02/24/2019 03:01 PM 

Kaos: Blackout

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Princess Sofía de Grimaldi


Mar 23rd 2019 - 9:49 PM

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Sofía watched the private secretary as they left to get Allie. Bringing her index finger to rest against her lips, the Monégasque princess paced the room, trying to prepare the news, think of solutions, anything to help. Their situation did not need to get any worse and yet, it felt as if it was if the Hashemite princess was missing. Her head turned the instant she saw Allie return. 

“The Hashemite Princess, Jasmine. I found Cecille on the floor of the library. Earlier the two of them were together when we met in Cesare’s study, but then they went to write for help in the library. Cecille was the only one in there when I found her.”

She paused a second to give Allie the time to absorb some of what she said, then Sofía continued.

“Cecille says that Jasmine’s Vizier came to take her away. She said his character is questionable, which means she could be in danger.”

Alexander Brody of Spencer


Mar 23rd 2019 - 5:05 PM

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Alexander stepped aside and allowed the Duchess to work. He watched on curiously as she moved with expert efficiency to assemble the bomb. At her signal he retracted back and started to run. He looked back over his shoulder to see Darla cut the corner and come up behind him. They ran quickly and a light soon appeared on their heals as the explosion ripped through the sewer tunnels, launching them forward. Darla's triumphant cheer and followed scream caused a single chuckle from him despite the dire circumstances. The moment's humour was gone as quickly as it came as Alexander clipped the edge of a tree and groaned, dropping to the mulch-covered ground below. He tucked inwards and managed to cushion the landing with a roll to lessen the impact. The earl turned over onto his back and took a moment before trying to move and assess any damages. He was sore and scraped up, but nothing seemed to be broken. He groaned again as he forced himself to sit up and rotated his arm around. Looking in his immediate surroundings, he called out to Darla as the remaining debris settled.

"Bang Bang!"

Empress Alexandra [Allie]


Mar 22nd 2019 - 11:07 PM

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* Allie's eyebrow quirked when she mentioned Logan specifically. She wonder what that meant, but she would not indulge in prying.*

Indeed. I hope so too.

* She agreed softly and smiled to see her go off to one of the bedrooms to get some rest.*

I will, thank you.

* The empress took baby Pea into the room to meet with Damien. She apologized for not being around much, but explained mommy was busy with her Imperial duties. Allie also had to explain Jon was working when he asked for his daddy. Her son wanted to help her tend to the baby as they walked out into the sitting room again. He sat down besides her and Allie gently helped guide him how to hold Pea in his arms.*

She is going to be walking soon. You will have to help me keep an eye on her. We don't want her getting hurt.

* Her voice was soft as she smiled down at her children. They spent some time together, playing until it was time for their snack and nap. She tucked her son in and sat besides him until she heard the small ring. It was her private secretary. She was needed upstairs. Allie set baby Pea in her bassinet and set it in the room next to Christina. Allie gently touched Christina's arm to wake her.*

I am sorry, I have to go. The children are sleeping. I will be back soon, I hope. Thank you.

* She gave her baby a small kiss before leaving upstairs. Allie went into the office to see her private secretary, who told her what the Princess of Monaco had stated. She went into her study to meet her.*
Sofía, who is in trouble?

𝑙𝑎 𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖, ♡


Mar 22nd 2019 - 9:52 PM

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*Audrey still wondered what she must have been referring to, but learned that eventually, she would find out. As they crossed the bridge, they were reaching the edge of the city and Julia instructed them to go ahead as she went to make sure the company got to where they needed to. The ballerina dreaded another spat between the sisters and trying to be a mediator, but Aurora didn’t argue and just asked her to hurry. Audrey nodded in agreement and the two of them headed down a different path to go to the estate.*

I am too. I am hoping Bruce is at home, far from this. 

*She replied, though she didn’t know what it could be aside from was mentioned in this morning’s papers.*

Surely it has something to do with the attacks this morning as well. They have to all be linked somehow. Hopefully, this will be over soon.

