05/19/2021 06:46 PM 

{A glimpse into Regina's childhood with her father}

Summer Days
The day was beautiful, the first day of summer. The sun shone down on the wide-open fields, only a single apple tree in the middle of all the open space. Just behind the tree crept a small girl, only aged ten. Her name was Regina. She moved quietly from the tree into the tall grass. She was trying her hardest to contain her giggles. She stopped when she heard footsteps just behind her. Ducking down low she covered her mouth though gasped and cried out as she was grabbed and tossed into the air before easily being caught again by her father, Prince Henry.

"Daddy!" She squealed happily as he tickled at her sides before setting her down, allowing her to squirm away. "Found you." He said in a calm yet cheerful tone. "I told you I always would." He assured her. Laughing softly she rushed into his arms and hugged him. "Thank you, Daddy it's been such a fun day." She said before looking off into the distance. There a young horse was prancing happily around, a belated birthday gift from Henry to Regina. Regina's birthday was in February, a time too cold for a child to ride her horse. So Henry had waited to give this gift until the summer when Regina could take proper lessons to ride her new pet.

"Anything for you dear.." Henry said as he held his daughter's hand, leading her back to the tree. Despite social status, neither Henry nor Regina were dressed very regal. And that was the way they both preferred it. Though Henry was a Prince, and he and his family would lead a privileged lifestyle, never wanting or needing for anything. He was never destined to be a King. And Regina despite her mother's persisting would never be a Queen. And she was completely fine with this.

"I like your gift better than Mother's gifts. Tiaras... dresses... they just aren't me." She said as she sat beside her father beneath the tree. "She only wants what is best for you. She is convinced you will one day be a Queen. But... you and I are down the line too far for that to happen." Henry assured her. Nodding Regina sighed and leaned into her father. Her somewhat glum disposition began to fade as Henry sang softly to her. "Lavenders blue... lavenders green... when I am King, you'll be my Queen."

Relaxing beside him she listened to the song she knew all too well. "Let the birds sing, and the lambs play. We shall be safe.. out of harm's way..." smiling Regina stood and began to sway a little. "I love to dance... I love to sing..." now Henry stood gently taking her hands. "When I am Queen, you'll be my King." Regina happily continued to hum and dance with her father until suddenly he disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

"Daddy?!" She cried out, in his place her mother appeared causing her to fall back. "Regina! Look at you! You're a mess!" Regina stood quickly dusting off her dress but it was no use, the plain blue dress she wore was now dirty from the day of playing with her new horse, and her father in the fields all afternoon, her pale face even had a bit of dirt on it.

"I've told your father about letting you play outside. He's given you that horrible creature as a pet." She scolded as though it was Regina's fault. "... He just wants me to be well-rounded. So I'll be a good Queen." She said quickly hoping to ease her mother's anger towards both her and her father. Sighing Cora nodded though she still seemed unhappy. "Come inside and clean up. And then get dressed properly. We have guests coming for tea." She said before waving her hand, both Regina and her mother disappearing away to their home.

The field now quiet, just the wind softly blowing through the grass. That spot beneath her apple tree was where Regina often found some peace and happiness with her father, her first love. In the years to come, she'd find happiness there with a new love, and also find sadness there too, one day when she would be Queen.

Lavenders green, lavenders blue, if you love me, I will love you

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