01/15/2021 02:06 PM 

the unknown.

Together, they sat quietly - her legs draped over his lap, his hand trailing her thigh. Her eyes are glued to his face, and a grin is spread across her lips, and for a moment, all of her worries are washed away. They’ve shared this routine for months now; he’d invite her to spend the night, she’d watch as he slept, and in the morning, they’d move in silence until it was time to go. Their smile’s often said enough to each other that they knew where they stood.

But the unknown scared her. In her heart, she knew that she couldn’t live like this forever. She needed the comfort of certainty, of knowing that he’d still be there when she woke up the next day. She never found the courage to ask him if he loved her, but when he muttered it in the heat of the moment months earlier, she believed him.

She held onto those brief moments, the moments where she knew he wanted this as much as she did. She breathed life into those drunken words and soft touches. She showered them with hope, because in her dreams, they’d grow into full blown confessions of his love. But the silence was deafening sometimes, and the fear of reality sinks in, and the unknown screams at her until she’s worn herself thin. And so, she sits patiently with words hung on her lips, waiting for the right moment to tell him she was in love.

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