06/23/2020 12:22 PM 

Waves of Love
Category: Stories
Current mood:  creative

….and so it was that Isolde and Tristan loved, and the winds of darkness and light had past, and they worked out the desires of their hearts.

 For each, the waves of light brought courage and wisdom and they lived in peace at Dunlace Castle upon the shores of the Irish Sea for half the year, and the other half at Brindemoor, Tristan’s kingdom in Scotland.
…and if there could ever be a more perfect union, you would have to search to find it, because, as you have heard, they were so much alike.

                                          A close up of a necklace  Description automatically generated

…and in time, as love would have it, they had two children; Eochaid, the eldest, a lad strong and roguish just as his father….and Aine, a princess sweet and fair… ,sure to be the apple of his eye.

Aine grew to love the people of Eire.  Her loyalties to them were full to overflowing as she lived the ways of the elders; the “old ways” of the faerie tribe, Tuatha de Dann.   She was proud to be a daughter of Danu, Mother Goddess and creator.  Thankful to Lugh, the Sun and Warrior God, Dagda the Father of Seasons, and Brigid, Goddess of Healing…. So like Isolde she grew, except that she was wildly social.  She gloried in the festivals and celebrations the tuatha, and as she grew. she spent a lot of her time in Wexford Town mingling with the people practicing the ceremonies and rituals of the druids.   

Both children would carry the tales of the bards; romantic and adventuresome on their own children.  The legends of love, war, healing, fertility and all the emotions of humanity; even as,  these warriors  lived on in the mounds which littered the verdant country sides of Ire land.


 Eochaid always the more serious of the two, had immersed himself in field, forest and sea. He especially loved; the sea, as did his parents, and lusted for its journey.   In wasn’t long until he ventured off on his own and finally spent most of his life in Scotland.  It was there that he learned of his
Pictish bloodlines, royal in their own rite.  It is through Eochaid that this story will be told.  Yet, never to be forgotten are the faerie blood which dances within him.

                                             A close up of a necklace  Description automatically generated 

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Jun 23rd 2020 - 2:54 PM

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A gentle summer breeze ruffled the maple leaves, and warmed the damp earth which remained after the rain. It was a hot day by Irish standards, perfect for a walk in forest to field across the lands kept by the Dunlace kingdom. Isolde, wearing a sleeveless frock and bonnet, carried a satchel of books and pens to share. This had become a ritual for mother and daughter ever since Aine was small, so today her young daughter would think it not strange when they reached their favorite knoll by a tree to spread their blanket to be.

“I know that we usually tell stories or write them, Aine….but today I have brought with me something to share.”

She looked into the curious face of her daughter. Feelings of pride and love cursed through her, as she saw both herself and Tristan. Isolde knew they had been truly blessed. Her daughter loved hearing the stories of her ancestors and culture. She would keep them in her heart as she grew and pass them along to her children’s children. How this pleased her mother as the world around them was ever changing. She feared that especially the old ways would be lost. Reaching into her bag she pulled out an old hard- cover book, golden and tattered. On its cover were the letters to spell… Tuatha de Dannan

“This is an ancient treasure, Aine….it is not written in our language, but the pictures will help me to read it to you.

“We have talked of them before, mum. They are the gods and goddesses the faeries in the mounds!” “Yes, Aine. You were named for one of them,”
Isolde smiled. “Goddess of Love” Aine beamed, but then returned her attention to the book.

“Is Brigid in there?” she asked. Isolde laughed and opened the book to her favorite page as well.
“You love her as I do, Aine…the Goddess of Fire, the Hearth and Healing. She is our mentor always, but there are more.”

They turned through the pages admiring their,Mother Danu, the Sun God, Lugh, and Goddess of War, Morrigan. There were at least 20 of them and Isolde named each one with pride. This book will be yours, Aine. Your father and I know how you have taken an interest in Ireland. Someday, you will pass this on to others and they will do the same so that it will not be forgotten.

“Oh! They will never be forgotten, Mother.” Her eyes then fell upon the smaller book which was in the satchel. She thought she had seen it before.

“This book is my journal, Aine. I will keep it till I pass into the next life. But I wanted you to see it. close up".

Isolde opened it up. She had started writing in it as a young girl shortly after her father, the Viking chieftan had died in battle. She had just returned from Avalon, where she had learned reading and writing and religion. It was where she had met Guinevere and grew close to Vivianne and Merlin. In her journal she had told of her wanderings to other lands and realms. In it she told about loving Tristan. Aine reached for the diary just as Isolde handed her another.

It was the same size, hard covered, with gold trim. The front was rose, decorated with celtic knots. She took it into her hands and flipped through the thin unlined pages.

“It is beautiful, mum…I will treasure it.”
“I know you will, tearma deiridh.(my darling)."
 Isolde thought about how both their children had attended school at Cill Dara. Her Christian friend, Brigid had founded the monastery which featured all the arts; music, poetry, literature and especially the skilled crafts. Talented monks and druids had transcribed and using quill pens and ink made from holly berries and oak apples. Both children were mesmerized by the sacred calligraphy in the scriptorium there. Isolde would findthem a book just for illustrating as well.


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