08/27/2023 10:45 PM 

Halloween Fun - Written for The Bandit Queen

Halloween FUn
The Mayor's office was quiet, peaceful even. The only sound to be heard was the light scratching of Regina's pen as she wrote. That was until the footsteps, urgent footsteps. Then the sound of her office door opening up. Raising her head she did her best not to roll her eyes as Snow White happily came through the door. "Hi Regina!" She said so happily. Regina simply looked back down to her work and even continued writing. "Hello, Snow. To what do I owe this.. visit?" 

Shrugging her shoulders Snow simply smiled. "Well, I wanted to come ask you something. And I just couldn't wait until our usual lunch date!" God her cheerfulness was bound to make Regina sick right here and now. Hiding her irritation though she nodded and motioned for Snow to have a seat across from her. "Fine. What is this urgent matter that couldn't wait.." she glanced to the clock and then back to Snow. "Two hours."

Practically bursting with excitement Snow clapped her hands together. "There is a huge haunted house opening up this weekend. Want to go?" She asked. Regina stared at Snow for a moment, trying to judge if she was actually serious or not. ".. Have you been eating random treats strangers have given you again? Remember what happened last time.." she said leaning back in her seat. "You being poisoned is the only explanation of why you'd even remotely think I'd want to do that."

It was now Snow's turn to roll her eyes. "Oh come on Regina! It would be so much fun." Regina only shook her head still seeming hesitant about the idea. "Would it be a family affair? Emma and Henry coming too?" She asked assuming that maybe Snow wished to make this a family outing. At least with Henry there it might be tolerable.

Again shaking her head Snow looked to Regina. "No. I thought... it would be something you and I could do. As friends." Though Snow said the word friends it was heavily implied there was more behind it. Lately, Snow had taken a particular interest in Regina, in them doing things one on one and honestly, it was beginning to concern Regina.

"Snow I don't know what.. is going on between us... but it's freaking me out." She said bluntly. Snow looked to Regina and seemed almost hurt by that. "Regina.. I just... things between you and I weren't always so strained. Now that everything is returning to normal with our lives I'd like us to return to normal too. We used to love each other, at the very least care for each other. You were my stepmother."

Regina looked down as she listened to Snow's reasoning for suddenly wanting to be more friendly. Considering it for a few minutes Regina nodded ".. fine. I'll come to this haunted house. However, given everything we've seen, I doubt we'll actually see anything scary." She said, Snow only smiled. "Speak for yourself. Last time David and I watched a horror movie I nearly peed myself."

And there it was, back to being irritated by her again. "What an interesting fun fact to know about you Snow. Can't wait for that to happen while we're in the middle of a haunted house attraction." She said playfully with a slight smirk.

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08/23/2023 08:49 PM 


"How are you feeling Regina?" Asked King Leopold. He stood in front of his young wife. He now came to see her daily as her time was soon coming to deliver his son. Young Regina stood there in her nightgown and shaw. Given how big her stomach had grown now that was usually what she wore all day. Pregnancy was very difficult for Regina. Though no one really cared. All they cared is that she was carrying the King's son, the heir to his throne and to the kingdom.

"I am still having discomfort your Majesty. I.. I get pains..." she said looking to him. Looking for some shred of concern. The King only scoffed brushing her concerns off. "Pregnancy my dear is uncomfortable. My first wife had the same troubles. You will see, all will be well." He assured her. Regina only frowned at the mention of Queen Eva. How she tired of hearing about her.

"But I shouldn't have this much pain. What if something is wrong with the baby.. what if-" Regina stopped speaking as the King grabbed her hands which had been protectively wrapped around her stomach. "Stop that! Don't even think it." He warned. Regina tensed at the King's touch though nodded quickly, trying to backtrack and remain in his good graces.

"I only meant.. I want to be a good mother. I want to protect my baby." She said honestly. The King nodded and kissed her head. She tried her best not to squirm away from him. "You will be Regina. You're already a vast improvement over your own mother." Regina only gave a nod. That probably being the nicest thing the King had ever said to her in these last three years of marriage.

