06/06/2021 01:27 PM 

Chevy Deschaine.

a late MMM post bc i love this idiot


On the eve of his forty-third birthday, Chevy Deschaine suffered from a mental breakdown.

A bottle of whiskey practically glued to his hand as he downed the amber liquid, tears staining his face. He had never felt so alone in his life. The kids wanted nothing to do with him, one brother wanted him dead, the other was dead. And forget Delia, she was a lost cause at this point. His father was gone, and his mother was well… she was Fancy. Worked on her own agenda. It didn’t mean he didn’t love her, or that she didn’t love him, but he knew that there were days she resented him just like she had resented the other Deschaine siblings.

Vic couldn’t stand him, and he couldn’t really blame her. He f***ed up the night he went to her house, should’ve just checked in on her rather than letting his emotions get the best of him. He never really forgave himself for what went down between the two of them that night, didn’t really regret it, either. But still - he hated that he manipulated the situation enough to get Vic close to him after years of loving her in secret.

His ex-wife Karma wasn’t exactly his biggest fan, either. Ditched her for the bottle years and years ago, claiming he never loved her in the first place, despite being head over heels for her at one point in his life. She was a kind woman when she wanted to be, but these days, their interactions were less and less pleasant.

He didn’t blame any of them for hating him, but as time passed and the years rolled on and on, he knew that he wanted to do better. He wanted to be better.

Chevalier knew he wasn’t a good father.

He could name a list of reasons and excuses as to why he hadn’t been around enough for his kids, but none of them really sufficed. He was always too this, too that. Too busy, too drunk, too afraid of emotionally damaging them - though, he knew he had already done that by not being around. Maybe he was afraid of loving someone other than himself, because everyone he had loved in the past ended up leaving in some way. Karma, Vic… they all left. Maybe he was just too goddamn selfish to admit that he didn’t have any f***ing clue what he was doing with his life or how to a parent in the first place. His own parents weren’t exactly shining examples.

Still, he tried - in the only ways Chevy really knew how. Birthday cards sent on the girls birthdays, Christmas gifts sent around the holidays. He’d tried to call them occasionally, but often got sent to voicemail or hung up on. The rejection was warranted, but it still hurt to know that his own children wanted nothing to do with him.

Sitting on the edge of his bed, he pulls his phone from his pocket. Perhaps now wasn’t the best time to try to talk to one of the kids, but he wanted to hear one of their voices. Needed some reassurance that everything was going to be okay. Thumbs scroll down the cracked screen of his phone until he reaches Vic’s number, pressing ‘call’.

The line rings for a while until finally, it picks up, and Vic’s voice is on the other end. “Hello?” She asks, and there’s a sudden sigh of relief on Chevy’s end.

“H-Hey Vic, just wanted ta’ call Savvy. See how she was doin’,” Chevy says, words slurred, a few broken by hiccups. It had been weeks since he last reached out, mostly due to being caught up with work and the farm, but he still wanted his youngest to know he was thinking of her.

“Chevy, it’s 11pm. She’s sleeping, you’ll have to call back tomorrow.”

Sh*t. “Ah, com’mon, Vic… can’t ya wake her for me? I just wanna say hi..” He says, reaching a hand up to scratch his face.

“You’ve had plenty of chances to say ‘hi’, Chev. It’s been weeks..” Vic’s voice goes quiet, an awkward silence surrounding the phone call. He can hear her sigh on the other end, can feel the frustration in her voice. “Look, call back tomorrow and I’ll let you talk to her. But call in the afternoon, when she’s done with school.”

“Alright.. ‘M sorry, Vic.”

“You don’t gotta be sorry to me. Be sorry to her,” Vic says. “Oh, and Chevy? When you call tomorrow, don’t be drunk.”

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