02/24/2019 03:01 PM 

Kaos: Blackout

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Vicomte Raoul de Chagny


Mar 17th 2019 - 12:52 AM

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- Jon was overcome with relief once the bomb was taken out of the hospital by Aldric. He dropped the force field and listened as the three of them talked about finding Hell and enemies. Jon agreed, but also knew he wouldn’t be able to keep the sirens going without nearby. -

We should get everyone together after him. We don’t know what kind of power he might be packing. We’ll need everyone together to help him take him down.

- He continued to look at the three of them. - 

If you three go ahead, I’ll find William and Olivia and we can meet you wherever they are at. 

Queen Mary Rose of Scots


Mar 17th 2019 - 12:24 AM

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The bookworm princess gently continued to stand back upright. She felt a bit lightheaded, almost in a dream like state.

"Thank you. Thank you, everyone."

She listened attentively to the Princess of Monaco retell how she found her. Then, Cecille spun around to see if her friend, Princess Jasmine, was in the room.

"Where is Princess Jasmine?"

The Princess of Belgium grew into a panic. She swallowed as she gently held onto Sofía's arm.

"She was here with me."

Her eyes widened in horror as it came to a sudden flashback to last having an argument with her Vizier. She gasped.

"Her Vizier! Jafar took her! Do you know where they are?"

Alexander Brody of Spencer


Mar 15th 2019 - 9:14 PM

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The concept of danger did not seem to phase the Duchess. In observation she appeared quick yet careful on her feet while easily maintaining a close distance behind him. Darla pulled out her flashlight to assist in their navigation and he began to lead them through a series of tunnels. He stopped to pause shortly at an intersection and his thoughts were soon met with an added whisper. He turned to look back over his shoulder to see the Duchess. He could not help but smile and whispered back to her.

"I will."

The earl lead them forward into an additional maze of tunnels until coming to a stop at another intersection. Alexander pulled his loupe from out of his waistcoat pocket and approached the rounded wall on his left. He motioned for Darla to shine the light on a specified location while he lifted the loupe to his eye and held it in place to examine the area. Finding the mark he was looking for, he pulled back and returned the tool to his pocket while looking back at her.

"We're here."

He took some steps back over to align himself with the edge of the tunnel and took six paces to its center. Alexander stopped to turn around and pointed directly upwards to signal he was now standing directly beneath their target.

"Okay, Bang Bang. Show time."

Cesare Di Savoy, King of Italy


Mar 15th 2019 - 3:45 PM

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:: The Italiano's brow sharpened as he thought of his options. Straight ahead were the gates and they were greeted by the armed guards. He wanted to keep the chateau safe from intruders, but also keep order and civilians nearby to protect them. The Italian armies were already in the city as well in the surrounding areas to support. It was his duty to give the orders Henri would want for his countrymen.::

" Start organizing people 50 kilometers from the gates. If the enemy comes, we will be in between to protect them."
:: He bowed his head to Logan to thank him for leading his command.::

" I will come look for you after I get Henri and the others inside."

:: The gates opened after he gave a signal to confirm their arrival. Entering the chateau grounds, he galloped ahead and stopped at the entrance to begin to help those injured inside.::



Mar 15th 2019 - 2:59 PM

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*Celeste Giry was stretching when the alarms began to ring all around. She looked at people begin to rush out and heard her name. He helped her pick up her newspaper and bag out with her.*

What's happening?

*She wasn't looking where she was going when she spotted a man dressed in a bat suit pass by. Celeste nearly fell over when Gia was pushed onto her, but her balance was superb.*


*Celeste and Gia ran outdoors and continued to run in the direction of the river to get to a bridge to cross out of the city.*

We must cross the bridge!

Empress Alexandra [Allie]


Mar 14th 2019 - 11:31 PM

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*Allie nodded as she seemed elsewhere for a brief pause. She lightly smiled as she nodded, shaking off the uneasy feeling in her stomach. The young leader felt the burden of her crown, but there was no time to feel overwhelmed.*

They will make it out. I'm hoping the number of casualties is low. We have the best guards and fighters out there.

* Her smile grew into a confident one. As much as she had her worries and concerns, Allie believed in the people fighting for the cause. These included the people she was close to, people she loved such as Samara, Jon, and Noah. She wished she could be out there also to help, but as she looked at Penelope and heard her boy's laughter... she knew she was in the right place.*

You have a valid point.

* Taking her baby girl into her arms to rest her on her lap. She softened as soon as she laid eyes on her. Her baby talk made Allie smile.*

I missed you too, Pea.

* She gently held onto her little hand as she looked back up to Christina.*

Take a small nap, I might have to leave in a few hours again.

Henri D'Orleans of France


Mar 14th 2019 - 9:08 PM

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:: Henri was relieved to hear his friend's voice. He was in good hands and would be there soon. His beloved sister was still unconscious with Lunette still tending after her. He began to feel responsible for what happened in Versailles and less blame on Lady Garnier. He shifted his body and closed his eyes in grief and guilt, remaining silent for the remainder of the journey.::

Comte Philippe de Chagny


Mar 14th 2019 - 8:34 PM

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- Aldric looked over to Noah to make sure he wasn't injured from the bullets they escaped. Sam's sarcasm made him shake his head, but she was known to get the job done. His smirk appeared as they were all on the same page. They had to find Hell and the rest of the criminals responsible for attacking the people of the empire. Jon was swift to make a force field. He prepared to use his spell to open a portal as soon as she located it, he opened it and the bomb was brushed away. His hands came down while he caught his breath.-

"We did it."

- His chest was puffing. That was close, but they did it. The Vicomte relaxed somewhat.-

" We have to go find our enemies."

Stanislas Xavier de Bourbon


Mar 14th 2019 - 7:56 PM

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:: The Angel of Hell thought fast before this was the end of him. He coughed again, staggering to say the Latin words.::

Sicut umbra transeunt dies..

:: He was losing control against the cough, he collapsed onto the dirt again. Using magic and the sword took a toll on his organs. He groaned in pain and his body began to convulse.::

Noah de Chagny


Mar 12th 2019 - 11:28 PM

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His brows narrowed inward, noticing a familiar stench. Hell was nearby. He had little time to dwell on it further before additional company arrived. At the sound of the first gun shot, Noah turned on his heel and released the commander in time to dodge the fired bullets. In the commotion Aldric took hold of him and assisted in their escape through the portal.

When they appeared suddenly at the hospital, Aldric jumped quickly into action with Jon and Samara while Noah fought the desire to bash the wall in frustration at being so close to Hell with nothing to show for it. He followed at the back behind Jon and Aldric while Samara lead them to the location of the bomb. His arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Yes, do hurry. The sooner this is taken care of, the sooner we can return to finding Hell and delivering his death sentence." 

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