Sighing Regina pulled her hands from the King and was about to speak again before she felt it. A sudden warm sensation, then the sound of a trickle. Looking down as a puddle formed around her feet she suddenly realized what had just happened. "No.." she whispered. "It's too soon."

The King too had realized and called out for the servants to fetch the midwives before he lifted Regina into her bed. Regina now squirmed in his arms as he did so. "No! No no no.. it's too soon! This shouldn't happen for a few weeks!" The midwives rushed into the room and began to prepare Regina. She fought them at first before finally realizing no one would listen to her and nothing was stopping this baby from coming now.

For nearly a day Regina labored trying to have her child. She knew something was wrong, it shouldn't take this long. For hours Regina screamed and cried from the pain, tried different ways to lay and stand until finally she gave birth to a son. Her joy of finally giving birth was short lived. Though her son cried it was a weak almost pitiful cry. The midwives instantly began whispering among themselves as they cleaned the baby.

Regina lay in bed helpless for the moment watching them. "What's wrong? Is.. is he alright?" She asked. It was then the King entered finally. One of the midwives quickly rushed to him whispering something. The King frowned and moved closer looking to the baby and then to Regina. "He's sick. And small." He said coldly.

Frowning Regina moved to stand, something she shouldn't be doing. "What.. I said it was too soon." Moving closer she teared up at the sight of her frail boy. Shaking her head she looked to the King. "Please your Majesty. Magic can save him. I know magic. My mother had it. We need to call on Rumpelstiltskin and pay any price he asks. It will save our son's life."

Before Regina could plead further the King had slapped her. Something he hadn't done in a very long time. Regina fell to the floor, her hand going to her cheek. Looking back up to the King she glared at him and he glared right back down. "This is your fault. You did this to him. My son doesn't need your magic. He will recover on his own. Grow strong without you. Take him." The King said, one of the midwives swiftly rushing from the room, the King following her.

Regina tried to stand again rushing for the doors as they were closed and locked. "No! No!! You can't! He needs me!" She shouted as she banged and kicked at the doors, desperately trying to pull them open. "I'm his mother!" She screamed before finally collapsing to the floor. The midwives in the room gently helped Regina back to bed where they helped her wash, dress, and clean up from what had taken place.

The King had given the order Regina was to be confined to her room and no allowed to see the newborn Prince. For weeks Regina would hear his cries, she tried and tried to escape her room but it was always heavily guarded. She'd lay in bed listening for her son's cries. At least those meant he was alright? She clung to hope that he would be. However, eventually the cries stopped.

Nearly a month after the birth Regina was finally free to leave her room. The baby had died or so she had been told. And the King had gotten rid of anything they gotten for their son. Regina was able to swipe something though from the midwives before it was all taken away. A baby blanket, her son's baby blanket. It was all she had left now.

This event only further darked Regina's heart and mind, hardening it against her husband and stepdaughter. Father and daughter had now taken everything from her. What was left? What else could possibly be left?


08/19/2023 12:45 PM 

"Have you been drinking? You look terrible." - Written for нēяōι¢υѕ αυ¢тσяιѕ

Regina was startled and woke at the sound of the front door opening. She hadn't realized that she had fallen asleep curled up in her chair by the fireplace, the fire having long since died out hours ago. Regina had been waiting up for Henry to come home like she always did. He had gone out with some friends and had stayed out well past midnight.

Now, Henry was over twenty one years old. He could come and go as he pleased and of course, he'd drink from time to time, socially at the very least or that was what Regina assumed. However, he was coming home later, and later each night it seemed and some nights he wouldn't come home at all, not until early in the morning and Regina was growing concerned for him. This wasn't like Henry.

"Henry.." Regina said as she stood, stumbling a little as she did given she had just woken up. "Geez Mom.. have you been drinking? You look terrible." He said with a bit of a laugh. Regina frowned and crossed her arms. "Henry! Thanks.." she said glancing down at herself dressed in pajama pants, an oversized shirt, and a sweater. Henry was right, she looked awful. But she was dressed for bed and he didn't have to point that out.

Looking back to him her frown remained. "I could ask the same of you. You really do look awful. So tired.." she said and moved forward taking his hand. "Henry.. this isn't you... you don't stay out drinking all night. Is something wrong? Whatever it is let me help. That's what I'm here for. You may be grown but you're still my son and I'm still your mother."

