01/01/2022 08:29 PM 

1x1 with Christina Nickson
Category: Drabbles


1x1 Christina Nickson

World to Explore: Not specified

She didn’t have to be the devil’s daughter to know how to play the game. “Maybe not harm yas then, but he could get yas a one way ticket to Arkham Asylum an’ ya ain’t gonna be getting outta there anytime soon.” At least that’s what the security guards wanted to think about the place, and the reality of it being fairly simple to break out of with the right know-how wasn’t something Harley wanted to dwell on. She was trying to scare the woman, or at least intimidate her a little. “Ain’t no one like no one else, that’s kinda the point ‘round here. Gotta few screws loose, if ya know what I’ sayin’. That guy ain’t gotta screw fully tightened. No one sane would go wanderin’ around lookin’ like this would they?? Or maybe they would but not in this city !!”

Harley glanced over with a light laugh. “Everyone says that when they get here, but people really are all the same. Ya just gotta find another way to stand out.” She didn’t know how different Chris really was so was simply taking her experiences from Gotham which was unconventional at best. She wasn’t aware of this darker side, but in a way, the worst side of brought was always brought out on these streets.

There was no point dwelling on the nuances of the city, as it was the situation itself that should have been more important. She wasn’t going to be bossed around the Joker or any of his gang anymore. “I’m sure he’s thinkin’ about it.” Harley murmured before realising he was dead. “Or at least he was. I’m used to being around people with a no kill idea. It’s got my into and out of some messes. Just gotta hope it works in your favour ain’t yas.” Copying her the blonde leant against he wall next to her on her shoulder. “Wanna try me fer understandin’ I’m quite the understanding person.”

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