01/01/2022 08:29 PM 

1x1 with Christina Nickson


1x1 Christina Nickson

World to Explore: Not specified

She didn’t have to be the devil’s daughter to know how to play the game. “Maybe not harm yas then, but he could get yas a one way ticket to Arkham Asylum an’ ya ain’t gonna be getting outta there anytime soon.” At least that’s what the security guards wanted to think about the place, and the reality of it being fairly simple to break out of with the right know-how wasn’t something Harley wanted to dwell on. She was trying to scare the woman, or at least intimidate her a little. “Ain’t no one like no one else, that’s kinda the point ‘round here. Gotta few screws loose, if ya know what I’ sayin’. That guy ain’t gotta screw fully tightened. No one sane would go wanderin’ around lookin’ like this would they?? Or maybe they would but not in this city !!”

Harley glanced over with a light laugh. “Everyone says that when they get here, but people really are all the same. Ya just gotta find another way to stand out.” She didn’t know how different Chris really was so was simply taking her experiences from Gotham which was unconventional at best. She wasn’t aware of this darker side, but in a way, the worst side of brought was always brought out on these streets.

There was no point dwelling on the nuances of the city, as it was the situation itself that should have been more important. She wasn’t going to be bossed around the Joker or any of his gang anymore. “I’m sure he’s thinkin’ about it.” Harley murmured before realising he was dead. “Or at least he was. I’m used to being around people with a no kill idea. It’s got my into and out of some messes. Just gotta hope it works in your favour ain’t yas.” Copying her the blonde leant against he wall next to her on her shoulder. “Wanna try me fer understandin’ I’m quite the understanding person.”

09/08/2021 08:24 PM 

1x1 with Baron Samedi


1x1 Baron Samedi

World to Explore: Rebirth Harley Quinn

Snakes were deadly and underestimated by most like she was but that was their only common ground. They were slimy and scaly and gross. Snakes earnt respect alongside fear and even a gal as insane as Harley knew to be wary of such exploits. Unlike the rest of the world she saw the world for what it was, a facade of wannabes and try-hards who only wished they could be their true selves. It was a unique experience, sure, but Harley lived and loved every moment. The world was fascinating if people only dived beneath the surface, then a lot of people wouldn’t believe the real world even if it happened right in front of them.

She was aware of magic’s existence, but not of how it worked. It was certainly more than just a few card tricks and sleight of hand. It was beyond the physical, and unexplained and although a little dabble in the arts didn’t sound dangerous so many things could go wrong that Harley knew she was best leaving it to the experts. It wasn’t like things couldn’t be solved with a thwack to the head most of the time. There was something extravagant about the thought of magic though, and whipping a spell out probably took less effort, although maybe the last part was just wishful thinking.

The thought of being able to possess some form of magic piqued her interest.   ❝ Everyone ?? Ya sure about that ?? ❞   She knew he was but just needed the confirmation because any magical ability would be absolutely insane , and Harley loved the thought of that. An almost shocked look crossed her face as he kissed her hand but she allowed him to continue. Her nose wrinkled up before she figured out what he said to her. It wasn’t a threat, that was a good sign. Harley had no reason to keep her guard up around him.   ❝ I’m open to it. ❞

As conversation shifted, the blonde was offered a chance at revenge, one that wouldn’t necessarily be pinpointed to her. She should have been better than that, but when the offer was right in front of her she couldn’t say no.   ❝ The Joker, he did a lotta bad things, to me an’ the rest of the city. If anyone deserves t’ pay fer what they’ve done it’s him. ❞   Under his instruction, the female closed her eyes. She was used to listening to her heart but maybe not in such a literal way. She took two steps back, straight into one of the cabinets.   ❝ Oops, okay wrong way. Sorry. ❞   Holding her hands out in front of her she took a few careful steps not wanting to cause any more trouble. That sounded like too big of a mess to clean up.

