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Rene Descartes

To digest, is something it can rest to matter by a decipher the orientations of it's own and surrounding material. I don't do functional matters, those acts are followed by rules and choices.

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06/25/2021 02:22 PM 

Old Style and essence of Rene Descartes.

I′m the father of Modern Philosophy and Analytic Mathematics, there for you must never keep an only result in your pocket "I think, this for I am."

Let me explain; I′m convinced of the immensity that gives the impression for that, unless one has become an eccentric, no one can put the doubt, either way, when you direct to a metaphysical truth, is impossible to reject its imperative if one is loosing judgement, that is not enough reason to debate, but let me demonstrate with another sample as to not be completely convinced if to realise that one can find out that we can dream in the same way of having another body and that we look to another earth and stars, worlds, without being in that way. Then, how do we know that thoughts are a lie, in which those who occur while we sleep? And that the ones we have when we are awake are not? If in many occasions it happens that those are nevertheless vivid and clear then this ones?

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Hello I′m Rene Descartes, my friend has invited me to contemplate the art of our, the French, our Intellect is to celebrated, if not of grandiose ideas or enlightening hypothesis, let me tell you I'm the one who opened a portal into a new generation of thinking. We do work intensely for what's authentic, in this way, then, getting to know each other we could discuss further, but let me tell you, I′m very entertained myself already with what is perfection, inventions upon discoveries my friends too have a piece of cake.
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< If we frequently have ideas that are closed in to lies is because in them exist something dark and confused, and it participates from nothingness in this respect; Let me explain, that if is in us confused it's because we are not completely perfect.

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