02/19/2024 03:02 PM 


Despite how Regina often recounted her life married to the King, mothering Snow White it wasn't always awful. Yes, it was awful a lot. Mostly to do with the King, occasionally to do with Snow White. But there were rare occasions where Regina and Snow White had maternal moments. Between the two there was a sort of connection and understanding. But with it always being forced it so rarely showed itself naturally.

At the moment Regina was in bed. She had fallen down some stairs and she was recovering from the injuries she got in that accident. Most knew the truth, the doctors, the servants, the King. But the truth would never be revealed. Nothing that would tarnish the beloved King's reputation would be brought to light.

Laying alone in bed Regina cried quietly. Something she often did when she was alone. She no longer liked giving the King nor his servants the satisfaction of seeing her cry when they were around. Her soft sniffles were all that could be heard in the room until the sound of footsteps.

The steps were light so Regina knew who it must be. "Mother?" A soft voice called out. Quickly wiping away her tears Regina forced a smile. "Snow.. uh... what do you want?" She asked. With concern, Snow White moved to Regina's side. "You're crying? Are you in pain? Should I get the doctors?!" She asked hastily.

Quickly Regina shook her head "no. No Snow I'm okay. I just.. was hurting a little. But I'm fine." She tried to assure her. At the moment Snow White was now sixteen so she was slightly wiser to Regina and her lies. She was sure Regina wasn't alright but she couldn't understand why.

"Mother.. what truly happened?" She asked. Heaving a quiet sigh Regina looked to Snow White. "Stop calling me that. I'm not your mother. I'm not her." The two shared a look for a moment and Snow nodded in agreement. "What happened Regina?" She asked again.

Regina gave a bitter laugh before looking away. Frowning Snow White took her hand. "Whatever happened.. tell my father... surely he'll see whoever did it punished." Regina glanced at her and Snow's hands together for a few moments. She wanted to tell Snow the truth. Wanted to unload years of truths and traumas. But she knew she most likely wouldn't be believed and if she was? Snow White would lose the only parent she had left.

Holding Snow's hand Regina gently and soothingly touched Snow's arm. "Nothing happened dear. I really did slip. You.. know how high I like to wear my heels." The two shared a small laugh before they also shared a sigh. Both felt uncertain about the situation but what more was to be said?

02/18/2024 01:59 PM 

ɪ'ᴍ ᴘʀᴇɢɴᴀɴᴛ

I'm PregnantQueen Regina, the people knew very little about her. After the wedding day she was rarely seen in public and when she was her beloved husband and stepdaughter were usually at her side. She might have had the title of Queen but truthfully she had few regal responsibilities. Her main purpose was to mother the young princess and when she wasn't doing that she was meant to be a comfort to her husband, Outwardly it seemed she had it all but behind closed doors Regina felt completely alone, imprisoned, and very much trapped by her current situation. Only one thing had recently begun to make it bearable. The Huntsman, Graham. Life wasn't so awful with him around. The King had employed him to protect Regina. By now he had done far more than just protect the Queen. While she was the king's comfort Graham had become hers. But unlike with the King, there was a love between the Queen and her huntsman. One that she felt, that she hoped might be mutual.     
"I'm pregnant." Regina said simply, Graham stood beside her. The two stared at each other for a moment. Normally this might be considered happy news but nothing about Regina nor this entire situation was normal. Graham's initial thought, and feeling on the matter was excitement! Pregnant. Would he be a father? Or would.. the excitement quickly subsided and was replaced with disgust and anger.

He could possibly be the father of Regina's child. There had been a few moments of weakness between them but someone else could have been the father was well. The King. Regina was his wife and she was still expected to perform her wifely duties on a regular basis, partly to possibly produce a new heir, a male one.

"Is it.. mine?" Graham asked gently in his thick accent. Tearfully Regina shook her head. She couldn't be certain who was the father of her child. The few times she had been with Graham she had also been with the King either before or after. She had no way to pinpoint when the pregnancy occurred. 

