01/29/2021 08:10 PM 

1x1 with Loki Laufeyson
Category: Drabbles


1x1 Loki Laufeyson

World to Explore: Not specified

The history books never painted Odin as the bad guy, but it made sense, since he remained the ruling God. Who would speak ill of a power like that knowing the consequences? The thought intrigued her, and she made a quick note of it. “Your father’s murderer taunted you with that fact, expecting you not to react upon being told that information? Honestly, I’d say retaliating makes you more normal, or neuro-typical, I suppose is the correct phrase I should be using.” She bit her lip, attempting to compose herself as she returned to a more professional manner.

“No one deserves to be treated differently for who they came from.” Her voice soft, almost apologetic, he needed that reassurance in the moment. “Sounds to me like you didn’t get affection often.” Sometimes people, or deities for that matter, needed to realise that they were the real bad guys. Pushing others to the brink and getting mad when they snapped. Maybe that was what Harleen needed to go. She glanced at the guard next to the cell. "Get him out, now."

"Ma'am I'm  afraid I-"

"Afraid of what? The room itself is secure. Fury isn't here and you wouldn't want to be on his bad side for hindering an investigation would you??" 

It was a risky move, but hoped allowing him out of his cell, at least briefly would show a little compassion. Harleen just hoped it wouldn't backfire.

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