10/30/2022 12:12 PM 

• 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒:

VERSE: Generic Fantasy / DND / High Fantasy / Modern

━━ • BASICS:

NAME: Baha Obrad / Obradel
AGE: Late 20s - Early 30s
RACE: Human
GENDER: Cis Female - She/Her
SEXUALITY: Pansexual


— A maternal, family-oriented home bird. Leaving home has made her wary and anxious, knowing she's sought after. Still, she's a soft and helpful soul. There's anger bubbling deep down inside, but she pushes that to the side most of the time.

— Baha is a woman of average height with a slim but slightly athletic build. Her long black hair is usually worn in a messy bun with loose strands around her face. She wears traditional mage robes in the customary colours of her house - deep greens and browns. Due to travelling, the colours have faded, and patchwork repairs are done throughout the robes. The back looks like it would have once shown a house sigil, but it's since been removed. The bags under her green eyes show obvious exhaustion. Bandages on her right arm hide blood magic sigils carved into her skin. The right side of her face is scarred slightly from a fire spell gone wrong in her youth.

— The most recent Blood Mage from an old, powerful wizard family. The family were ostracized from the magical community in the past - back when they went by Obradel - after a power-hungry member lost their mind and caused immense, irreversible damage to many other mages and civilians with their blood magic. The family have since changed their name to Obrad, managed to repair their reputation, and forbidden anyone in the family from using blood-based magic. Baha ignored this rule and was subsequently removed from all family records. 

— Higher-ups wanted to imprison her, so she's been moving around often. Her younger brother - the head of the branch she's from - has been doing what he can to keep mage hunters off her tracks, but he's running out of time and resources.

━━ • NOTES:

While this character was made originally for generic Fantasy, she does have a Modern AU. Things are pretty much the same in that verse info wise, with the only major difference being that the family has a collar around her neck dampening her abilities. She seeks to remove it, and is slowly becoming resentful of her family for treating her this way.


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