"I don't know.." she finally said before breaking down into sobs. She had never thought her life would become this. Married to a brutish old man, having a love affair with a king and gentle man. She had always imagined when she had a child it would be with the man she loved, Daniel.

That dream had long since been gone now but here she was pregnant and unsure of the father. She wanted it to be Graham's, at least she loved him and she felt he loved her. There was no love between her and the King. There was regret, unhappiness, misery.

Shaking her head Regina covered her face and cried. Slowly Graham sat beside her slipping an arm around her. "Regina I know it's not your doing... my blood or not I will protect this child and you. We.. can run away. Once we are somewhere the King cannot follow I will claim it as my own."

She knew his words were meant to comfort her. But running away? It never worked! The King always found her. Something he had once told her in anger. She could still hear his words. "No matter what you do I will always find you!"

Shaking her head Regina just clung to Graham and cried. He kept one arm around her, gently soothing her, while he moved the other to her stomach where he could feel the slightest bump beginning to grow.

"We can run away. Once we are somewhere the King cannot follow I will claim it as my own." Those were nice words and a lovely sentiment however, that is not what would happen. Within weeks of revealing to Graham she was pregnant he had left! The King had told Regina he had abandoned her, not wanting her or her child. This of course was not the case though Regina would believe it. The lost of Graham, the pregnancy would send the young QUeen into a depression. One that would only worsen after the sickly child, a son was born. The King would take this child from her, and tell her it died. Again, Regina would believe this lie resulting in only more anger, hatred, and loathing toward the King and his perfect daughter Snow White.

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02/14/2024 12:42 PM 

ʀᴜɴᴀᴡᴀʏ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇꜱꜱ

r u n a w a y   P r i n c e s s
Princess Snow White, daughter of King Leopold and beloved by all who knew her or rather who thought they knew her. While it was true, that Snow White was a beautiful young girl, wealthy beyond belief, sweet, and mostly well-mannered she could also be an impossible brat sometimes! Spoiled and entitled and often quite oppositional, the only person who saw this side of Snow White was her stepmother, Queen Regina.

King Leopold was often away leaving Snow White in Regina's care. After all, part of the reason he had married Regina was so that she could be a mother to his daughter. A task begrudgingly taken on by Regina. 

Regina had many reasons for disliking Snow White, reasons she truly tried to overcome. She tried to not blame her for the death of her fiance, she tried to rationalize that Snow was only a child. A stupid child but a child nonetheless. But being forced to mother this petulant child, look after her daily, and put up with her constantly was beginning to run Regina's patients very thin. 

That had been what led to the angry argument between the two. Regina honestly couldn't remember what they had been bickering about. But she remembered snapping at Snow White, shouting at her, telling her she hated her and that she wished she'd run away. Words she mostly hadn't meant but in her fit of anger Snow White took her words seriously and did just that! She ran away.

The King would be home within a few days and if he had found that his daughter had run away, and after an argument with Regina well.. it wouldn't end well for Regina. So instead of telling the guards or anyone who might eventually relay what had happened back to the King, Regina took it upon herself to find Snow White. After all, how far could she have gotten? Regina thought to herself.

02/14/2024 02:21 PM 

ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀɴ ᴡʜᴏ ꜱᴀᴠᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ

this  is  t he  man  who  saved  You
By now it had been more than a week since Regina's encounter with the wolf in the forest. She had tried to tell the King that she had not run away but was simply going after Snow White. Her claims had fallen on deaf ears, the King believed his precious daughter over his wife and after that, the matter had finally been dropped. Regina had been tended to, reprimanded for running away and now it was the past.

At least that's what Regina had thought. One quiet evening Regina was alone in her gardens where she preferred to spend most of her time. She stood under her apple tree just admiring it before turning her head as she heard someone call out to her. It was the King. However, he was speaking much more kindly to her now. 