Within moments she felt a pull towards one item in particular. She wasn’t sure how or why but stopped in front of it. As Harley opened her eyes she saw it was a blood red diamond encased in protective glass. The red almost swirled within the diamond, but then maybe her mind was playing tricks on her.   ❝ What’s this ?? Is it anything special or do I just have an expensive taste ?? ❞

07/17/2021 08:20 PM 

1x1 with Sentinel of Liberty


1x1 Sentinel of Liberty

World to Explore: Infinite Frontier Harley Quinn

HARLEY AND HEROES.   She wasn’t sure what to do ,   whether to make herself busy ,   or actually partake in matters.   She’d been invited by Batman ,   having spent the last few months trying to learn how to not be as bad as she had been.   Anyone else would have said she was trying to be good ,   but Harley knew the whole hero-thing was a little beyond her reach given her track record ,   but she could always try even if things never really went 100% to plan.   There was an arrest and it wasn’t on her and the bad guy got reprimanded.   There were worse bad guys in the world than her ,   but not a lot of people beat being the Joker’s ex-girlfriend.   That was a label that was always going to be hard to shake.   Especially when most of the people surrounding her had fought him ,   or had heard of his exploits.   It took a lot to work past an idea like that.

With the soda Batman had promised her in hand ,   and a warning to not annoy everyone there Harley smiled at them all.   She was mostly familiar with the Justice League and their techniques but this was bigger than the Justice League ,   and the Avengers had also been called and despite trying to keep her hands to herself ,   holding an empty soda wasn’t very occupying and she was too curious for her own good.   Eyeing up the new heroes she stood up ,   tilting her head as if to analyse them all before holding out her hand.   ❝   I’m Harley ,   Harley Quinn !!   Nice t’meetcha !!   ❞

She held it for a second before dropping it as her eye line caught onto their weapons ,   their outfits who mostly didn’t seem to shy away from colour unlike Batman and his black aesthetic.   In front of her was THE Captain America ,   the biggest save the world guys she knew   —   well second ,   because Batman would have whacked her over the head if she’d have said that allowed.   The red ,   white and blue was striking ,   and although matched the name showed her that hiding in the shadows wasn’t always the way to go.   ❝   Okay ya gotta show Bats ya wardrobe when ya get a chance !!   like I know it ain’t the life and death sitch ya used to but trust me his wardrobe is on life support !!   Just when we get a chance of course saving the world definitely and completely comes first ,   promise !!   I do have one question though   —   ❞   She let that thought hover before trying to give him her sweetest smile whilst not under the watchful eye of the Justice League.   This was definitely not a question Batman would have approved of.   ❝   Could I ,   at some point maybe ,   borrow that ??   ❞

02/09/2021 08:19 PM 

1x1 with Loki Laufeyson


1x1 Loki Laufeyson

World to Explore: Not specified

She’d spent some time with Loki, and he drew her in closer. The incident that led to his escape was something that was at the back of her mind. Within the artefacts S.H.I.E.L.D. had relieved of all of their prisoners one had caught her eye. Harleen had been drawn to it and had pocketed the gold necklace that had an orb attached, it was a glittering gold, almost like a snowglobe. Harleen couldn’t explain why she had been drawn to it and hadn’t thought about it further as she retrieved Loki’s staff to aid his breakout. The breakout had been a whirlwind, and at the time Harleen couldn’t have explained it. But the necklace in her pocket had been glowing ever so slightly.

As they escaped, and she was safe with Loki in a place of his choosing, Harleen had finally took the glowing orb out of her pocket. Excusing herself for a moment, the orb glowed brighter, the winds inside picking up a pace as she held it in her hands. It was likely a dangerous move, but now she had done far worse. Reaching behind her neck, she clasped the chain together and air around her dropped. It felt cooler, like someone had most definitely opened a window, a slipstream of breeze running through. It got progressively stronger, more chaotic you could say and Harley was barely able to stay on her feet. She unlocked the bathroom door and practically twirled into Loki. Her hair free of her bun, loosely fell at her sides, her glasses flying into nowhere. A rush ran through her veins, as the winds nearly took her breath away. As soon as the wind appeared it died down and without being able to explain much Harleen felt alive. 