08/16/2023 11:40 PM 


King Leopold was often away from his daughter and wife, attending to his royal duties. His young wife Regina hardly minded this. For she held no love for her new husband and had no desire to be near him. His trips away were a peacefulness that she was very grateful for. There was only ever one downside to his absence. The King rarely brought his daughter with him. So Regina was left to look after Snow White, and tend to her needs as a mother would.

Regina in many ways was still a child herself. Certainly not ready to mother anyone. She lacked wisdom and patience. Sometimes Snow aggravated her so much she felt as though she wanted to grab her and slap her and who knows where that would lead. Though she tried her best to mother her new stepdaughter Regina often had a boiling hatred for the girl and it was never too far off.

To keep herself calm Regina would often hum when with Snow. A way of distracting her mind from what she was forced to do. On this day she and Snow White sat together in her bedroom. She had just gotten a beautiful new gown and had asked Regina to fix her hair and place flowers in it. Like all the other times Regina sat humming a soft and gentle tune as she did so. Soon enough Snow began humming as well before finally speaking.

"Does this song have words?" Snow White asked innocently. Regina frowned for a moment before nodding and beginning to sing them. "Some day my love will come, someday we'll meet at last. And away together we will go. To be happy forever I know." She sang softly, the words tasting bitter as she sang them.

Smiling Snow sighed softly "you must think about my father when you hum that song." Regina could feel her skin turn hot, her blood began to boil. "I think of Daniel." Snow scoffed "why him? He ran away." Regina pulled her hands from Snow's hair and frowned. "That is a lie. Daniel was killed."

Quickly Snow White turned the horror on her face. "Killed? By whom?" Regina in that moment wanted to scream, to grab Snow by her long pretty hair and tell her how she was the cause of Daniel's death. All because she just couldn't keep her mouth shut for a few days! In Regina's mind, she imagined doing all sorts of terrible things to Snow White. These thoughts terrified her and brought tears to her eyes. This.. wasn't her.

Snapping from her thoughts she only sighed. "He was killed when he was thrown from his horse. A regrettable... accident." She said quietly and gently turned Snow back around. "So I married your father. And... it has all worked out. We're all a.. family now." She said trying to hide the sadness and disgust for the King in her tone.

Nodding Snow glanced back to Regina one more time. "I am sorry he died, stepmother." Regina only forced a small smile before again turning Snow around so she could continue fixing her hair. She continued to sing the song for Snow, hoping to let her overwhelming anger and sadness fade away for however briefly.

"Somewhere he waits for me, someone I long to see. Someday I'll say and do.. things I've been longing to. Though he's far away we'll reunite someday.. when my dreams come true.." she sang softly. 

With Snow's hair now finished she stood before taking Regina by the hands, pulling her to dance. Regina was surprised by this though began dancing with Snow, singing and twirling around with her. In this moment she could almost forget all the ugliness of her life and truly enjoy this moment with Snow White, having their first true maternal moment.

"Someday my love will come, someday I'll find my love. And how thrilling that moment will be. When the love of my dreams comes to me. He'll whisper I love you.. and steal a kiss or two.." Regina sang, playfully kissing Snow's cheek as they danced. "Though he's far away I'll find him someday.. when my dreams come... true.." Regina hung on that last word for a minute before she and Snow both sat back down.

"This was so much fun!" Snow White said with a laugh before hugging Regina. "I miss my mother every day. But having you here Regina... makes it not so bad." She said softly. "And I love you." Regina was stiff in this embrace for a moment. She was torn between so many emotions. She hated Snow White for what she had done. But something inside her told her that it was wrong to hate this child.

Sighing Regina slipped an arm around Snow White and gave her a little squeeze and a pat to her back. "And I love you, my dear. Sometimes.. being with you makes everything feel... not so bad too." She said quietly.


08/28/2022 05:43 PM 

"Who's blood is that?" - Written for нēяōι¢υѕ αυ¢тσяιѕ

Who's Blood Is THat?Written By: Royal Bitch // 1260288

"Ah sh*t!" Regina cried out from the kitchen. She had been alone most of the night since Henry had gone out with some friends. Only moments later did he return home, calling out for Regina. Entering the kitchen he stopped when he saw her. The white blouse she wore was now covered in something red, it looked like blood.

