01/03/2021 04:05 PM 

1x1 with Rose the Hat


1x1 Rose the Hat

World to Explore: Not specified

Anyone outside of Gotham didn’t want to stay there longer than necessary. Unless you’d specifically chosen to move into Gotham there was nothing there for you except lies, deceit and a costumed crowd of criminals who could easily lead you astray. At one point Harley had been a fully fledged member, falling into the traps of a certain green-haired clown. It didn’t matter though. For now, at least, she was carving her own path away from him although granted he was never too far away. Then nothing was ever too far away in this city. She’d been enjoying herself, having a few drinks with her girl friends before spotting the reaction of a few men as they left the bar. Harley had known herself what a man on the hunt looked like, and she excused herself from her friends to follow. Dealing with many of the males in Gotham required back up and she didn’t know then, who they had spotted. 

Harley kept to the shadows as the men approached a woman the female didn’t recognise which was rare. Most people never stayed out late, alone in a city they didn’t know, and that was the safest idea in Gotham. Her voice sounded sweet, but she couldn’t explain the actions in front of her. Sure, that meant Harley didn’t have to get down and dirty herself but when someone just dropped to the ground like that Harley had to consider whether getting involved, or simply leaving her to it was the best course of action. After all, she didn’t fancy joining him in playing dead, if he was playing at all.It was impressive and it was that feeling which kept her gaze on the action. It seemed she wasn’t alone, so Harley didn’t feel the need to involve herself in that regard but a group of new people piqued her curiosity. There were already enough people on these streets and they didn’t need another gang trying to stake their claim in the city.

“Well if violence was what ya lookin’ fer ya certainly in the right city!! Gotta say though, ya outfits don’t really match the vibe here. I’m Harley, Harley Quinn. Now I could helps yas out with that but I also don’t wanna get zapped, or whatever the hell happened there so please note I’m nice and friendly and only attack people when given reason to do so. So I wouldn’t give me a reason to use ya head a baseball. Okay?? Now what’s the sitch here ‘cause the streets are pretty busy so if ya gotta reason t’ be around I know this place?? Maybe I could help yas move right along as quickly as possible. ”

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