02/24/2019 03:01 PM 

Kaos: Blackout

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Vicomte Raoul de Chagny


Mar 2nd 2019 - 12:25 AM

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- Jon remained levitated above the city, using enormous amounts of energy to concentrate and focus on running the air sirens to notify the city. His green eyes turning a clouded white as he noticed the people below were beginning to evacuate the city. Suddenly he heard Allie’s voice, causing his head to half turn. Surprised and impressed, but not for long as he received the message about the hospital. Instantly realizing that once more all the people, including his siblings, who he just brought to the hospital were in danger again. By now he had learned to hone his ability to focus on more than one thing. Still concentrating on keeping the sirens running, Jon flew back to the ground below and came back to the hospital. He began to search for Samara, who he caught up to as she was looking for the bomb. -

Got the message about the hospital. I just brought a bunch of people here from the Ministry attack. Please tell me you got an idea for how to get rid of it?

Cesare Di Savoy, King of Italy


Mar 1st 2019 - 12:52 PM

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" Adesso, adesso amico. Have you no faith on your friends to get you out? Now, hush before people find out you are in this caravan."

:: The Italiano chuckled as he rode next to Henri's horse-drawn ambulance. Cesare fought through and with the help of his men were able to make a clear way back to road to the chateau. He avoided eye contact with the general public as they were diverted through a different road. They started to race again, wanting to get them out the main road before the next wave of citizens arrived this part of the city.::

" Hang on in there."

:: They were about to entered the wooded area of the road. Logan was up ahead with his men. He gave them the clear sign as they pushed forward. He pulled besides him on his horse.::

" Civilians are getting closer to these parts. We might get visitors at the chateau."

Empress Alexandra [Allie]


Feb 28th 2019 - 11:00 PM

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Go to the prison. 

* Allie folded her arms across her chest.*

Why would they be there to begin with? You might be able to find a trail to follow from there.

* She lowly spoke to him, Allie didn't want to be loud about their movements. Noah was the fastest on*

If anyone can persuade criminals to talk it is you and those fangs of yours. Do try to get there on time.

* The corner of her lip curved upward, amused by her own play at words. Allie was determined more than ever to find those responsible for these attacks. On top of that list was Hell, blood or not, he deserved to be punished for all of his violence and hatred on everyone.*

Henri D'Orleans of France


Feb 28th 2019 - 10:19 PM

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:: Henri grew concern when she said there was an evacuation on the city, but it did not shock him given what happened earlier. He held onto the edge of the bed and Genevieve's side to keep her from falling off as they maneuvered around the chaos outside.

In the middle of it, Lunette decided to explain what happened when he saw her from the balcony with the mystery man, he assumed had been Hell. She is saying it wasn't. He didn't believe her.::

As soon as we get back, I want you out of my sister's court of ladies. I can care less who you wind up with.

:: He grunted as they came to an abrupt stop and go.::

Or perhaps you will be glad something happens to us.

Princess Isabelle of England


Feb 28th 2019 - 3:50 PM

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*Bella gently bowed her head at Sofía when she made her entrance with more news. She shook her head in grief. The Princess watched the Queen of Italy and Princess of Monaco go. Graciously bowed to them then snapped her eyes at Roussel. She was surprised by the blunt opinion, but before she said anything Jean Pierre spoke up. Her eyes darting towards him.*

Now, gentlemen, we are in crisis and tensions are high. We can't have this. We all need to start planning solutions and not create more problems. Have the Spanish armies arrived yet?

Charles Gilles Andre


Feb 27th 2019 - 11:36 PM

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: Charles was dropped off at the hospital by his brother to get looked at. His ribs were wrapped since they were for sure broken. Minus the other bruises and minor stitching underneath his hairline, Charlie would live. He was seeing more and more brought in but worried mainly about his sister who he hadn’t seen yet. Charles overheard whispers from others about the Prime Minister, though uncertain if the rumor was true. Currently stuck lying in a bed after his wounds were wrapped when the sirens went off and there were shouts to get out of the hospital. Charles held his ribs as a nurse came by to help him evacuate the hospital. He tried to grab the attention of a nurse, needing to find his sister. :

Please, Mademoiselle, I need to find my sister and make sure she gets out safe. She’s a patient who was brought in too from the Ministry attack. I need to know she’s alright. 

𝑙𝑎 𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖, ♡


Feb 27th 2019 - 11:02 PM

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*Audrey anxiously nodded as she took Aurora’s hand and the two of them walked out of the rehearsal room. The ballerina kept her best friend close as the two fought the now rush to get out, pushing others out of their way until there were near the entrance where Julia was ushering people out. Aurora asked what was happened, and Audrey slowed their steps to meet Julia at the door, hoping to find out what was happening. She could then hear the sirens growing louder with the doors open.*

Is there another attack?

Princess Sofía de Grimaldi


Feb 27th 2019 - 9:45 PM

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Sofía continued walking through the chateau towards the household’s quarters with the Ítalía Queen, understanding where she was coming from. 

“I am sure the King will return safely with the others. He has shown to be a good leader. And once returns with the others, I am sure we all will help them get back on their feet.”

The Monaco Princess continued to remain loyal to her optimism. Though deep down she knew that this would not soon end as new hurtles would arise, still Sofía would continue to remain proactive in her own efforts to help get over them.

“Thank you as well, Your Majesty, for your offer to assist. I admit I have a hard time just waiting around, as I’m sure everyone here feels at the moment.”

The Grimaldi heiress gave a small smile as she could see the anxiety in the others as they both waited and dreaded the news. Soon they found Monsieur Gustave and Zero, to whom she kindly asked to have the chateau servants help both of them begin warming up each of the quarters for those arriving and begin ensuring that each had a sufficient stock of pillows, blankets, and anything that would help bring comfort and aid for injuries sustained. 

Henri D'Orleans of France


Feb 27th 2019 - 4:15 PM

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:: Genevieve had been persistent about joining court, but he was beginning to second guess this. His siblings were in danger because of him and here she was hurt. He exhaled as he swept a piece of hair off her face, it started to get bumpy.::

What is all the commotion out there?

:: Henri heard the sirens and commotion, but he had not been informed on the latest of attacks other than the banks and Versailles.::

Noah de Chagny


Feb 26th 2019 - 10:49 PM

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Noah had returned as the glow in her eyes began to fade. His own suddenly shifted to the door, anticipating the interruption. Allie promptly stepped in to give direction to her private minister before he just as quickly departed to carry out her orders. He listened intently at her revelation.

"How can I serve you, your Imperial Majesty?"

A mischievous smirk formed on his lips as he looked forward to having a hand in taking down Hell.

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