02/24/2019 03:01 PM 

Kaos: Blackout

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Aurora "Little" Jammes


Feb 26th 2019 - 10:05 PM

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* Aurora had an uneasy feeling as she read the newspaper columns during breakfast and on her way to the Populaire. The chatter was all about the recent attacks. Her and Audrey were ready to focus and individually went to go rehearse on their own. She was warming up her voice when she heard the alarm go off. Rory frowned as she closed her libretto and rose from her chair when Audrey ran inside to warn her.*

Then lets go!

* She gasped in horror. Rory had read enough to get her in a panic about evacuating. Rory reached for her best friend's hand to rush out of there. Aurora was relieved to see Julia at the door.*

Julia! What's happening?

Alexander Brody of Spencer


Feb 26th 2019 - 12:43 AM

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The Duchess maintained her air of mystery as she prolonged her explanation. He had a feeling the wait would be worth it. Alexander's smile deepened when she revealed she was also looking forward to working together.

"I am happy to hear people speak well of me."

He laughed.

"I'll leave that to you to determine if there's truth in what they say."

The Earl turned to her for a short moment and looked back ahead as they approached the outskirts of Versailles. Before entering the city he took a turn down a road that traveled along its perimeter. A mile down the road he pulled off to the side and parked.

"We'll have to walk from here. Can I help you carry anything?"

𝑙𝑎 𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖, ♡


Feb 25th 2019 - 11:33 PM

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 *This morning was cold and eerie after the attacks from the night before. Audrey heard about them, but as usual, she did not rest and went to the conservatory to rehearse with Aurora. Dance was always her solace amongst the chaos. Wrapped in her routine until an alarm began to resound in the rehearsal studio she was in. The ballerina was annoyed by whatever absurd stunt this was until she came out and saw someone dressed as a bat, yelling for everyone to evacuate. Audrey was confused but immediately went to find her best friend. Pushing people out of her way as she went in the opposite direction to find Aurora’s rehearsal room to get her.*

Rory! Something’s happening! We’re being told we have to leave by someone…dressed as a bat.

*Audrey still had her confusion but judging by what had happened, this could be serious.*

Come on, let’s get out of here!

Otto of Greece


Feb 25th 2019 - 5:03 PM

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:: With a firm nod to Jon and Olivia. I depart to go to the Populaire. I whistled and my horse galloped to my side. I jumped on to and take the reigns. I couldn't be late this time. 

At the riverbed where I had a boat to make it faster since people were evacuating using the primary roads and streets.

The building was standing when the Batman arrived. Taking the underground route inside, I am fast as I stride inside.::

Evacuate the building!

:: I roared as I run up the stairs to enter the  backstage area.::

Evacuate at once!

:: I went to the manager room, not knowing if my sisters were here or not. I storm inside to trigger the alarm set behind a bookcase.:: 

Make sure everyone is out of the building!

:: I disguised my voice and run back out to go upstairs to the conservatory and rehearsing rooms.::

Hurry! We must evacuate!

:: As I see everyone moving out, I run back downstairs. The Populaire was clearing out, a good thing. I have to find where the bastard would have set a bomb at. I am inside the main auditorium to look up at the large chandelier. I spin around to see the empty seats. Down the carpeted aisle I run and look up to see box five.::

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