06/23/2023 05:02 PM 

Starter. ~Always Wanderlust~

Weary feet sank happily into soft, sandy crystals. She could feel her body relax under gentle skies where clouds had hidden a warm sun. Isolde strolled aimlessly along the beach near her castle. She needed the walk. Being queen was a consuming and lonely life. She was needed always in the village and in the kingdom. And it seemed that she never had time for personal friends, except at a festival or celebration of sorts. She stopped, closed her eyes, and breathed in the fresh ocean air. Truly it was her life support. The rhythmic crashing of the waves and squealing of gulls overhead soothed her spirit. She willed her mind to rest.

Suddenly, it came to her why she was so anxious and unsettled. It had been a few years since she had ventured away from her homeland. Truly, she had ignored the wanderlust which had so often captured her. Lowering herself to the sand, the young queen pulled her legs to her chest and wondered. Maybe she had not allowed the spirit realm to speak to her. Had she not heard the ‘sendings’ of those ones in the otherworld ? It was true that she hadn’t visited the woods, or fields or forests since the turn of the seasons.


A perfectly round milky moon hung brilliant in a black night. Isolde quickly sat up brushing the sand from her hair and hugging herself, stood. The beach was warm, but Isolde wished for her cloak. Quickly, she began to walk back toward Dunlace. It wouldn’t be until the next morning that she would remember …..

12/08/2020 02:26 PM 

More to the Story
Current mood:  adventurous

Foamy crests folded and slid shallow against the smooth, flat sand, before Isolde’s booted foot. A winter’s sun pierced rays of warmth into the misty morn and Isolde felt waves of light against her face as she knew there was more story to be told.

A lot had transpired in a year, and even as Brigaine and the other servants about Dunlace Castle were hustling about collecting greens and making ropes and wreathes for the upcoming Yuletide, the queen was feeling a familiar stir of wanderlust. Tristan and she had been wed on the Beltaine, just past, and had shared a magical several months together…longer than they had ever spent. Yet, as they had agreed, he had returned to Arthur’s service in Britannia and his last correspondence to her, came from Brindenmoor, in Scotland. It was often he had spoken to her about his beloved home. She yearned to go there.

Just then, the mournful sound of a foghorn from a ship, no doubt bound for Europe, drew her attention. This started her mind conniving.

(later~ the next day)

Sir Rory held Emerald’s leather reins as he stood mounted, in front of the castle waiting diligently for his queen. She had given little warning to the castle folk, that she would travel to Scotland for Yule, but they smiled, knowingly, for it had been many years coming ~this romantic interlude between these two….and now, even in marriage the soul mates were apart.

“How long will you stay,’ Rory asked after grabbing her bags and satchels and tying them securely on his steed. “I have not found him, yet, milord…I may be home sooner than you think!” she laughed. “I’m just hoping to find him in the country, you know…it is hasty of me to set off without telling him. It is time, though, I think, that I visit Brindenmoor. I have a letter here to go off on ahead of me. Hopefully Tristan will meet me at the port in Leith. If not I will be finding a room.”

She smiled at her determination. It felt good to begin an adventure once again. She hoped Tristan would be happy.


08/05/2020 07:06 PM 

Starter. ~Always Wanderlust~


A gentle shower dampened the flagstone path, leading to the grounds outside the ancient Celtic fortress.  A lonely black rod iron fence surrounded the courtyard.  Isolde now passed, as she made her way toward the sleeping lawn gardens of Castle Dunlace. 
A mixture of medicinal plants and wildflowers had reseeded themselves, to rise again every year.  Isolde appreciated every tiny moss and fern, every dewdrop that had refreshed them overnight. 
As the gardens made way for field…. the path diminished, giving way to rocky cliffs which overlooked the North Sea.    Isolde lifted the hood of her homespun cloak, shielding the mist and remaining drops of rain that lingered.  It was early dawn, her boots wet with dew climbed the rock in search of an ocean view.   The sun tried to break through the clouded heavens.  The promise of a beautiful, new summer day made her smile.   When she found just the right spot, she sat….gazing into the deep waters below…meditating on the reasons she had returned to Ireland.