The power surged through her - she had no idea she’d become the vessel for Khaos, the goddess of wind, and the primordial mix of elements otherwise known as Chaos. A look into her eyes, a confident smile was on her lips, as she looked up at Loki, she hadn't even paid attention to the black and gold dress she was wearing. The perks of being Khaos came with creation manipulation, but Harleen would learn all of this in time.
“ I...I have no idea what I just did but I feel...alive!! ”

02/04/2021 08:16 PM 

1x1 with Loki Laufeyson


1x1 Loki Laufeyson

World to Explore: Not specified

She knew that. Everyone else didn't seem to realise it but she knew he wouldn't. Harleen couldn't explain it, but it was something she simply felt. His hand was warm against her cheek, as she closed her eyes as instructed. As he spoke, the memories were flooding through her head, it was a rush, almost exciting but of course not everything was bright. A tinge of sadness seemed to run through every memory and that build up quickly became painful. Not physically but emotionally, and then somehow it only seemed to get worse.

He wasn’t a monster, Harleen could see that. It reminded her of her own home, how being the only daughter from four pushed her aside for some traditional reason or another. How her father had been lost to the police and she hadn’t really seen him since. It drove Harleen into a want to understand, but it didn’t prepare her for Loki’s story. Listening to his voice, made her almost want him, to prove that there was someone who truly cared. She couldn’t keep that level of thought sharing professional but wasn’t sure if the magic worked both ways. Part of her hoped it didn’t whereas the other half wanted to dive in and tell him. “I’m not afraid of you, Loki.” She echoed her previous words, much softer this time. She wasn’t afraid, but more emotion than intended slipped through.

01/31/2021 08:13 PM 

1x1 with Loki Laufeyson


1x1 Loki Laufeyson

World to Explore: Not specified

“I’m not afraid of you. Monster is not a technical term in my field of work.” Harleen sat back down in front of him, watching his mannerisms carefully. He held himself well, far better than the usual crazies she interviewed. Maybe there was a hint of narcissism in his actions but nothing that worried her. The blush on her cheeks was obvious as she caught his final words. He really thought she was an angel?

Everyone succumbed to those temptations at some point, and Harleen didn’t want to admit that one was currently sitting right in front of her. The talk of spells had the guards worried and they weren’t afraid to speak their mind. “Don’t Dr. Quinzel !! He’ll f***ing kill you, can’t you see that??”

Of course, she heard the guard, although his voice sounded distant like he was a world away. But in short, no she didn’t see it. All Harleen saw was a man who needed to confide in someone, to share everything with, and Harleen wanted to be that person. As she shuffled to the edge of her seat, her hands rested on her knees. It took her a second, but as she watched his gaze, Harleen slowly nodded. “Do it.”

01/29/2021 08:10 PM 

1x1 with Loki Laufeyson


1x1 Loki Laufeyson

World to Explore: Not specified

The history books never painted Odin as the bad guy, but it made sense, since he remained the ruling God. Who would speak ill of a power like that knowing the consequences? The thought intrigued her, and she made a quick note of it. “Your father’s murderer taunted you with that fact, expecting you not to react upon being told that information? Honestly, I’d say retaliating makes you more normal, or neuro-typical, I suppose is the correct phrase I should be using.” She bit her lip, attempting to compose herself as she returned to a more professional manner.

“No one deserves to be treated differently for who they came from.” Her voice soft, almost apologetic, he needed that reassurance in the moment. “Sounds to me like you didn’t get affection often.” Sometimes people, or deities for that matter, needed to realise that they were the real bad guys. Pushing others to the brink and getting mad when they snapped. Maybe that was what Harleen needed to go. She glanced at the guard next to the cell. "Get him out, now."

"Ma'am I'm  afraid I-"

"Afraid of what? The room itself is secure. Fury isn't here and you wouldn't want to be on his bad side for hindering an investigation would you??" 

It was a risky move, but hoped allowing him out of his cell, at least briefly would show a little compassion. Harleen just hoped it wouldn't backfire.

01/11/2021 04:07 PM 

1x1 with Smile like A Rifle


1x1 Smile Like A Rifle

World to Explore: Nolanverse

Harley had been counting down the days. They’d locked her away once they’d realised what she’d done. They had labelled it disgracing her name but the laughter on lips made it obvious she’d disagreed. If anything ?? She’d found herself, the taste of the metal bars on her door had become a sensation she was used to as no one dared to even push her food through the window as the last male who had tried had lost his finger in the process. They hadn’t believed that she would find a way to break out, but a bobby pin, a shoelace and a creative mind meant that anything was possible. He’d granted her the power to do what she wished with the luxury of not caring about the consequences. Such a mind was dangerous at the best of times, but in Gotham City, that mindset was lethal.