"And this is my wife, the Queen." He said in a content tone. Beside him stood a young man looking not much older than Regina. She stared at this man for a moment before giving a small smile. "Hello. My name is Regina." She said before glancing to the King. "Who is he?" She asked. The King only gave a forced smile. "This is the man who saved you. He will now be your.. bodyguard."

The King moved closer to Regina and looked down at her for a few moments before sighing and kissing her head. "I do love you Eva.." he muttered before excusing himself and leaving Regina and her new bodyguard alone.

Looking confused the man spoke, his voice was light but his accent thick. "I thought your name was Regina?" He asked. Heaving her own sigh now she nodded looking to him. "It is. Eva was his first wife. The one he truly loved. The King is old. Sometimes he calls me by her name."

She gave a shrug and glanced back to her tree. "You're meant to keep me in my place." She said now turning her head to look back at the man. He seemed uncertain of that but gave a slight nod. "The King has instructed me to keep you safe. That is my only intention my Queen." Rolling her eyes Regina just turned to look back to her tree. 

At least he didn't hire some older knight to look after me. At least he chose someone... handsome. She thought to herself before she was snapped from her thoughts. "You didn't kill the wolf." Said the man. "In the forest. The one who attacked the Princess and you. You.. didn't kill her. But you could have."

Regina now looked back at the man for a moment. "You saw that?" She asked. He nodded "I did. It was why I decided not to let you bleed to death. I.. think you have a good heart. Most humans are not like that."

Staring at him Regina tilted her head before speaking. "You are a tortured one.. aren't you..." she said before smiling somewhat. "Something we have in common." She said before turning to face him more fully. "Do you have a name?" She asked.

Both stared at each other before the man finally answered. "Graham." Nodding Regina held out her hand, her arm was still bandaged where the wolf had bitten her. "It's nice to meet you, Graham." Hesitantly the man extended his hand and shook Regina's. Both of them quickly pulled their hands back, having felt a spark between them.


02/14/2024 02:02 PM 


p u n i s h m e n t
It had been only a few days since Regina's injury. The bite, however, was healing nicely and despite the pleading of her servants not to get out of bed, Regina felt better. While she knew the King would certainly not allow her to go riding anywhere she wanted to go down to the stables and see her beloved horse Rocinante.

After dressing she made her way through the castle, down and out to the stables. She had only just stepped inside when she heard the horrible cry of pain coming from Rocinante. Rocinante was Regina's horse she had brought from her father's home when she had married the King. He was a beloved gift Regina had received from her father many years ago.

"Rocinante?" Regina called out as she hurried to his stall. Pushing open the door she stared in horror. Her poor sweet horse lay on his side, two of his legs had been broken. "Rocinante.." without hesitation Regina dropped to the ground and moved closer to her beloved horse, cradling his head in her lap.

"What happened?" She asked softly gently petting his head in an attempt to soothe him. She then looked up hearing footsteps. Her fear quickly turned to anger as she saw the King standing there. "What did you do?!" She snapped angrily up at her husband,

"You continue to try and run away. This is what you use to try and run away." He said motioning to Rocinante. "You now can't run away if your horse cannot run. He will.. most likely survive. But you won't ever be able to ride him again." The King said in a smug and proud tone.

"And if you dare try to use any sort of.. magic to heal him. I will kill him." The King said firmly before leaving. Sitting there in total despair Regina shouted after Leopold, calling him a bastard before she then turned her attention back to her horse. It was true, poor Rocinante would recover from his injuries but he'd never be the same again. And Regina surely could never ride him again.

For now, it seemed the King had won. And again, because of Snow White Regina had lost, lost something dear to her heart. She had been punished for Snow White's deeds, she had lost the joy of riding her beloved horse. It seemed Snow White and the King would not stop taking everything from Regina. There in that stall, holding her horse Regina began to truly consider revenge against the King and his daughter.