06/23/2020 12:22 PM 

Waves of Love
Current mood:  creative

….and so it was that Isolde and Tristan loved, and the winds of darkness and light had past, and they worked out the desires of their hearts.

 For each, the waves of light brought courage and wisdom and they lived in peace at Dunlace Castle upon the shores of the Irish Sea for half the year, and the other half at Brindemoor, Tristan’s kingdom in Scotland.
…and if there could ever be a more perfect union, you would have to search to find it, because, as you have heard, they were so much alike.

                                          A close up of a necklace  Description automatically generated

…and in time, as love would have it, they had two children; Eochaid, the eldest, a lad strong and roguish just as his father….and Aine, a princess sweet and fair… ,sure to be the apple of his eye.

Aine grew to love the people of Eire.  Her loyalties to them were full to overflowing as she lived the ways of the elders; the “old ways” of the faerie tribe, Tuatha de Dann.   She was proud to be a daughter of Danu, Mother Goddess and creator.  Thankful to Lugh, the Sun and Warrior God, Dagda the Father of Seasons, and Brigid, Goddess of Healing…. So like Isolde she grew, except that she was wildly social.  She gloried in the festivals and celebrations the tuatha, and as she grew. she spent a lot of her time in Wexford Town mingling with the people practicing the ceremonies and rituals of the druids.   

Both children would carry the tales of the bards; romantic and adventuresome on their own children.  The legends of love, war, healing, fertility and all the emotions of humanity; even as,  these warriors  lived on in the mounds which littered the verdant country sides of Ire land.


 Eochaid always the more serious of the two, had immersed himself in field, forest and sea. He especially loved; the sea, as did his parents, and lusted for its journey.   In wasn’t long until he ventured off on his own and finally spent most of his life in Scotland.  It was there that he learned of his
Pictish bloodlines, royal in their own rite.  It is through Eochaid that this story will be told.  Yet, never to be forgotten are the faerie blood which dances within him.

                                             A close up of a necklace  Description automatically generated 

11/14/2019 10:14 PM 

In Middle Earth

Chapter 1 Samhain in Ireland

Isolde felt the tremor of the drum,  imagined the flame of the fires on
 the rocky headlands, even before she left her bed chamber.  Sitting
 before her looking glass smearing the root salves of Samhain at her 
cheek bones, the queen cares not of her station this night. 

 It was an enchanting autumn evening.  The ambiance couldnā€™t be more 
perfect even if it were conjured by the gods!  They had been blessed with
 a warm current, a still sea aroma whispered in through her stone window, 
a full moon peeping through shadowed limbs. 

 Many from the village of Wexford would have already congregated, along 
with their sacred beasts, music makers and festive foods.  Voices would be 
rising in chants of thanksgiving for the harvest crops and songs about the new year! 

 Isolde sensed ethereal presence as she moved closer to the waterā€™s edge. 
 She would not stay in Ireland this night.  A send from another realm had 
invited her to wander. Eyes wide, Isolde bowed her head in appreciation, for,
 before her arose Brigid, ā€˜The Exhaulted ā€˜Oneā€  Her arms were spread,
 gathering Isolde inā€¦. 

 ā€œRemember, the faeries leave them offerings before your journeyā€¦.
 remember them.  Make your offerings, a ghra.ā€

  Isolde thought for a second, Brigid was right.  The faeries would indeed be hurt without a Samhain gift.  She appreciated, and adored the little folk who lived and protected her in the emerald isle, and her gardens at Dunlace were teeming with herbs and seeds for their pleasureā€¦the rocks, feathers, and dewdrops which gather there were all for their desireā€¦.. she stopped knowing that wasnā€™t enough.  A smile spread across her lips as she imagined the shimmering trail of magic which would follow her over the sea, as she left Dunlace.  The fae would be dazzled!