The once young and inspiring Dr. Harleen Quinzel, the blonde haired blue-eyed bombshell of the therapy team at Arkham was no more. The madness infested her mind, and she had fallen hopelessly down the rabbit hole for him and she couldn’t wait for him to see it. First, though, she had to get out of the hellhole. Luckily, despite his escape the security routine hadn’t changed since her codes had been valid. Just a few sweet words and a promise of the world and had her main guard under her spell. It almost hurt, flirting with another but she was sure he’d understand — the guard couldn’t keep them apart for long and he simply wouldn’t be alive long enough to tell the tale. Her psychiatric training allowed her to spin a web of wonder and desire, warp the male’s mind into giving her a hand and soon enough she had her keys in hand.

Just another weapon at her disposal as the door clicked open, at her request. She thanked him, pressing her lips to his cheek, printing a lipstick mark. A small distraction from the key jabbed straight into his eye, left hanging on the chain for good measure. Alarms echoed through the Asylum as Harley broke into a run, fighting her way out. It didn’t take much, they underestimated her. The petty little wannabe she’d been would never have thought to do this and they still thought that shrink of a girl was still locked away. With several bodies cascaded on the floor around her, Harley walked out of Arkham. Running her blood stained hand through her hair she caught her reflection in a smashed up car window. She barely recognised herself but the red looked good on her, and she reminded herself to sort herself out. She needed a new look to fit how she felt before greeting him once more on his grandest stage yet. Harley simply hoped she was a face he wanted to see.

Heading back to her apartment, Harley knew there would be nothing there for her now. At least not in terms of possessions. A bright red lipstick and a barely used eyeliner were the only items Harley needed from that old life. The clothing was useless in it’s own right but the fabric itself had potential. She’d never attempted to sew her own clothes together but anything to raise attention to herself. Harley wanted her grand entrance to be by his side, not by robbing the local mall. It took time, a few tweaks and many try ons but eventually it was all in place. In front of the mirror, a red and black corset, and matching shorts that were probably too short from all the edits clung to every curve the female had. Black and red hockey socks just brushed her knees whilst mismatching two pairs of converse in her wardrobe finished off the look, alternating the red and black down to her feet. The dried blood still in her hair still needed attention, but using her own bathroom was too risky and so another plan came to mind. A quick shower, and a change back into some civilian clothing the blonde left her apartment for the last time.

A handful of hair dyes and a few ideas in mind, a redundant public bathroom saw the birth of Harley Quinn. As the red and black hair dye ruined her bleach blonde she couldn’t help but laugh at her reflection. Harleen would have cried, questioned everything but Harley knew this was the right move to make. The clothes she’d made were taken out of the backpack she’d used and placed onto the side until the dye had settled and washed through. The bright red was striking but a complete contrast to the black on the other side. She swapped her clothes and dumped the backpack in the bathroom. A bright red lip, and she thought she was ready. One final glance in the reflection and her glasses didn’t match, didn’t work. She carefully swapped them out for her contacts, almost stinging her eyes as they were placed. Now she was definitely ready.
She raced over just in time to hear his welcome speech. Harley listened carefully trying to shuffle her way through the crowd that had gathered. Unfortunately, this was too high profile to just kill them on sight now, plus they could always be useful in other ways. As she got closer the crowds dispersed.   “ Aww, ya makin’ a walkway for me, how kind of you mista’ !! ”   She took a step closer towards him, running her hand along his wrist, taking his Rolex as her prize, and a present for the Joker.

Her heart was banging inside her chest as he came into view and he had certainly pulled out his best for is grand opening. She grinned at him with a small courtesy.   “ What d’ya think o’ the makeover puddin’ ?? ”   A little spin round and she was by his side, breathing him in once more.   “ It ain't too far is it ?? I just thought, well, I thought you’d like it more than the preppy little princess !! I gotcha a present !! ”   She dangled the golden Rolex in front of him in the hope that he’d be distracted by it if she wasn’t going to like his answers.

01/10/2021 04:06 PM 

1x1 with Robert Miller


1x1 Robert Miller

World to Explore: Not specified

Although she hadn’t been violent herself growing up she had seen it out of the corners of her younger yes. The police had taken her father away when she was seven and she hadn’t seen him do anything wrong and why would the police take away a good guy? Of course she didn’t see his artistry when it came to conning the world out of money but to be arrested in front of her, and talked to for hours? Somehow she was able to just walk out of the precinct without being noticed and she had never seen him since. 

