10/30/2022 01:27 PM 

• 𝑡ℎ𝑒 ℎ𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟:

VERSE: Modern / Urban Fantasy / Supernatural

━━ • BASICS:

NAME: Daniella 'Danny' Carpathia
AGE: Mid 20s
RACE: Human (?)
GENDER: Cis Female - She/Her


— Rough around the edges. Can come off as cold or abrasive. Standard ‘hunting is the family business and I'm just doing what's expected of me’ type. Does her best to keep her emotions separate from her work. Became something of a workaholic after the disappearance of her mother. Can't stand being left alone with her thoughts. Gotta be doing something / keep herself busy all the time or she'll spiral down some anxiety rabbit hole.

— Danny is a young woman on the short side at 5'4. She wears many layers of clothing, some of it ill-fitting, which can make her appear scrawny but she has an athletic build under it all with a fairly good level of physical strength. Her long brown hair is kept out of her face in a low loose ponytail, but it's always unkempt with strands everywhere. Her eyes are hazel, she has a handful of freckles on her nose, and a beauty mark below her right eye. 

— Hunter of supernatural creatures/investigator of weird things. Keeps trophies of her kills. Her favourite is her jar of vampire fangs. Can see spirits on occasion, usually accompanied by headaches of varying severity. This is a recent development and deep down it scares her.

— Her other mother and younger sister are still alive. She speaks to them often. The mother who taught her everything went missing six months back after leaving on what should have been a cakewalk of a job. Danny's been travelling around looking for clues since.

— Danny is the traditional good little soldier type of person, but it’d be interesting to see her turn reluctant and resentful or question everything after getting her views challenged and realising that a good handful of supernatural entities she tracks down are not always violent threats, just innocent folk just trying to live.

━━ • NOTES:

She's available for most plot ideas as long as it doesn't result in her death. I know due to her profession she could fully be a high target if it's decided that she's affected someone directly or indirectly, but I want her to go through some sh*t and turn her views upside down, y'know? I also put a question mark next to human because it could be fun to experience the possible existential crisis that comes with killing the things you're a part of, maybe, but I haven't decided on the specifics of her non-human heritage yet.

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