11/02/2022 05:45 PM 

• 𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑡 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑠:

Not all of the things mentioned has to be included in anything! They aren't hard requirements or anything like that, just a bunch of general ideas and words related to the characters to help form plots.

BAHA: old friends. running from a magehunter and is helped or hindered. maybe you are the magehunter! who knows. outcasts bonding in shared anger over their situations. getting into some sh*t with demons or something. making mistakes in an attempt to fix something else. arranged marriage / fake dating via her brother to get her out of the family and away from the higher ups who'd harm her. rival houses. epic quests. f***ing up a corrupt system. she was a dnd character originally so she's fairly adaptable. in modern au maybe you know who made her magic dampening collar. theres some prejudice towards collared mages in the 'oh they mustve done some sh*t to get that' type way. maybe you wanna help her. maybe you're trying to sell her location out to her family. who knows.

DANNY: angst. frenemies. occult stuff. vampires. demons. werewolves. she is a supernatural hunter character but i don't want to do a lot of actual hunting, i more like wanna break her apart at the seams. she's a stoic 'i gotta do this bc its whats expected of me' type and i want to see how she deals with being wrong, that not all monsters are actually evil or threats. maybe she's done something to someone you know or care for. revenge is fine but no permanant deaths. injuring her and giving her scars is fine by me tho. she's looking for a missing mother so maybe you know something. maybe you don't actually know anything, but want to use that hook to get close to her and hurt her. former friends. betrayal. enemies to friends to lovers. weird creepy sh*t. 

KYE: hope. angst. they're a mutant with newly awakened powers so everything is changing at a rapid pace for them. learning to trust again. more betrayal. old friends. enemies to friends. maybe a former bully who also has some abilities and they reach common ground and bond over that. second chances. found family. this kid is in a bad spot right now, you can help make it worse or better! 

— romance. drama. angst. reluctant alliances. cliches. fake dating. arranged marriages. found family. enemies to lovers. enemies to friends. friends to enemies. frienemies. childhood friends. struggles. vampires. werewolves. demons. angels. magic. destinies and the concept of avoiding them. things that appear to be just fine but are actually creepy if thought about too long. forbidden romances. old gods. legends. breaking expectations. despair. hope. ghosts. witches. royalty. flawed characters. secrets. jealousy. soul mates. exes. making mistakes. opposites. former friends. marriage to forge peace among people who hate each other. conspiracies. rivals. betrayal. unrequited feelings. second chances. idiots to lovers.

━━ • STUFF I DONT DO ✘✘✘:
— nsfw / smut. groups. excessive violence. gore. mafia / gang stuff. futuristic sci-fi (i enjoy it but its not what im looking for ight now with these characters). most fandoms (spn and other things with occult monsters are fine)

10/31/2022 11:11 PM 

• 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠:

Blood Mage - Generic Fantasy / Has a Modern AU
Hunter - Modern / Urban Fantasy / Supernatural Themes
Mutant - Modern / Urban Fantasy / Supernatural Themes

This post will direct you to the posts on my characters,
should you wanna read about them before adding me.
You can also peek at my rules and ideas if you like.

10/30/2022 12:12 PM 

• 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒:

VERSE: Generic Fantasy / DND / High Fantasy / Modern

━━ • BASICS:

NAME: Baha Obrad / Obradel
AGE: Late 20s - Early 30s
RACE: Human
GENDER: Cis Female - She/Her
SEXUALITY: Pansexual


— A maternal, family-oriented home bird. Leaving home has made her wary and anxious, knowing she's sought after. Still, she's a soft and helpful soul. There's anger bubbling deep down inside, but she pushes that to the side most of the time.

— Baha is a woman of average height with a slim but slightly athletic build. Her long black hair is usually worn in a messy bun with loose strands around her face. She wears traditional mage robes in the customary colours of her house - deep greens and browns. Due to travelling, the colours have faded, and patchwork repairs are done throughout the robes. The back looks like it would have once shown a house sigil, but it's since been removed. The bags under her green eyes show obvious exhaustion. Bandages on her right arm hide blood magic sigils carved into her skin. The right side of her face is scarred slightly from a fire spell gone wrong in her youth.

— The most recent Blood Mage from an old, powerful wizard family. The family were ostracized from the magical community in the past - back when they went by Obradel - after a power-hungry member lost their mind and caused immense, irreversible damage to many other mages and civilians with their blood magic. The family have since changed their name to Obrad, managed to repair their reputation, and forbidden anyone in the family from using blood-based magic. Baha ignored this rule and was subsequently removed from all family records. 

— Higher-ups wanted to imprison her, so she's been moving around often. Her younger brother - the head of the branch she's from - has been doing what he can to keep mage hunters off her tracks, but he's running out of time and resources.

━━ • NOTES:

While this character was made originally for generic Fantasy, she does have a Modern AU. Things are pretty much the same in that verse info wise, with the only major difference being that the family has a collar around her neck dampening her abilities. She seeks to remove it, and is slowly becoming resentful of her family for treating her this way.


