A place called home

Rene Descartes

To digest, is something it can rest to matter by a decipher the orientations of it's own and surrounding material. I don't do functional matters, those acts are followed by rules and choices.

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05/20/2020 05:02 PM 

In a Meditative Railway

"How Inexsistent!"

Sitting on the bench of a road in my getaway from the flamboyant of parties of Paris, invested my departure into the many facets of the industry, rural workers passed for the economic concern of manufacturing goods on greater scales, thought methodically and whatnot, sharpened my pencil to draft notes. Thinking safely away from chariots as a civilized fictional political science. Trees talked to each other in the forest among bushes and many bees who indeed, jumped in flowers in this Sylvester spring. What if there is no struggle in nature, they operate with their systems, let me think, let me be profound in their thoughts and translate my accent to the inhabitants of planets. And what do we know for such commentaries shall not be advertised publicly, on the contrary, to my most altered self to intrigue my mind, returned to railway dreaming, the habits, what mother Queen provides order and a national based for honey love, going back to the source before I expand too much. Cities too shall circuit to their towns, and before enterprising to such mindful question, let me ask myself than the loyalty to their fellows and the striking workers have been losing too many long days, by a pass or horse.

There must be a motor or sort of combustion, energy, fire, gas, let me enlighten. Farmers in the harvest over the horizon, admired as a painter admiring the colors of the horizon and the romanticism to ideals, expanding. And wait, what about individual responsibility to deliver the good. Note it down, faster nonstop, moving on, yes too! Around the world! It also urges the public to their needs, cultures to meet, preventions. Marked. That could be a false step, but let me doubt and return to work, its energy, then the motor.

Many numbers onto mathematical dance, mincingly wrote down as if I was a girl drawing a doll with pretty hats and dresses, how beautiful! The consumption of energy, circles, circles many circles in circuits inside a square world. Wait but legally the world is flat to date, let me think away urging the engines of an unstoppable brain. How systematic discourse of method can be to this solitary day the need of community with the life of all degrees to promote the beginning of an idea as to the company to consider their decisions, the needs the Age of Steam not overnight for a pair of centuries will not stop the railways, let them changes the energy bases in the middle of further history, its an important symbol I could only see, therefore I'm, in sensors details studying the philosophies of religious culture, one mast pay full respect for a viable sort of way.

And this is the fundamental laws of attraction who agitates a momentum continuum after its foreplay impulse. 

(And he kept thinking and noting down, studying seven years to assemble of a little book who'd change the world for free thinkers) 

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