02/24/2019 03:01 PM 

Kaos: Blackout

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Katharina MarieElisabeth of Austria


Mar 20th 2019 - 8:16 PM

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The Austrian Princess heard the news coming from the other side of the door about the King's arrival. She jumped up from her seat and beckoned Lothair to follow.

"I must go! We should go."

Katharina walked out of the Duc's quarters to head downstairs. She lightly smiled when she saw Henri being transported inside and he was conscious. She approached him and curtsied.

"Gott sei Dank, you are well and alive, Your Highness. I must speak to you. It is, important."

Lady Emma Marie of Wickham


Mar 20th 2019 - 1:17 PM

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*The English lady was looking out through the window when she saw the gates opening and the King of Italy leading what appeared to be the King of France and the others. She scurried out to the hall to inform others about their arrival. She knocked lightly outside Lothair's quarters.*

Henri is here.

*She tip toed away to go to the railing to look down at the scene below with the new arrivals.*

Comte Philippe de Chagny


Mar 20th 2019 - 1:06 PM

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- Aldric didn't see Hell, but if Noah had, then it was a good place to start. He chanted a few words to open a circular portal to where Rebecca. It was like they were looking through a glass window.-

" The hospital is safe for now. We got rid of the bomb."

- He knew there were patients here that shouldn't be moved and his sister would have a better chance of helping them here. Aldric waved his palm in a circular motion and the portal was gone.-

" Then we return to La Santé Prison."

- The Vicomte agreed with Noah. Jon suggested they go ahead while he goes to find William and Olivia. Aldric firmly nodded then after a chant and a wave of his arm opened a portal to the prison again.-

" After you."

- He smirked and bowed his head at Samara as he gesture her to go first then the Duc before him.-

Henri D'Orleans of France


Mar 18th 2019 - 2:31 PM

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:: The King was transported inside, he had fallen asleep. He stirred as he heard familiar voices. He saw Cesare first and bowed his head in gratitude and salute. Henri did the same to the guards and to the Cercle members standing by to welcome them.::

We made it, merci to all.

:: His voice was low. Henri's throat was dry from all the smoke and still feeling the aftermath of what occurred at Versailles.::

Princess Sofía de Grimaldi


Mar 18th 2019 - 12:11 AM

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Sofía understood that it was a problem if one of them were missing. Judging by Cecille’s response, the disappearance of her friend was a bad sign and her Vizier was untrustworthy. The Monégasque princess did not want to raise panic but they did need to find Jasmine in this dangerous time. They owed it to one another to make sure other members were safe. 

“Alright, we’ll search for her.”

The calm princess assured and turned to the housemaid and the doctor. 

“Alert the staff to be on the lookout for Princess Jasmine and check her quarters for both her and her Vizier.”

Both of them bowed and took off. Sofíe turned her head back to Cecille to plan with her before going separate ways. 

“Roussel is in charge presently. Cesare went to help bring Henri and the others back. You must find him and tell him about the princess. I will alert the Empress.” 

Queen Mary Rose of Scots


Mar 17th 2019 - 8:57 PM

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Cecille's concern was featured over her tender face as she glanced around the room again. All shaking their heads as she questioned if anyone had seen her.

"Oh no..."

She softly exhaled as she tried to calm herself, but it was hard to when she last remembered her friend being here with her and now she was gone.

"His character is questionable."

The Belgium Princess frowned as she delicately explained herself

"And, he wanted to take her away from him. He said it wasn't safe for her and my goodness now she is not here. Please, everyone, help me find her!"

She desperately pleaded.

Noah de Chagny


Mar 17th 2019 - 7:49 PM

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Jon and Aldric worked quickly to contain the issue and got rid of the bomb while Samara inquired about Hell. The crisis now averted, Jon chimed in to offer his own suggestion.

"I smelled the rat at the prison. Due to unforeseen circumstances I was not given much opportunity to investigate. I recommend we start there."

𝑙𝑎 𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖, ♡


Mar 17th 2019 - 4:00 PM

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*Audrey ran with Aurora and Julia to get to safety. She couldn’t believe this was happening again, and yet her mind didn’t have the time to even take it all in as the objective was to get to safety. She overheard Aurora and Julia talking about some underground castle, causing the ballerina to become confused.*

A what?

*Being urged to cross the bridge, she followed with her best friend and their Populaire company in the direction that they needed to be heading.* 

Princess Sofía de Grimaldi


Mar 17th 2019 - 2:10 AM

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Sofía offered support, as did the doctor, in helping to bring the younger princess to stand. Attentively, the fellow royal listened and tried to help piece together what had happened and soon came to feel awful for forgetting about the other princess she had seen with Cecille prior. Her lips fell ajar as she watched the Belgium noble become more anxious. 

“I’m afraid I don’t, she was not here when I came in. Neither was the Vizier.”

The Monaco princess wondered what reason there would be to worry if the middle-eastern princess was with her Vizier, yet judging by the reaction, the circumstance may not be so black and white.

“Is she not safe with her Vizier? Why and how did he take her?” 

Sofía didn’t have the full story so she had to ask what they were up against. If this was a threat inside of the chateau, then danger had found a way in and Allie would have to be notified. 

Aurora "Little" Jammes


Mar 17th 2019 - 1:23 AM

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Aurora desperately ran fast along side her sister and best friend. She was scared for the Populaire and thinking about anyone being hurt, but she was grateful to be running away to safety for now. She leaned into Julia as she set a plan. They were going to father's infamous underground castle. Rory nodded while following her with Audrey.

"William will know to find us there too."

She softly added.

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