10/30/2022 05:52 PM 

• 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎ℎ:

VERSE: Modern / Urban Fantasy / Supernatural

━━ • BASICS:

NAME: Kye O'Connor
AGE: 17-18 Depending
RACE: Mutant
GENDER: AFAB Nonbinary - They/She
SEXUALITY: Unsure / Questioning
POWERS: Pipe Manipulation


— Before being kicked out Kye was a passionate individual who loved learning new things. Bouncy and helpful. This part of them hasn't fully gone away, but Kye has become a very, very angry person since having everything taken from them. They may seem snappy and overly rude at first if you're a stranger, but deep down they're just scared and lashing out.

— A short little thing, Kye can't be much taller than 5'1. They're also really scrawny, almost like a good meal would kill them. The constant baggy clothes don't help alleviate this thought either. There are bandages and bruises dotted throughout their arms, and the bags under their eyes make them look like they haven't slept in weeks. There's obvious, powerful anger behind their sky-blue eyes, though. Long brown hair is tied up into a ponytail showing the shaved section underneath. They have a piercing in their right ear that connects to a lip piercing on the same side via a thin chain.

— Former straight-A student and all-around goody-two-shoes type kid from a family in the well-off part of town with a strict mother who's into local politics. Kye was set to have absolutely no limits for their future due to their impressive academic performance until the mutant abilities manifested. Their mother who was convinced they were possessed, kicked them out and has been telling everyone Kye passed away, effectively ruining their entire plans.

— Her family consists of their mother, father, younger brother, and twin sister. Most of Kye's hatred is aimed at their mother but she resents the others also for not doing anything to stop her. The only one she truly misses and worries for these days is her brother, Nathanial.

━━ • NOTES:


10/30/2022 01:43 PM 

• 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑠:

━━ • ABOUT:

Hey there demons it’s me ya boi. My name is Orthrus and I’m a nonbinary adult in my 30s. I like to consider myself pretty literate, but I also haven’t done this in several years. I’m just looking to dust off the proverbial cobwebs and shake off my rp anxiety.

━━ • RULES:

— I won’t RP with minors. No harm of offence intended, it’s just a personal comfort thing. I also don’t do NSFW stuff for similar reasons. 

— I can write a minimum of like, five sentences. I'm fine with a few lines and upwards though. I will say however since I’m rusty as hell I’ll straight up admit that novella length currently intimidates me, so I'd like to avoid that for now lmao. 

— I’m down for most plot ideas, but I absolutely will not do anything involving sexual assault, violent abuse, and things of a similar vibe. It’s fine to have such things in a backstory or mentioned as happening offscreen or whatever, but I won’t be writing anything like that out as an actual event myself.

— Please be patient with me. I'm chronically ill and sometimes lack the energy to respond quickly. Similarly, rping is a hobby. I am not beholden to a specific schedule and neither are you. I'll never bother you to post.

— I’ll add more to these if/when I think of any.

10/30/2022 01:27 PM 

• 𝑡ℎ𝑒 ℎ𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟:

VERSE: Modern / Urban Fantasy / Supernatural

━━ • BASICS:

NAME: Daniella 'Danny' Carpathia
AGE: Mid 20s
RACE: Human (?)
GENDER: Cis Female - She/Her


— Rough around the edges. Can come off as cold or abrasive. Standard ‘hunting is the family business and I'm just doing what's expected of me’ type. Does her best to keep her emotions separate from her work. Became something of a workaholic after the disappearance of her mother. Can't stand being left alone with her thoughts. Gotta be doing something / keep herself busy all the time or she'll spiral down some anxiety rabbit hole.

— Danny is a young woman on the short side at 5'4. She wears many layers of clothing, some of it ill-fitting, which can make her appear scrawny but she has an athletic build under it all with a fairly good level of physical strength. Her long brown hair is kept out of her face in a low loose ponytail, but it's always unkempt with strands everywhere. Her eyes are hazel, she has a handful of freckles on her nose, and a beauty mark below her right eye. 

— Hunter of supernatural creatures/investigator of weird things. Keeps trophies of her kills. Her favourite is her jar of vampire fangs. Can see spirits on occasion, usually accompanied by headaches of varying severity. This is a recent development and deep down it scares her.

— Her other mother and younger sister are still alive. She speaks to them often. The mother who taught her everything went missing six months back after leaving on what should have been a cakewalk of a job. Danny's been travelling around looking for clues since.

— Danny is the traditional good little soldier type of person, but it’d be interesting to see her turn reluctant and resentful or question everything after getting her views challenged and realising that a good handful of supernatural entities she tracks down are not always violent threats, just innocent folk just trying to live.

━━ • NOTES:

She's available for most plot ideas as long as it doesn't result in her death. I know due to her profession she could fully be a high target if it's decided that she's affected someone directly or indirectly, but I want her to go through some sh*t and turn her views upside down, y'know? I also put a question mark next to human because it could be fun to experience the possible existential crisis that comes with killing the things you're a part of, maybe, but I haven't decided on the specifics of her non-human heritage yet.

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