A place called home

Rene Descartes

To digest, is something it can rest to matter by a decipher the orientations of it's own and surrounding material. I don't do functional matters, those acts are followed by rules and choices.

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06/25/2021 02:22 PM 

Old Style and essence of Rene Descartes.

I′m the father of Modern Philosophy and Analytic Mathematics, there for you must never keep an only result in your pocket "I think, this for I am."

Let me explain; I′m convinced of the immensity that gives the impression for that, unless one has become an eccentric, no one can put the doubt, either way, when you direct to a metaphysical truth, is impossible to reject its imperative if one is loosing judgement, that is not enough reason to debate, but let me demonstrate with another sample as to not be completely convinced if to realise that one can find out that we can dream in the same way of having another body and that we look to another earth and stars, worlds, without being in that way. Then, how do we know that thoughts are a lie, in which those who occur while we sleep? And that the ones we have when we are awake are not? If in many occasions it happens that those are nevertheless vivid and clear then this ones?

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Hello I′m Rene Descartes, my friend has invited me to contemplate the art of our, the French, our Intellect is to celebrated, if not of grandiose ideas or enlightening hypothesis, let me tell you I'm the one who opened a portal into a new generation of thinking. We do work intensely for what's authentic, in this way, then, getting to know each other we could discuss further, but let me tell you, I′m very entertained myself already with what is perfection, inventions upon discoveries my friends too have a piece of cake.
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< If we frequently have ideas that are closed in to lies is because in them exist something dark and confused, and it participates from nothingness in this respect; Let me explain, that if is in us confused it's because we are not completely perfect.

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05/22/2020 02:34 PM 

it is well with time

I think not!
Replied to myself, however, it's right to repeat what to say at the given time, and more desirable than the life of a shoemaker or to those making pots its to act as servants of invention and attendants in all duties to war.
And what about the agriculturists? 
If they take my advice, why not remark what they already got if life has assigned to them without my abide. 
The carriage seemed pretty far slower this roads going up the mountains of Gallendrell before the summer engaged in the view for how it drew to near the castle at a first far distance appearing at first sight, by the curvature of the path could predict It was now the time to start getting the picture on this precise spot, presumably, paused to hand up the binoculars. I see, and architecture the middle ages of craftsmen have manufactured the stone into the brick of more power that they showed, the less necessary to fight against other kingdoms. Impressive! Magnificent! 

(At this point Rene Descartes has no idea where he is getting himself into, he is in his own mind on the quest of pursuing the belief a Kingdom or Empire will invest in some of his many theories and facts as far industrial machinery concepts instituting a function)


Twirling the pit of my mustache, pointed up to see it was built from stone, a very tight compression, it holds a great deal in height and weight, it needs very little maintenance and lasts a long time, its however cold, damp and dark, pleasant too. I see many towers are added to improve the castle a residence, it must be a great family. For some reason why would they be so far away from the cities and towns on their own? If there was anything wanting in time, guess to ever feel welcome be part of their legendary pages in their history, but for whom in all the lands one like me has the surprising privilege to have more renown tributes to their realm. 

It is true.

Do you wonder, from which idea from all shall I start? The rocks bellow thin and sandy as the wheels of invention continued marching by the pull of the horses. Why not, I can be modern. Then beg to arrive soon and confirm the words of mine have been rehearsal enough during all these travels in this long journey, save me to be presented at the right time. I will confirm the curves go up and down through this many hills and valleys before reaching. 

At least the day of departure came and I'm going in the way, I can't wait to display my parchments and tools, shall not go as a spectator but consume the admiration of the highness to their regards, pay fine attention to their needs at first hands. Crossed my leg with an open angle placing my hand and binocular to rest, and not violating the natural relation which ought to govern among the mutual members and their sexes. If I'm leaving the potpourri of Paris is to find tranquility and peace of mind to keep noting the experiments onto these pages, this book will chase me like a dog till its complete. 

Yes, if you say so rightly, indeed.

It is well with time, time will give us a conclusion. 

(It's read that genious talk to themselves, I don't know since they do it when they are alone) 

05/20/2020 05:02 PM 

In a Meditative Railway

"How Inexsistent!"

Sitting on the bench of a road in my getaway from the flamboyant of parties of Paris, invested my departure into the many facets of the industry, rural workers passed for the economic concern of manufacturing goods on greater scales, thought methodically and whatnot, sharpened my pencil to draft notes. Thinking safely away from chariots as a civilized fictional political science. Trees talked to each other in the forest among bushes and many bees who indeed, jumped in flowers in this Sylvester spring. What if there is no struggle in nature, they operate with their systems, let me think, let me be profound in their thoughts and translate my accent to the inhabitants of planets. And what do we know for such commentaries shall not be advertised publicly, on the contrary, to my most altered self to intrigue my mind, returned to railway dreaming, the habits, what mother Queen provides order and a national based for honey love, going back to the source before I expand too much. Cities too shall circuit to their towns, and before enterprising to such mindful question, let me ask myself than the loyalty to their fellows and the striking workers have been losing too many long days, by a pass or horse.