 At that moment a graceful horse, white as the moon, lightly landed 

beside her.  The horn, which protruded from the center of her forehead

 glowed a moony white.  Isolde climbed upon her and was lifted slowly 

into the sky.  Waving her hand she then sent her unicorn her need to kiss 

the faeries. Every sort of shady creatures, then, seemed to rise out from 

the rocky cliffs and watery waves.  Risen souls, apparitions dressed in 

gauzy gowns, shadowy dream walkers, and wandering illusionsā€¦..

Isolde listened to their whining and murmuring.  Suddenly a warm 

whistle cut through the needinessā€¦.

Chapter 2 Samhain in Rohan

Down through the puffy dark clouds they 
descended~Isolde~ Queen of Wexford, Eire,
 and her beloved unicorn, West Wind.  Until alas! 
ā€¦.a graceful landingon to a prairie grass, grayish, 
brown to dying.  Slipping down from her ride, Isoldeā€™s 
booted feet waded down into the, almost foot-high field growth. 
Where am I?

Her joy melted away into sadnessā€¦spotting a rock nestled in the

 tall grasses, she sat.  Fate had returned her to Middle Earth. 

 She lifted her eyes to the vast skies of Rohan. 

ā€œWe can not stop here, West Wind.  There are only hours till the 

thinning of the veils.  There would be no fires burning here, 

where we can join in the return of hallowed souls!

The words were no more out of her mouth, before

her friend nudged her back aboard.  Soon the harps, 
whistles and drums 
were heard in the distanceā€¦..then the flames from 
roaring fires on the shoresā€¦.. they watched.  

With only a few nights left of Samhain, regrets were reality. 
 Mayhap it would have been better to stay along the beaches
 of Dunlace before setting off into these otherworldsā€¦.Not a 
soul answered her call along ley lines here.   And yet there was 
something familiar about it. Her sidhe defenses would override 
the panic which cried to pulse through herā€¦.


It was just a short jaunt to the banks of the Great Anduin, 
where they  settled in at the Tongue.  A party of druidā€™s had 
already begun to hail in the new year!  The vibration of the  
Celtic drumbeat , and the fires flame prompted tears, as they 
swelled in Isoldeā€™s heart. .  A tall ghostly wisp offered his hand 
and the two danced happily.  Their song rose up into the trees 
and out over the skies, until evening turned into a starry blackness.     

 In the morning therewas a ribbon of foggy mist winding
 mysteriously along the woodland path.  Something was 
calling her deeperā€¦until Isolde rememberedā€¦she was in
 Lorienā€¦the ever young realm of Galadriel, where time seemed 
to stand stillā€¦ and there is no evil~a place of rest for those who 
trust in the good bounty of the Golden Wood.

Chapter  3  Lothlorian


 Lorien, the more golden it became..Isolde thought it was not the same,
 colorful autumn as in Ireland or Britannia; but the giant Mallorn trees 
stood majestic, never shedding a leaf, as they held on to them all year long.
  Her journey east into Lothlorien and straight to Caras Galadhonā€¦.was magical, 
and as she took it all in. Her eyes finally rested on the tall lithe form at the well. 
Isolde stood at a distance listening, even as she knew the Lady would feel her presence. 

 Isolde gazed upon her fair skin and lovely cloakā€¦both shimmering with an 
aura of ā€˜all knowing wisdomā€™ā€¦..  ā€œ Lady of Lightā€ was her well-deserved title, 
and her confident stature and calmness assured all souls of it.  Isolde was not sure
 why she had called here; returned to the forest of Lorien, but trusted that this was
 where she was destined. 

 There were few she respected more than Lady Galadriel; who had the utmost
 fondness for even the dwarves of Mordor and the men of the south.  Isolde
 didnā€™t question that she even now knew she was here.  

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