*Audrey said as she gently brought her hand to rub her friend’s shoulder to comfort and try to be positive.*

Aurora "Little" Jammes


Mar 22nd 2019 - 9:36 PM

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You'll see.

* Aurora breathed as they hurried out of the city. Julia was being stubborn again, but she didn't argue anymore. At least now they had crossed the bridge.*

Very well, but do hurry!

* She gently let go of her hand and began to walk quickly towards the path to the estate along the river.*

Audrey, what do you think is happening? I am worried about everyone... and our brothers...

Princess Sofía de Grimaldi


Mar 22nd 2019 - 12:15 AM

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Sofía nodded to agree with the doctor. It was more reason why it was best if Cecille went to find the others as they could present if the fellow princess was beginning to feel uneasy. As soon as it was agreed on, the Monégasque royal made her way to Allie’s study once more. As she came in, she noticed it was the private secretary again which meant that Allie returned to be with her children. 

“Please give the Empress my apologies, but I must speak with her right away, it is urgent. One of the members may be in trouble.”

She explained to give the message and intended to wait until Allie would arrive to give the full details. 

Queen Mary Rose of Scots


Mar 21st 2019 - 9:39 PM

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The doctor kindly reminded and she politely nodded. She was feeling lightheaded still, but she had to help look for Princess Jasmine.

"Understood, thank you kindly, Doctor."

She turned to the Princess of Monaco and nodded.

"Thank you."

Paying close attention to the last of the Princess' words. Ceci went to towards the King's study only to be diverted towards the center of the chateau to see the King and the others arrive. Cecille scurried downstairs to find Roussel. She bowed to Henri and smiled to see him safe, but she followed behind Roussel.

"Your Grace? Forgive me, this is important."

Vicomte Raoul de Chagny


Mar 20th 2019 - 11:08 PM

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- Jon nodded to Sam about the message. Even he had to admit that he was impressed. Also continued to be when Aldric made the portal. -

Either, you get the message to me, we’ll come to find you either at the prison or if you head somewhere else, let us know.

- Jon affirmed with them before heading out of the room, He ran out of the hospital so that he could hurry to find William and Olivia. Soon as he was out of the hospital and back to the street, he took off into the air. The city was beginning to look emptier with the evacuation. As he hovered above the city, he used his ability of flight to locate and find William and Olivia. To his luck, both happened to be in the same place. Jon descended down to where the two of them were. He stood upright quickly and walked towards them. - 

Lookin’ for me?

- He started in on the news. -

There was a bomb at the hospital but Samara was able to find it and Aldric was able to get rid of it. They’re heading to the prison with Noah, apparently, Hell was there before being broken out. Samara is going to track him. We can catch up to them at the prison if we hurry.

Otto of Greece


Mar 20th 2019 - 9:45 PM

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:: The fight for the city was not over, but they were gaining control and momentum against the knighthood, looters, and clowns. The armies not only of France but of other imperial nations were arriving to help bring stability back in the streets. The fires were being put out and criminals being taken away. We were able to evacuate the government and royal buildings without any more bombs going off. I see Olivia coming towards me and I stop.::

Alright. Lets meet with Jon, see what news he has.

Olivia Gabrielle Rousseau


Mar 20th 2019 - 9:07 PM

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*Olivia was returning back into the city when William cross her path. She ran to his side.*


*She approached him. Seeing him covered in dirt, sweat, ashes and blood. Her face softened, they had been fighting for hours and he looked exhausted. To bring it up would only anger and wound him, therefore instead she relayed what information she had.*

Most of the knighthood and clowns are being chased away from the city or detained. I heard there was trouble at La Santé prison from a passing guard. The entire west side has been recovered, but we should return back to meet with Jon. We have to find Hell and the others.

*They needed to regroup if they wanted to get to their bigger enemies.*

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