08/27/2023 10:45 PM 

Halloween Fun - Written for The Bandit Queen

Halloween FUn
The Mayor's office was quiet, peaceful even. The only sound to be heard was the light scratching of Regina's pen as she wrote. That was until the footsteps, urgent footsteps. Then the sound of her office door opening up. Raising her head she did her best not to roll her eyes as Snow White happily came through the door. "Hi Regina!" She said so happily. Regina simply looked back down to her work and even continued writing. "Hello, Snow. To what do I owe this.. visit?" 

Shrugging her shoulders Snow simply smiled. "Well, I wanted to come ask you something. And I just couldn't wait until our usual lunch date!" God her cheerfulness was bound to make Regina sick right here and now. Hiding her irritation though she nodded and motioned for Snow to have a seat across from her. "Fine. What is this urgent matter that couldn't wait.." she glanced to the clock and then back to Snow. "Two hours."

Practically bursting with excitement Snow clapped her hands together. "There is a huge haunted house opening up this weekend. Want to go?" She asked. Regina stared at Snow for a moment, trying to judge if she was actually serious or not. ".. Have you been eating random treats strangers have given you again? Remember what happened last time.." she said leaning back in her seat. "You being poisoned is the only explanation of why you'd even remotely think I'd want to do that."

It was now Snow's turn to roll her eyes. "Oh come on Regina! It would be so much fun." Regina only shook her head still seeming hesitant about the idea. "Would it be a family affair? Emma and Henry coming too?" She asked assuming that maybe Snow wished to make this a family outing. At least with Henry there it might be tolerable.

Again shaking her head Snow looked to Regina. "No. I thought... it would be something you and I could do. As friends." Though Snow said the word friends it was heavily implied there was more behind it. Lately, Snow had taken a particular interest in Regina, in them doing things one on one and honestly, it was beginning to concern Regina.

"Snow I don't know what.. is going on between us... but it's freaking me out." She said bluntly. Snow looked to Regina and seemed almost hurt by that. "Regina.. I just... things between you and I weren't always so strained. Now that everything is returning to normal with our lives I'd like us to return to normal too. We used to love each other, at the very least care for each other. You were my stepmother."

Regina looked down as she listened to Snow's reasoning for suddenly wanting to be more friendly. Considering it for a few minutes Regina nodded ".. fine. I'll come to this haunted house. However, given everything we've seen, I doubt we'll actually see anything scary." She said, Snow only smiled. "Speak for yourself. Last time David and I watched a horror movie I nearly peed myself."

And there it was, back to being irritated by her again. "What an interesting fun fact to know about you Snow. Can't wait for that to happen while we're in the middle of a haunted house attraction." She said playfully with a slight smirk.

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