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10/14/2023 03:23 PM 

Lost Chance

Lost  Chance
Regina Mills was certainly not one to stray away from her usual schedule. In all the years that she had been Mayor she had never once missed a single day of work. So when she didn't show up at her normal time and her assistant couldn't get a hold of her the next person to be called was Sheriff Graham. He was asked to go around to Mayor Mills' home and see if she was alright. Her assistant feared maybe she was sick, maybe too sick to answer the phone.

After receiving the call Graham reluctantly left the station and made the short drive over to Regina's home. As he pulled up he took notice of her black Mercedes in the driveway. She was definitely home. He got out and went inside not bothering to knock. "Madam Mayor?" He called out glancing around the large home.

"Graham! Up here!" She shouted. Her voice was coming from her bedroom, from her bathroom which was connected to her bedroom. Quickly Graham rushed up the stairs assuming she was in fact sick or maybe she had slipped getting out of the shower and hurt herself? So many thoughts ran through his mind. That was until he found Regina standing in front of the sink dressed in only a nightgown.

In front of her was nearly a dozen pregnancy tests. All read that she was pregnant. Looking to him she smiled "... I've taken all these.. I.. I think I'm pregnant." She said softly, almost whispering those words. Graham simply stared at her for a moment before his eyes dropped to her stomach. Almost as though he were trying to see the baby through her stomach.

"Pregnant." He repeated as he approached the sink picking up a few of the tests. True to the Mayor's words they all read pregnant. Setting them down he looked to her. "You should get dressed. We should get you to the doctor. To make sure everything is alright." He said still clearly in shock that she was pregnant.

Was it his? It had to be. Regina wasn't sleeping with anyone else. He knew that much given they spent almost all his free time together. Pregnant. She was pregnant with his child? While he wasn't certain on his feelings for Regina the idea of a child filled him with excitement! Fear of course but mostly excitement.

Smiling slightly he again urged Regina to get dressed so they could go to the hospital so they could be examined. After she had gotten dressed the two got into Graham's squad car and rushed off to see Doctor Whale and confirm what all those tests had told her.


The drive home from the hospital was a terrible one. Graham was silent, Regina was too. However, she couldn't stop the tears that were quickly streaming down her cheeks. She wasn't pregnant. The tests, her hormones, it had all simply been a misunderstanding. One that left Graham saddened and Regina absolutely crushed.

Doctor Whale had assured Regina that there seemed to be no physical reason as to why she couldn't get pregnant though Regina hadn't wanted to hear it. She just wanted to go home.

As Graham's squad car parked in front of Regina's home both of them just sat there for a moment. Regina hardly ever showed true and deep emotion. Though now all she could do was break down into tears crying quietly. 

Though he was reluctant Graham reached over and slid his arm around Regina pulling her close. "Please don't cry Regina. I... I'll stay the night alright? We can do anything you want and I promise I won't leave." Now this was possibly the first time that Graham felt as though he was staying because he wanted to and not because he felt so sort of strange compulsion to.

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10/13/2023 06:32 PM 


Guilt. That was what Regina felt. Guilt and shame. For the anniversary of her father's death was quickly approaching. The day she looked into the eyes of a man she loved. A man who raised her. Who was never anything but loving and kind to her. Even when she didn't always deserve it. A man whose heart she tore from his chest and crushed to dust all for the sake of a curse. The Dark Curse.

Was it worth it? Regina couldn't quite decide. Though she grieved for the loss of her father it had gained her her children. No matter what the cost these feelings would never truly subside. Regina had loved her father. More than anyone or anything. Sitting alone she closed her eyes just remembering one of the many times with him.


Giving a gentle blow Regina opened her eyes and smiled as she watched the candle before her light. Laughing a little in delight she smiled to her father. "I did it!" She said happily. Her father who was standing nearby gave a clap. "Well done dear!" He said happily. While Henry was leery of magic he was proud his daughter had been born with it. He knew, well perhaps he hoped one day she would do great things with her natural born talents.

Still proud of herself in the moment Regina looked to her father. She could see his uneasiness with her magic. ".. Do you think I shouldn't use my magic? I mean... I don't want to become like her." Regina said. Now while she didn't clarify who she meant both father and daughter knew she meant her mother, Cora. Cora too had magic and used it to manipulate everyone around her. Both had witnessed it and fallen victim to it more than once.

Sighing Henry approached his daughter and knelt down. "Your mother isn't.. quiet right in the head and heart Regina. She wasn't always like this. And you will never be like her." He said giving a smile. "You are strong, beautiful, and resilient. One day you will be a great hero. And do great things with your magic bringing happiness to all who come in contact with you."

Regina smiled at the idea of that future. All she wanted was to be free and happy. Smiling she happily flung her arms around her father and pulled him into a hug. "You're the best Daddy ever! I love you! I LOVE YOU!" She cried happily kissing his face over and over.


Those words still rang in Regina's mind, she could hear her own little voice declaring happily how much she loved her father. A few tears now ran down Regina's cheeks. She made no attempt to wipe them away. "I do love you Daddy." She said quietly hoping that wherever he was he knew that.

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