Those actions hadn’t made her crazy but it was just another stepping stone that lead to the production of the Harleycoaster, the deep dive that changed Harleen into the infamous Harley Quinn. Her face had been plastered across the Gotham Gazette more times than she could count. She stood out from the crowd, and eventually out the shadow of her partner in crime. She climbed the underworld, going from being his girl, to a force of her own. That was where she stood in Gotham City, and things were about to change.

Harley had given herself the night off after a successful heist the day before but after hearing some drama going off on her streets? Now that was something she had to see. Her leisurely walk took off into a run but by the time she’d the few blocks all she saw was the bodies on the ground. Well, that was a strong word given the state of the crime scene. At first the only explanation she had was Joker but there was no calling card, and well, eye-removal wasn’t exactly his MO. Taking a few steps back from the scene, doing her best not to disturb it, she accidently created a trail of her boot prints as she had walked through a puddle of blood. Now she was in the sh*t for something that wasn’t even her. Her first thought was to run, but the second, and definitely the crazier plan, was to find the person that did so she wasn’t framed for their crime. This was too insane even for her, but if the shoe fitted, which it obviously did they would have her locked up anyway. Calling out to the shadows, she hoped the perpetrator hadn’t strayed too far. 

“Look Mista’ I ain’t exactly sure who you are, but this madness definitely implies Mista’ is at least the right ter to use. Maybe yas could come outta here an’ we can talk about this?? Maybe I’ll even help ya clear up the mess!! My track record is bad, but I don’t exactly think the pigs that run the city are gonna accept the ‘yes I killed many people before but these two bodies aren’t mine’ schtick so if ya help me outta this, I’ll help ya too. GCPD got a lot on their plate but a guy like yaself, threatenin’ the top dogs on the streets like this. Ya gonna be in big trouble if ya don’t have a hand on these streets already!! We ain’t like other cities, and you wouldn’t wanna see the welcome parade after doin’ this!!”

01/03/2021 04:05 PM 

1x1 with Rose the Hat


1x1 Rose the Hat

World to Explore: Not specified

Anyone outside of Gotham didn’t want to stay there longer than necessary. Unless you’d specifically chosen to move into Gotham there was nothing there for you except lies, deceit and a costumed crowd of criminals who could easily lead you astray. At one point Harley had been a fully fledged member, falling into the traps of a certain green-haired clown. It didn’t matter though. For now, at least, she was carving her own path away from him although granted he was never too far away. Then nothing was ever too far away in this city. She’d been enjoying herself, having a few drinks with her girl friends before spotting the reaction of a few men as they left the bar. Harley had known herself what a man on the hunt looked like, and she excused herself from her friends to follow. Dealing with many of the males in Gotham required back up and she didn’t know then, who they had spotted. 

Harley kept to the shadows as the men approached a woman the female didn’t recognise which was rare. Most people never stayed out late, alone in a city they didn’t know, and that was the safest idea in Gotham. Her voice sounded sweet, but she couldn’t explain the actions in front of her. Sure, that meant Harley didn’t have to get down and dirty herself but when someone just dropped to the ground like that Harley had to consider whether getting involved, or simply leaving her to it was the best course of action. After all, she didn’t fancy joining him in playing dead, if he was playing at all.It was impressive and it was that feeling which kept her gaze on the action. It seemed she wasn’t alone, so Harley didn’t feel the need to involve herself in that regard but a group of new people piqued her curiosity. There were already enough people on these streets and they didn’t need another gang trying to stake their claim in the city.

“Well if violence was what ya lookin’ fer ya certainly in the right city!! Gotta say though, ya outfits don’t really match the vibe here. I’m Harley, Harley Quinn. Now I could helps yas out with that but I also don’t wanna get zapped, or whatever the hell happened there so please note I’m nice and friendly and only attack people when given reason to do so. So I wouldn’t give me a reason to use ya head a baseball. Okay?? Now what’s the sitch here ‘cause the streets are pretty busy so if ya gotta reason t’ be around I know this place?? Maybe I could help yas move right along as quickly as possible. ”

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