03/08/2021 01:58 PM 

kirby walsh -MMM

* this character is one that I've written in the past, but I've tweaked her to be a part of the discord group I'm in. Kirby is Lennon's sister-in-law, and I'm really excited to write more about her because I've never done anything like this before ( this may suck, am soft lol ). enjoy I guess!

“Shut the f*** up,” her voice rings through the dimmly lit room, eyes rolling at the sound of the man’s whimpers. He’s been a regular for almost a year now, visiting Mona’s Ranch every Friday night to see his Mistress, to praise her like he’d praise God. A common mistake among these men, for she was nothing like a saint - would prefer to see them SUFFER than forgive them for their sins.

Her rules are simple and clear: the men that visit her at the ranch must only refer to her as Mistress ( something about them knowing her real name always skeeved her out ), must be willing to lock their sh*t up for a minimum of 60 days, maximum of however long she wants- no masturbation, no nothing. And they must be willing to let her do what she sees fit, in terms of her ‘service’ to them. Should a rule be broken, they’d get punished.

The man, who stood facing the wall with wrists and ankles shackled, ball gag in his mouth to keep him quiet, had broken rule #2 - he picked the lock off of his cage two months too soon and had some fun without her permission. Something she didn’t take lightly. Tried hiding it from her, too. Until he took his clothes off, d*ck hanging free, frown on his face. “Shame,” was the only thing she muttered before she started his punishment.

Kirby can hardly remember his name - John? James? Jack? Doesn’t really feel the need to, either. He means nothing to her, another client to add to the long list of names and faces she sees on a daily basis. Makes it easier for her to separate herself from feeling guilty for what she’s doing to them.

“You’re always complaining,” she says again, a loud CRACK filling the air around them as the leather whip connects to his pale skin. “Maybe next time, you’ll follow my rules.”

The beating lasts for another twenty minutes, pink flesh raised, broken and bloody. The brunette runs a hand along the open wounds, delicate fingers admiring her work. Only satisfied when he was left shaking with tear stained cheeks.

Kirby wasn’t always a sadist. Didn’t always find enjoyment out of making others hurt. Didn’t always think men were weak, either. Most people only saw her soft side, only know her from her small floral shop in Salacity. She kept a low profile, drowning herself in work. Barely had time for a night out.

Her brother’s death left her lost, broken, cold. Struggling with emotions that she’d never felt before. Her shop sat abandoned for months as she secluded herself in her small apartment, depression chipping away at any piece of brightness her soul at left. Her therapist suggested she find new hobbies to help her deal with her pain, to help her find happiness again.

She met Mona a month later, started her new career almost immediately.

And although she knew that it wasn’t exactly what her therapist had in mind, watching men cry as she carved her initials into their skin made her feel ALIVE.

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