02/14/2024 01:35 PM 

ɪ'ᴅ ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ʙᴇ ᴇᴀᴛᴇɴ ʙʏ ᴡᴏʟᴠᴇꜱ

I ' d  r a t h e r  b e  e a t e n  By  W o l v e s
The last clear memories Regina had were of laying on the forest floor, the pain in her arm, the warm feel of her blood flowing against her hand as she tried to stop it. She remembered looking up at the trees around her, hearing footsteps approaching her, and then.. nothing. It all went black and she couldn't remember how or who had saved her. 

She had woken up in her own bed, cleaned, and dressed in one of her nightgowns. Her arm had been bandaged and the servants around her bed had clearly been the ones attending to her however, who had saved her? She had asked this question many times though none of the servants answered her. They only suggested that she rest. That she needed to do as they told her so that the bite on her arm did not get worse or infected.

Once all the servants had gone Regina sat up in her bed, her knees to her chest as she tried to think who could have rescued her? Surely if it had been Snow White the kingdom and all the servants would be a buzz with her latest heroic deed!

Regina didn't have much time to continue wondering. She looked up as she heard footsteps approaching her room. Seeing the King she was hesitant. Why was he here? He had returned home clearly though it wasn't in his nature to visit Regina first or at all for that matter after a return.

"Your Majesty." Regina said. The King simply stared at her. His mood wasn't clear at first though after Regina spoke a frown spread across his face. "You ran away again." He said in a firm and angry tone. Looking confused for a moment Regina shook her head. "No. I didn't. Snow White had.. wandered off. And I had gone to get her."

The King scoffed at Regina's words. "My daughter would never wander into the forest alone! She'd never go so far from home! You ran away again! You rather be eaten by the wolves than be my wife!" He shouted angrily.

Regina flinched at his loud tone of voice though glared in his direction. "I'd rather be eaten by wolves than be your wife." She said defiantly. With this Leopold walked over and shoved her off of the bed. Not expecting what happened Regina fell to the floor, crying out as her injured arm hit the floor.

"One day your defiance against me will be your undoing. Maybe one day I'll feed you to the wolves. BUT! Until that time you are MY wife. And now.. since you can't seem to stay where you belong I've decided to hire someone. Someone who will keep you in your place."

With those words, the King left. Regina remained sitting on the floor, crying silently. Within the next few moments, a few servants rushed in. They knew what had happened but said nothing. If at all they just quietly shushed Regina in an attempt to comfort her and gently helped her back up into her bed.

02/14/2024 01:05 PM 

ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀꜱ ɪɴꜱᴛɪɴᴄᴛ

M o t h e r s   I n s t i n c t 
After riding for less than an hour Regina had finally spotted some trace of Snow White. One of her hair ribbons was left hanging off the branch of a nearby tree leading into the forest. Slipping down from her horse she frowned "no.." she whispered in disbelief. Was this child truly stupid!? Or did she just have a death wish? In this forest, she'd never last alone.

Quietly Regina made her way into the forest, leaving her horse on the road. She knew it was best to move through the forest quickly and quietly. All she wanted was to find Snow White and return to the castle. There she'd grovel to her precious stepdaughter. They'd make their peace and be done with this entire mess.

It didn't take long to hear the sounds of a small voice, it was Snow's voice. She was calling out to something, talking to something. "Here doggy.. come here..." her sickly sweet voice called. Regina followed the sound but stopped when she saw Snow White standing feet away from a wolf cub. 

"Snow!" She called out and rushed to her, snatching the girl up from the ground. "That if a wolf cub. Not a dog. And if this cub is here it's- mother-" before Regina could finish her sentence she looked up to see the large grey and white wolf just beyond a few bushes not far from them.

"It's mother." Instinctively Regina moved in front of Snow White, Snow forgetting their differences coward behind Regina. "We're going to be eaten!" She shouted in a frightened tone. "Hush!" Regina demanded. "Be quiet. And slowly back away. My horse is just on the road."

Together both Regina and Snow began to back away, the mother wolf slowly approaching them with each step they took. Once Regina felt they were close enough to run for the road Regina spoke to Snow. "Run now!" Snow didn't question Regina and took off in the direction of the road, where the horse was waiting.

