02/24/2019 03:01 PM 

Kaos: Blackout

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Noah de Chagny


Mar 4th 2019 - 8:42 PM

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Noah was not surprised when she asked him to visit the prison. A smirk formed as Allie requested he be a bit more timely.

"I shall do my best, though I make no promises."

His lip tugged a bit higher at its corner.

"Don't miss me too much."

Noah took a shorter route and this time, exiting from the room's window and headed straight for La Santé Prison. 

He arrived shortly thereafter. The vampire's enhanced strength and speed gave him great advantage over his anticipated adversaries. After gaining information of the Knighthood Commander's anticipated whereabouts, Noah broke his fast and plunged his fangs into the pleading guard's neck. Mercy was not something he often granted. 

He listened and focused in on the voices that filled the prison halls, soon picking up Aldric's and a second man whom identified himself as the Commander. The vampire appeared in the room a moment later, snatching the Commander by the throat.

"And yet it will not be a pity when I break your neck. Drop the blade, Commander."

Noah tightened his grasp, cutting off Cayle's air supply.

Aurora "Little" Jammes


Mar 4th 2019 - 8:23 PM

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* She was grateful for Audrey as she tried to help her get Julia to come with them. Rory's eyes narrowed in on her sister as she frowned.*

I am going to argue about this! You wouldn't leave me behind would you?

* To be arguing now was childish, but she wasn't going to leave her sister behind. Instead, she reached to hold her sister's hand.*

I loss mother and father, I am not leaving without you!

* Aurora implored to her Julia because she could not bare losing another family member. Which reminded her... William.*

I didn't see William this morning. He isn't here, right?

Princess Isabelle of England


Mar 4th 2019 - 7:24 PM

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*Princess Isabelle thought Jean Pierre would be getting along with Roussel since it was rumored he was seeking to court Princess Genevieve. Before the gentlemen could respond, the Grand Duchess of Spain entered the room.*


*Her hand rested over her heart as she regretted not comprehending what she said. Bella wished she understood Spanish, but the Princess only spoke fluent English, French, and Latin.*

Vicomte Raoul de Chagny


Mar 3rd 2019 - 11:03 PM

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- When Jon heard her say she could stop it with her body, his directional gaze at her turned puzzled. Unsure of what she meant and then she said grow limbs. Imaging that was not an image that he wanted to have in his mind. - 

That’s disgusting.

- He muttered lowly and shook it off. The second option was far better than the first. Jon nodded and continued to help Samara find the bomb. -

The less messy is the better. I can create an exit for you to take it out. We’ll have to get it as far away from the city as possible. 

- Jon said meanwhile still also focusing on sustaining the sirens in the city that were currently going off. -

We need to make this fast. I have to get back soon to evacuating the city. Where is the bomb supposed to be? 

𝑙𝑎 𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖, ♡


Mar 3rd 2019 - 8:22 PM

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*Audrey could tell it was serious, but there was something more alarming about not even knowing what kind of danger they were in. The sirens outside didn’t exactly make it more so comforting to just go outside, unsure of what was even out there. The ballerina became torn between understanding her best friend and also respecting Julia wishes. Then she remembers the bat…man’s warnings.*

Yes, come with us! There is someone already running around making sure everyone gets out! You need to get to safety too!

*She contested as Julia had tried to usher them out.*

Aurora "Little" Jammes


Mar 3rd 2019 - 3:07 AM

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* Aurora held onto her best friend's hand tightly. Goosebumps crawled down her spine with fear. Finding Julia, she pouted as she gave Audrey a look. Her sister could not seriously think they were going to leave her behind. Her face narrowed in as she shook her golden head.*

No! We are staying with you! Right, Audrey?

Princess Sofía de Grimaldi


Mar 3rd 2019 - 2:47 AM

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Sofía kindly nodded her head in agreement as she appreciated the Queen’s matched optimism. She also developed a soft smile for a moment at both of their confessions, though as the focus was mentioned it was exactly what the Monégasque beauty had kept her mind on, leading her to find Monsieur Gustave and Zero. More than eager to help, Sofía thanked them and turned her attention back to the Queen. 

“Yes, if you would like to go with Monsieur Gustave and Zero to help oversee the stock items required and that they get delivered to the King’s chamber, and his household; I will speak with the kitchen start preparing some tea and such. As well oversee the rooms get warm and make sure the footmen are ready.”

She as well offered an alternative location to regroup with the others, hoping by then more positive news would arrive.

“It may be best to regroup in the study with the others in case there is further news. Thank you again for your assistance, Your Majesty.”

Sofía politely bowed her head and left to go complete her tasks. 

Queen Mary Rose of Scots


Mar 3rd 2019 - 1:46 AM

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"This is the safest place to be."

Cecille frowned as the young princesses protested Jasmine's departure. She looked at him almost in disbelief as he extended his hand to Jasmine.

"Don't go, Jasmine. We should go find Cesare and the rest of our peers."

sᴡᴀɴ sᴏɴɢ


Mar 2nd 2019 - 2:51 AM

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The smell of blood filled Sophies nose as she moved through the city, helping to evacuate as many people as she could. She moved swiftly through the streets when a group of men running away caught her attention. 

Sophie took off after them but stopped as she stepped in front of the alleyway where the men had ran from. Sobs caught her ear as the smell of blood thickened. A sad sight laid before her, though death was nothing new to her, it always ripped her heart strings. 

Sophie bent over and placed a hand on The sobbing womans shoulder and offered her condolences "I am so sorry mademoiselle...you mustn't linger here. It isn't safe...please...let me help you get her to the city limits...it is not safe here madam" 

Sophies tone gentle though urgent. Sophie was not afraid of the dangers and would carry the lifeless body all the way if she had to. 

sᴡᴀɴ sᴏɴɢ


Mar 2nd 2019 - 1:36 AM

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Sophie had just finished a performance and was changing in her private quarters at the Moulin Rouge when all hell broke loose. Sirens wailed loud as can be causing panic and chaos in the streets. She changed quickly out of her dress and into something she could easily move around in.

Sophie ran from her dressing room and made sure to get everyone out of the Parisian establishment. Once in the streets of the chaotic city, Sophie moved with stealth and agility....helping those in need and seeing as many of them safely to the city limits before heading back into the city to help others. Few militia would try to get her out of the city limits for her own safety but Sophie was much too fast for them. 

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