"Mom? Who's blood is that?" Henry asked. Regina gave him a look that said really? Rolling her eyes she gave a small smirk. "I've just murdered a glass of wine." She said before shaking her head. "I'm just a klutz and spilled my last glass of wine all over myself." She said shrugging her shoulders.

Nodding Henry moved closer picking up the empty bottle on the counter. "Did you polish this all off tonight?" He asked. Regina crossed her arms "... aren't I supposed to lecture you on excessive drinking? And anyway.. are you completely sober right now after a night out?" She asked with a slight smirk. Things were so different now with Henry being an adult. Things like drinking could be discussed so freely.

Looking to her Henry gave a nod "I guess not. But at least I did it with friends." Regina nodded and gave a small laugh. "My friends are your mother and grandmother... not exactly the best drinking buddies. That only leaves Hook.. and my liver can't take his level of drinking."

Again Henry nodded and laughed a little smile. "I'm going to bed, are you gonna be okay?" He asked, Regina nodded. "I'm gonna clean up the kitchen and go to bed. Goodnight dear." She said moving to give Henry a kiss to his cheek before watching him head out of the kitchen.

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10/03/2021 08:30 PM 

"Why do you hate me?"

"Why Do You Hate Me?"
Written By: Royal Bitch
 "Regina!" Screamed Snow's voice, Regina could hear her in the distance. But her focus wasn't on Snow it was on Robin and the creature that was carrying him away. "Robin... no!" She tried to stand though suddenly felt the overwhelming pain in her head, her vision was blurred. That creature had thrown her headfirst into a nearby tree and she had hit it with great force. Regina held her head, her eyes crossing a little. By now Snow and the others had caught up to her.

 "Regina! Are you okay?!" Snow asked urgently as she knelt down to inspect Regina's condition. "I'm alive.. and  need to go after Robin!" She tried to stand but felt hands on her shoulders. "Regina you need to get looked at... you're bleeding?" Snow pointed out as she pulled a tissue from her pocket holding it to Regina's nose. Regina looked at her and frowned "... you don't think I can do this?" She asked. 

 Snow frowned "you need to get looked at... David..." without hesitation, David lifted Regina into his arms. If her head wasn't still so foggy she might have protested harder. "Put me down! I can walk!" David only shook his head "no you can't. Stop fussing." He said as he carried her back to the camp where those from Camelot were staying.

 Once there David gently set Regina down in a chair. Snow and the others had continued on in search of Robin. "Don't you dare attempt to take me anywhere else... I don't do doctors.." Regina said quietly and sighed holding her head. David frowned and walked away soon returning with an ice pack. "Here... at least use this." He gently moved one hand behind Regina's head and with the other hand held the ice pack to her forehead.

 "Ah!" Regina cried out softly both from the pain in her head and the chill of the ice pack. She sighed and did her best not to close her eyes knowing that if she did have a concussion allowing herself to fall out wouldn't be smart. "I can hold this myself." She said slapping David's hand away before holding the ice pack herself.

David nodded and pulled up a chair to sit beside her. "Why do you hate me?" He asked, there was almost a curiousness to his tone. Regina looked at him ".. really? Right now you'd like me to explain every reason why I hate you?" David nodded "it'll keep you alert." He said. Regina groaned and rolled her eyes "I do not hate you David. I just don't like being touched... or carried.." she said.

David shook his head "that's not why I thought you hated me." He said and looked at her. "I'd like to think you, myself, and Snow have all bonded in a way... become friends?" Regina frowned "yeah BFFs forever. What's the point?" David took Regina's free hand. "Please stop running after creatures without us. And this isn't about you can't do it by yourself. It's about you not having to. Snow and I... I personally don't like to see you hurt."

Regina stared at David for a moment before rolling her eyes. "I'd rather slip into a coma than have this conversation." David sighed and stood before going to get a first aid kit. Regina watched him go and though his words and the sentiment behind them touched Regina's heart she wasn't about to let him know.

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