02/14/2024 02:02 PM 


p u n i s h m e n t
It had been only a few days since Regina's injury. The bite, however, was healing nicely and despite the pleading of her servants not to get out of bed, Regina felt better. While she knew the King would certainly not allow her to go riding anywhere she wanted to go down to the stables and see her beloved horse Rocinante.

After dressing she made her way through the castle, down and out to the stables. She had only just stepped inside when she heard the horrible cry of pain coming from Rocinante. Rocinante was Regina's horse she had brought from her father's home when she had married the King. He was a beloved gift Regina had received from her father many years ago.

"Rocinante?" Regina called out as she hurried to his stall. Pushing open the door she stared in horror. Her poor sweet horse lay on his side, two of his legs had been broken. "Rocinante.." without hesitation Regina dropped to the ground and moved closer to her beloved horse, cradling his head in her lap.

"What happened?" She asked softly gently petting his head in an attempt to soothe him. She then looked up hearing footsteps. Her fear quickly turned to anger as she saw the King standing there. "What did you do?!" She snapped angrily up at her husband,

"You continue to try and run away. This is what you use to try and run away." He said motioning to Rocinante. "You now can't run away if your horse cannot run. He will.. most likely survive. But you won't ever be able to ride him again." The King said in a smug and proud tone.

"And if you dare try to use any sort of.. magic to heal him. I will kill him." The King said firmly before leaving. Sitting there in total despair Regina shouted after Leopold, calling him a bastard before she then turned her attention back to her horse. It was true, poor Rocinante would recover from his injuries but he'd never be the same again. And Regina surely could never ride him again.

For now, it seemed the King had won. And again, because of Snow White Regina had lost, lost something dear to her heart. She had been punished for Snow White's deeds, she had lost the joy of riding her beloved horse. It seemed Snow White and the King would not stop taking everything from Regina. There in that stall, holding her horse Regina began to truly consider revenge against the King and his daughter.

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