In that moment the mother wolf lunged in Snow's direction. Regina flung herself in the way and both she and the wolf struggled for a few moments before Regina screamed out in pain, the mother wolf clamping down hard on her arm. Pain overwhelmed Regina for a moment before she was able to use magic, flinging the wolf from her.

The mother wolf flew backwards though was back on her feet within seconds. Regina sat up, holding her now bleeding arm. Both stared at each other, both were mothers, whether Regina liked that idea or not. She had just risked her life for that of Snow, her stepdaughter.

Almost as though there was an unspoken bond between the two mothers the wolf gave one last growl before turning away from Regina, snatching her pup up, and disappearing into the forest. Sighing in relief Regina clutched her badly injured arm. She was losing blood quickly. She looked in the direction of the road but things were beginning to become hazy due to her blood loss.

Regina stood though almost instantly collapsed again. Rolling onto her back Regina heard steps approaching. She thought they might be Snow White's. "Snow?.." Was the last word Regina uttered before she finally lost consciousness. 

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01/06/2024 10:37 PM 

𝓤𝓷𝓼𝓹𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓷 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷

There was the loud sound of a splash, the small frame of a young girl hitting the water and sinking below the depths. She had accidentally fallen into the river off a nearby cliff. She had been running and hadn't been paying attention to where she was running. The girl had yet another argument with her mother. A violent one this time. The girl had used magic, something that terrified her to her core. She hadn't meant to hurt her mother. She just wanted to stop her.

This young girl suffered terribly at the hands of her mother. For if she did not do everything she was told, everything that was expected of her her mother would punish her. Sometimes it was just locking her away in her bedroom for a few days at a time or sometimes it was confining the young girl in the dark, in a closet for however long it took for her to simply obey. And lately, this girl's cruel mother had begun using her beloved and kind father as leverage. Threatening to harm him if she did not obey.

The girl could take it no longer. She just wanted to be happy. In this latest argument the girl's mother was threatening the girl's father, he stood between the girl and her mother trying to make peace. The girl could not let her father be harmed for her sake. He was innocent, she was innocent. But she had to protect him and the moment her mother raised her magical wand to inflict harm the girl raised her own hands, sending her mother back, flying through the air and hitting the nearby wall.

This girl before had never used magic. Not like this. Not to harm someone else. Horrified by her own power the girl fled her family's home and ran through the forest. She ran and she ran until she came to a cliff. Fearful that her mother was not far behind the girl hadn't been minding her footing and she fell, screaming all the way down.

The moment the girl hit the water she was unconscious. Without anyone to intervene the girl would surely drown however, little did she know someone was watching her, looking out for her. Now this wasn't some sort of fairy god mother lovingly looking out for an innocent girl. No. This was a monster. He had been watching her since she was born. Stepping in to protect her when her own parents could not. And how he was going to do so again.

From the river's shores, the creature watched as the girl fell. "Tsk tsk tsk.." his tongue clicked. "Such a stupid girl.." he said in a high-pitched tone. "Hard to believe her mother is Cora." He said with a little giggle before waving his hand, the girl appearing soaking wet and unconscious at his feet.

He stood there looking down at her. Oh how she did look like her mother. Just as he had been aware of her fall he had been aware of what she had done. He had been watching it all. This girl didn't just resemble her mother in a physical sense but her power, her abilities, her magic, would one day be just as powerful if not more than her mother's. And this monster would need that power. Why else save her time and time again?

"Time to go home Regina. Say hello to Mommy for me." He said and with a flamboyant wave of his hand and that sinister little giggle, Regina's unconscious body appeared just at the gates of her family home. From there her mother and father, Cora, and Prince Henry found her, brought her inside, warmed her, and kept her safe until she awoke.

All of them were unaware of the unspoken protection that always seemed to keep the young Regina safe. There were great things ahead of her and the Dark One wasn't about to let her foolish, childish ways take her out of the game before it had barely begun. He would always be a part of her life and one day, whether she liked it or not she would be a part of his.

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