01/10/2021 04:06 PM 

1x1 with Robert Miller
Category: Drabbles


1x1 Robert Miller

World to Explore: Not specified

Although she hadn’t been violent herself growing up she had seen it out of the corners of her younger yes. The police had taken her father away when she was seven and she hadn’t seen him do anything wrong and why would the police take away a good guy? Of course she didn’t see his artistry when it came to conning the world out of money but to be arrested in front of her, and talked to for hours? Somehow she was able to just walk out of the precinct without being noticed and she had never seen him since. 

Those actions hadn’t made her crazy but it was just another stepping stone that lead to the production of the Harleycoaster, the deep dive that changed Harleen into the infamous Harley Quinn. Her face had been plastered across the Gotham Gazette more times than she could count. She stood out from the crowd, and eventually out the shadow of her partner in crime. She climbed the underworld, going from being his girl, to a force of her own. That was where she stood in Gotham City, and things were about to change.

Harley had given herself the night off after a successful heist the day before but after hearing some drama going off on her streets? Now that was something she had to see. Her leisurely walk took off into a run but by the time she’d the few blocks all she saw was the bodies on the ground. Well, that was a strong word given the state of the crime scene. At first the only explanation she had was Joker but there was no calling card, and well, eye-removal wasn’t exactly his MO. Taking a few steps back from the scene, doing her best not to disturb it, she accidently created a trail of her boot prints as she had walked through a puddle of blood. Now she was in the sh*t for something that wasn’t even her. Her first thought was to run, but the second, and definitely the crazier plan, was to find the person that did so she wasn’t framed for their crime. This was too insane even for her, but if the shoe fitted, which it obviously did they would have her locked up anyway. Calling out to the shadows, she hoped the perpetrator hadn’t strayed too far. 

“Look Mista’ I ain’t exactly sure who you are, but this madness definitely implies Mista’ is at least the right ter to use. Maybe yas could come outta here an’ we can talk about this?? Maybe I’ll even help ya clear up the mess!! My track record is bad, but I don’t exactly think the pigs that run the city are gonna accept the ‘yes I killed many people before but these two bodies aren’t mine’ schtick so if ya help me outta this, I’ll help ya too. GCPD got a lot on their plate but a guy like yaself, threatenin’ the top dogs on the streets like this. Ya gonna be in big trouble if ya don’t have a hand on these streets already!! We ain’t like other cities, and you wouldn’t wanna see the welcome parade after doin’ this!!”

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