There must be a motor or sort of combustion, energy, fire, gas, let me enlighten. Farmers in the harvest over the horizon, admired as a painter admiring the colors of the horizon and the romanticism to ideals, expanding. And wait, what about individual responsibility to deliver the good. Note it down, faster nonstop, moving on, yes too! Around the world! It also urges the public to their needs, cultures to meet, preventions. Marked. That could be a false step, but let me doubt and return to work, its energy, then the motor.

Many numbers onto mathematical dance, mincingly wrote down as if I was a girl drawing a doll with pretty hats and dresses, how beautiful! The consumption of energy, circles, circles many circles in circuits inside a square world. Wait but legally the world is flat to date, let me think away urging the engines of an unstoppable brain. How systematic discourse of method can be to this solitary day the need of community with the life of all degrees to promote the beginning of an idea as to the company to consider their decisions, the needs the Age of Steam not overnight for a pair of centuries will not stop the railways, let them changes the energy bases in the middle of further history, its an important symbol I could only see, therefore I'm, in sensors details studying the philosophies of religious culture, one mast pay full respect for a viable sort of way.

And this is the fundamental laws of attraction who agitates a momentum continuum after its foreplay impulse. 

(And he kept thinking and noting down, studying seven years to assemble of a little book who'd change the world for free thinkers) 

06/17/2016 06:27 PM 

Me and the Universe the search for, Sophia, Wisdom.

(Before I begun, let me explain thanking Baron Yves who has call for this theme and Quest constantly for the past weeks)

Me and the Universe, the search for Sophia.

 At the central principle of linguistic in philosophy, I had withdrawal from events and relationships in the pursue of wisdom. My friend Baron Yves absorbed my passing nights with the attempt to find Sophia, Wisdom into a more or less formalized person, but, I have no interest in woman and I find them very manipulative to have a hope where wisdom shall be worked. In this form, I entertain myself in the Ecole Polytechnique of Paris.

 Before going any further being purely passive I could open the door to the library with my own key, at the middle of the night and walk out in the roofs, this library had it′s own uniformed army to protect the books as � prissionaer (french accent) of a treasure. 

 For instance being alone under the illuminated sky, some would drink, or smoke, make french kisses, I, for example, scratched my head finding pleasure too. Those are the things that nobody knows when I walk and breath out the landscapes of this fortress of knowledge with the capacity of the cosmos who encompasses everything. It was not just seating with books and noble to credit my many theories, it was right in here where I received the nectar who occurs within it.

 "The space of the world and the sky is not capacious enough for the flight of her perfection and renown." How could I explain, in everything she has giving me, why would one descend to see wisdom as a woman, patiently there, not even waiting you get it. Just there revitalizing your intellect to shower from the stars. At this point of interest, refused with all matter, the reflection of giving Sophia a credit, it was to vast! rejecting the idea of Wisdom, my self, I moved with mathematics in the past, and technical military usage, of course, making many friends and money too. As I could not stop thinking and writing books, who would be published and edited on my behalf for fame, I have reconstituted a long-standing mark and tendency, more then for modern philosophy as I have being known its father. But to get out my name. This wisdom gave me profits for my Compendium of Music, book too. As I went further in anything wisdom wished me to do, physics.

 All I need is a dream of the night, let me walk with you Sophia, let me know why you abandon yourself and never let your body be seeing. Come to all of us, in specific to me with the Universe, and whoever reads this as a form of "me" and departure out the self, if this is true that you possess a body, virtue and mind, have me in the sordid cave of dragons and give me hope to fight for your apparition, I have many monies to pay men, and know many people who would give me their names. Is not a legendary army I want to be known for but to get lost in the shower of the stars you have nourished me, awaken me, you have breast feed me with spatial wisdom, that light in the shadow to the brain.

At this finishing my Universal Discourse and not on Method, had directed my self to Baron Yves and tried to discuss if we shall get the Quest to finding her body, dead or alive? It is true! from all careers we must approach for Enlightenment, these humanoids are terrible! Is being said by a recent mystic, if we work in understanding, how little more we have to enjoy that is left!

"Comme allons nos faire? How are we going to do it?" Asked Baron Yves right there in the middle hall of the Library of Ecole. "You are speaking of a woman, a woman no one has ever seeing!"

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