremated so you could come too.”

It’s then that she can feel him, can smell his scent as it flows with the wind. Her breathing hitches as the mixture of bergamot and patchouli invades her nostrils, goosebumps rising in its wake. Blue eyes close, and for a brief moment, it’s almost as if he’s standing behind her. Lennon had been no stranger to seeing his ghost, but she was almost too afraid to turn around. Afraid that maybe he really would have been standing behind her - an image she wasn't quite ready to see yet. “I’m so sorry, Stone.. I wish you could come with us. But.. I promise that Lilah won’t forget you. I won’t let her. And I won’t either.”

A hand reaches out to brush dirt off of his headstone, delicate fingers moving across the etched lettering in the cold marble. “I’ll bring her by before we leave so she can say goodbye. I promise.” She stands then, closing her eyes as the sun shines on her face, another smile tugging at her lips.

“I love you. Don’t forget about me.”

03/26/2021 09:07 PM 


You stand at the foot of the bed,
lust in your eyes, devilish grin
tugged at the corners of your lips.

Blue orbs dance across the
silhouette of your body, and
there’s an increase in desire
as i watch you free your belt
from the loops of your jeans.

wishing it was wrapped around
my throat instead of on the floor.

you crawl between my legs,
make a home in the warmth
of them. “You’re mine,” you
say, Irish accent thick on tongue.

Rough fingers move
across delicate skin, and
you kiss me before I can agree -
hungry, passionate, s l o w.

Lips lingering against
my own. Savoring the taste -
as if it were the very
last time we’d share
a moment like this.

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